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Axl to appear on "Hot ones"?

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15 hours ago, Billy Cundy said:

Haha would love to see it… though Axl strikes me as remarkably self conscious. Can’t imagine he’s open to sweating his bollocks off, swigging milk and choking whilst getting asked about why ChiDem took 14 years. Could be wrong. The axl fat-shaming community would have a meme field day. 

i’m so surprised none of them have been on Joe Rogan yet. Joe Rogan knows fuck all about music and by all accounts, does zero research prior to meeting rockstars. Weirdly, it results in slightly more interesting conversations. Like when he spent an hour talking to Hetfield about bees. I was certain duff would be on at some point, what with his ‘bro’ credentials (finance degree, martial artist, everything Rogan loves)…

A long form interview with axl would honestly be as welcome as new music.  


More than likely axl would get high with him too so no idea what random stuff he will bring out on a interview. Would be interesting but will never happen

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I've watched a few episodes to see what kind of questions would be asked.

david grohl questions (exact wording):


So your new studio film, Studio 666, draws inspiration from the Foo Fighters tenth studio album, which likewise was recorded in a possibly haunted Encino mansion steeped in rock history. What were you original expectations for the project? I read a quote of yours recently where you enthusiastically and maybe even surprisingly declared, it's a movie movie. - New project.

That's such an amazing seque here to the next question, because your deep and abiding love of barbecue, you have a quote that I think that would make any food writer jealous, where you say, you create a recipe as you would a song. You prepare a meal as you would a record. When people come back for seconds, well, that's your encore. What's the key to a good rub in your opinion? - Hobby.

I am curious what you think people get wrong when they debate the greatest drummers of all time. - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

We have a recurring segment on our show called Explain That Gram where do a deep five on our guest's instagram, pull interesting pictures that need more context, so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor. You just tell us the bigger story. All right first things first, in 2015 you famously finished a show in Sweden after falling off the stage two songs in and severely breaking your leg. What's the second most severe injury that you've ever suffered while performing? - Biographical

How would you distill your connection to the Late Show with David Letterman, between being his final music act, and then paying homage to him when he guest-hosted (??unknown word) does seem like a unique bond there. - Biographical

So it's interesting to me, that when you began your career, stardom meant teenagers putting your poster on the wall and being the definition of untouchable. But now we live in an era of such widespread accessibility and so many different ways to reach an audience. What excites you most when you see young arts building a wave in the internet age, and then, what, if anything, worries you about the new ways music is discovered and consumed? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

So I read that Foo Fighters recorded an album to tape so that nobody could mess with it afterwards. In your opinion, does over-producing or over-manipulating a song undermine what it means to make music in any way? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

So between the Sound City tour, and then being a part-time member of the Taylor Hawkins Chevy Metal cover band, you have a lot of experience exploring the work of other legendary musicians. What do you learn by playing other people's music live? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

So you've been a self-descrived UFO nerd for decades, and I'm curious how that interest peaked. I've heard to reference the 1987 best-selling book Above Top Secret by Timothy Good. - Hobby

(Interviewer drinks a shot from the stuff that Grohl brought, skips last question, and Grohl enjoys the last wing and talks. Interviewer lets Grohl talk.)

Tenacious D questions (duo being interviewed together, not exact wording for questions):


Is it true you couldn't stand Jack when you met him in the late 80's? - Biographical

Highlights and lowlights of your tour-rider challenge where you try to eat everything on your tour rider regardless of quantity? - Hobby

Is the internet urban legend true you started an earthquake in New Zealand opening for the Foo-Fighters? Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Explain the Dorito Burrito. - Opinion

What do you think of each other's solo projects? - Opinion

What was your most disastrous live performance? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Explain that gram, about pyrotechnics - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Kanye talked about your Tenacious D being in his music. Do you see Tenacious D in Kayne's music at all? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

What album would you recommend to convince someone that 80's metal isn't just loud noise? - Opinion

Bucket question:
(They reach into a bucket and pull out a question to ask each other)
Question pulled out: When were the last time you were actually really pissed off at me? - Biographical

Your lyrics have becom popular in pop culture. Sports center anchor Scott Van Pelt would quote some of your lrycis, do you get a kick out of that? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

(They give Tenacious D some instruments, and ask for an impromptu live performance)


Zoe Saldaña questions:
(These ones aren't word for word quotes. She's not relevant to the music industry, I just watched her episode for fun and thought might as well add them in,)



Asks how she feels about spicy food. - Opinion

Asks her about the making of Avatar 2's underwater filming, and her experience with underwater motion capture. - New project

Asks her about the difference between the Star Trek and Marvel fans. - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Most paranoid thing movie studio did to protect secrecy of production? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Asks her about her background to ballet dancing, and tips on breaking a pair of pointe-shows - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

How has your ballet background served you as action star?  - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Give context to instagram picture. - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

Do you have sixth sense when it comes to being in projects that make a massive amount of money? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

You went out living in the outdoors with the Avatar cast and James Cameron. What notes has James Cameron given you is quintessentially "James Cameron"? - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work.

