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Dumped on our six month anniversary. After I got her name tattoed on me.

I'm losing not just a person, but a whole universe. She lived kind of far, in a place I'd never been, which I'd fallen in love with. The beautiful sights...The area. Her house. That aquarium we went to. Her friends, who I actually to love dearly as well as friends and who liked me. Her family, who had accepted me and even were looking at us as serious couple, as were we. Her novel. She would read it to me and I'd feel like I was in Heaven. Holding her, that alone, felt wonderful. Her ex came up from Florida and she realized her feeling for him incredibly dwarfed her feelings for me and she felt she couldn't tear herself in two being with someone while still in love with her ex. She and this ex can never be together due to her family absolutely despising him, him being 1000 miles away. But she's willing to throw me away until she's ready to get over him.

How do I play this?

You obviously have to find another girl with the same name.

or take a leaf out of Johnny Depp's book. he altered "Winona forever" to "Wino forever"

Good idea. Miser should tell us her name so we can come up with helpful suggestions.

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I had a good night. We decided to see a movie sometime next week.

Good stuff Arnold! Don't overthink any of this, just go with the flow, keep it light and fun. And, most importantly, don't ever get a tattoo of her name.

Totally, chill out, share the interests you guys share, and drop this on her

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So, so far I've consulted with three different people. Two of my friends, one of her best friends; All agree the situation is far from over.

We haven't spoken in two days, she won't talk to me, but hasn't removed me off of FB or anything.

She always liked me with a beard. I'm not shaving until we're reconciled.

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So, so far I've consulted with three different people. Two of my friends, one of her best friends; All agree the situation is far from over.

We haven't spoken in two days, she won't talk to me, but hasn't removed me off of FB or anything.

She always liked me with a beard. I'm not shaving until we're reconciled.

Well she said she wants to get over him first.. wants to. I think it's only fair she let you know and wants to go through with it first. Don't lose your hope but.. also don't consider it the end of the world if she doesn't get over him or whatever.. maybe use the situation to take time for yourself to think if you wanna continue with her?

The beard statement makes no sense.

I hope it all goes well for you :)

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So, so far I've consulted with three different people. Two of my friends, one of her best friends; All agree the situation is far from over.

We haven't spoken in two days, she won't talk to me, but hasn't removed me off of FB or anything.

She always liked me with a beard. I'm not shaving until we're reconciled.

Well she said she wants to get over him first.. wants to. I think it's only fair she let you know and wants to go through with it first. Don't lose your hope but.. also don't consider it the end of the world if she doesn't get over him or whatever.. maybe use the situation to take time for yourself to think if you wanna continue with her?

The beard statement makes no sense.

I hope it all goes well for you :)

For right now she's said she wants us to go our separate ways.

Thing is, she feels there's a definite possibility she will NEVER get over him. As her sister said, he is a sick obsession she has.

I've been through a lot with her in the past six months and he is an obsession.

But the thing is, you see, she went through all this a year ago with him:

She wanted to be with him, he loved her. Her family despised him and wanted him as far away from her as possible. He didn't want to see her in pain anymore, so he left.

There's really no different variables to the situation. He lives 1000 miles away. Her family still hates him.

The only different variable in this equation is me. And that I love her. And she knows it.

In the six months of our relationship, I did a lot for her. I helped her self esteem problems greatly.

I helped her with her panic attacks at night.

I did every homework assignment she had while also being in school myself, getting myself a 3.5gpa and her a 3.7

I would sit for 7 hours and watch her do her art assignments (on Skype, I'd watch her, or sit with her when I was there and she had art) as moral support.

I encouraged her to reach out to him when she wanted closure, and even helped her draft a letter back in the summer.

I came out to her every Sunday and paid a lot of money in the process (25$ round trip ticket, now times that by every week for six months).

I did what I could presents wise to give her the best 20th birthday possible and she said it was the best birthday she ever had.

I made her feel safe, and laugh and feel comfortable.

While I start out jealous and insecure, I managed to put my own demons down for her sake.

To have this end over her...When a girl's own sister and her best friend are in your corner, that says something.

And yes, if she is willing at the end of all this, I would much like to continue with her.

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So, so far I've consulted with three different people. Two of my friends, one of her best friends; All agree the situation is far from over.

We haven't spoken in two days, she won't talk to me, but hasn't removed me off of FB or anything.

She always liked me with a beard. I'm not shaving until we're reconciled.

Well she said she wants to get over him first.. wants to. I think it's only fair she let you know and wants to go through with it first. Don't lose your hope but.. also don't consider it the end of the world if she doesn't get over him or whatever.. maybe use the situation to take time for yourself to think if you wanna continue with her?

The beard statement makes no sense.

I hope it all goes well for you :)

For right now she's said she wants us to go our separate ways.

Thing is, she feels there's a definite possibility she will NEVER get over him. As her sister said, he is a sick obsession she has.

I've been through a lot with her in the past six months and he is an obsession.

But the thing is, you see, she went through all this a year ago with him:

She wanted to be with him, he loved her. Her family despised him and wanted him as far away from her as possible. He didn't want to see her in pain anymore, so he left.

There's really no different variables to the situation. He lives 1000 miles away. Her family still hates him.

The only different variable in this equation is me. And that I love her. And she knows it.

In the six months of our relationship, I did a lot for her. I helped her self esteem problems greatly.

I helped her with her panic attacks at night.

I did every homework assignment she had while also being in school myself, getting myself a 3.5gpa and her a 3.7

I would sit for 7 hours and watch her do her art assignments (on Skype, I'd watch her, or sit with her when I was there and she had art) as moral support.

