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Will the world forgive Axl if he doesn't do the reunion?

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That's true, but do they care or is it just the media hype. They prob don't care if Izzy is there, so how much do they care. But it would be something fun anyway. Like at the FNM reunion someone said I cant believe thats Faith no More up there and I was thinking not it's not the lead guitarist isnt there. No one seemed to care anyway.

I think they're nostalgic. Imo, most of the casuals want to just see Axl and Slash on the same stage together, and closure is always easy to sell. A lot of them will probably buy or at least illegally download a good reunion record.

And Guns were always much bigger than Faith No More. The feud, and the lost years and what could have been all drive this shit. The value of what the band means to 50 year olds and younger fans is still there. They're all alive, so technically, if 500 mil are on the table, and they even do just a tour, the shows will be packed imo.

The question mark again here is Axl.

Edited by Rovim
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Goddammit, Axl. I think he will do it, this is Hollywood.

For Steven's sake I hope you're right. Or wrong. Not sure. In any case, I hope for myself Axl won't sell out. Whatever he chooses to do must be what he truly wants to do as an artist.

He worked 10 years on Chinese. I don't believe he'll just abandon it entirely. That is the second half of it. Especially when it's already completed.

I trust Axl as an artist, I just don't wanna see anything sad or diluted. I don't think he wants that as well, just a guess, but even worst case scenario I believe we'll get something so whatever.

I'll take CD ll over anything, but as long as we get something cool out of it, I'm down. Slash or just Duff in Guns again is cool. A good reunion record? why not.

7 years left for Axl to do something with Guns as I see it. Many options at his disposal. He's as unpredictable as ever, still interesting, Still on board.

Edited by Rovim
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I just don't see how they can magic up a reunion record in time for a reunion tour. Not that it's impossible, it would just be balls to the wall insane pressure.

Whereas, CD II has been done for a while. So seems like that is more likely. Doesn't mean it has to be released. It could be released much later as a bonus disc or never.

If they actually do a reunion tour, they could easily step over CD II and just go in to record in 2018 after the tour.

I have a feeling that to get CD II out is going to take time, it's going to take patience and time.

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I can't see it before, with all the history they wouldn't be loose. So maybe the tour first just to get into it. After so long it seems surreal.

The record could be a stumbling block. Best to just go straight into the tour. That's what people want to see, a record would be a bonus.

Whether all that is a fantasy I can't tell.

Same can be said about CD II intel. There's scenarios there too but impossible to tell.

Not even sure Axl will ever return.

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He hasn't really done anything wrong, it's not like he's burning cats on youtube or anything.

And even if he did do this, I'm sure the Axl crazies already have their defenses for his cat burning activities written and ready to be posted. I can just imagine them: ''I personally find the death of those cats super cool. It shows Axl is the last real rocker, unpredictable and has integrity''.

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He hasn't really done anything wrong, it's not like he's burning cats on youtube or anything.

And even if he did do this, I'm sure the Axl crazies already have their defenses for his cat burning activities written and ready to be posted. I can just imagine them: ''I personally find the death of those cats super cool. It shows Axl is the last real rocker, unpredictable and has integrity

For the record . Axl would never harm an animal let alone burn a cat.

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He hasn't really done anything wrong, it's not like he's burning cats on youtube or anything.

And even if he did do this, I'm sure the Axl crazies already have their defenses for his cat burning activities written and ready to be posted. I can just imagine them: ''I personally find the death of those cats super cool. It shows Axl is the last real rocker, unpredictable and has integrity

For the record . Axl would never harm an animal

Same cannot be said about women.

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He hasn't really done anything wrong, it's not like he's burning cats on youtube or anything.

And even if he did do this, I'm sure the Axl crazies already have their defenses for his cat burning activities written and ready to be posted. I can just imagine them: ''I personally find the death of those cats super cool. It shows Axl is the last real rocker, unpredictable and has integrity

For the record . Axl would never harm an animal

Same cannot be said about women.

Indeed. A women beater will never harm an animal! How ironic. :lol:

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He hasn't really done anything wrong, it's not like he's burning cats on youtube or anything.

