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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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13 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

A new covers album would be awesome. The first one was dedicated to their punk rock influences. A new one should be dedicated to their classic rock influences. 

Yea....could see some Aerosmith, Queen and Elton on there for starters. Bon Scott DC....lots of ideas...we should make a fake track list, that's all the rage in here...

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19 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

I don't do vinyl :lol:

I still have vinyl LPs from the 70s and early 80s in the loft

Drone mail them over then 😉

Just now, colonizedmind said:

Drone mail them over then 😉

You could sitting on a goldmine seriously though, eBay check a couple of your prime ones....70s stuff can fetch good £££ $$$

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22 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

It would be good and efficient since Axl wouldn’t have to write anything. Would be kind of cringe to have a band with this few albums having 2 cover albums, but at this point I think we’ll just as well take anything these clowns throw to us.

Is your name a prophecy or just wishful dreams? 🇨🇳✌️

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3 hours ago, El Guapo said:

The current state of GnR is the most depressing, ever. The wait for Chinese Democracy was great in comparison.

Now, we're starving for shittier versions of CD leftovers, badly mixed, with no promotion and even that is an annoying nightmare. Wow.

You said exactly what I was thinking Mr Guapo ( beautiful ly I might add ) 🤟🏻


3 hours ago, El Guapo said:



Edited by tony adler
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1 hour ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

It would be good and efficient since Axl wouldn’t have to write anything.

At this point I don’t know if the issue is the writing so much as the singing.

I’m still a believer that studio magic can work wonders on Axl’s voice and get us a record that sounds like it should. But he might not think that way.

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5 hours ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:

At this point I don’t know if the issue is the writing so much as the singing.

I’m still a believer that studio magic can work wonders on Axl’s voice and get us a record that sounds like it should. But he might not think that way.

I don't think it's the writing or the signing tbh. I think it's everything else.  The process of making an album, having to deal with the label and the marketing and the executives, the promoting. Everything sounded like a huge fucking mess when he was trying to put out Chinese Democracy.  I just don't think he ever wants to deal with that again.

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7 hours ago, Bitchisback said:

I don't think it's the writing or the signing tbh. I think it's everything else.  The process of making an album, having to deal with the label and the marketing and the executives, the promoting. Everything sounded like a huge fucking mess when he was trying to put out Chinese Democracy.  I just don't think he ever wants to deal with that again.

Well if he doesn't...someone will do it for him and put out the A.I album...it's moving so quickly! Axl might actually sign off on that...."You mean I don't need to do shit and I'll get royalties?"

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15 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

It would be good and efficient since Axl wouldn’t have to write anything.

To be fair, as hard as it seems to be for Axl to write new stuff, it doesn't seem to be as hard for him as actually recording vocals, and even that is a walk in the park for him compared to finally RELEASING what he's recorded.

Let's face it, he's set the lowest possible bar for himself at the moment, which is simply telling Slash and Duff to re-record and embellish some of the stuff he's had in the can for decades, and even getting him to put THAT out is like pulling teeth. An album of covers from scratch would be uphill in comparison. Stop kidding yourselves.

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8 minutes ago, yourcrazy said:

I really hate most of the covers and wish they would stop doing them especially black hole Sun and Wichita lineman.  They could cut the show some or replace with good GnR material.  

From 2021 until today, they played BHS only 2 times. They stopped playing it a long time ago.

Edited by We love Axl Rose
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13 minutes ago, Millions said:

I just don't understand the talk here about doing  new covers. The band has already done enough covers to fill 2 albums. The ratio of covers to original material is already a bit embarrassing. More covers is the last thing they need.  

In the absence of anything new though, I'd take a covers album 

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9 hours ago, Bitchisback said:

I don't think it's the writing or the signing tbh. I think it's everything else.  The process of making an album, having to deal with the label and the marketing and the executives, the promoting. Everything sounded like a huge fucking mess when he was trying to put out Chinese Democracy.  I just don't think he ever wants to deal with that again.

