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21 minutes ago, pbj_jam said:

The General went from, this is fake two times, to lets try headphones, to theres a song now, to this outro has to be a joke, to crickets, to cool distortion, to all the pieces fit, to he gets a pass on the lyrics, to outro harmonizing with Slash.

All the way to now, that if they take monsters out from the bSide I don't even care TG is just as good.

Same lol

TG is great now 

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12 minutes ago, rumandraisin said:

Wasn't there a rumour about the chairman having CD2 or the General? It'd be quite a twist if this turns out to be the Bucket and Robin versions. 

I'm not as familiar with Slash's tone, I've never paid attention to anything outside of his Gnr work and I usually listen to CD era guns. So for me I can't say 'this is absolutely Slash'. I hear Bucket in The General and that ending solo on Monsters could be Robin to me. I'm no expert. 

The guitar on Monsters does sound more like Slash or even Richard. I'm also no expert! The faster / shredding outro of TG is unlikely to be Slash. Could be bucket or bumblefoot perhaps? 

If they were leaked as 2 separate tracks they could well be from a while ago and the final version could sound a fair bit different in terms of the mix. I think that these are the finished versions of the songs/song on the whole though.

Yes maybe some mix changes will occur but I would be surprised if it was any more than that. 

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2 hours ago, D.. said:

As promised, update. Mr Marco Beltrami was kind enough to answer me (love him, became a fan in 2003 with his score for Terminator 3, was amazed Axl hired him when I learnt about it years later). Here is his answer:

"Hi Guillaume,

wow, you really are racking my brain here because it was so long ago, but this is what I remember:

I was hired to do orchestration/arranging for 8 songs. I believe only a few were released on the album that came out a while ago.

every song was distinct.  any connection between songs I was not aware of at the time, so yes they were all separate orchestrations.

yes, I remember a song called “seven” was my favorite but maybe its changed or evolved since then??  I could be wrong, but the two you list here sound a bit reworked from what I remember.

sorry i can’t be more helpful



I asked him another set of question to fully confirm if Soul Monster is Monsters, hope he will answer.

But I think we could almost already assume The General, and Monsters, were not connected originally.

Almost 100% sure Monsters=Soul Monster now.


Thanks for posting this, that is interesting!

My own theory for the moment: maybe The General and Monsters/Soul Monster were always linked thematically and were going to be back-to-back tunes on an album but were considered two different compositions.  But down the line Axl and co. got the idea to just join them as one singular saga a bit more decisively?  And then took the orchestration stems and combined that together to make the concert intro

Considering the lack of resolution of the story told in The General, what can be interpreted as the similar subject matter in Monsters, and the sense of closure in Monsters I really think they at the very least were seen as linked in some way from the outset

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10 minutes ago, bangit said:

The guitar on Monsters does sound more like Slash or even Richard. I'm also no expert! The faster / shredding outro of TG is unlikely to be Slash. Could be bucket or bumblefoot perhaps? 

If they were leaked as 2 separate tracks they could well be from a while ago and the final version could sound a fair bit different in terms of the mix. I think that these are the finished versions of the songs/song on the whole though.

Yes maybe some mix changes will occur but I would be surprised if it was any more than that. 

Exactly, that outro is Buckethead or Fortus, period

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42 minutes ago, GNR 1991 said:

Same lol

TG is great now 

Yeah, same here. Fucking stockholm syndrome :lol: After listening to them a lot this weekend here are my current thoughts on both songs-

It is weird. The General is not very musically pleasant. The three main parts don't flow that well. It repeats a lot (copy/pastes and the song repeats just like Absurd, Perhaps, etc.). The guitar lines are kind of grating. Yet somehow, I am starting to dig it. The chorus is mean as hell, and the drums and guitars sound killer on it. The Slash (allegedly but sounds like it could be Bucket to me?) solo at the end with Axl screaming is great, too. I also like the bass throughout the song, a lot. I would hope a final mix has quieter guitars on the verses/bridge and louder orchestra. To me, this sound actually fits in with his 1999-2000 vision which is interesting because this song came to be after the Village Sessions, I think. It sounds like it could be a companion to Oh My God. It is slower and grindier, but it has some similarities with the heaviness and vocal effects. 

I do appreciate the song more now as a weird art- rock kind of thing with some very dark and personal lyrics from Axl. I can see why this was left off of Chinese, and I would even see why if it never saw the light of day. It is a strange track, but I think like it, now. If I heard this from another artist, would I listen to it again? Probably not, but that's okay. I can probably say that about plenty of songs I like because I like them from certain artists. That is part of the game. If someone said they vehemently disliked The General, though, I would also get that. 

It is a very interesting song and that is why I have been excited when I decide to listen to it. Maybe that is what I want out of the Chinese leftovers? Weirdness? It definitely helps that Monsters leaked with it and they work well as back- to- back tracks. I'm not going to lie, if only The General leaked and that was the song, I would be let down, especially after all the hype. Combine it with Monsters as a companion song and they are pretty epic. Even though they follow very basic strong structures, they are by far the most interesting batch of songs from the leftover tracks. Thank you, leakers, for also giving us Monsters. 

