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GN’R Reps Confirm Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal Has Left The Band

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Yes,DJ ashba is a poser,but at least when he decided to leave the band he wrote a letter explaining the situation.This guy is cheating on us.

REUNION NOW! bring back the boys that would kill to be in the band again

If you ask me, DJ was probably also the "insider" who confirmed this news.

Now that he's officially out of the band he probably feels more at liberty to say something. I think it's common knowledge he and Ron didn't get along.

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'Slash has been out of the band since last year'

'Everybody knows the album was turned in months ago'

'Ron has been out since Vegas'

This 'rep' does talk like the gnr we know. Now the gloves are off, I expect Ron will have something to say about this statement.

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Holy shit. I hope this isn't accurate. Here's ron's most recent set list. It's mostly GNR classics:


I'm sorry but this set list a freaking joke. I lost all respect for BBF for this, and to be honest I don't know how anyone can defend him. If he wants to go around saying "former guns n roses guitarist", fine do that. If he wants to play 1 or 2 gnr songs, fine, but they really should be songs he actually played on, but whatever. But to go out and play a set full of gnr songs, and what 2 maybe 3 of his own songs? That's some b.s.. Especially from a guy that wants to play and create his own music. I have NEVER seen a former member try and milk his connection to the band like this. Say what to you will about Axl or even Adler, but they were there day 1. Even Gilby doesn't milk his connection like this, it's pretty pathetic really...


Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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Holy shit. I hope this isn't accurate. Here's ron's most recent set list. It's mostly GNR classics:


I'm sorry but this set list a freaking joke. I lost all respect for BBF for this, and to be honest I don't know how anyone can defend him. If he wants to go around saying "former guns n roses guitarist", fine do that. If he wants to play 1 or 2 gnr songs, fine, but they really should be songs he actually played on, but whatever. But to go out and play a set full of gnr songs, and what 2 maybe 3 of his own songs? That's some b.s.. Especially from a guy that wants to play and create his own music. I have NEVER seen a former member try and milk his connection to the band like this. Say what to you will about All or even Adler, but they were there day 1. Even Gilby doesn't milk his connection like this, it's pretty pathetic really...


Yeah, honestly it's actually hard to believe that he's doing it. I thought he was above that.

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Holy shit. I hope this isn't accurate. Here's ron's most recent set list. It's mostly GNR classics:


I can have zero respect for the guy...

All these bitching about new music, and he plays GNR songs (not even from CD of course, but he had nothing to do with the classic tracks) and 3 fucking tracks from his own album

I hope one day Axl gonna sue him

Take a look at ron's Facebook. He's jetting around Europe, playing shows to an audience who sees him as some link to GNR. They probably feel that this is the closest thing they'll get to reliving GNR heyday.

Ron knows it. He's flogging his unclear connection to GNR for all its worth.

That's the Promoters .Ron is most known for his time in Guns so of course the people who pay to book him are going to want to capitalize on it. Do you really think Ron goes around approving every gig poster or that he has the clout to tell the promoters to not use any GnR mentions in their advertising?

so,at the end of the day, he is still Axl's slave on some form but with a much lesser paycheck

Edited by Strange Broue
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Nobody is under contract anymore

So that crazy dude everyone shits on (MSL?) Was on to something all along aye? Lolzzz

Actually as much as annoying the posters over there, they like facts (other than hating this board and it's members and posting on a GNR is serious business style and sometimes fabricated some non GNR related lies)

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Holy shit. I hope this isn't accurate. Here's ron's most recent set list. It's mostly GNR classics:


I'm sorry but this set list a freaking joke. I lost all respect for BBF for this, and to be honest I don't know how anyone can defend him. If he wants to go around saying "former guns n roses guitarist", fine do that. If he wants to play 1 or 2 gnr songs, fine, but they really should be songs he actually played on, but whatever. But to go out and play a set full of gnr songs, and what 2 maybe 3 of his own songs? That's some b.s.. Especially from a guy that wants to play and create his own music. I have NEVER seen a former member try and milk his connection to the band like this. Say what to you will about Axl or even Adler, but they were there day 1. Even Gilby doesn't milk his connection like this, it's pretty pathetic really...


