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Beta's comment about Ron's possibly leaving

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With respect Mysteron, what do you know about Ron's day to day life? I admire that you look after somebody with a serious disabilility, but this isn't the behaviour of somebody in 'intense pain':Bpm5PTpIEAA2Dcs.jpg

I don't want to laugh but.......

Well, this got a bit...heavy. Jesus.

You fucking started it!!! Ha ;)

URGH - anyone want to buy a forum? Lol.

How much do you want? prepare for UK Nachubs

No please, I'll pay you :)

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people are going to believe what they want to believe. I shared what was told to me when it happened. I know Ron is gone. I have nothin to gain from spreading lies.

And you are such a good friend.

Sharing a private conversation, a ' friend's' moment of weakness on an internet forum where millions of people can read it.

Go you!

Get over yourself mysteron -- it was you that played lord of the manner at htgth for years during the silent times no?

Ron told this to a few people -- rick was stood near loads of people. BBF isn't stupid or particularly subtle himself in terms of his communication and wears his heart on his sleeve so please don't make it sound like this kid was the only person who knew this info.

URGH - anyone want to buy a forum? Lol.

I never played Lord of the Manor, I just said 'no' to all the nonsense and Jarmo does it all now, so all is cool

Subsy, BBF lives a life of pain, he will be different hour to hour with his mindset. I went with your original post, I thought it was official and there would be a grand huzzah at the final concert. It has not happened.

I can imagine BBF wanting to leave GN'R 20 times a day, and he may leave on a whim another day, but you cannot promote you forum on the day to day illness of a member of GN'R. It is not right

You are a decent guy, go back to talking to GN'R, not the 'fans'. There is no need for you to be sensationalist to promote your forum, there are enough people here to carry it and they will appreciate honesty.

Send out apologies and get your forum back to a place where it can be the right mix for older and newer fans. Management will not mind you promoting older GN;R, if you are promoting new GN'R appropriately.

Patronising much?

Apologise!? Lol -- to whom??

I live with someone who has hypermobility syndrome. They thread to commit suicide 10/20 times a year possibly. They live with immense pain and goals and outlook on life change dramatically hour to hour

A fan spoke to someone who also lives and works with immense pain.

I am wanting you to figure out the rest and do the right thing


Off to bed :)

I like the forum. I like to read it.

You are opening yourself up here. I am just wanting your forum to be ok.

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I think there's a HUGE difference between thinking about quitting the band - and even venting this frustration to some people (and I'm not saying this is a good/bad act that should(should not) be done publicly) - and handing in his letter of resignation to the management.

I'm sure Ron has thought about quitting the band countless times...I'm sure he has talked about this as a sure thing to some people...but until there's no official statement from either part saying they have parted ways there's no need for anybody to get their panties in a bunch over this.

And I know this is not the OP's intend, but some people really need to get a grip and stop trying to give the scoop on this one. (or any other little piece of information for that matter)

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To be fair to mysteron, on another site Warchild has made a very angry declaration against this forum and says you guys need to apologize as well. She claims all the Ron rumor stuff is just a ploy by the owners to increase paid membership and increase "hits" to the site because the owners of this site are fueled by the all mighty dollar.

On a more serious note, maybe everybody should just take a deep breath, put your peckers away and not take everything so personal. Subs got some inside information, a couple fans were told something by Ron. At the end of the day, nothing official has been announced yet.

Maybe Ron was 100% mentally finished but Axl/Beta sat down with him and they worked everything out. Now he is staying. Or, maybe, they are giving him a couple months to figure out what he wants to do. Or maybe he is out the door and back to being a solo act. In spite of any of anybody's contacts, people's lives and careers can change day-to-day.

The best route - NOW - is to probably just sit back and wait until an official announcement comes from Ron or the band. Everything else is just speculation. No need to set up an octagon for forum members.

yeah i agree. if it happens it happens, if it doesnt it doesnt. it wouldnt be the first time plans dealing with gnr changed on a whim.

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Ron's saga is honestly so boring. How many times have we been here, debating whether this wanker is quitting or staying. Meanwhile Slash has a brand spanking new album out.

agree 100% what a nerd, for his own good he should now quit so that this all ends and a new beginning is hashed up!

Edited by double talkin jive mfkr
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He should suck it up and wait another tour imo.

