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Covid-19 Thread


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Things are really getting back in India.

Over 10k new confirmed cases and almost 2k deaths reported in the last 24 hours.  Since India has one of the lowest rate of testing in the world (along with Pakistan, Mexico, and Brazil), one figures that the problem is significantly worse than the official numbers.

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This lockdown/new normal thing is doing wonders for me to become my best self. My best misanthropic self :D

I have the perfect excuse for getting out of anything to do with people. And there’s always someone not social distancing who I get to call an asshole. And others applaud me for it!! This is f’n suiting me just fine :lol:

Edited by soon
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The Texas schools are trying to decide on what to do in August. I got a text from my daughter's school saying some students might actually go to school and some can still do virtual.

I have to make a decision soon. It's hard to decide which would be best and if they can keep my child and other children safe.

The schools would keep the desks 6 feet apart and kids would eat in their classrooms. I think the teachers will wear masks and gloves and probably be cleaning a lot more. No playground time. Not sure about gym. The kids will need some way to exercise.

The schools have to follow the Texas state guidelines, but since many people are slacking off and not following the rules who knows if parents will follow them bringing their kids to school?

I know it would be better for the kids to learn in school with their teacher, but will it be safe for them?

Stay safe.

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On 6/15/2020 at 4:46 PM, RussTCB said:

Do you ever have any sources to share for this non stop barrage of doom & gloom you're constantly posting in this thread? 

So you're trying to tell me Trump may have made a claim that ended up not being true? I don't believe it lol 

Sorry but don't you think we should all know this stuff for our safety.

You know Trump lies or maybe he believes his own lies? Not sure. I try not to listen to him because I think he makes up stuff most of the time. I know Dr. Fauci isn't with him much anymore.

These are crazy times we live in. I just hope we all get through them okay.

Stay well.

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55 minutes ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Sorry but don't you think we should all know this stuff for our safety.

You know Trump lies or maybe he believes his own lies? Not sure. I try not to listen to him because I think he makes up stuff most of the time. I know Dr. Fauci isn't with him much anymore.

These are crazy times we live in. I just hope we all get through them okay.

Stay well.

Everything you just posted has nothing to do with the question I asked in the first place. 

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23 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Sorry but don't you think we should all know this stuff for our safety.

You know Trump lies or maybe he believes his own lies? Not sure. I try not to listen to him because I think he makes up stuff most of the time. I know Dr. Fauci isn't with him much anymore.

These are crazy times we live in. I just hope we all get through them okay.

Stay well.

This will all go away in November.  Be patient.

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On 17/06/2020 at 8:48 PM, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

The Texas schools are trying to decide on what to do in August. I got a text from my daughter's school saying some students might actually go to school and some can still do virtual.

I have to make a decision soon. It's hard to decide which would be best and if they can keep my child and other children safe.

The schools would keep the desks 6 feet apart and kids would eat in their classrooms. I think the teachers will wear masks and gloves and probably be cleaning a lot more. No playground time. Not sure about gym. The kids will need some way to exercise.

The schools have to follow the Texas state guidelines, but since many people are slacking off and not following the rules who knows if parents will follow them bringing their kids to school?

I know it would be better for the kids to learn in school with their teacher, but will it be safe for them?

Stay safe.

I think you should send your kids back to school in full scuba diving kit.

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On 17-6-2020 at 9:48 PM, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

The Texas schools are trying to decide on what to do in August. I got a text from my daughter's school saying some students might actually go to school and some can still do virtual.

I have to make a decision soon. It's hard to decide which would be best and if they can keep my child and other children safe.

The schools would keep the desks 6 feet apart and kids would eat in their classrooms. I think the teachers will wear masks and gloves and probably be cleaning a lot more. No playground time. Not sure about gym. The kids will need some way to exercise.

The schools have to follow the Texas state guidelines, but since many people are slacking off and not following the rules who knows if parents will follow them bringing their kids to school?

I know it would be better for the kids to learn in school with their teacher, but will it be safe for them?

Stay safe.

I think kids are fine. My daughter's been going back to school for two weeks now. They stay in their own class bubble and on the playground have separate spaces per class. They often wash hands and have this whole system in check to go to the bathroom too. They have 'one way traffic' in the corridors too. They have their snacks and water in class and if possible, they're asked to go home for lunch (my daughter always comes home for lunch). The kids who have to have lunch at school, eat in class too.

Looking at other countries who opened up schools, the main things is to keep adults and the elderly apart, kids don't seem to spread it significantly. Which is different with the flu, of course.

I suppose there's always a risk, but that's life. It seems the downsides of not going to school far outweigh the possible risks involved in going to school, with precautions taken. Or that's what I believe anyway (because experts believe it). Let's hope I'm right :)

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9 minutes ago, Lio said:

It seems the downsides of not going to school far outweigh the possible risks involved in going to school, with precautions taken. Or that's what I believe anyway (because experts believe it). Let's hope I'm right :)

Imagine if this went on for a few years and people started homeschooling their kids. A lot of these parents aren't as educated or 'street-smart' as they believe themselves to be. 