And even if he did do this, I'm sure the Axl crazies already have their defenses for his cat burning activities written and ready to be posted. I can just imagine them: ''I personally find the death of those cats super cool. It shows Axl is the last real rocker, unpredictable and has integrity

For the record . Axl would never harm an animal

Same cannot be said about women.

What a story, Mark!

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  • 1 month later...

Slash makes money = media whore.

Axl makes money = just doing what every artist does.


Have to completely agree here. I've seen Axl fan after Axl fan sling mud at Slash but somehow things like the Bud commercial and Monster cans on a piano during NR are justified.

Well...doing a commercial every 20 years or so doesn't really make you a sellout. To me a sellout is a person who does and say's anything in exchange for money.

And even though i know axl is not doing a reunion because of money reasons and therefore he's not really a sellout, i still think that it's pussy of him to give up and let the haters win. So for that reason and that reason only fuck axl rose.

I supported chinese democracy and he's turning he's back on 20 years of hard work to go back working with a real sellout. Fuck that shit, it's his life and we have to respect his decisions, but as a person i'm no longer able nor willing to respect him.

Again, Fuck Axl Rose. GNR is dead. I was going to Rock in Rio 2016 in Lisbon, but now that GNR is probably headlining it i don't want to even be near that shit.

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Axl is a much bigger sell out than Slash. Slash has always stuck to his rock n' roll roots while Axl tried to add hip hop beats and sound modern to 2000s kids.

Awful post from kanudo.

How does wanting to evolve and experiment make somebody a sell out?

It's not about that. It's about Axl fans constantly slinging mud at Slash saying he's a sellout.

Then Axl turns around, does similar things and it's instantly justified.

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Axl is a much bigger sell out than Slash. Slash has always stuck to his rock n' roll roots while Axl tried to add hip hop beats and sound modern to 2000s kids.

Awful post from kanudo.


Slash also rapped with Blackstreet and P Diddy

Slash is yet to release a nu metal/hip hop influenced album like Axl did.

I do agree chinese democracy is a pile of crap..

But so is anything with Myles Kennedy

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I don't care if Axl is a sell out or not.

I just wish the singer would share more of his music with his millions of fans. Throw us a bone every now and then. One album every 25 years is pretty pathetic. Especially when he and his management and band members talk about how much music has been worked on. How two albums are already complete.

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I'm not criticising the Beatles for selling out. Theres no way they wrote or made that music for the wrong reasons. Artists sell their paintings.

I am not saying you did. My point is that The Beatles were criticised for 'selling out' with the Nike deal. Neil Young criticised Michael Jackson for selling out with Pepsi - both these events were in the 1980s. Axl does a similar thing in 2014 or whenever that embarrassing advert appeared yet we are told ''it is not selling out'' and that he somehow possesses ''integrity'' not seen in other acts.

You cannot simply repeat the mantra of 'integrity', hoping the Budweiser advert and Vegas residencies mysteriously vanish, and as if by force of repetition we begin to believe the 'integrity' line!

To clarify: Axl sold out; he did something embarrassing for easy cash and looked quite ridiculous in the process; other artists such as Slash have sold out in different ways also; Axl does not inherently possess an integrity that other acts do not have.

I don't understand how the Vegas residencies were selling out. And The Budweiser commercial was done in celebration of that big soccer event in Brazil which is equivalent to the Super Bowl in the U.S. Getting a super bowl commercial spot is a HUGE deal in North America.

Exactly, selling out. You would not catch Springsteen or Dylan doing a Budweiser commercial or a Casino.

If I can't do it, no one can.

The Beatles and MIchael Jackson are huge sell outs with no integrity.

In some ways I'm 100% on board.

Elvis played Vegas. Shit he invented Vegas.

So if these guys are sell outs, Axl must have way more integrity than I thought.

Yes but Elvis gets a reprieve because he is Elvis and The King.

Dylan did a Victoria's Secret commercial and Elvis did a donut commercial. Edited by Hell House
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