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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Eric Cantona

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I'll probably watch it this Friday or Saturday. Keeping my expectations low. Crystal Skull sucked so much ass, it's hard to be hyped about this. Oh well, at least I'll be positively surprised with anything good that comes out of this :lol:

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:44 AM, action said:

we get it, old white man bad, entitled feminist woman good

they sure need a lot of franchises to ruin, to bring their message.

in the real world, nobody gives a shit. It will be a massive flop.

You seem to give more of a shit about it than anyone

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10 hours ago, janrichmond said:

so why the fuck are you chiming in? Everyone knows your POV on everything so stop trolling or go away

so I'm a troll because I don't like a movie, and talk about it? :lol:

why is this message board even here?

just admit, straight up, that only people who agree with you are allowed to post here, and everyone else is a troll in your eyes

you just can not handle different opinions.


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55 minutes ago, action said:

so I'm a troll because I don't like a movie, and talk about it? :lol:

why is this message board even here?

just admit, straight up, that only people who agree with you are allowed to post here, and everyone else is a troll in your eyes

you just can not handle different opinions.


We both know this is not just about your opinion of a movie. I am absolutely fine with people having different views from my own, that's what a forum is about. 

I would never stop someone from posting unless the rules were being broken. 

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5 hours ago, janrichmond said:

We both know this is not just about your opinion of a movie. I am absolutely fine with people having different views from my own, that's what a forum is about. 

I would never stop someone from posting unless the rules were being broken. 

it is not my fault people can not handle different opinions

clearly, that's the case here.

I despise the movie and it"s message, I post that feeling on here, someone is butthurt, and I'm getting the blame.

the problem lays with you, not with me

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3 hours ago, action said:

it is not my fault people can not handle different opinions

clearly, that's the case here.

I despise the movie and it"s message, I post that feeling on here, someone is butthurt, and I'm getting the blame.

the problem lays with you, not with me


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I quite enjoyed the film. My only big gripe was that Indiana seemed to just be along for the ride for most of the movie and didn't really drive the plot much at all. Admittedly the same can be said for Raiders, since the same events would've played out had Indy not been there, but I feel like he should've had a little more to do in his final movie. 

I didn't mind PWB's character too much overall, although I wasn't too fond of her basically taking charge of the entire second act. 

I do wish the action sequences were a bit less CGI-heavy. CGI Harrison Ford jumping between CGI Tuk-Tuks doesn't quite have the same impact as practical stuntwork. Although I did enjoy the de-aged intro sequence at the start. 

Overall, I liked it more than Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, but it doesn't really compare to the original trilogy. 

The Last Crusade is the perfect ending to the trilogy, but Dial Of Destiny is a pleasant extra serving in my opinion. 

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On 7/5/2023 at 3:44 AM, action said:

we get it, old white man bad, entitled feminist woman good

they sure need a lot of franchises to ruin, to bring their message.

in the real world, nobody gives a shit. It will be a massive flop.

It was a huge flop. I heard that a movie, with zero advertising and basically "cancelled", outsold this "blockbuster" by quite a bit.

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the highest grossing movie of 2023 is super mario bros, standing at more than 500 million dollars grossed domestically.

the reason?

the movie respects the hero, and gives the viewer a good feeling. it does not contain identity politics, neo feminism, or other twisted modern trash politics. It does not lecture the viewer, it does not insult the viewer for being white, privileged and capitalist.

it is, in short, what a movie should be, to entertain the paying customer. The customer pays, the customer is always right.

Indy 5, is an insult to the hero, it makes the viewer (who is subtly lectured through the movie) feel bad about themselves. That is why it was predicted to bomb, and that is why it is bombing.

I know, the mods do not allow these views to be expressed, but they are relevant to the topic, and these views have been put out there for us to discuss, by the makers of the movie themselves who willingly put these issues in the movie.

it is all that can be said about this movie, because there is not much positivity found here.

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3 hours ago, action said:

the highest grossing movie of 2023 is super mario bros, standing at more than 500 million dollars grossed domestically.

the reason?

the movie respects the hero, and gives the viewer a good feeling. it does not contain identity politics, neo feminism, or other twisted modern trash politics. It does not lecture the viewer, it does not insult the viewer for being white, privileged and capitalist.

it is, in short, what a movie should be, to entertain the paying customer. The customer pays, the customer is always right.

