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Have You Decided You Won't Pay to See Guns Anymore?

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They don't come to my state, so it costs me a couple grand if I want to see GnR.

I've planned three vacations around GnR hsows over the last decade.

But if they come near me in 2014 or 2015 and the show is the same as what it has been this year so far........no, I would not drop 2,000 bucks to go see them.

If they had debuted a couple new songs and changed up the set-list a bit, I was planning to spend a week in Vegas and catch 3 shows. But not now.

This is basically just another leg of the ongoing GH tour.

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I'm an enormous Axl fan, but unfortunately, after the last two setlists, my attendance in Bethlehem, PA, is very much in doubt. I had a guy holding tickets for me, and I kind of keep stringing him along til I decided. Right now though, I am no longer interested.

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Well they aren't coming my way any time soon, but even if they were I would have serious reservations about going. And from the looks of things they have really pissed people off this time, I can't see them managing to tour successfully when the core fan base is revolting and saying "here's my conditions". This whole thing is a shame, I honestly don't see things changing drastically vocally but we probably will get some new songs in the next few months/years. I went to see them in 2006, 2010 and 2012 every-time I could see them but I won't go again until there's improvements. I can take Ashbas lame stage moves (I don't watch him at all, if possible... such a tool), and the rest of the guys are great to watch especially richard but Axl is the main reason anyone attends if his voice is failing, what's the point!!!

My answer is no, not at present - if he got his voice in shape and hobbled onto the stage no later than 10:30 I would happily go and pay €75 to see the same show or a quite similar one. Talking about bending over and taking it!! no other artist gets this kind of slack any other band would have lost all their fans by now... even the stupid hardcore fans... that's us by the way, we're f**king morons to still care about all this because I know someone who doesn't!

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right after the embarassing childish HOF bevaviour by Axl i immediately decided NOT to support him financially anymore when it comes to post Slash era. i sold my upcoming show ticket right after reading that crap. and i'm sticking to "my" Guns. if he makes peace with the old band in terms of releases, shows whatever i'm fine spending lots of cash, but i wont do it for Nu Guns anymore. ZERO CENTs for Axl!

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I think it's hard for someone to justify seeing multiple shows where a few songs in the setlist were changed, but I'd still go see GNR, because you never know when he'll just stop or cut back on doing shows once or twice a year. Even back in the 90s, it seemed like they had just played when they made an announcement for more shows.

In a way, You Tube and fans posting shows and the criticism over how Axl's voice was that day is taking a 2 plus hour show out of context. You're there to experience it, not document it, now you have thousands of people documenting it where you can just enjoy the damn show and maybe take one "selfie" showing you were there.

But we are discussing a band who are touring areas for a third time in a very small number of years (2011-14), with the exact same show. In the '90s GN'R also toured certain major markets three times - England 3 times, USA 3 times etc - but they changed the entire show around each leg. So, in 1991 they still had Stradlin and they were playing RNDTH, Perfect Crime, 14 Years and Dust N' Bones. 1992 was the year of the big band and rubber inflatables and they did the setlist you see on the Tokyo videos whereas, 1993 was the Skin N' Bones leg (with the acoustic set) and they introduced new songs for the first time (You Ain't the First, Dead Horse, etc.). It was possible on the UYI tour to see GN'R 3 times in your locality and see three very different shows!

And that is not including the oddities GN'R gave you such as, playing Locomotive (one of the Tokyo 1992 shows), Coma (Chicago 1992) or Breakdown on one single night, or, switching the opening song (It's So Easy for Nightrain), etc.

2011-14, Nugnr are playing the exact same show. If GN'R played the exact same show in 1991, 1992 and 1993, they also would have been criticised.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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In 2009/2010 I had no problem with the setlists. Hell even in 2011 I had no issues and had no issue while they were doing the UCAP tour in the early months of 2012. But anything mid-2012 onward just seem like a more uninspired version of the tours done in the past few years.

The Chinese Democracy album is officially going to be 6 years old this year. And they have been playing CD, Maddy, and Street of Dreams for 13 years as well as performing Better and IRS for 8 years. The album is not "new" anymore and hasn't been for a while.

If Axl is going to put on a show featuring old material and nothing new he should just call up the guys who everyone knows and loves as the ones who made that material in the first place. Call up Slash and co. and have a old hits tour - one that really counts - complete with all of the 80's and 90's songs that people want to hear played by the people who originally played them. Otherwise what GNR is doing now is just redundant

I saw the LA Forum show in 2011 and the Wiltern show in 2012. They were fantastic shows complete with a great-sounding Axl Rose. However at the moment I would rather save my money for new musical experiences rather than see the show a third time with a less-than-stellar Axl

Edited by WhazUp
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No, never. If GNR come back to Dallas I am there no matter the cost.

Been a fan since the beginning and always will be. Still love the music and I've seen GNR 3 times and I've had a great time each time, so yes, I will continue to see them.

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i'd still go, as i love Guns N' Roses with whole my heart and the moment that you stand there and Estranged kicks in and the tears start rolling over your cheeks and having a warm feeling inside is just one of the best feelings to ever have. Ofcourse i wish things to get better around the band but to say i won't go anymore nah thats not for me.

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I've had to travel for every show I went to. The one in my home town was canceled in 06. I was seriously thinking about going to the show in Ohio but I'm not excited enough about the show to go. If they played within 90 miles of me id still go tho

Edited by suckerpunched03
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No, and I honestly don't understand why people go out of their way to go to multiple shows for a weak, effortless Axl and a bunch of pretenders to the throne that they've already seen multiple times. It's like watching the same episode of your favorite sitcom over and over again. Except for a hefty fine.

Some things are worth that. Nu guns in its current state is not.

If Axl starts giving a shit again, so will I.

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I'd go to be honest yes -- I'd be less excited about this tour than any other I'd been to for obvious reasons but hey. It's Axl, I love him regardless and I'm an idiot so count me as a "yes"

And that's my own money folks, no party passes! *waves at you know who* :)

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