This is probably what's gonna happen, sadly. More money to Ron. Hopefully he won't need to tour in extreme pain like some years ago. That's how Axl and management care about him.

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Seriously mysteron? how about you go fuck yourself and take that holier than tou attitude with you. I've read your posts for, well it must be over 10 years now and we had some discussions back in the day but enough is enough mate.

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............... and yet bumble has told his closest fan(s) he intends leaving and when here last week he deleted a quote asking if he was leaving and answered the second question. He's also never squashed the rumour and he's been aware of it for weeks!

U-Turn anyone?

Username may have this one!

edit - cant quote :(

Shit yeah, think BETA is saying 100% false to "GNR wont be the same without you"? maybe? anyone?

WTF is wrong with you?

A friend of mine talked to Ron and he replied that he won't leave GN'R unless GN'R management fucks his schedule this year.

I've talked to him several times and he said the same thing.

There's reports of users that talked to him on facebook and he denied.

So stop spreading this bullshit.

Sorry if I'm incorrect in this, but was it or was it not you that had dinner with him during the SA tour?



O.k. Thanks for clarifying.


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Wait, let me add to my previous statement. He should suck it up, do another tour and wait until it's sure Axl's Revolver interview (and thus his talk about CD II) was just another lie and THEN leave. Ron's leaving shouldn't jeopardize Axl's, hopefully true, intentions to record the next CD.

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Well, this got a bit...heavy. Jesus.

I know right. I leave for a few hours and next thing I know this thread has suicide talks and Marvin Gaye in it.

EDIT: This is the last time I leave Mags in charge to hold down the fort. :lol:

Same here. I miss so much while I'm in class. I think I need to stop going to class...

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Subs you're throwing this information around as fact, I've seen it under the latest Bumble interview "Bumblefoot has quit GnR" I honestly don't know what/who your source is, for all I know it's a band member and they are 100% correct as you may well me too, but there's also that side of me that thinks... maybe we should hold off throwing around 'rumors' until someone OFFICIALLY acknowledges it. If you don't want to share info any more that's up to you, it seems you're taking it personal when everyone here is just a little heated over the possibility that Ron might actually leave the band. We can say things like I think he's gone this time, my source says he's gone. But we can't give definitive answers when there are none.

As for the person saying ron told him he quit from the stage, I know that during concerts it's hard to decipher what the person next to you is saying so while I don't think it's impossible that someone could have a conversation with a musician while on stage I do think it's likely that some of the details could have been obscured by the sound level of the audience or the volume of the band also Ron has in ears which block out the majority of crowd noise which would make personal conversations that much harder to have. I know Ron is a little quirky and eccentric and very open and fan friendly but announcing to someone in the crowd just sounds weird to me, I'd be more willing to buy into it if he met someone around the hotel and said he had quit in private/personal conversation and even that's weird... quitting gnr isn't like quitting your local bar band, there's a way to do things so as not to embarrass people and I think GnR management and Axl wouldn't be overly impressed if they knew Ron was going around announcing his departure before they could talk him out of it, or talk about an official statement both could make announcing the decision. I would like to clarify that I'm not saying this didn't happen, I'm only saying it sounds incredibly weird and a little unprofessional.

Let's all take a deep breath, relax and wait and see if this is really it, and remember this is not the first time he's been thinking of jumping ship.

Edited by Tom2112
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This was from a topic in 2012, and I found more than a few other ones too.

I actually saw bumblefoot touch someone's hand in the crowd and shake his head while mouthing something and looking really disappointed, but I dunno what was said at the concert. I also heard him shout something like "just trying to have fun at my last show" after the show but it coulda been about something else or who knows what.

I honestly think he wants to leave but doesn't at the same time, depending on what his state of mind is. I've definitely done similar things at a couple of really crappy jobs where I got treated like dog poop, but I'd like to see this worked out without him leaving.

Thanks again for the heads up tho subs, definitely love this forum, wouldn't of gotten to go to vegas without it.

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............... and yet bumble has told his closest fan(s) he intends leaving and when here last week he deleted a quote asking if he was leaving and answered the second question. He's also never squashed the rumour and he's been aware of it for weeks!

U-Turn anyone?

Username may have this one!

edit - cant quote :(

Shit yeah, think BETA is saying 100% false to "GNR wont be the same without you"? maybe? anyone?

Supposedly, about 5 different people from various forums are saying they met him in Vegas and he's confirmed he's not going anywhere.

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