Indy 5, is an insult to the hero, it makes the viewer (who is subtly lectured through the movie) feel bad about themselves. That is why it was predicted to bomb, and that is why it is bombing.

I know, the mods do not allow these views to be expressed, but they are relevant to the topic, and these views have been put out there for us to discuss, by the makers of the movie themselves who willingly put these issues in the movie.

it is all that can be said about this movie, because there is not much positivity found here.

I don’t feel like any of that really happened with the movie. Her character felt like another Indiana Jones character; kind of self serving and part of the chase. She wasn’t constantly one upping him, he out smarter her a few times and vice versa.

Nothing really “insulted” the hero in the film aside from age itself. He’s noticeably older than in even The Force Awakens, but they can’t be helped.

The movie had plenty of issues but not so much for the reasons you bring up a lot. Overall, I think it’s an alright edition. It isn’t like the old ones, but it never could be. 


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I dont want to go into detail too much but why do all these movies have so much CGI?

I watched the first few minutes of the red letter media review and they brought up 2 past scenes I mentioned to my friend last night-

1. The opening of The Last Crusade. Just good old fashioned practical effects and it looks great! I enjoyed the opening of Dial well enough, but the opening of Crusade looks more realistic and its over three decades old

2. The 50s chase scene in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull rules and I think that was a better "classic Indy" set piece than anything in Dial. Idk how they went from that to the cartoon monkeys and bugs later in the movie


Liked the movie but it was also less "fun" than the others.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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3 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

I don’t feel like any of that really happened with the movie. Her character felt like another Indiana Jones character; kind of self serving and part of the chase. She wasn’t constantly one upping him, he out smarter her a few times and vice versa.

Nothing really “insulted” the hero in the film aside from age itself. He’s noticeably older than in even The Force Awakens, but they can’t be helped.

The movie had plenty of issues but not so much for the reasons you bring up a lot. Overall, I think it’s an alright edition. It isn’t like the old ones, but it never could be. 


I might watch the movie some day

the trailer put me off for the reasons given.

"it's called capitalism"


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6 hours ago, action said:

I know, the mods do not allow these views to be expressed, but they are relevant to the topic, and these views have been put out there for us to discuss, by the makers of the movie themselves who willingly put these issues in the movie.


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5 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

I dont want to go into detail too much but why do all these movies have so much CGI?

I watched the first few minutes of the red letter media review and they brought up 2 past scenes I mentioned to my friend last night-

1. The opening of The Last Crusade. Just good old fashioned practical effects and it looks great! I enjoyed the opening of Dial well enough, but the opening of Crusade looks more realistic and its over three decades old

2. The 50s chase scene in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull rules and I think that was a better "classic Indy" set piece than anything in Dial. Idk how they went from that to the cartoon monkeys and bugs later in the movie


Liked the movie but it was also less "fun" than the others.

as a 4-5 year old, I saw the scene where that slave is lowered in the lava pit, just after that scene where that centipede was crawling to the woman's hair

my dad told me, it was "indiana jones". "Doctor jones".

Funny, I thought. An indian doctor, who looks like a cowboy. it is one of my earliest memories, clear as day. I don't know much else from when I was that age.

so there really is nothing higher than indiana jones, when it comes to action movies. it is the start of it all, never bettered.

Temple of doom was indiana jones to me. Didn't know there were two other movies.

Indy had a kid helping him in that movie. 5 year old me could relate to that. Indy felt like a father figure.

This series has shaped me, in more ways than I'm aware of.

So this fifth, unnecessary movie, decided to piss on the series, deconstructing Indy and making him a sad old loser. 

I see, hollywood is at an all time crisis these days. I dont know much about hollywood, but with bad movies like Indy 5, insulting the fans, I have a feeling it will get much worse, before it gets any better

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42 minutes ago, action said:

as a 4-5 year old, I saw the scene where that slave is lowered in the lava pit, just after that scene where that centipede was crawling to the woman's hair

my dad told me, it was "indiana jones". "Doctor jones".

Funny, I thought. An indian doctor, who looks like a cowboy. it is one of my earliest memories, clear as day. I don't know much else from when I was that age.

so there really is nothing higher than indiana jones, when it comes to action movies. it is the start of it all, never bettered.

