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May 31, Las Vegas,NV. No Trickery!


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But how come he got transplant from a "curly" head? O_o

That seems not right.

If you really want to know just do some research on it. It's pretty common sense stuff. Using donor cells from a person's own head only has a partial success rate, let alone from another person, and the before/after pics are very misleading: just look at what happened to poor Blaze Bailey from Maiden or Jake The Snake Roberts. Axl was mucking about with weaves in 2001/early 2002 and it's been rumoured that he had a botched hair transplant after that which resulted in the following four years of braids which would have hidden any 'damage'.

If you're going to use donor cells from another person with the goal of making your hairline appear thicker and fuller then it makes sense to use the thickest donor hair available which invariably means curly hair. Naturally straight hair like Axl's is always much thinner than curly/wavy/wiry hair. You might only have to use a half or even a third of the number of thick donor cells as you would thin ones and then when some of them invariably don't take and die, you'll still have a decent effect.

Edited by Jordan Rose
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He sounds like Mickey Mouse most of the time on these videos as well, what's the fuss about? It's not even close to 2010.

Your talking shite. There is clear rasp where there is usually mickey.

Can you give me the percentage of rasp added?

His mickey voice sounds like shit and the few raspy moments don't save his performances from being terrible. Unless it's the camera's fault, of course. Then I apologize.

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The Vegas shows have been great! I had a blast last week. His voice is an improvement from last year when I saw Guns in San Antonio. For the people bitching at momma`s house are the same lame boring cupcakes. The cupcakes here, would of loved the concerts live in Vegas.

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Better was good but not 2010 level at all. I think he's almost where he was at on the 2011 tour. Which, honestly, I'm fine with. He's significantly improving over the last few shows, but let's not over react.

I think he's better than 2011, but still short of 2010.
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Still can't believe they played 12 CD songs in Tokyo 2009, wish he'd done that on one night when his voice is strongest its been since 2010 now it's ironic we want more dates cause it took him so long to get back to what we consider his capabilities.

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Still can't believe they played 12 CD songs in Tokyo 2009, wish he'd done that on one night when his voice is strongest its been since 2010 now it's ironic we want more dates cause it took him so long to get back to what we consider his capabilities.

13, all but Riad.

As much as I'm dying to hear TWAT I don't know if he could pull it off adequately any more. He did OK on a couple of his attempts at it at the last residency but nothing that sent chills down your spine.

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Still can't believe they played 12 CD songs in Tokyo 2009, wish he'd done that on one night when his voice is strongest its been since 2010 now it's ironic we want more dates cause it took him so long to get back to what we consider his capabilities.

13, all but Riad.

As much as I'm dying to hear TWAT I don't know if he could pull it off adequately any more. He did OK on a couple of his attempts at it at the last residency but nothing that sent chills down your spine.

But he also sounds better now than he did at the last residency. I think we could get a solid TWAT, but nothing on par with 06 or Hamilton 2010.
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I have natural curly/wavy hair. It's not kinky curly but more curl than just wavy. And it's baby fine hair. So not all curly hair is thick.

Axl's hair was sort of wavy in the early 80s.



But I don't know how he kept his hair so straight later on. Cause usually most curly/wavy hair that is straightened with an iron/flat iron. Will curl/wave back up,once it gets wet/sweaty. At least mine does. Lol

And the curl that he seems to have in the front now,is not always the same amount of curl. Sometimes it's really curly and sometimes it's not.

Edited by SweetRose
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Still can't believe they played 12 CD songs in Tokyo 2009, wish he'd done that on one night when his voice is strongest its been since 2010 now it's ironic we want more dates cause it took him so long to get back to what we consider his capabilities.

13, all but Riad.

Now, we know why.

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he does sound pretty solid here. not flawless, but he's got the strength back (if not the full rasp) which is a big part of giving the impression that he can at least sing. when you compare this to the revolver show, where he was winded, weak, and out of breath, even though he's still shifting to the mickey mouse a bit, it sounds so much better simply because there's such power behind it.

i'm not opposed to the 'mickey' necessarily and i think in 2002 he used it to pretty good effect on some tracks (especially the newer stuff like the blues). it's just crazy-weird how drastically his voice has changed over the years. i think he was trying a new style of singing in '02 to preserve his voice, ditching the destructive rasp, and now he kind of does this thing where he uses both styles concurrently and switches back and forth. anyway, tl;dr -- i'm happy with how he sounds right now and though it's not as perfect as some people are making it out to be, i'd be satisfied if he stayed this way.

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