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Covid-19 Thread


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20 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

I sometimes feel that there are those desiring the US to have greater deaths in order to prove some political point.

I think thats undoubtable really.  I mean the human race is a wide and varied group, there's one of everything out there and some of every despicable thought processes you can imagine.

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8 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

If you had been talking about the disease and not the virus, 

I'm not a virologist, so you should not expect me to consequently use the right terms between disease and virus. 

I get it: you're smarter than all of us. Luckily people like me are stupid, because if we all would be as smart as you, you wouldn't be smart at all, isn't it?

academic discussions like these go beyond the scope of what this thread "should" be about.

This is mygnrforum, not the university of oxford message board.

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14 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Nothing gets Soul hornier than typing out ''SARS-CoV-2'' haha. 

talking to soul is a downright nightmare. You need to use academically accurate terms, post scientifically sound opinions with a healthy amount of references and cross-references, while keeping it all gramatically tied together.

posts you make, should basically be small publishable articles

and that's before getting to the actual content of the matter.

Edited by action
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Im one KonMari towel fold away from a gramable life. Other than that I cant think of much to say about the pandemic anymore. It strangely feels as though its no more du jour then the soup at a business park buffet counter. :shrugs:

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8 minutes ago, action said:

talking to soul is a downright nightmare. You need to use academically accurate terms, post scientifically sound opinions with a healthy amount of references and cross-references, while keeping it all gramatically tied together.

posts you make, should basically be small publishable articles

and that's before getting to the actual content of the matter.

70% of our (Soul and myself) disagreements are actually linguistic in nature - I am certain. We can superficially appear to be arguing about topics as diverse as religion or pandemics, yet at its heart the argument really revolves around language! I can only assume the Norwegian tongue is a very literal language. 

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39 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

70% of our (Soul and myself) disagreements are actually linguistic in nature - I am certain. We can superficially appear to be arguing about topics as diverse as religion or pandemics, yet at its heart the argument really revolves around language! I can only assume the Norwegian tongue is a very literal language. 

I find it hugely distracting in regards to the core topic, but soul has a way of sneaking in linguistic discussions in anything. Even though I think these discussions are an absolute waste of time, you tend to be sucked into them by ambush, feeling exhausted afterwards and being no step further. 

from now on, my policy will be to forgo any discussion of linguistic nature. I refuse to defend the use of certain words, like "disease" in stead of "virus" as I feel these distract from the matter at hand, are pointless to everyone apart from the incidental academic, and do not provide the level of intellectual interest that I seek and frankly just makes the participants look like fools. 

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Saw Trump today on the news. He said there will be a vaccine by December and all Americans will get it. Dr. Fauci was behind him wearing a mask. He agreed. Some good news.

then another doctor on another news channel said it might not work and you can't rush a vaccine. God! Can't they agree on some good news?

Anyway, guess time will tell. A general was there and he agreed since Trump said the armed forces will be out giving out the vaccines.

He did mention that America will give the vaccine to other nations. lol He was hesitant on that one. Really?

China is seeing more cases of the virus. South Korea which opened their night clubs are seeing an increase in the virus and they found one guy who was a teacher from another city, went to a Seoul nightclub and brought it to his students (he's a teacher) and gave it to some of his students. I think SK will close their nightclubs again.

Went to Walmart. Everyone had a mask. Very little shoppers. Tons of toilet paper now. lol Not much pork. it made me sad. Anyway, I don't like grocery shopping anymore. it's become very stressful trying to avoid other shoppers and staying 6 feet apart.

Stay well. 

Another note, a sports guy in Texas wants to put fans in the seats. Whatever!

A baseball player said he wants full pay to play and doesn't care what people think. He's in it for the money. lol At least he's honest.

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8 minutes ago, action said:

I find it hugely distracting in regards to the core topic, but soul has a way of sneaking in linguistic discussions in anything. Even though I think these discussions are an absolute waste of time, you tend to be sucked into them by ambush, feeling exhausted afterwards and being no step further. 

from now on, my policy will be to forgo any discussion of linguistic nature. I refuse to defend the use of certain words, like "disease" in stead of "virus" as I feel these distract from the matter at hand, are pointless to everyone apart from the incidental academic, and do not provide the level of intellectual interest that I seek and frankly just makes the participants look like fools. 

You can use any word you want to get your point across. Whatever you call it it's here and killing people.  Numbers are still going up even though not as high as before, but this virus is not going away anytime soon. You see how it's come back around in South Korea and China. It's just a terrible thing that is attacking our world.

And now there are different symptoms in kids under the age of 15. WTF? This is some scary shit. Call it what you will it's here and I think it's here to stay around for a long time to come.

Stay well. Have a pleasant weekend.

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I haven't heard much in regards or how it affects children. What's the word on that?

There was an "outbreak" at Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto a few weeks ago but the media seemed to not keep the focus on it and moved on. People get less freaked out if the focus is on old people I guess.

