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Russia Invades Ukraine


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Someone in government said the US can't do a no fly zone because that would be a direct war with Russia. What a crock!

I have news for the US and Europe this is a war with Russia. they just won't admit it.

I saw a reporter in another country in Europe where the Ukraines are moving too. Some have decided to live there now and find jobs and put their kids in school. I have to admire them because they seem to just do what they have to to survive even with losing their homes and most things they had in Ukraine. I doubt I could do it without bitching every step of the way.

I think if it weren't for the Ukraines doing what they have to do no matter what the US or other countries do, they are still doing it themselves.

I'm sure President Z will do what he has to in saving his country. He knows it's up to him no matter what help he may be getting. 

I just wish Biden would stand up to Putin and stop being afraid to make real moves to stop him once and for all.

If China gets involved what will the US and Europe do then?

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3 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Someone in government said the US can't do a no fly zone because that would be a direct war with Russia. What a crock!

Are you sure you want to take that risk? You might be right, but if you’re wrong it probably leads to an exchange of nuclear of weapons.  That’s quite the gamble.

3 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

I just wish Biden would stand up to Putin and stop being afraid to make real moves to stop him once and for all.

In the last 24 hours Biden has called Putin a war criminal and a thug.  The US and NATO are sending 14 wide body planes full of supplies to Ukraine every day.  The US approved sending Ukraine more drones that can take out Russian convoys.  What more would you have Biden say or do?

3 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

If China gets involved what will the US and Europe do then?

They won’t.  China doesn’t have the military tech (yet) to take on the US 7th fleet in the Pacific.


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3 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Someone in government said the US can't do a no fly zone because that would be a direct war with Russia. What a crock!

I have news for the US and Europe this is a war with Russia. they just won't admit it.

I saw a reporter in another country in Europe where the Ukraines are moving too. Some have decided to live there now and find jobs and put their kids in school. I have to admire them because they seem to just do what they have to to survive even with losing their homes and most things they had in Ukraine. I doubt I could do it without bitching every step of the way.

I think if it weren't for the Ukraines doing what they have to do no matter what the US or other countries do, they are still doing it themselves.

I'm sure President Z will do what he has to in saving his country. He knows it's up to him no matter what help he may be getting. 

I just wish Biden would stand up to Putin and stop being afraid to make real moves to stop him once and for all.

If China gets involved what will the US and Europe do then?

Are you a fearmongering bot, I wonder?

Edited by grouse
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13 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Someone in government said the US can't do a no fly zone because that would be a direct war with Russia. What a crock!

I have news for the US and Europe this is a war with Russia. they just won't admit it.

I saw a reporter in another country in Europe where the Ukraines are moving too. Some have decided to live there now and find jobs and put their kids in school. I have to admire them because they seem to just do what they have to to survive even with losing their homes and most things they had in Ukraine. I doubt I could do it without bitching every step of the way.

I think if it weren't for the Ukraines doing what they have to do no matter what the US or other countries do, they are still doing it themselves.

I'm sure President Z will do what he has to in saving his country. He knows it's up to him no matter what help he may be getting. 

I just wish Biden would stand up to Putin and stop being afraid to make real moves to stop him once and for all.

If China gets involved what will the US and Europe do then?

I think you're a bit to focused on the US role, or more specifically Bidens role, in all of this. The US is a massive player in this but Biden won't take any actions that could provoke Putin to a war with NATO on his own without massive consideration and planing with NATO, the EU and it's allies. 

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2 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

Putin softened his demands yesterday, but I still don’t think Ukraine will entertain them considering they are holding their own still

I won’t believe anything Putin or Russia has to say until I see it.  They claimed they were drawing down troops from the Ukrainian border a week before they invaded.

I get why Ukraine has to be present at the meetings for PR purposes, but I doubt they think there’s any chance they’ll get a fair and real deal until they’ve worn Russia down on the battlefield. 

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I am thinking that even if Ukraine gives in at the end, after having been battered down and suffered immensely, and have to agree to Russia's terms to avoid further loss of civilian lives, like demilitarization and remaining neutral, there is no moral obligation for them to keep up those terms. 

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Biden spoke to XI today about Ukraine. I wonder what was said? I know China has set off a missile in the ocean near Taiwan. Here we go.

Don Lemon of CNN is in Bulgaria with someone from the US government. He said if Russia used chemical or nuclear weapons, the US would protect their allies.

Here comes WWIII. I don't see anyway around this.  This is how WW begin with one country being fucked by a major power and then it escalates. 

Putin will not stop, and now he is threatening to cleanse Russia. This guy is crazy, but seems to not care and nor listen to anyone.

I doubt China is telling Putin to stop. 

I went to Walmart today and the store prices are rising every week and the shelves are getting more empty.  

I know China has had to shut down again due to covid cases rising, you'd never know it here, so I can assume we get a shit load of stuff from China.

The US has to become self sufficient again or we're going to continue to be fucked and pay higher prices for just about everything.

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8 minutes ago, Subtle Signs said:

That's a bit much. I'm sure most Russians don't support what Putin is doing however they risk death if they were to protest against it. 

Agreed. The Russian people are suffering now too. Maybe they need to do another revolution? Not sure they have the power.

