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[FALSE] Axl joining Slash's brazilian tour.

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Massive lols at this thread!

Meanwhile.... Whilst you lot wait around for a reunion that is a 1 in a billion chance of ever happening, these guys are out living their lives! I suggest you guys pack up and get a more productive hobby than hanging around waiting for this shit to happen!

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Massive lols at this thread!

Meanwhile.... Whilst you lot wait around for a reunion that is a 1 in a billion chance of ever happening, these guys are out living their lives! I suggest you guys pack up and get a more productive hobby than hanging around waiting for this shit to happen!

I think the number of people who are taking this seriously is very small.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if it's been noted, but there is a pic of BBF from Jan 20th on Mitch's page. Maybe he told him something off the record. Risky move publicising it though if true.

Maybe it's just him trying to egg them on or get publicity for himself.

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Only time will tell, but it's been a while since someone has publicly said "the reunion WILL happen on *this* date".

Edit: And if it does happen, I hope they open with Jungle, and Axl remains off stage then walks on while doing the intro scream, with barely any lighting ala Rio 01.

Edited by MrSoftie
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Strange tweets. It sure would be a strange way to go about a first time reunion together but also quite typical of the weird way Guns work. Of course it could just be some cheeky PR for the show.

Suspending disbelief for a moment perhaps the thinking behind a surprise reunion of this sort might be to test the water of public reaction to see how much of a valuable commodity a full tour would be.

Either way not long until the date in question.

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Being Brazilian, I ghave no clube about who this Mitch dude is. Is he a serious journalist? Because if he is, he is putting his bumhole on the line for some monumental emburggerment if those statements amount to nothing at all, no?

he's the bald one in the middle

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You people actually fell for this?

We've heard crazy shit before. Rumours of Izzy before Hammerstein '06, the whole "Duff in South America" debacle that went on for months and was confirmed on the 1st of April...


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