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BREAKING: Scott Weiland dead


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It was weird getting the posting from him yesterday afternoon and a few hours later, Dave Navarro and flurry of reports started popping up about his death. His body might have just called it a day in the middle of his sleep and people do have heart attacks in their 40s, even people who seemed to be healthy. Just have to wait for the actual cause and not speculate.

This also happened on a tour bus, 20 years ago but too damn young.




He absolutely owns Wish You Were Here

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It was weird getting the posting from him yesterday afternoon and a few hours later, Dave Navarro and flurry of reports started popping up about his death. His body might have just called it a day in the middle of his sleep and people do have heart attacks in their 40s, even people who seemed to be healthy. Just have to wait for the actual cause and not speculate.

This also happened on a tour bus, 20 years ago but too damn young.



It is true a lot of people with history of substance abuse hearts just give out.

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Not meaning to be insensitive here, but this guy was a walking billboard for heroin addiction...it's very sad for his family, loved ones and fans but this guy's track record with junk was fucking ridiculous.

I'm a massive GWAR fan, and when their lead singer (Dave Brockie AKA Oderus Urungus) died of a heroin overdose I was genuinely shocked, because I/everybody just assumed Dave was smarter than that.

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Really sad. Was never a huge fan of his but I fell in love with my husband while at a VR gig and our first dance at our wedding was to his voice, so I associated him with some happy times . Rest in peace Scott

i can't wait to dance to shacklers revenge at my wedding....joking

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To everyone, Id like to apologize for my incredibly stupid, childlike and distasteful comment earlier today. Im a big fan of Scott's and didnt mean to offend him or anyone, I was wasted as fuck and just trying to do a sort of joke. I regret posting it and am glad the mods deleted it. I dont know if any of you care or if it even matters - at this point -, but well, Im sorry.

I actually do remember that posting, and I did find it in poor taste, especially since STP meant so much to me in my troubled teen years.

Thanks for the public apology.

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Saw this late night right before going to bed and couldn't sleep for hours. Then to wake to it like a nightmare come true.

SW was such an interesting, complicated guy. On one hand, he loved the trappings of being a rock star(mostly the drugs), but he also had a side that was very grounded and a family person(when he was clean). Easy to see why he and Duff connected the way they did pre and during Contraband. I bet Duff takes this hard.

RIP Scott and best to your kids. Will never forget you.

Edited by Turn_It_Up
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Slash, Duff, Matt, Mary, the Deleo's.......all turned their back on Scott. :(

We should not discuss who turned their back on whom, they had their reasons.

At this moment we should remember what great stuff Scott gave us over the years.

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Slash, Duff, Matt, Mary, the Deleo's.......all turned their back on Scott. :(

I know it appears that way but if you've ever had a close friend or family member who is that deep into addiction, you help them as much as you possibly can but at some point they begin to pull you down with them and you just have to let go and hope they get the professional help they need. It's very much like saving someone who is drowning. Sure a lifeguard can do it but you're just a normal person their panic and flailing is going to pull you under too.

RIP Scott. His musical talent was off the charts.

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You know what's a great fucking song? You Got No Right - it hits me hard for some reason.

God damn, I remember when they first broke that one out at the Smashbox fashion show. That's when I started to get really excited about the potential of this band.

Thanks for the link to that version, I'm all torn up now. Him and Duff sharing a mic is just so great. I'm sure I'm reading into it a bit, but they just look like they have a tight connection on that stage.

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