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Slash's Third Album - "World On Fire"


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Such a god damn shame a Kennedy/Page/Jones/Bonham tour didn't happen. For fuck's sake I got up at like 8 am every day in 08 hoping and praying for an announcement.

Ah well, at least I have seen Plant, Page, and Bonzo Jr before. Still have to see Jones

What did you think about Them Crooked Vultures? That would have been a good chance to see Jones around 2009/2010.

About that Myles/Page/Jones/Bonham tour. Thing is if that happened, would he still end up working with Slash?

Edited by Anguyen92
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Such a god damn shame a Kennedy/Page/Jones/Bonham tour didn't happen. For fuck's sake I got up at like 8 am every day in 08 hoping and praying for an announcement.

Ah well, at least I have seen Plant, Page, and Bonzo Jr before. Still have to see Jones

What did you think about Them Crooked Vultures? That would have been a good chance to see Jones around 2009/2010.

About that Myles/Page/Jones/Bonham tour. Thing is if that happened, would he still end up working with Slash?

Wouldn't that have been about 2008? Slash was 2010 so maybe. During the interview with Trunk he was saying how he was finishing a tour with AlterBridge and get's a phone call, he comes back from taking the call and tell Tremonti, "that was jimmy paige, he wants me to come out to the UK after this tour and rehearse with him, bonham and jones." (or something to that effect)

can you imagine getting that call?

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Gotta say I was skeptical but World on fire is actually a pretty cool rock record. I thought the 2010 album was alright, same goes for apocalyptic love, I also thought Myles and Slash just didn't work well together, on this album it seems to have locked up really well. Some fantastic playing throughout the album and some of the riffs are absolute classic slash, It's also my favourite Slash album sonically, the drums sound fantastic and like a real person played them, the guitar sounds are actually as good as all the hype those reel to reel vides built up. 17 songs is a lot but, it's hard to find a song to cut, maybe after a few more listens I'll find some songs that aren't that fantastic.

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Slash mentioned in 1 of the vids that he personally spent 2 weeks toward the end just ordering and re-ordering the track list. Think he did a perfect job, nice flow throughout.

17 songs a lot to initially wrap your head around when judging the album, but longer term it's great to have the extra tracks. Helps reduce fatigue.

That said, if I had to remove 3 tracks, the choices would be WOF, Dirty Girl and Avalon. And Avalon really the only 1 I'm indifferent to, I like WOF and Dirty Girl. That bridge in Dirty Girl mighty tasty. :wub:

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I asked Elvis if he thinks slash will have a change of singers and he said "myles isn't going anywhere"

Based on any and every interview I've seen with the two of them; seems like quite the no brainer.
Yep I have said that from the start, you can tell slash is happy as with Myles Edited by Gibbo 27
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I'd be getting rid of Frank out of anyone, Slash obviously doesn't think he's that great or he'd be on the album. I know who I wouldn't be getting and that is Gilby after seeing them recent video's

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Totally subjective, but for me WOF > Fortress though hard to compare as they are 2 very different records. And I just prefer Slash's playing over Tremonti's.

It's the diversity of WOF over 17 tracks that makes it for me and keeps the record from sounding "too long".

In the end I'd pick WOF but it's a strange album. Automatic is awesome but I don't buy Myles knowing some nympho chick. Fortress he's comfortable. Lyrically it makes sense.
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Really the first time?


I know, right? I'm not and I never was a Velvet Revolver fan. All I have is pirated copies of Contraband and Libertad on my notebook. Never heard of Messages before until ER said Battleground had a similar vibe. Since, for someone reason, I couldn't find Messages in any of those records, I had to look it up on YouTube. :lol:

I swear I have tried many many times to get into VR, but nothing. There are some cool Slash riffs that I dig, but that's all.

Nosaj, I am disappoint. :max:

"Messages" is such a beautiful song to me.

Being honest, man. First listen and thought it was terrible. I really tried to like it.

Haha Nosaj is just being honest. I love Messages. Slash taps into that Estranged vibe. Slash can tap that shit sometimes.

Never heard or perceived the Estranged vibe at all but I never liked VR so, who knows, maybe I'm biased.

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Messages is probably the best thing he's done since leaving Guns. Whoever relegated it to b-side status on the otherwise lacklustre Libertad is a retard.

Agree totally. It should have been the lead single off Libertad with all monies going to the 9/11 charities, that would have made it huge and would have given the very average album in was on the push it so badly needed.

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Ok, I'm one of the resident Slash fans of the board, and here is my review.

The first half is really strong, but the second half drifts into mediocrity with boring radio rock, so much so, that I find myself skipping them because they sound so "meh" to me.
I'm also quite disappointed with some songs that start out great with awesome Slash riffing, but then soon drift into blandness once the verses kick in.