And it seems that Putin's top people don't agree with him, so why don't they do something? Does he have a secret death squad that will kill anyone who moves against him?  It's just like they way Hitler got towards the change of the war and even his men knew he was losing his mind as they lost the war.


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20 hours ago, downzy said:

Are you sure you want to take that risk? You might be right, but if you’re wrong it probably leads to an exchange of nuclear of weapons.  That’s quite the gamble.

In the last 24 hours Biden has called Putin a war criminal and a thug.  The US and NATO are sending 14 wide body planes full of supplies to Ukraine every day.  The US approved sending Ukraine more drones that can take out Russian convoys.  What more would you have Biden say or do?

They won’t.  China doesn’t have the military tech (yet) to take on the US 7th fleet in the Pacific.


I wouldn't bet on it. China has millions of people in their army as well as North Korea. They are both nuclear nations too. 

I think the next war would just be nations pushing buttons and sending off nuclear weapons and see who's finger is the fastest.

Either way Russia is showing the world just how fucked up everything is and nothing will stop a crazy man from doing whatever the hell he wants. So Putin's a "war criminal" name calling won't stop this guy.

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30 minutes ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Japan spotted 4 Russian war ships headed towards Europe. Here we go!

Guess China is helping Russia after all. Was there any doubt?

SHUT THE F@*K UP! Seriously!! 😩

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2 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Japan spotted 4 Russian war ships headed towards Europe. Here we go!

Guess China is helping Russia after all. Was there any doubt?

Here we go again indeed! 



Someone in government said the US can't do a no fly zone because that would be a direct war with Russia. What a crock!

I have news for the US and Europe this is a war with Russia. they just won't admit it.

I saw a reporter in another country in Europe where the Ukraines are moving too. Some have decided to live there now and find jobs and put their kids in school. I have to admire them because they seem to just do what they have to to survive even with losing their homes and most things they had in Ukraine. I doubt I could do it without bitching every step of the way.

I think if it weren't for the Ukraines doing what they have to do no matter what the US or other countries do, they are still doing it themselves.

I'm sure President Z will do what he has to in saving his country. He knows it's up to him no matter what help he may be getting. 

I just wish Biden would stand up to Putin and stop being afraid to make real moves to stop him once and for all.

If China gets involved what will the US and Europe do then?

Somehow each and every one of those sentences sounds like something written for Family guy right before the show jumps to a cut away :lol:.

Edited by grouse
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2 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

I wouldn't bet on it. China has millions of people in their army as well as North Korea

Soldiers aren't all that effective against large naval ships and submarines.

2 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

I think the next war would just be nations pushing buttons and sending off nuclear weapons and see who's finger is the fastest.

That's not how nuclear weapons work.  You don't need to be first to win.  Your enemy can detect such weapons once launched and fire their own before they're hit.

2 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

So Putin's a "war criminal" name calling won't stop this guy.

No, but earlier you said that Biden isn't doing anything about Putin.  That's not exactly true, now is it?

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19 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Here comes WWIII. I don't see anyway around this.  This is how WW begin with one country being fucked by a major power and then it escalates. 

Putin will not stop, and now he is threatening to cleanse Russia. This guy is crazy, but seems to not care and nor listen to anyone.

I doubt China is telling Putin to stop. 

If there was an all-out war world war with Russia (even with China's support) NATO countries would be able to handle it far better and faster than the previous two world wars were handled, IMO mostly due to how insanely large the US Navy and air capabilities are. 

Look at how Russia is handling Ukraine, imagine a similar situation, but with a country with modern technology and munitions. (Germany, the US, UK, etc.)

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21 hours ago, Dazey said:

SHUT THE F@*K UP! Seriously!! 😩

Have you heard of free speech?  you don't have to read or like my posts, but this is the facts, deal with it.

We don't live in a nice world anymore. Sorry but it's true.

Putin is hiring mercenaries from other countries who just love to kill people.

Since Putin has the KGB and other people protecting him, I guess he'll do whatever the fuck he wants and no one can stop him.

I was watching Bill Mahr last night and he said that with the last Russian revolution, once Russian mothers began getting letter that their sons were dead they revolted.  I doubt that would ever happen with Putin as President.

Unless you live in Ukraine and have never experienced war first hand, no one really knows the devastation that is happening now. I commend these people for going to other countries with little to nothing and trying to begin a new life.

Can most of us do this? I doubt it.

19 hours ago, downzy said:

Soldiers aren't all that effective against large naval ships and submarines.

That's not how nuclear weapons work.  You don't need to be first to win.  Your enemy can detect such weapons once launched and fire their own before they're hit.

No, but earlier you said that Biden isn't doing anything about Putin.  That's not exactly true, now is it?

Whatever Biden is doing it's obvious that it's not affecting Putin like it is the Russian people and the rest of the world since prices for food and gas are going sky high.

Interest rates on loans and credit cards are going up in America now. it seems this war is affecting everyone but Putin.

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21 hours ago, Dazey said:

SHUT THE F@*K UP! Seriously!! 😩

There's so much drama farming going on between this and Covid. I think a lot of people just crave it. So they just repeat the doom & gloom the mainstream media is constantly selling. 

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