We'd be doomed :lol:

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20 minutes ago, UcudBmine said:

Imagine if this went on for a few years and people started homeschooling their kids. A lot of these parents aren't as educated or 'street-smart' as they believe themselves to be. 

We'd be doomed :lol:

There's a huge problem with this becoming the "new normal".  A lot of families are set up with both parents working to pay the bills each month.  Taking kids out of school prevents many women (and in some cases men) from returning to work.  It will force many parents to quit their jobs to be there so the kids can distance learn from home.  It's such a complicated situation for so many families.

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2 hours ago, UcudBmine said:

Imagine if this went on for a few years and people started homeschooling their kids. A lot of these parents aren't as educated or 'street-smart' as they believe themselves to be. 

We'd be doomed :lol:

You quite often find it's the least educated and capable people who choose to home school. It's a big problem with god botherers who don't want their kids to learn actual facts. 

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4 minutes ago, Dazey said:

You quite often find it's the least educated and capable people who choose to home school. It's a big problem with god botherers who don't want their kids to learn actual facts. 

To make this lazy and un-true, anecdotal point while also making an appeal to "actual facts" in the same fell swoop. Well, some people just arent as street smart as they think they are...

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6 hours ago, soon said:

To make this lazy and un-true, anecdotal point while also making an appeal to "actual facts" in the same fell swoop. Well, some people just arent as street smart as they think they are...

Studies show that whereas 11 % of children in American US' schools have parents with an educational level of "less than high school", the number is 15 % for children who are homeschooled (how can it be allowed to let people with no education homeschool??). Even more worryingly, the same number for homeschooled children was only 1 % in 1996. So increasingly parents with little to no education homeschool their children. 

Also, 51 % of parents who homeschool state religious reasons for this decision, 61 % because they don't like school curriculums, and 67 % because they want to provide moral instructions to their kids. 

When all this is summarized in a humorous post you get something like, "You quite often find it's the least educated and capable people who choose to home school. It's a big problem with god botherers who don't want their kids to learn actual facts." 

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3 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Studies show that whereas 11 % of children in American US' schools have parents with an educational level of "less than high school", the number is 15 % for children who are homeschooled (how can it be allowed to let people with no education homeschool??). Even more worryingly, the same number for homeschooled children was only 1 % in 1996. So increasingly parents with little to no education homeschool their children. 

Also, 51 % of parents who homeschool state religious reasons for this decision, 61 % because they don't like school curriculums, and 67 % because they want to provide moral instructions to their kids. 

When all this is summarized in a humorous post you get something like, "You quite often find it's the least educated and capable people who choose to home school. It's a big problem with god botherers who don't want their kids to learn actual facts." 

I love posts that start with "studies show".

More and more, I'm completely dismissive of arguments that start as such. If I wanted to review studies, I would do just that (I have no interest in doing so). If I wanted to hear your own opinion, not based on facts, then I'd be much more attentive.

In life, you really don't need any study whatsoever. You just need to open your eyes and shut your mouth, and you'll be fine.

Increasingly, this society demands hard data, sources and studies for even to be allowed to express an opinion. I say bollox to that. My opinions are hardly based on sources or facts, and I see no problem with that. You want sources? see google.

9 hours ago, Dazey said:

You quite often find it's the least educated and capable people who choose to home school. It's a big problem with god botherers who don't want their kids to learn actual facts. 

wouldn't the least educated people not attend school at all, public or home?

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9 hours ago, soon said:

To make this lazy and un-true, anecdotal point while also making an appeal to "actual facts" in the same fell swoop. Well, some people just arent as street smart as they think they are...

agreed. We'll fight for our cause together soon, backed by our army of chickens ;)

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11 hours ago, UcudBmine said:

Imagine if this went on for a few years and people started homeschooling their kids. A lot of these parents aren't as educated or 'street-smart' as they believe themselves to be. 

We'd be doomed :lol:

the most important facts aren't teached at school.

they teach algebra at school for crying out loud. Algebra. When do you ever need that? It surely won't help to put that paiting on the wall. They don't teach you to take up a hammer and screwdriver.

A man is valued, not by his knowledge teached at school, but by his ability to repair a gutter and to pick up a spade.

Abilties, that most slack-jawed milennials are sorely missing. 

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29 minutes ago, action said:

I love posts that start with "studies show".

More and more, I'm completely dismissive of arguments that start as such. If I wanted to review studies, I would do just that (I have no interest in doing so). If I wanted to hear your own opinion, not based on facts, then I'd be much more attentive.

I was commenting on soon's dismissal of Dazey's post as untrue. Then my personal opinion is irrelevant, only facts matter. 

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2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

I was commenting on soon's dismissal of Dazey's post as untrue. Then my personal opinion is irrelevant, only facts matter. 

this isn't cluedo.

it's ok to express opinions. You won't lose the game if you don't show proof, relax.

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