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  3. Not normally, but he looks quite gaunt there, and the hair and headband are Mayer's style.
  4. Late night with the devil - 7/10 It's real B movie stuff done well. Some might consider it corny, maybe a bit obvious but I got a few jump scares and that's what you want end of the day when you're conjuring the devil Godzilla Minus One - 8/10 Loved it. I think that it wasn't an American dub helped, if you like your Godzilla movies this one doesn't disappoint although the story is pretty simple but what do you want with a Godzilla movie?
  5. I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, but can somebody explain to me what error was on the first Perhaps shirt? I have both the "error" shirt and the replacement, but can't pinpoint the mistake.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Wtf is this comment about???? You are implying that having autism is such a bad thing. Autism and other types of disabilities are not a bad thing. I have a physical disability. I am more successful and productive than most people. You come on here every single day and whine about something. Rather than whine and be miserable, how about enjoying life? Maybe then you won't come on here every day moaning about something.
  8. I'm with you...in previous centuries, the autistic members of a community were incredibly valuable. Being less social, they were more acute to weather or hunting patterns that greatly helped their community/tribe. Yet do we have a stigma term for in incredibly social person who makes impulsive snap directions that hurt themselves and others...no!
  9. Seeing them in July for only my second time and I can’t fucking wait. The new album is so damn good!
  10. My oldest son has autism. It's not something people suffer. A lot of people who are autistic are actually very intelligent. As are most people with disabilities when supported. What the fuck is it with people who imply someone's autistic or have some other form of disability like it's an insult?
  11. It's about time he finally goes the Buckethead route - releasing full albums that are 2-8 tracks each, all instrumental.
  12. I think you mean the LA airport video where Axl attacks the photographer
  13. In the preliminary statement of the opposition it is mentioned that the schedule of fact discovery for the case (depositions etc.) which should be completed by October 2024, was proposed by Axl. They say in the opposition that Axl doesn't contest that Malibu is his main residence. But he has contested that in his answer. There is also an attached document of skip tracing Axl's locations (they say they hired an investigator for that): https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=h1FtNpHOXPQULQkRi0bTXw==&system=prod The last traced date of residence in Malibu is January 2020. There is a later date (April 2020) of residence in Montana but there are traces only for that one day.
  14. Oh yeah? I wonder what’s his favorite track from the Village leaks.
  15. I was a bit surprised at the wording they used, it did not sound very professional in my opinion. I know that means absolutely nothing lol, but I was not expecting to see the actual definition of a door in a legal document, but lawyers are going to lawyer I guess
  16. Kennedy's lawyers have filed the opposition to Axl's motion: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=A_PLUS_Y556T3YllOkkHY0nmZ0g== or https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=A_PLUS_Y556T3YllOkkHY0nmZ0g==&system=prod It is accompanied by the affidavits or service and information about Axl's companies and business addresses (I suppose to show that they made all efforts to trace Axl's addresses).
  17. It's the coolest thing ever that they're still doing it at that level. Endless respect on my part.
  18. No, I haven't found anything (but even if there is something music related it wouldn't show up so early). I'm very skeptical about it being music related, even with a youtube channel. My best case scenario is a book, but I still think the tequila is more likely (and the youtube channel is just to promote his personal brand).
  19. IF (and that's a huge IF) he will release some music, it would still be possible to be just an instrumental piece. What I find weird is how most of this was created some months ago, and nothing really happened. Did you try to find anything that could hint at something on credits and publishing data bases like ASCAP?
  20. Agreed, but an "Axl Rose release" is just a VERY weird thought somehow
  21. he will be waiting a while, she died in 2007.
  22. GNR has no touring plans for the next year or more, and this is happening now? First his own website launch, and now a Youtube page? Axl solo album seems ridiculous to even type out, but the chance is not 0% anymore like I always thought before. Maybe not a full album, but just a song or something seems likely, I mean what else would he upload on there that wouldn't fit on the GNR youtube channel?
  23. Axl is waiting for Yoda to tell him in a dream what black n white picture to upload next on his website.
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