Temple of doom was indiana jones to me. Didn't know there were two other movies.

Indy had a kid helping him in that movie. 5 year old me could relate to that. Indy felt like a father figure.

This series has shaped me, in more ways than I'm aware of.

So this fifth, unnecessary movie, decided to piss on the series, deconstructing Indy and making him a sad old loser. 

I see, hollywood is at an all time crisis these days. I dont know much about hollywood, but with bad movies like Indy 5, insulting the fans, I have a feeling it will get much worse, before it gets any better

Go see Mission Impossible.  That’ll make you forget this travesty of a film. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/15/2023 at 8:14 PM, action said:

I might watch the movie some day

the trailer put me off for the reasons given.

"it's called capitalism"


You haven't even watched the movie and you're complaining. What is wrong with you?

I finally had the chance to watch Dial of Destiny a couple of days ago. It was alright! Better than Crystal Skull, but not really up there with the classics.

Tons of people were whining about how woke the movie is going to be before the movie came out and surprise surprise there's actually nothing woke about it at all. It's just another Indy movie. Indy is older in the movie for sure and he's portrayed that way as well, which is a good thing. It would be ridiculous if a 70-year old Indy would behave exactly like a 30-year old Indy.

What's good about the movie is that it's a bit more serious compared to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. There was way too much ridiculous stuff in KOTCS. There was the monkey swinging, weird killer ants, dumb sword fighting in the jungle, the rubber three that supports a car, the way they used the snake as a rope etc... I didn't even mind the nuclear blast scene or the aliens, but most of all the jungle scene kinda ruined the movie for me. It never really felt like they were in any kind of danger when Marion was just smiling all the time.

This movie was different. In fact you could even argue that it's a bit too serious for an Indy movie, but I much prefer a more serious tone compared to the cartoon vibes of KOTCS.

There was a lot of great action in the movie. Especially the opening sequence felt like classic Indy, although the de-aged Indy was a bit weird. I can't say that it was terrible cause in many ways it was impressive how much he looked like young Harrison Ford. But at the same time it was far from perfect, so it was still a bit distracting.

There wasn't really anything that I would have disliked all that much about the movie, but at the same time there wasn't really anything THAT amazing about it either. And that's really my main complaint about the movie. It was slightly forgettable. In my mind almost all scenes in the original movies are legendary. Even KOTCS had many unforgettable scenes, even if some of the scenes are legendary only cause they are so terrible. I feel like this movie didn't really have all that many unforgettable scenes.

Still I have to raise my hat to James Mangold. It's almost impossible to make a good Indy movie because the bar is so high. This movie was a decent effort and I enjoyed it. 

Harrison Ford was great as always and Mads Mikkelsen was perfect in his role as well. I also liked Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character Helena. She wasn't really all that different compared to Indy's previous sidekicks. Sometimes she was a bit annoying, but so were all the previous sidekicks. Sometimes she was quite likable also. And no, she wasn't portrayed as superior compared to Indy. Stop believing everything that these anti-woke people come up with. She wasn't a helpless damsel in distress, but Indy saved her plenty of times in the movie. The other sidekick Teddy Kumar was pretty unnecessary though. He didn't really add anything to the story.

The movie has an emotional level to it as well. Some people will hate it cause they don't want to see a sad Indy. But it's a movie about time, aging, loss and ultimately it's also a story about how time heals. It's very understandable that writers want to add deeper levels to their stories so that it doesn't feel too superficial. Some people will hate it though cause they want these characters to be exactly the same as they were in the movies that they watched when they were children. But each to their own.

I would rank the Indy movies like this:

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark

2. Last Crusade

3. Temple of Doom,

4. Dial of Destiny

5. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Edited by Lies They Tell
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  • 3 weeks later...

I don’t think it was a train wreck, but it was pretty unmemorable and unnecessary. 

Even if people hate the movie, Indy got a happy ride into sunset ending thing in 4. I don’t think anyone needed to see a tragic breakdown of the Indiana Jones character dealing with the death of his son and are lol. They are meant to be fun, pulpy adventure films. He’s not exactly a complex character and never needed to be


Edited by ZoSoRose
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