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We are starting to discuss how we could emulate South Korea better. Their strategy of testing, isolating, tracing and quarantine has worked really well. The idea is obviously to know who is infected and keep them quarantined while leting the rest of society go on as usual. This is an obvious approach but very hard to achieve. It requires A LOT of testing and then very efficient contact tracing to identify other people who might be infected so they can be put in isolation before they infect others. What South Korea has done to achieve this is to have a very good infrastructure for testing (labs, personnel and equipment), a very efficient health care system (South Korea has lots of emerging and established life sciences companies), clear policies, and a mandatory app that allows the government to study movement and contacts. 

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

We are starting to discuss how we could emulate South Korea better. Their strategy of testing, isolating, tracing and quarantine has worked really well. The idea is obviously to know who is infected and keep them quarantined while leting the rest of society go on as usual. This is an obvious approach but very hard to achieve. It requires A LOT of testing and then very efficient contact tracing to identify other people who might be infected so they can be put in isolation before they infect others. What South Korea has done to achieve this is to have a very good infrastructure for testing (labs, personnel and equipment), a very efficient health care system (South Korea has lots of emerging and established life sciences companies), clear policies, and a mandatory app that allows the government to study movement and contacts. 

Doesn't Norway use an app too? How is that working?

Belgium decided not to go for an app because they didn't find any efficient enough and because too few people would use it, making it useless. So we have contact tracers calling all infected people and they ask about contacts the past two weeks. We have to hope people still now (we're still mostly home or at work of course) and are honest about it. Plus I read that one week in, only 1 in 2 infected people have been contacted. That obviously needs to improve.

We are testing a lot now though, so we should get most people who get symptoms anyway.

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1 hour ago, Lio said:

Doesn't Norway use an app too? How is that working?

We launched an app with some fanfare a while ago. Not enough people started using it, and lately less and less people have had it turned on. So a bit of a failure. South Korea forces their people to use it, which of course helps a lot but poses other problems. 

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55 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

We launched an app with some fanfare a while ago. Not enough people started using it, and lately less and less people have had it turned on. So a bit of a failure. South Korea forces their people to use it, which of course helps a lot but poses other problems. 

Our government is trialling an app but it only emerged after launch that it doesn’t work on iPhones. So that’s useful. :lol:  

Edited by Dazey
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43 minutes ago, Dazey said:

Our government is trialling an app but it only emerged after launch that it doesn’t work on iPhones. So that’s useful. :lol:  

On my phone the Norwegian app keeps getting disconnected from Bluetooth without telling me. So I have to remember to go into its setting now and then and reconnect it otherwise it won't register if I am close to other people. Urk.

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48 minutes ago, Dazey said:

Our government is trialling an app but it only emerged after launch that it doesn’t work on iPhones. So that’s useful. :lol:  


2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

On my phone the Norwegian app keeps getting disconnected from Bluetooth without telling me. So I have to remember to go into its setting now and then and reconnect it otherwise it won't register if I am close to other people. Urk.

Okay. Seems that for now we're not missing out on anything yet then :lol:

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17 hours ago, Coma16 said:

I haven't heard much in regards or how it affects children. What's the word on that?

There was an "outbreak" at Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto a few weeks ago but the media seemed to not keep the focus on it and moved on. People get less freaked out if the focus is on old people I guess.

Some children are having bad rashes and inflammation of their internal organs especially their hearts. Most of them have to be admitted to a hospital. A few children have died. Some doctors said it's part of the corona virus but other says it's the kawasaki virus. Another deadly strain. Either way, it's effecting kids that have been exposed to the virus and it takes 4 weeks before it breaks out.

I have a 9 year old daughter and I'm worried. We are all okay for now, but who knows?

It seems this virus is the fucked up gift that keeps on giving. It's like cancer, once you have it anything and everything can go wrong.

Stay safe.

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10 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

We are starting to discuss how we could emulate South Korea better. Their strategy of testing, isolating, tracing and quarantine has worked really well. The idea is obviously to know who is infected and keep them quarantined while leting the rest of society go on as usual. This is an obvious approach but very hard to achieve. It requires A LOT of testing and then very efficient contact tracing to identify other people who might be infected so they can be put in isolation before they infect others. What South Korea has done to achieve this is to have a very good infrastructure for testing (labs, personnel and equipment), a very efficient health care system (South Korea has lots of emerging and established life sciences companies), clear policies, and a mandatory app that allows the government to study movement and contacts. 

Yeah, I heard that too, but since they opened their clubs the virus has started up again. I know SK has a huge population of young people who like to party every night.

Some of the people who tested positive were visiting Seoul and brought it to their cities/towns and infected other people.

I know they are testing the best, but you see how this virus comes back around over and over again. It's some bad mother fucker!

Stay well.

But I agree, the US needs to step up. Finally in my part of Dallas Walmarts are doing testing in their parking lots. So far we have not had any symptoms so we haven't needed to be tested, but I'm relieved that at least there are places to go now for testing.

some places are talking about apps to track people too.

My question is if I go to Walmart and have no idea who these other people are and someone gets ill, how can they let us know? They're not taking anyone's names in the stores and I don't know if/when those apps can be done?

It just keeps getting more crazy as we go. Every step anyone takes, this virus makes you go "Oh shit". What do we do now?

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