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March 20th, 2014 - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Black Sabbath

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Jarmo: "All 3 solos were new"

I just can't imagine Jarmo posting this stuff with a straight face.

Rumour has it you can really hear the rasp inside Axl's rectum, the acoustics are amazing! You can't really capture it with a colonoscopy camera.

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Jarmo: "All 3 solos were new"

I just can't imagine Jarmo posting this stuff with a straight face.

Rumour has it you can really hear the rasp inside Axl's rectum, the acoustics are amazing! You can't really capture it with a colonoscopy camera.

LOL! You just need to get Dizzy out of the way first. :lol:

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Jarmo: "All 3 solos were new"

I just can't imagine Jarmo posting this stuff with a straight face.

Rumour has it you can really hear the rasp inside Axl's rectum, the acoustics are amazing! You can't really capture it with a colonoscopy camera.

LOL! You just need to get Dizzy out of the way first. :lol:

I really wish Slash was in Axl's ass :(

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From this point on, I'm going to pretend Axl was killed after 2010, and the Axl we see now is a clone placed here by Slash(with help from NGOG) to ruin Axl's legacy.


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And GnR blows another chance of hitting a home run for the band.

On paper, everything about this show is acceptable. They showed up, they sounded good, they played the classic songs.

But man. GnR has so many chances to knock the ball out of the park and put some real steam into its fanbase..........and they just never seem to do it anymore.

Axl and Beta are going to do things this way from now on apparently. Least amount of effort required to still make money.

But why do the other guys put up with it? Are they getting paid that much? Or have they all just good with the fact that Axl isn't ever going to collaborate with them, he is never going to allow them to put their stamp on a future GnR album, and that they are just being paid to play old songs. As a musician it seems like that goes against the who "artistic integrity" thing. But I guess a fat paycheck is more important?

IF they are all happy doing this.......more power to them. It's their lives and their band and their career, they can run it however they choose.

BUT I sure hope they all know how it effects their fans.

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But why do the other guys put up with it? Are they getting paid that much? Or have they all just good with the fact that Axl isn't ever going to collaborate with them, he is never going to allow them to put their stamp on a future GnR album, and that they are just being paid to play old songs. As a musician it seems like that goes against the who "artistic integrity" thing. But I guess a fat paycheck is more important?

The talking point, usually from bitterly unhappy reunion types, is that this is the plush gig of alltime and they are making a mint.

I don't see it. I don't see where Axl gets all this huge coin to pay them.

I think, at the end of the day, its a sweet gig in terms of pay simply because its better than anything they could ever hope to go by themselves.

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But why do the other guys put up with it? Are they getting paid that much? Or have they all just good with the fact that Axl isn't ever going to collaborate with them, he is never going to allow them to put their stamp on a future GnR album, and that they are just being paid to play old songs. As a musician it seems like that goes against the who "artistic integrity" thing. But I guess a fat paycheck is more important?

The talking point, usually from bitterly unhappy reunion types, is that this is the plush gig of alltime and they are making a mint.

I don't see it. I don't see where Axl gets all this huge coin to pay them.

I think, at the end of the day, its a sweet gig in terms of pay simply because its better than anything they could ever hope to go by themselves.

Freese said it was good money but not THAT much. I don't think any of them could retire any time soon if they've been living the good life up until now.

I'd like to see the sales charts for AshbaSwagTM since 2009.

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like I said in the other post. axl better give a fuck and start playing new music or else

each band member will be just as bored as we are and will leave the band

Any "band member" with any artistic integrity jumped ship years ago, these guys won't leave cause of the money, exposure and all that comes with it.


Tommy's made it clear that he joined GNR from day one for the money.

Dizzy can't sell more than double-digits for his solo shows.

Fortus and Ferrer are session musicians, it's a paying gig for them, though even Fortus made a dig recently about certain musicians being "too precious" with music.

DJ Ashba™'s got AshbaSwag™ to sell.

Bumble's been pretty vocal about desires to quit, I see him as most likely to leave.

Pitman is exempt from any criticism and deserves only our utmost praise.


I don't begrudge them doing it for the money either by the way-but don't make out otherwise.

Yeah, I don't blame them either. I think Bumble would have quit sooner if he wasn't married, and that's not a dig at his wife or him; they're both lovely people, and it's clear he loves her, and as a man it's natural to want to provide for your loved one as much as you can. If he was single I think he'd rather eat ramen than play the same songs for years on end.

