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Slash comments on talking with Axl again - "It was probably way over due. It's very cool."

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Won't believe it until I either hear from Axl or see these two together.

checked Axl's twitter. There's nothing there either way.

I would be very surprised about if this is true considering all the horrible things Axl's said about Slash and how there wouldn't ever be a reunion in his lifetime.

But then again I guess talking to each other isn't really considered any reunion, just maybe clearing the air and talking through whatever it was that made Axl hate Slash so much in the past.

I know how hard it is to forgive people or forget what they do or say when it hurts you and your family very much. I know some people I would never ever talk to again.

There could be a shot of Axl and Slash making out and people wouldn't believe they were friends again. "Slash is really into it but Axl's just phoning it in. I'm not convinced that they're friends"

True because with all the shit you can do on the internet you just don't know what to believe.

If it's true, I want Axl to come out and say what exactly Slash did back in the past. Like I said it's hard to forgive and forget sometimes. I know some experts say it'll help you move on, but sometimes the hurt is so deep you just can't get past it.

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Won't believe it until I either hear from Axl or see these two together.

checked Axl's twitter. There's nothing there either way.

I would be very surprised about if this is true considering all the horrible things Axl's said about Slash and how there wouldn't ever be a reunion in his lifetime.

But then again I guess talking to each other isn't really considered any reunion, just maybe clearing the air and talking through whatever it was that made Axl hate Slash so much in the past.

I know how hard it is to forgive people or forget what they do or say when it hurts you and your family very much. I know some people I would never ever talk to again.

There could be a shot of Axl and Slash making out and people wouldn't believe they were friends again. "Slash is really into it but Axl's just phoning it in. I'm not convinced that they're friends"

True because with all the shit you can do on the internet you just don't know what to believe.

If it's true, I want Axl to come out and say what exactly Slash did back in the past. Like I said it's hard to forgive and forget sometimes. I know some experts say it'll help you move on, but sometimes the hurt is so deep you just can't get past it.

Outside of Slash leaving the band, I don't think there is some special, single act Slash did that sparked Axl's feud against him. Probably just years of egos, Axl's jealousy of (and refusal to admit) GNR's need for Slash, popularity contests (the public seemed to have more favorable views of Slash than Axl), and arguments between the two

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I love Slash, but he is totally going to ruin this by even acknowledging he and Axl talked.

It won't be long before we get a story of Axl releasing a statement about how Slash is once again in the media talking about him and so forth.

He really should just keep quiet about it and keep letting whatever it is build until there is more trust there.

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I love Slash, but he is totally going to ruin this by even acknowledging he and Axl talked.

It won't be long before we get a story of Axl releasing a statement about how Slash is once again in the media talking about him and so forth.

He really should just keep quiet about it and keep letting whatever it is build until there is more trust there.

I see what you mean, but maybe Slash and Axl have reached that point of trust and that was why Slash felt comfortable saying this?

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Geez, I can remember wasting hours and hours here debating with people on why they thought Axl would never speak to Slash again.

So much for the big grandiose public apology they thought Axl would demand before ever speaking with Slash again. Or funnier yet, felt he was owed, for some odd reason.

Axl's an asshole but anything public involving Slash is the least likely thing to happen.


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I love Slash, but he is totally going to ruin this by even acknowledging he and Axl talked.

It won't be long before we get a story of Axl releasing a statement about how Slash is once again in the media talking about him and so forth.

He really should just keep quiet about it and keep letting whatever it is build until there is more trust there.

Must say, I had that feeling too, but he did attempt to move the conversation on quite quickly, which is rare for Slash. I think that says a lot.

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Why do I get a feeling that axl will soon release a statement like this-

"Due to the unfortunate and untimely as some might call "news" I will not nor have I ever resumed any of my past business partnerships, n 4 any1 to comment or by there 4 assuming that they know the complexity of this or any situation involving past, present, or future gnr news is misinformed by the monotonous rumors bein' spread.

N 4 any of the others that expect that I owe them anything FUCK YOU!!!!!!

All others, big news comin' soon"

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If Axl wants to do the right thing, he'd give part ownership of the band back to Slash. The band has potential to make a lot more money with Slash in the band than without him, so why not be the bigger man and make things right?

Because Axl isn't motivated by money?


Alright let me rephrase - the band has potential to be much more successful with Slash than with out him, so why not give him part ownership?

Cause Axl likes to be in charge, with total control, so he doesn't have to risk trusting people that are his equals.

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Does anyone really feel Axl will replace two guitarist with new names? Slash is coming back. Axl will make it work.

Too early to jump to conclusions, we don't know the extent of their relationship. It can be something very minimal. We don't have any reason to believe it's Duff and Axl kind of thing or anything even remotely close to it.

