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The "New Album" Thread . The maybe, possibly, at some point, soon, whenever, wtf Axl thread🤞

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38 minutes ago, invisible_rose said:

Pretty sure people at Spotify aren't setting out to fuck with a bunch of middle aged rockers searching for track names lol

It's either an algorithm that looks up all known associated song titles (released or otherwise), or it's actually a DB look up of content almost ready, or ready, to serve. Interesting that it's only just started to propagate though. But that could just be the frequency of searches. 

So...it's either search engine association shit, or holy shit we're getting an album/EP shit!

Don't rule out the results being skewed by a group of dedicated trolls either! 

I personally hope they sift through all the Chinese sessions material and release a boat load in one go

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42 minutes ago, invisible_rose said:

Pretty sure people at Spotify aren't setting out to fuck with a bunch of middle aged rockers searching for track names lol

Wait…are the majority of this board middle aged?! I’m in my early thirties, but I figured most of the “Chinese is my favorite album” set was in their late teens/early twenties based on the quality of rhetoric and naïveté.

If you’re telling me a group of people in their mid-40s believe that Spotify is concerned with “messing with” an incredibly small diehard fanbase for a band that hasn’t been culturally relevant in 30 years, to tease a release that *no one* besides the folks on this message board care about, for a band whose frontman sued his management because the rollout of the *last* overworked and oft-delayed album wasn’t big enough, then…

…yikes. I’m just…wow.

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13 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

You mean other fanbases don’t do heavy research into how algorithms work and come up with code words to see if they can modify said algorithms even further to back up the idea of an album existing that’s been teased for basically decades now that probably won’t ever come out?

Yes. You hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what I meant 😂

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I could get behind the algorithm thing for any song that has been leaked and or covered by the media. But songs like Cuban Skies and Thyme have only really been discussed on obscure message boards by the most hard core fans. It’s also interesting that while the search brings up Guns N Roses it also consistently brings up absurd at least on my end. Why does it not bring up any other GNR songs? Why only a another song that would be part of a theoretical album? 

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2 minutes ago, Arnuld said:

I could get behind the algorithm thing for any song that has been leaked and or covered by the media. But songs like Cuban Skies and Thyme have only really been discussed on obscure message boards by the most hard core fans. It’s also interesting that while the search brings up Guns N Roses it also consistently brings up absurd at least on my end. Why does it not bring up any other GNR songs? Why only a another song that would be part of a theoretical album? 

That's a good point, how many people could have searched Cuban Skies or Thyme, It's imposible that the amount of people that have searched It can alter the algorithm of this company!

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8 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Because during the last 10 days people have been searching for these songs at an unprecedented level.

Why were they doing it to an unprecedented level to trigger state of grace and atlas 10 days ago?? No one here was. They just randomly appeared. And are 30 GnR nerds in 10 different countries 'unprecedented'? 

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1 hour ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

No clue if it's related but Dizzy Reed now shows up as an artist when I search Red Panda.

Edit: I realized I searched "Red Panda Guns n' Roses", so actually there's no correlation. Still funny as fuck though.


So how many days have been since we start to search Red Panda and nothing has come up yet, I think that during these days more people has searched for Red Panda than for Cuban Skies, but the one that had appeared is the last one so maybe...

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1 minute ago, Dani_1455 said:

So how many days have been since we start to search Red Panda and nothing has come up yet, I think that during these days more people has searched for Red Panda than for Cuban Skies, but the one that had appeared is the last one so maybe...

It’s certainly odd. Nothing adds up here.

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30 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

You mean other fanbases don’t do heavy research into how algorithms work and come up with code words to see if they can modify said algorithms even further to back up the idea of an album existing that’s been teased for basically decades now that probably won’t ever come out?

Other fanbases get new music from their bands. 1 original album in 31 years, despite it being teased constantly. TB and the band genuinely think it's cool and edgy too. and they were right up until about 2004. then it became a bit silly. by 2008 it was too late, but we got an album. by 2011 it was lame again. by 2014 it was sad. by 2020 it was pathetic. in 2022 there's no word yet in English to describe this cockwomble sacks of shite they are GnR and TB. 

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5 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

Why were they doing it to an unprecedented level to trigger state of grace and atlas 10 days ago?? No one here was. They just randomly appeared. And are 30 GnR nerds in 10 different countries 'unprecedented'? 

As I have written quite a few times now, I believe what caused the first song to connect with GN'R was people having reached a threshold level for statistical significance. Then people started searching at an unprecedented level (even for us), which caused other songs to reach the same threshold level resulting in these too triggering GN'R as a suggested artist. 

5 minutes ago, Dani_1455 said:

So how many days have been since we start to search Red Panda and nothing has come up yet, I think that during these days more people has searched for Red Panda than for Cuban Skies, but the one that had appeared is the last one so maybe...

