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Perhaps - New Guns N' Roses Single - Discussion

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In my opinion, for what its worth, its just...... okay. Just a kinda bland, forgettable mid-tempo plodding rocker. 

If a new band came out with this as their first single, it wouldn't excite me. I'm only listening to it because of the GNR name. 

I had to look up who the producer is, because they did a terrible job with the cut and paste of that guitar solo. And why even change the solo if Slash is just going to half-ass it and phone it in like that? As someone else said, if you removed it completely, it would make zero difference. 

Having said that, there are some nice touches, and some decent little melodic parts. I'm happy that we have it, as I love this band, and I'm grateful for anything we can get from them, but let's just say I'm not blown away. Its not going to be getting played on repeat like some of their earlier stuff, and even some of the highlights from Chinese Democracy. 

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9 minutes ago, guitarpatch said:

It’s a good song. I wish they’d release whatever else they have  

As far as it being radio friendly or any thoughts of GnR capturing some part of the cultural zeitgeist? None of that matters and it’s a pretty high bar for those types of expectations or hope. Who listens to radio? 

It’s “success” or however you want to measure it shouldn’t matter to us. It’s impossible to compare to the past. Do you enjoy the song or not? 

I get it (I didn't at first), it's the sports fan mentality. They want their "team" (band) to win, to be champions again, to make them proud so they can brag to their friends/fans of other "teams".

But music should not be about this. All that should matter is whether someone enjoys it or not. I may follow the charts or ticket sales for "educational purposes", but I really don't care about this stuff.

Edited by Blackstar
  • GNFNR 2
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As somenone who didnt heard any of the leaks, and to me thats all Brand new. I loved the intro and verses, but the Chorus sounds too much like the late 90s/early 00s rock and metal, seems a litte bit outdated and all over the place, Still a great song thou. I think If the Chorus have been redone and uptade this could be a huge sucess...

All that Chidem era seems poor to me when It comes to Chorus, a thing that GNR was phenomenal in the first albuns. 

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Just now, Free Bird said:

Actions speak louder than words. Something prevented him all the years from releasing it.

"Something" was right.

and what was that something? we don't know. Could have been a different reason than just having no interest in releasing it. (action)

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