Axl has been bitter about what went down with Slash for almost 20 years now and was very vocal about his anger toward him. This happened comparatively recently.

It's cool, but it doesn't mean much beyond what Slash said imo, or at least it's too soon to tell.

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Does anyone really feel Axl will replace two guitarist with new names? Slash is coming back. Axl will make it work.

Too early to jump to conclusions, we don't know the extent of their relationship. It can be something very minimal. We don't have any reason to believe it's Duff and Axl kind of thing or anything even remotely close to it.

Axl has been bitter about what went down with Slash for almost 20 years now and was very vocal about his anger toward him. This happened comparatively recently.

It's cool, but it doesn't mean much beyond what Slash said imo, or at least it's too soon to tell.

It's been too well crafted. The interviewer was tipped about the recent talks between Axl and Slash. Two guitarist are gone in GN'R. Axl has gone off the map in the last year. Things are happening.

I'm sure Axl isn't giving out hugs or even seen him in person. But I feel that Axl wouldn't reach out to Slash if he wasn't planning on following through.

Duff is likely very involved in any discussion. I think that's been the bridge.

It's just weird. I'm happy that they are talking and honestly I'm one of those that don't care if we get the reunion. I'm just glad that these two guys can talk again.

Things are happening though. Too much silence from these two camps. I'm sure negotiations are not simple, but I just do not see Axl going for a rebuild with Gnr right now. He wants to get back on stage soon.

I'm could be way off though. But at the end of the day it's just a rock band, I hope all the past disappointments aren't making fans afraid. If it happens then great! If not then oh well. Things just seem to be adding up though.

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if there was a leakage, surprise surprise, it's coming from Axl's fanbase, it's obvious.

some of his followers, felt betrayed ever so deeply (as if they are all that important) - felt betrayed and disappointed that two old friends reconciled some of their differences, and leaked that info to that Swedish reporter. maybe some diehard fan from Sweden, or wherever that interview took place.

on another note, expectation is a bitch, don't make too much out of it, after all they are all middle aged now.

on a third note - if Axl has piled up material - that's terrific, it's GREAT he never released it as CD2 (stroke of genius). Theoretically, if they reunite (and I don't think they will ;-)), Izzy, Duff and Slash working on it would yield another bunch of timeless classics, rest assured.

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A reunion would only be any good if Axl brought his a-game.

Then again, for all we know it might be the catalyst for that.

Still wanna hear the Chinese stuff, but as usual in GN'RLand the very least expected thing is the next thing to happen, like DJ leaving.

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over on Jarmo's website they are saying they have heard from members of the band that the story is not entirely true. Apparently Axl and Slash have not actually spoken still in over 20 years!

So we are over 44 pages into this thread and it's a load of bullshit? Oh well...look's like the Swedish journos had the first & last laugh.

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Reading some of the comments on here is just laughable. This is the BEST fucking news we've had in years and some of you are bringing a downer on it, Jesus Christ. Many of the people complaining are the same people who have been begging for a reunion for years, so what if Slash does a couple songs from the CD era? It's not like a whole concert would consist of just CD material.

The interviewer was tipped off about the being friends again, as someone above me said it's been too well crafted.

Some of you are slagging off Beta, a woman who pretty much saved Axl from a path of self destruction.

Be happy with the news of Axl & Slash sorting out their differences.

We will get a reunion, with recent events everything points towards that. Wether it'd be a full reunion or not who knows? But I think it's pretty safe to say we'll see Slash back at some stage, sooner rather than later I'd say.

Try and be positive about the news.

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Reading some of the comments on here is just laughable. This is the BEST fucking news we've had in years and some of you are bringing a downer on it, Jesus Christ. Many of the people complaining are the same people who have been begging for a reunion for years, so what if Slash does a couple songs from the CD era? It's not like a whole concert would consist of just CD material.

The interviewer was tipped off about the being friends again, as someone above me said it's been too well crafted.

Some of you are slagging off Beta, a woman who pretty much saved Axl from a path of self destruction.

Be happy with the news of Axl & Slash sorting out their differences.

We will get a reunion, with recent events everything points towards that. Wether it'd be a full reunion or not who knows? But I think it's pretty safe to say we'll see Slash back at some stage, sooner rather than later I'd say.

Try and be positive about the news.

I agree with what you say about people bringing a downer with some of the comments.. but I think it's safe to say we are all a little over happy about this situation. It feels like a dream come true in a way. I gotta admit, I'm afraid of this situation turning sour because it's so friggin close to what we really want!.. and it's only been a couple of days :scared:

I'm trying to be positive... but this is Axl we're talking about... :axl:

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