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Duff radio interview in Argentina

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Maybe... under all the disguises the bulge is actually just muscle... maybe axls bulked up, that's why he can't run around anymore his muscles are weighing him down! we should ask him to stop working out to improve his vocals and stage presence. He looks pretty beefed up in those photos, must be steroids. :rofl-lol:

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Again, he looks fine for a 52 year old. Most would be incredibly unable to perform like he does every other night. I`m 28 y/o ans would probably be destroyed after 2 shows.

His taste in fashion is attrocious though. This hat, and the undersized leather jacked with those little details that resemble some reptile skin. For fuck's sake, wear a t-shirt.

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Again, he looks fine for a 52 year old. Most would be incredibly unable to perform like he does every other night. I`m 28 y/o ans would probably be destroyed after 2 shows.

He looks terrible for a 52 year old. You're making it sound like 52 years old is the new 85 years old. Give me a break.

My grandfather is 76, he's slim as fuck and works building houses. A true champion. lol Axl.

Edited by Nosaj Thing
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Again, he looks fine for a 52 year old. Most would be incredibly unable to perform like he does every other night. I`m 28 y/o ans would probably be destroyed after 2 shows.

His taste in fashion is attrocious though. This hat, and the undersized leather jacked with those little details that resemble some reptile skin. For fuck's sake, wear a t-shirt.


He has 52 years too ...

Edited by SeBaZ
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Pretty much everyone in original Guns looks better than Axl now, which is pretty sad since they partied way harder than him.

In Axl's defense, he's the only one that can party now, the others are forbidden of doing that.

True, which is cool. But clearly he has just let himself go. Its sad to see.

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Come on, guys.

"The management didn't know that Duff would do an interview. When they found out, they canceled."

Typical TB.

The entire Lebeis family is a pox on the face of humanity.

I see their angle. It's inevitable that all of the questions would involve a GNR reunion and that's not the message they want to send at the moment. He hasn't even played with them yet and it only has the potential to ruin a good arrangement. I hate to sound so groveling but just be thankful they were cool with Duff coming back.

Yeah, but they had to know interviews would be a part of this, so don't ask him if you're that afraid of it. Because it is insulting, especially for someone of Duff's stature and track record of giving excellent, often measured interviews. Duff has taken reunion questions for many years, there would be no big risk here.

TB shouldn't be canceling Duff's interviews, they should be taking notes. And I'm saying that seriously.

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I'm pretty sure Duff was just knackered. 3 fans met him outside the hotel just after he arrived, he signed stuff for them and took photos but they said it was obvious the guy was just beat after a really long flight, think he just wanted to sleep after that.

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This makes no sense! TB should have no power over duff. He isn't signed to be a part of guns n roses currently. He's just filling in for Tommy. Whatever contract he signed for these 5 shows probably didn't say no interviews, so I see no reason why TB feels they have control over duff.

Duff could have said I just won't be playing your shows then. GNR would lose money for canceling 5 shows so they would let duff do what he wants.

Idk if this is duff backing down or TB controlling him. I'm just speculating.

Maybe Duff, the class act he is, was just being polite. Maybe he just wants to play those shows, hang out with Axl and not cause any drama.

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What did Sebaz say beyond Duff's interview was cancelled by management?

Sebaz said: "The management didn't know that Duff would do an interview. When they found out, they canceled."

There's no good reason or bad reason. They cancelled an interview that people were waiting for. Not here, but in Argentina. :shrugs:

Duff's plane was delayed, which in turn delayed the interview. Duff then reached the area, but was further delayed by a random protest. The show Duff was supposed to be interviewed on finished, and as Russell reported, the subsequent show knew nothing about GNR.

If I were management, and I was trying to organize a show that featured a bass player who hadn't played a full show in 21 years, I'd have cancelled.

Yes, yes, but your speculation is still less credible.

Hang on, how does that make my speculation any less credible?

"They found out about Duff's interview, and cancelled" - doesn't necessarily mean they cancelled the interview because they were uncomfortable with Duff doing a GNR interview. It could also mean that they had preparation planned, and because the interview was so heavily delayed, they were worried it might infringe on a more pressing schedule.

If you are preparing a show, then naturally you are going to cancel an interview that has been continuously rescheduled throughout a day.

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Here I was, anxiouslyy opening up this thread expecting some very cool Duff interview, and as per usual, disappointment.

At least I got to see pictures of Beta with some of her fans. That made up for it.


That woman in the video deciced to cancel the Duff interview. Somebody must let her know we care about Duff not her

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genuinely curious. why is it that south american fans all seem to know who beta is? i just imagine that when Guns tours through North America, outside of the Internet fans attending shows, probably nobody would have a clue who she is. Yet she's borderline a celebrity over there. It's interesting to me, but also perplexing.

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