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"The General" is officially delayed... but "The General" AND "Monsters" is (unofficially) out of the bag

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7 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the lyrics to The General are about Axl's first visit to Dollar General, where he quickly discovered and was unpleasantly surprised it's not actually "dollar store" where everything is a dollar. In the middle of the song, he sings about Dollar Tree, which he discovers is a store where everything is actually a dollar or less. The last part of the song's lyrics were updated to reflect Axl's frustration with Dollar Tree's recent raising prices of some items to $1.25.

No way in hell has Axl Rose ever visited a Dollar General.

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3 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

I wouldn't say "garbage", but I would say "mostly uninspired". The reason Slash is/was good was because he could take that same style and keep it fresh and interesting by doing different things with it. He hasn't been doing different things with it on the last few albums, is my point. I'd say I like most of Apocalyptic Love and about half of WOF.

He stays in the same register pretty much all throughout and doesn't go anywhere. He stays almost exclusively in the first position of A pentatonic. The fast run at the end is nice, IDK why they faded it out when it sounded like it was finally about to go somewhere. A pretty stark contrast from a great outro solo like F&A or Battleground.

Ok, we simply disagree then. I really don't care if or where he stays (e.g. the first position of A pentatonic). To me it's important how it sounds and this part right there is awesome to my ears. Not only the guitar but as a whole.

Martin Riggs posted an even better video of TOYLIG than the one I posted but I guess the problem lies in the way how we're listening to music. We pay attention to different things as I'm not a guitar player myself. Things that might annoy you I probably don't even take notice of.

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14 hours ago, gunsnchalupas said:


If Hard School didn't have a separate master for vinyl, it is unlikely that Perhaps or The General will. I don't have Hard School on vinyl, so I don't know if the master is different. 

A lot of modern vinyl releases are compressed. They are actually worse than the compressed digital releases, because it's the same compressed master with the volume lowered and maybe some minor alterations. In addition, there is the distortion or artifacts if the record is poorly pressed or not near-mint. 

Vinyl has certain restrictions with how loud certain frequencies can be, so they just take the compressed digital master and lower the volume all around. Which is ironic given the purpose of brickwalling is to make a recording louder. Most releases don't get separate vinyl masters, and most re-issues that aren't from some boutique label are just the digital master pressed onto vinyl with minimal necessary changes. An example of a record that got a full remix/master for vinyl was Stadium Arcadium, but that's a bit outside the norm. 

Vinyl, again ironically, isn't really about the music. Most people who buy vinyl don't listen to it. It's more of a collectible. So there isn't much value added by making sure it sounds good. In most cases for modern represses or releases that are just your run of the mill releases, there will probably be a digital or CD version that sounds better. 

I did not know this, thanks, much appreciated. A little bumbed that I purchased it now. 

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