Monsters is genuinely a cool GNR song. Slash elevates it and it is great to hear some UYI- sounding crunch on that one in the background. Reminds me of some of his Pretty Tied Up power chords. The playing also reminds me of Snakepit (compare it to Lower!). It kicks- ass. Would love a better mix/master of both of these and I'm hoping the final versions deliver on that (and fixing the pitch on those "Ohs"!). It really sounds like textbook Slash to me throughout the song and I do think this is the best example of him complementing a CD2 song. I dig his work on all the others, too, especially Hard Skool- I just think Monsters is better. There isn't really a crazy "Slash moment" or big solo, but what he does bring on it really sounds good. I actually like that the chorus is uplifting and bluesy. Slash brings some sleaze to it and throughout the song and it is very catchy. It is a good breather after The General. I love the low vocals on the Monsters part, and the verses have some cool lyrics. I did like the original NuGNR guitar solo from the cell phone leak- and it did make the song sound more sinister- but I also like Slash's solo. It is barely a solo, it is more of a little guitar interlude with some tasteful multitracking. It's great! That is the classic GNR sound! The bridge is obviously the best piece of GNR music we have gotten since 2008 That is what we have all been waiting for after the 2018 leak, and it's great to really hear it now. I have no doubt this song is Soul Monster. It fits the description perfectly, Axl even channels Ozzy a bit in the verses. Love the guitar solo in the outro. If it's just Slash or Slash/Fortus, it sounds great to me.

It is crazy to say, since he had decades to work on these, but if Axl had a good producer helping him fuck with their arrangement, these could have combined to an incredible 7–8-minute epic with the orchestra weaving in and out and all the parts being intertwined and shifted around. Would have helped with the repetition and copy/paste syndrome. Why have the songs like The General repeat twice? Use the verse and pre chorus once and the chorus a few times and mix it all up with that cool orchestra track and with Monsters. That is what people imagined The General to be, initially. Still, I am very happy we have these. We get the next best thing which is having them as back- to- back songs. I guess it isn't that far off. 

Overall, the 5 Slashed up leftover songs we have sound like leftovers to me. I don't mean that in a bad way. I like them all because of what they are. We have waited for CD2 so long and have been daydreaming about these songs for so long, it is just wild to have them, and with Slash and Duff, no less. However, these + the other vocal songs we have heard like State of Grace, Atlas Shrugged, and Going Down actually lead me to believe CD2 probably didn't exist. At least not in the completed state a lot of us were hoping for with a full disc of songs that sound like Chinese did in 2008. These are so cool to have, and the singles route is actually a great, low-pressure way of getting them out, but I believe the main course came out in 2008 and that was Chinese Democracy. Axl may have been able to stretch everything into a double album with two shorter discs in 2008, but that is neither here nor there. Absurd, Perhaps, The General all basically repeat themselves structurally- even using the same lyrics multiple times in verses. Hard Skool and Monsters have different lyrics in their verses, but they are still very short with only a few lines. That bridge really helps Monsters. None of these have the different, memorable outros like November Rain, Coma, Catcher, Street of Dreams, Chinese, etc. None have structural twists and turns like Better, TWAT, etc. That is all okay and I am not knocking the new songs- I like them for what they are, and I am thrilled we are getting them, I am just making observations and can see why they may not have made the cut in 2008. Not every song needs an outro or needs to stray from the verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus structure or have tons of different parts, I just think there is some repetition in each of these songs, is all. I genuinely do like them (although Absurd I like only from a forum meme perspective :lol:).


My ranking of the leftovers-

1. Monsters

2. Hard Skool

3. Perhaps

4. The General

5. Absurd

I might put The General up a spot or two when combined with Monsters, though. 

Edited by ZoSoRose
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57 minutes ago, rumandraisin said:

Wasn't there a rumour about the chairman having CD2 or the General? It'd be quite a twist if this turns out to be the Bucket and Robin versions. 

I'm not as familiar with Slash's tone, I've never paid attention to anything outside of his Gnr work and I usually listen to CD era guns. So for me I can't say 'this is absolutely Slash'. I hear Bucket in The General and that ending solo on Monsters could be Robin to me. I'm no expert. 

I'm surprised no-one is lobbying Bumblefoot into the possibilities....I mean I totally believe it's Slash but if your of the tribe that can't hear that and instead thinking of pure song style to position it as likely others, everyone saying it could be Bucket or Robin...and that these are actually old demos....then don't forget that Bumble played on basically everything there was in 06-08 and certainly worked on unreleased tracks like Atlas Shrugged and OMG(remixed) etc...his style is more akin to Bucket too and these songs pre Slash and Duff, there latest incarnation was probably Bumble as lead and Bucket deleted or relegated as he was on a bunch of things such as Shackler's...also, remember Bumble probably has a bunch of those unreleased MP3's from his time and left in a bad way, lot of disgruntlement but always loved the fans....😉 just putting that out there for a fun theory (that I don't actually believe)


55 minutes ago, Axls Rocket Queen said:

It really feels like a missed opportunity delaying these when they were due for a Halloween release, both parts/songs really have horror movie soundtrack vibes.