I encouraged her to reach out to him when she wanted closure, and even helped her draft a letter back in the summer.

I came out to her every Sunday and paid a lot of money in the process (25$ round trip ticket, now times that by every week for six months).

I did what I could presents wise to give her the best 20th birthday possible and she said it was the best birthday she ever had.

I made her feel safe, and laugh and feel comfortable.

While I start out jealous and insecure, I managed to put my own demons down for her sake.

To have this end over her...When a girl's own sister and her best friend are in your corner, that says something.

And yes, if she is willing at the end of all this, I would much like to continue with her.

A bit weird setup for a relationship in my opinion. Are you sure that you weren't being too obsessed over her to let her emotions kinda stray away by emotional suffocation?

Seriously, I'm not blaming the shit on you, you're the one going through the pain. It's just that how and what you listed there sounds like you were perhaps giving a bit too much out of yourself.. and the fact that you tattooed her name after 6 months. I mean there's nothing wrong with passion but are you sure she wanted as much that fast? The guy she's obsessed over left off and lives a 1000 miles away? You know maybe she's into him for that very reason.. he's giving her space. More than enough in this case but you know, there's an element of challenge over that which may be attractive to her.

Really man, I would love to give you some proper advise but I don't know you, nor you situation well enough to actually help you and neither does the rest of the forum I assume.. You gotta get a conclusion for yourself if it's worth it or not really, it's up to you.. You want her and wanna wait for her to come to her conclusion? Well do that then.. Surely what her sister and best friend says do tell something but.. I don't know man, it doesn't help to focus on that. Time will tell.

Also, at least from my moral point of view you're free to explore love from other places.. have you shut down that option? You do kind of risk losing whatever would be available to you as much as you risk losing her meanwhile she's processing the issue.. and ultimately the decision is your to make.. What kind of advice exactly are you looking for? :)

Edited by Is0tope
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I don't think so.

I'll give you something she said on December 11th...Before she saw him in the flesh:

"I didn't feel like u were lacking interest last night, falling asleep only got to me bc I spent about 2 hours talking to patrick and it was strange and I was crying alot at the end of it. It is confusing, and I'm bothered by the fact that he can still make me cry so much. It wasn't a bad talk, jt was actually the first truthful one we've had in a while. Hes coming back up for christmas and I knew that was a possibility but I just didng know it was definite. And now out of no where ill be able to see him in a week and a half. I asked him if it would be ok if u came with me one day to meet him, and he asked why. And I spent so long trying to explain how I just want u to be able to meet him and that someoje in my life would know him. And he said he didn't think that's really what the reason was. And later on in the conversation when I was getting upset i told him that maybe I just need u there bc I feel likd I might fall apart after I see him again and I don't want to cry on my way home and somehow die. And he said that was more likely what it was. I've always liked that he dug like that, that he cared enough to really know the truth of what I was feeling. That he cared enough to know when I was lying or misunderstanding. Even if I wasn't doing it purposefully. But it made me think. You do thw very same thing but with u I never cry when I'm going deeper into my feelings. U make it painless to figure out the truth. And idk, I was spending so long just letting myself havr closure with some things. He had said that maybe I want u guys to meet so that I know for sure when u guys are together thst I like u better than him. And that bothered me. I will always care about him, I will always want to talk to him, I will worry about him, I will cry sometimes bc I've just been thru so much and I didn't let myself feel it for the longest time. But the decision to move on emotionally? God. I love u and I have no question about that. Not in the slightest. And the proof for me, the ultimate proof. Was that when I was talking to him I never stopped thinking about u once. And then after he went to bed I was upset, and I just wanted to hesr ur voice bc I really missed u. And usually after I cry like that with him I spiral and I feel worthless and I spend a half hour looking at his pictures or holding the rock or listening to music.but this time, u know what happened. I got into bed, curled up with stuffy and dragon and I thought of u holding me and kissing me and I wqs so happy and felt so protected that I slept like a baby. I hope this doesn't bother u. I still have a lot of tears about him. But j love u. And I never want the fact that my past upsets me to bother u. And I really do want u to come with me to meet him if jt is possible. I really need u to if he ends up having that day free. Is that ok. Can I need u?"

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Whoah, that's a huge mess over there.. Looks like she's having hard time figuring her own emotions about him. I can't really help you other than suggesting you to let her take her time and figure it out and concentrate on other stuff in your life 'cause you worrying isn't helping either of you. Her affection into him does seem bizarre. What possible outcomes would you be OK with?

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Whoah, that's a huge mess over there.. Looks like she's having hard time figuring her own emotions about him. I can't really help you other than suggesting you to let her take her time and figure it out and concentrate on other stuff in your life 'cause you worrying isn't helping either of you. Her affection into him does seem bizarre. What possible outcomes would you be OK with?

I'd be fine with friendship till she figures it out. I wasn't at first and acted like a fuckin kid and that's got where we are right now, not talkin.

I'd be ok with him being in her life as her friend and her being back

All I want is this song to be reality

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I've not had much luck in KEEPING women, but I've gotten better and better at getting them.

Women like a guy who seems cocksure, snarky, who talks to them a bit like a dick and doesn't seem to give a fuck if they come or go.

That draws women in. That, along with a healthy dose of wit and dry humor.

My problem is keeping them, because either because my underlying insecurities surface or because they realize they're in love with their exes. So, I leave the keeping part up to you.

But try some of my tips getting them. Be a bit of a dick. Be snarky. Put them down verbally but not to the point of abuse; keep it playful.

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