He's wife is a vet... I'm sure they would do just fine with her job and bubble doing his own thang.... not sure why he stays. Probably the same reason we all are on this board - HOPE, even if it is false

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But why do the other guys put up with it? Are they getting paid that much? Or have they all just good with the fact that Axl isn't ever going to collaborate with them, he is never going to allow them to put their stamp on a future GnR album, and that they are just being paid to play old songs. As a musician it seems like that goes against the who "artistic integrity" thing. But I guess a fat paycheck is more important?

The talking point, usually from bitterly unhappy reunion types, is that this is the plush gig of alltime and they are making a mint.

I don't see it. I don't see where Axl gets all this huge coin to pay them.

I think, at the end of the day, its a sweet gig in terms of pay simply because its better than anything they could ever hope to go by themselves.

Freese said it was good money but not THAT much. I don't think any of them could retire any time soon if they've been living the good life up until now.

I'd like to see the sales charts for AshbaSwagTM since 2009.

I work for a niche online clothing retailer. We are four years old with a strong market base and three times the product range of ashbaswag. It's not as lucrative as you might think once costs are factored in. Although I expect the return rate is probably lower than average due to the fandom aspect.

It's a decent living for an average Joe but imo wouldn't fund a millionaires lifestyle.

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For just one of these two ladies, I would happily defend this show and all future shows, I formally underbid Jarmo:


But why do the other guys put up with it? Are they getting paid that much? Or have they all just good with the fact that Axl isn't ever going to collaborate with them, he is never going to allow them to put their stamp on a future GnR album, and that they are just being paid to play old songs. As a musician it seems like that goes against the who "artistic integrity" thing. But I guess a fat paycheck is more important?

The talking point, usually from bitterly unhappy reunion types, is that this is the plush gig of alltime and they are making a mint.
I don't see it. I don't see where Axl gets all this huge coin to pay them.
I think, at the end of the day, its a sweet gig in terms of pay simply because its better than anything they could ever hope to go by themselves.

Freese said it was good money but not THAT much. I don't think any of them could retire any time soon if they've been living the good life up until now.

I'd like to see the sales charts for AshbaSwagTM since 2009.

I work for a niche online clothing retailer. We are four years old with a strong market base and three times the product range of ashbaswag. It's not as lucrative as you might think once costs are factored in. Although I expect the return rate is probably lower than average due to the fandom aspect.

It's a decent living for an average Joe but imo wouldn't fund a millionaires lifestyle.

His swag is pretty pricey, and his dedicated fanbase seem happy to pay for it. I agree it wouldn't fund a lavish lifestyle, but my original comment was more about seeing increased profits from increased exposure.

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For just one of these two ladies, I would happily defend this show and all future shows, I formally underbid Jarmo:


But why do the other guys put up with it? Are they getting paid that much? Or have they all just good with the fact that Axl isn't ever going to collaborate with them, he is never going to allow them to put their stamp on a future GnR album, and that they are just being paid to play old songs. As a musician it seems like that goes against the who "artistic integrity" thing. But I guess a fat paycheck is more important?

The talking point, usually from bitterly unhappy reunion types, is that this is the plush gig of alltime and they are making a mint.

I don't see it. I don't see where Axl gets all this huge coin to pay them.

I think, at the end of the day, its a sweet gig in terms of pay simply because its better than anything they could ever hope to go by themselves.

Freese said it was good money but not THAT much. I don't think any of them could retire any time soon if they've been living the good life up until now.

I'd like to see the sales charts for AshbaSwagTM since 2009.

I work for a niche online clothing retailer. We are four years old with a strong market base and three times the product range of ashbaswag. It's not as lucrative as you might think once costs are factored in. Although I expect the return rate is probably lower than average due to the fandom aspect.

It's a decent living for an average Joe but imo wouldn't fund a millionaires lifestyle.

His swag is pretty pricey, and his dedicated fanbase seem happy to pay for it. I agree it wouldn't fund a lavish lifestyle, but my original comment was more about seeing increased profits from increased exposure.

Knowing how it works, it will make a big difference. We lend clothes to celebs (fairly minor) and you can track the sales exposure it gives if they tweet or are photographed in it. I suspect it's one of his motivating factors for sticking around. Say what you like about DJ, the guys not dumb.

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