If people want to hear him play the songs he should be able to. He played them for 8 years as a member of the band anyway.

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Think it is hilarious that people are getting mad at Ron

Because he is also to blame. Remember the Scott Weiland band Ron talked about? Well Weiland denied he was in such a band. Ron doesn´t know how keep his mouth shut. Nor he knows how to handle news on his social media and the media in general. Ron has also said in the past he was honoring a request regarding his status. Well he never honored anything if he is hinting all the time in many ways that he is not in the band anymore.

He is a guy who always seeme to act like an attention whore.

Of course there are many things to question about how GN´R operates. We have a band insider saying he doesn´t understand why Ron was evasive about his status. How come someone from the camp doesn´t know that BBF was asked to honor a request about his status?

This shows this band is in a total state of anarchy and the incredible lack of communication not just with us but among themselves. And Axl living in another planet talking about bullshit in twitter when everything around him is falling apart.

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I don't blame Ron for playing material people want to hear (even if it's not his own), but I do blame Axl for prostituting the GNR name and enabling people like Ashba, Pitman etc to add it to their CV.

For the record I've always had a very low opinion of Ron's original/solo work, I think he is for the most part a very talented yet completely tasteless guitarist...fucking love his Don't Cry instrumental from 06 though.

I've got nothing against Ron, good luck to him- he's too good for this last version of GNR anyway.

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Think it is hilarious that people are getting mad at Ron

Exactly. the guy was more upfront with fans than anyone in the band the last 20 years and suddenly he's the bad guy. Fuck that shit. If Ron quit a year ago then gnR should've releaseda statement saying so. Fucking assclowns. GnR(Axl and team Brazil) are the biggest morons in the history of music. Just another typical blame game from the king of excuses.

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Think it is hilarious that people are getting mad at Ron

Exactly. the guy was more upfront with fans than anyone in the band the last 20 years and suddenly he's the bad guy. Fuck that shit. If Ron quit a year ago then gnR should've releaseda statement saying so. Fucking assclowns. GnR(Axl and team Brazil) are the biggest morons in the history of music. Just another typical blame game from the king of excuses.

People getting mad at Ron in any fashion is astounding to me

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Think it is hilarious that people are getting mad at Ron

Exactly. the guy was more upfront with fans than anyone in the band the last 20 years and suddenly he's the bad guy. Fuck that shit. If Ron quit a year ago then gnR should've releaseda statement saying so. Fucking assclowns. GnR(Axl and team Brazil) are the biggest morons in the history of music. Just another typical blame game from the king of excuses.

People getting mad at Ron in any fashion is astounding to me

It truly is amazing. It's such an Axl mentality. these same people will probably blame Ron for the reason the abnd was never able to relase a follow up album. The one common denominator in all of this massive clusterfuck that is "Guns N Roses" is Axl Rose. It's remarkable that there are people out there who can't for the life of them see this.

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I'm not mad at ron, but I do find it to be in bad taste to go out and play 6 out 9 gnr songs. Especially when he made no bones about not being the biggest gnr fan when he was younger, and how he went on and on about creating his own music. Like I said before, if he played 9 songs and two of them were guns song, then whatever. But 6 out 9? That's fucking pathetic if you ask me. Did buckethead do that? No. Did Gilby so that? No. Did Ashba do that? No. When you are essentially stooping lower than EVERYONE, I have the right to call you out on it. He is basically pimping himself out as gnrs former guitar player like he is on the same level as an original member. I have gotten in Slash before for playing to much guns stuff, but at least he helped write those songs, he was fucking there. Same with Adler, Izzy, Duff, and Axl. They were there, BBF was not. But for him to go out and play basically a gnr set, like he IS Slash is some bullshit. Just because he is a nice guy, or was nice to some of you, you are letting that cloud your judgement.

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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