It would take a LOT more searches to affect the suggestions from "red panda", considering it is the name of a soundtrack for a fairly recent movie and undoubtedly searched for frequently, whereas "cuban skies" is likely a very rare search term and hence it would take fewer searches to reach statistical significance. 

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2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

As I have written quite a few times now, I believe what caused the first song to connect with GN'R was people having reached a threshold level for statistical significance. Then people started searching at an unprecedented level (even for us), which caused other songs to reach the same threshold level resulting in these too triggering GN'R as a suggested artist. 

I mean I agree this is in some way algorithm based but I don’t get how it wouldn’t have happened in 2019 when they came out. Doesn’t really matter how it happened though so it’s an irrelevant discussion i guess

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6 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

It’s certainly odd. Nothing adds up here.

I don't think it is odd at all. There are probably 100s that search for "red panda" every week with next to zero who search for "cuban skies". It is likely only when there is a large fraction out of the total who search for something, that the algorithm goes, "Hey, a lot of people who search for X likes to listen to Y, now I'm gonna suggest Y to everybody who searches for X!"

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1 minute ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

I mean I agree this is in some way algorithm based but I don’t get how it wouldn’t have happened in 2019 when they came out. Doesn’t really matter how it happened though so it’s an irrelevant discussion i guess

Maybe it happened but we just didn't pick up on it?

Maybe the threshold level wasn't reached until now?

Maybe Spotify has made changes to the search algorithm?

Maybe it has nothing to do with this at all?

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10 minutes ago, Arnuld said:

Spotify has 433 million active users. If a few hundred (and it may be much less than that) have the ability to affect the Spotify search algorithm this much then they need to completely remodel the whole thing. And someone made a good point about SOG. Why did that song just come out of nowhere?! 

But there aren't 433 million who search for "cuban skies". 

The purpose of Spotify suggesting music to people based on their listening preferences (or searching preferences) is to make sure that they only suggest an artist if a substantial volume of everybody who searched for a term enjoy the same music (then that music can be suggested to everybody who searches for that term). And it wouldn't take many searches by us to comprise a substantial fraction of everybody who searches for "cuban skies". It would take A LOT of searches by us to affect artist suggestions based on songs like Paradise City, Back in Black, Hey Jude, etc, where weekly searches are likely in the thousands.

And it isn't a weakness of the search algorithm if it can take as little as a few dozen searches to affect the artist suggestions, if the total number of searches for this term is not much more. It isn't the absolute number of searches that matter, but the proportion. And if a large proportion of everybody who searches for a specific song, likes the same music, then the algorithm behaves as intended if it suggests this music to all who searches for that term.

As for State of Grace, I don't know. Maybe it wasn't even the first song where the threshold was reached, just the first song where we realized Spotify was now suggesting GN'R as an artist. Or maybe more fans are like me and prefer State of Grace over Atlas and Shrugged. I don't know.

Again, I am not sure what the explanation is. But I am pretty sure that GN'R has not submitted Thyme, Ballad of Death, and many other songs for release on a new album. There are too many songs, too unlikely songs, and they all have the names they had back in 2001. It is just highly implausible. It is much more likely that this is just Spotify picking up on our listening habits. It is definitely not a perfect theory at all, but in my opinion vastly more likely than all of these songs being about to be released.  

Edited by SoulMonster
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3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Again, I am not sure what the explanation is. But I am pretty sure that GN'R has not submitted Thyme, Ballad of Death, and many other songs for release on a new album. There are too many songs, too unlikely songs, and they all have the names they had back in 2001. It is just highly implausible. It is much more likely that this is just Spotify picking up on our listening habits. It is definitely not a perfect theory at all, but in my opinion vastly more likely than all of these songs being about to be released.  

Forgetting the spotify algorithm this really is spot on. Listen to this guy everybody!

This thread is going to reach 1000 pages and we will get nowhere with it. We cannot understand the algorithm 100%, there's never enough evidence for you guys.

You wanna believe it so much, that you do not listen to reason!!!

I wish we had a new album in the works, I have hope... But this spotify thing is not it.

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3 hours ago, Blackstar said:

I tried searching for various things on Apple Music (on the webpage, because I don't have Apple) and it seems to return only results that are actually relevant to the searched words. Of course, I suppose, parameters such as listening habits and searches are taken into account there, too, in order to give personalised results for Apple users on the app, but it still won't return totally irrelevant and "garbage" results like Spotify seems to do both on the webpage and app. If Spotify can be affected like that by a bunch of GN'R nutjobs searching, its algorithm really sucks.

Hahaha that's exactly what I've been trying to say 100 pages ago!!!

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