Individual track impressions:

World on Fire
Definitely grew on me after the initial few listens. It reminds me of early Ozzy era, and Myles' sleazy lyrics kinda work on this one.
Slash's riffing and soloing sound great, and Todd's bass melodies are really great too!

Shadow Life
This was another grower, and the melodies stuck in my head for a few days after first hearing it.
That riff that kicks in at the 25 second mark kinda reminds me of Welcome To The Jungle for some reason.
This is a good example of where Slash & Myles work well together.

Automatic Overdrive
Musically it sounds pretty good, but I just don't like the vocal melodies or lyrics at all.
This is the song where the signs of bland radio rock is starting appear, but then we get to...

Wicked Stone
Absolutely LOVE this one!
Another Locomotive / Standing In The Sun type track, just really great driving riffing and really great lead guitar!
And having seen the live videos of it appear in this thread, it sounds like an absolute beast when performed live. Can't get enough of this song!

30 Years to Life
Kicks off with some cool slide guitar, and drumming that recalls Paradise City, then straight into some cool dual lead guitar melody, that reminds me of VR's Just Sixteen.
Some of the lyrics are a bit hit and miss, but outside of that I really like it. Definitely one of the stronger songs on the album.

Bent to Fly
To me, this is the albums best ballad (much better than Battleground or Unholy)
Kinda like a mix of Beggars & Hangers On, Back From Cali and Alter Bridge's Rise Today.
It just seems really well put together, structure-wise, with some great passionate lyrics from Myles, and some tasteful rhythm and lead guitar from Slash.

Stone Blind
Sounds a bit like a Snakepit 2 B-side. In fact, there was a song called 99 Times that Snakepit debuted live before Ain't Life Grand came out, but never made it to the album.
Anyway, this sounds like a re-worked version of 99 Times, and its kinda like by-the-numbers Slash rock, but solid nevertheless. Really nice solo in this one too!

Too Far Gone
One of the Real to Reel riffs appears!
Starts with so much potential - that opening sounds so fucking kickass, but then we get to the verse, and it just turns so bland, with an even blander chorus.
Really disappointed about that. Such a strong riff is brought down by a rubbish song surrounding it...

Beneath the Savage Sun
Myles channels his best Layne Staley in the intro, and it sounds like classic AIC!
Like others have mentioned, probably the most metal song Slash has written.
Another album highlight, and the breakdown sounds very much like something from an Alter Bridge track.

Withered Delilah
Much like Too Far Gone, we hear another Real to Reel killer riff, and the rest of the song lets it down.
Just not feeling the verses, or chorus at all... That opening riff though - classic Slash!

Sounds like a Libertad b-side... especially for the hype it seemed to get.
Not feeling this one much, though it has grown on me a little, and the outro reminds me of Jimi Hendrix's Hey Joe.

Dirty Girl
Go to track 8 on Ain't Life Grand, and you'll hear that Slash is heading into familiar territory, that riff sounds quite similar...!
For some reason musically this reminds me of modern day Aerosmith, and I like it instrumentally, but lyrics about a dirty girl just sound plain dumb.... not a fan!

Iris of the Storm
Meh... sounds like middle of the road radio rock. Don't like this at all...!

See description of Iris for how I fee about this one

The Dissident
Also see description of Iris for how I fee about this one too... sounds like something you'd find at the end of a Foo Fighters album (very bland!)

Safari Inn
Finally the album picks up again after three really bland songs!
When I first heard it, I thought it was a lesser version of Watch This, but a few listens later, I'm really digging the funky, jazzy style of this one!
Just seems like an exercise for Slash to solo over, but its a nice change of pace, and I imagine Slash will be all over this when they bust it out live.

The Unholy
Another song I'm not entirely sold on, especially for an album closer.
Myles tries to come across evil in his vocal delivery, but I think he did it much better on the song Nothing Left To Fear.
Slash could've given this one a more menacing outro solo too. It just sounds too happy for the mood I imagine they were going for, and in the end it comes across kinda bland...

So overall, if the best tracks were trimmed down, or the even the bland ones worked on more, we'd have a really killer album.
On the lesser tracks, some of Slash's solos sound like Slash just noodling for the sake of noodling, and it just sounds so uninspired...
If we had an entire album of Wicked Stone and Bent To Fly quality material, we'd have a winner, but the bland tracks just bring this album down a few notches for me.

That said, the album sounds fantastic. I don't think Slash has ever sounded better sonically on a studio album than he has on World On Fire.
The band sounds great too, and the overall production and mix sounds great.

And, I'm also still looking forward to seeing Slash live on his next tour, even if its just to hear him bust out Wicked Stone!

I also strongly disagree what some people are syaing here about Fortress being the lesser album against World on Fire.
Myles sounds really great throughout Fortress, both lyrically and vocally. And songwise, I've listened to that album a hundred times or more, and have never gotten bored listening to it, unlike some tracks on World On Fire.

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