Well that’s where I have a really hard time giving Axl the benefit of the doubt.

I just have a hard time believing that every other major artist seems to be able to work with the label and get their product on the shelves, but for Axl they make it too difficult.

I’m sure everything was a mess for Chinese Democracy, and I’m sure a lot of that had to with Axl and GNR management.

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10 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

I'd say it's one of the biggest nonsenses in GNR land that the record labels are the problem. They want to make money, so holding up or stopping releases from a big band would make absolutely zero sense. 

I think from Axl's point of view, the label don't help enough and that hinders the releases. Not saying I agree, but that's how I've always felt is his relationship with the label.

2 minutes ago, The Real McCoy said:

And anyone defending Team Brazil in this situation is laughable. 

They’ve treated the fan base with nothing but disdain for years. They get no sympathy from me.

Who is defending Team Brazil? As far as I know, the thing is about who is the responsible for a release. 

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3 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

I think from Axl's point of view, the label don't help enough and that hinders the releases. Not saying I agree, but that's how I've always felt is his relationship with the label.

Who is defending Team Brazil? As far as I know, the thing is about who is the responsible for a release. 

Yeah you might be right there- but I wouldn't agree with it either. If anything, the label were incredibly accommodating with CD. Most other bands would have had the financial taps turned off well before GNR did. 

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9 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

There is absolutely no way that if GNR wanted a new album out they could get it released, on their terms, with any label they chose to. 

When you think of some of the minority interest music that gets released there's no way labels wouldn't be climbing over themselves to release music from a band like GNR, who, no matter what quality the album is, will sell more albums than 80 or 90 per cent of the other acts they have on their roster. 

And let's face it, they could just go in-house and do it themselves if they really wanted to. As many other big (and small) acts do. 

I'd say it's one of the biggest nonsenses in GNR land that the record labels are the problem. They want to make money, so holding up or stopping releases from a big band would make absolutely zero sense. 

Exactly. The fact is that the labels bankrolled Chinese Democracy for *years*. Eventually, they’re going to want to see some return on their investment. That’s not corporate greed, that’s common sense. If Axl started a Kickstarter for Chinese Democracy and we all contributed, after 10 years with nothing to show for it, we’d all want our money back.

The lack of promotion for Chinese Democracy I can chalk up to a few things: they had already poured so much money into the project and they knew that pouring a ton more into a promotion for a band that, in 2008, was pretty irrelevant was a waste of money. Or the fact that they had to force the album out of Axl’s hands caused a lot of bad blood. Or Axl was simply too difficult and demanding and they were probably like “you know what? Fuck this guy. If he doesn’t want to be cooperative, why bother?”

None of which I can blame on the label.

And, like you said, it’s easier than ever to release music now. And for a band that just had one of the most lucrative tours of all time, any label would be falling over themselves to release music and keep the momentum rolling. It just doesn’t add up.

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32 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

Yeah you might be right there- but I wouldn't agree with it either. If anything, the label were incredibly accommodating with CD. Most other bands would have had the financial taps turned off well before GNR did. 

Probably because of Axl's relationship with David Geffen. That soured a lot when Jimmy Iovine assumed the position and supposedly interfered in CD's production back in early 2000's. I believe there were a lot of egos clashing, but there was still some contractual obligation or just pure hope that Axl would recoup the investment made. Which I think he did with the Dr Pepper  Best Buy deal and the tours. 

Edited by Voodoochild
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11 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

Who is defending Team Brazil? As far as I know, the thing is about who is the responsible for a release. 

I’m not disagreeing with you, but I do want to add on to this conversation:

I notice on this forum that a lot of times we refer to Team Brazil as being strictly Beta and Fernando. Axl is Team Brazil too. It really should be called Team Axl. I read posts that refer to TB as if they’re controlling things and as if Axl is a bystander, ignorant to all of poor choices TB has made. Axl is running the show. It’s not Beta masterminding years of stagnation by whispering in Axl’s ear. These are Axl’s choices.

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