You grew up in the Dominican republic, can you explain Dominican-Chinese food? - Biographical

What is special about what science fiction can do, that other genres cant? - Opinion


So if Axl were to appear on the show, and we had to guess some potential questions, I guess:

One about performing with AC/DC - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work

Maybe something about the November Rain video hitting a billion views on Youtube and maybe why it's so well liked - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work

Hobby questions might be something about that zoo he has at home, or cars

Whatever the hell happened to this Bentley https://www.tmz.com/2010/10/20/axl-rose-bentley-flyng-spur-abuser-lawsuit-damage-broken-car-guns-n-roses/ (or is that question too spicy?) - Biographical

Explain that gram : Maybe they will ask why his instagram is so empty lol. or pull up a photo from somewhere.

Maybe something about his interesting sense of fashion onstage - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work

Maybe something about handling singing songs while growing older - Expertise/Opinion related to line of work

Maybe something about his band-members' solo projects - Opinion

Something about the Scooby Doo and Bugs bunny appearance



Edited by BucketEgg
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10 hours ago, Crazyman said:

His Kimmel appearance in 2012...aka 11 years ago already? He was promoting the Joint residency because it was selling that poorly.

Joe Rogan or Bill Maher's podcast would be the best venues for him to ever have an interview...but he won't. Hot Ones is too popular of a show these days to  have him. Look at who they interview - in demand actors/actresses and musicians promoting current work...not "legends"

I feel like people forget that he hasn't released an album on the "zeitgeist" of pop culture (truly, unless you consider the streaming records CD broke on Myspace 15 years ago) in more than 30 years? He's not even the "Howard Hughes of RnR" anymore. Just because he means a ton to some of the people on here doesn't mean every media person is shitting themselves to interview him right now.

I hate to be blunt to those who think otherwise, but unless you're talking about a "geriatric interviewing another geriatric" type show no one is beating the door down to interview Axl Rose in 2023. He's not the pop culture "icon" or whatever he was in 1992...and I'm sure he's thankful for that as well. 

Well he was not half as popular in 2011 and when it was announced he was appearing everybody tuned in. I think you're underestimating the interest gnr still have to a wide demographic... Despite everything they do to kill people's enthusiasm.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter one way or the other. 

But... There is still a huge interest in hearing Axl speak. People want to hear about what made the reunion happen, they want to know if there's a new record (hot ones wouldn't answer these questions), and they want to know how spicy he likes his chen wings. Slash and Duff interviews are common, they'll chat with anyone Axl is hard to get / very selective and that is what makes him desirable for interviewers to this day.


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On 5/1/2023 at 11:42 PM, DurhamGirl said:

I really cannot see Axl taking part in what sounds like an underwhelming tv show.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Hot Ones is a lot more hyped up and draws a lot more views than Axl nowadays.

Edited by Cosmo
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15 hours ago, Crazyman said:


Joe Rogan or Bill Maher's podcast would be the best venues for him to ever have an interview...but he won't. Hot Ones is too popular of a show these days to  have him. Look at who they interview - in demand actors/actresses and musicians promoting current work...not "legends"


Marc Maron I think would be a good pick.  He is way less batshit crazy than Joe especially regarding the last few years of the world lol and I think would vibe with Axl way more on a musical level since he actually has some musical knowledge (his interview with Slash was great because they were nerding out on guitar stuff so much for example)

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I love Hot Ones. But I really do not see this happening - mostly because most of the guests are currently relevant (And the ones that aren't typically have something to promote). That said, a few other points worth mentioning...

- I don't think the type of questions being asked would be prohibitive of Axl appearing. Sean digs deep with his questions in the sense that he doesn't necessarily ask questions that would be expected, but he rarely asks controversial or hard-hitting questions. He's not looking to get some major revelation out of his guests - the show is very much an entertainment show first and foremost. 

- Hot Ones is a pretty well known YouTube series that gets a lot of viewers. Let's not pretend Axl is above appearing on such a show, he's not. 

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