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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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4 minutes ago, El Guapo said:

The constant teasing from the band (Slash, Duff, Fartus...) is what makes this whole shitfest soo annoying.

Just shut up then until you got a release date.

The poor sods probably just have no say whatsoever in what happens. They'd be better off just saying "no comment" when asked anything to do with GNR to preserve their creditably down the road. 

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24 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

If they are going to do 2 songs, maybe it’ll be a name of an EP that doesn’t have to do with either song title.

They also could change or "stylize" the names of the songs for official release. Perhaps could be "PEЯHAPS" or "Perhaps I Was Wrong" or something else entirely and not match what's on the setlist. Think back in the day with the Blues becoming Street of Dreams. They could also have a web admin manually make the links live when they're ready to release.

I have found finding new singles ahead of release has been easier on YouTube. The Menzingers, Gaslight Anthem, and the Mountain Goats all put out singles for fall tours on different days this week on YT, and by using a VPN you could listen to the songs early. It's obviously a bit different with GnR since a new single is more of an event than it should be.

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23 minutes ago, Axls_Moustache_Rules said:

Does anyone think HS and Absurd really pushed ticket sales? I suppose it's hard to say but I'm doubtful.

I honestly think if they dropped a new album, the potential for it to bomb and wreck ticket sales is more harmful than never putting out new music. Partly why the single over dropping an album approach may be the best bet going forward.

Strictly my own theory, but I think they do want to release new music. And I think Axl has to release more CD-era music and wants to put out those songs. I just think they know they only have a limited amount of time left to sell out stadiums and the best way to do that is by not changing a thing. If you sub out Rocket Queen, Civil War, etc. for the 25th anniversary remix of OMG then you're possibly shooting yourself in the foot down the line when it comes time for the 2025 and beyond tours at the end of this nostalgia act boom.

Edited by bumbleslash69
incomplete sentence
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29 minutes ago, Axls_Moustache_Rules said:

Does anyone think HS and Absurd really pushed ticket sales? I suppose it's hard to say but I'm doubtful.

The songs itself probably didn't, but they made some headlines. Surely it would help if they did interviews and actually promoted the thing, but those articles made aware that the band was on tour back then.

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I already own AFD in various formats and versions and I couldn't care less about this cover design, the AFD cross is way more iconic anyway, so at this point in time I'd prefer a TSI reissue or some kind of CD anniversary thing. Thinking about or wishing for new music is obviously off limits anyway.

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45 minutes ago, Axls_Moustache_Rules said:

Does anyone think HS and Absurd really pushed ticket sales? I suppose it's hard to say but I'm doubtful.

I think pretty much no one outside of these forums went to see them live to listen to these 2 singles but it goes like this:

GnR release new singles > Their PR team send press releases everywhere > They get published and get some media highlight > People not only are reminded of GnR, but get informed about new tour dates, some people even find out they've reunited with Slash and Duff by these articles, etc... > People go to the concerts

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6 minutes ago, Spoon87 said:

I already own AFD in various formats and versions and I couldn't care less about this cover design, the AFD cross is way more iconic anyway, so at this point in time I'd prefer a TSI reissue or some kind of CD anniversary thing. Thinking about or wishing for new music is obviously off limits anyway.

Here in Brazil I think we never had the AFD cross cover as default, so to me that original cover was always the one. Only when I started to use Internet back in 1998 that I found out that the cross cover was the official. :lol:

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1 hour ago, Axls_Moustache_Rules said:

Does anyone think HS and Absurd really pushed ticket sales? I suppose it's hard to say but I'm doubtful.

I wonder if it’s more a contractual obligation with the tour and Live Nation that they release them to fulfill their end of promo. Keeps the train rolling for these big shows 

As far as the re-release of AFD? I think it’s cool. First time that it’s been officially released since the first run in the US. If anything you want to get these projects out now before anything new. It’s a limited print run and the people that buy this stuff will buy anything new as well 

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