That aside, I'm really impressed.  Monsters has strong Bowie influences, especially thinking of Blackstar and Outside.  That third verse is peak Axl with so much ferocity.  I can see this one being awesome live.  The General is quite a hard listen because of the lyrics/subject matter, but musically I'm really digging the heavy, dark sound and the ending is great.

On first impressions I'm enjoying Monsters more, but that's not to say I think the General isn't a great song it just goes to very dark places and fully immerses itself there, where Monsters has a slightly lighter feel (which makes sense as a part I and II) especially in the chorus. 

"My only regret is that I never took the time to forget" ...oof :(

Sometimes you can explain so much with one simple line or feeling...huh!?

That line can and probably does explain a lot of young adult Axl and some of his behaviour and actions which were clearly (not excused) brought on by experience trauma...as an elder man he's much different in the last decade and probably taken years of therapy and sorting out shit to get to this place, including, and god I hate to praise but the stability of his Brazilian family giving him some continuity...

He often has said....now is not the time but I'll explain my actions when the time is right to paraphrase....can't wait for that book some day...

Edited by colonizedmind
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2 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

I'm surprised no-one is lobbying Bumblefoot into the possibilities....I mean I totally believe it's Slash but if your of the tribe that can't hear that and instead thinking of pure song style to position it as likely others, everyone saying it could be Bucket or Robin...and that these are actually old demos....then don't forget that Bumble played on basically everything there was in 06-08 and certainly worked on unreleased tracks like Atlas Shrugged and OMG(remixed) etc...his style is more akin to Bucket too and these songs pre Slash and Duff, there latest incarnation was probably Bumble as lead and Bucket deleted or relegated as he was on a bunch of things such as Shackler's...also, remember Bumble probably has a bunch of those unreleased MP3's from his time and left in a bad way, lot of disgruntlement but always loved the fans....just putting that out there for a fun theory (that I don't actually believe)


Sometimes you can explain so much with one simple line or feeling...

That line can and probably does exactly a lot of young adult Axl and some of his behaviour and actions which were clearly (not excused) brought on by experience trauma...as an elder man he much different in the last decade and probably taken years of therapy and sorting out shit to get to this place, including, and god I hate to praise but the stubility of his Brazilian family giving him some continuity...

He often has said....now is not the time but I'll explain my actions when the time is right or paraphrase....can't wait for that book some day...

True about Bumblefoot. Guaranteed he worked on the songs and 5050 that at one point he was doing the solo. 

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I hope they drop these songs digitally on Halloween.

And, I hope they have a proper mix and master. Please, please have them be Bob Ludwig mixes. The leaked versions have barely intelligible vocals in parts. Overall they sound rough so I hope it's because they were ripped for a bad vinyl or unmixed or very rough mixes. 

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29 minutes ago, bangit said:

The faster / shredding outro of TG is unlikely to be Slash. Could be bucket or bumblefoot perhaps? 

Why do you feel it's unlikely that it's Slash? I wouldn't call myself an expert but I have a fairly good understanding of how Slash plays from analyzing his guitar parts to learn them and the TG outro has a lot of signature Slash licks. The shred part is something he does a lot when improvising live and also sounds quite similar to his solo in Straight to Hell by Ozzy Osbourne. And the speed isn't outside Slash's comfort zone either. 


It definitely isn't Buckethead. Bucket is a lot cleaner while shredding and he plays some variation of a very recognizable Paul Gilbert-esque legato sequence almost always. I don't think it's Bumblefoot either, he has a very different playing style and tone than what we hear on the song. 

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1 minute ago, 22frets said:

Why do you feel it's unlikely that it's Slash? I wouldn't call myself an expert but I have a fairly good understanding of how Slash plays from analyzing his guitar parts to learn them and the TG outro has a lot of signature Slash licks. The shred part is something he does a lot when improvising live and also sounds quite similar to his solo in Straight to Hell by Ozzy Osbourne. And the speed isn't outside Slash's comfort zone either. 


It definitely isn't Buckethead. Bucket is a lot cleaner while shredding and he plays some variation of a very recognizable Paul Gilbert-esque legato sequence almost always. I don't think it's Bumblefoot either, he has a very different playing style and tone than what we hear on the song. 

It's absolutely insane that people here think that the guitars are played by anybody other than Slash or Fortus. As if Slash would ever agree to that lol. 


People are either fucking stupid or just don't pay attention lol idk 



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Just now, Bitchisback said:

It's absolutely insane that people here think that the guitars are played by anybody other than Slash or Fortus. As if Slash would ever agree to that lol. 


People are either fucking stupid or just don't pay attention lol idk 



Well, if these are the final versions, I don’t think it’d be Bucket. When I question if it’s Bucket, I’m also questioning if these are the final Slash versions. If the song comes out and it’s the same, it’s Slash

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