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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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3 hours ago, Voodoochild said:

Why do people need this thread to be closed? Do you need to clean this space to have more room for something? 

Also, why people keeps stating definitive arguments about something they just don't know, yet they dislike when other people believe in something based on past signs/evidences/comments from the band?

Some people are just annoying.

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7 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

We don't know there won't be an album coming some time in the future. Doesn't it make sense to have a thread open to discuss whenever the band talks about the potential for a new album as well as discussions around the contents of such an album?

We literally have slash saying on record 'there is no new album' and confirming they recorded a max of 6 songs. There is definitely no new album. 


7 hours ago, rumandraisin said:

This thread is essentially the forum these days! 

This though is also true. 


7 hours ago, jamillos said:

This sentence appears in this thread periodically every few weeks or so. 
Also, there should be a place for general "new album" gossip, otherwise people will start derailing other threads with it anyway. 

Agree. New name 'Album and new songs gossip' is more apt. New album thread feels like a by the law strip club. It's just teasing. You know it's not going any further. 

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2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Did you not understand my post and the long perspective I take? 

Lol how long do we have left? I'd like the songs (or album) before I die preferably. Whilst I understand they can't release an album based on my mortality, maybe they could based on their own at least?

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Just now, JimiRose said:

Lol how long do we have left? I'd like the songs (or album) before I die preferably. Whilst I understand they can't release an album based on my mortality, maybe they could based on their own at least?

I don't know how old you are but I am confident I will live long enough. 

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40 minutes ago, Twinaleblood said:

And now something a bit unpopular :axl:

I think the vocal melody in the Eye On You chorus is really good and catchy. That could be stripped of all the 90s synths that didn't exactly age well and turned into a decent rock song. Of course, it would need some verses and the "ah ah" vocals recycled for Hard Skool might mean that the song was completely abandoned, but then again, if these guys dusted off a revamped Silkworms/Absurd as their first post-reunion new music it means that you never know.

Very unpopular view.....Eye On You is my favourite of any unreleased GNR track. 

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10 hours ago, rumandraisin said:

If you listen to the locker leak of Sorry before it was further worked on, I can totally see where Bach was coming from. It was slow and grinding and the guitars in the chorus were some of the heaviest guitars they'd ever done. Of course the final mix softened the track completely but I think Bach has been unfairly criticised for those comments when at the time the song wasn't far off his description. 

Why would you assume that Bach heard the village mix? That track was played for some people in 2006. I can’t imagine it was any different to the version that ended up on the album by that point. 

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2 hours ago, Twinaleblood said:

And now something a bit unpopular :axl:

I think the vocal melody in the Eye On You chorus is really good and catchy. That could be stripped of all the 90s synths that didn't exactly age well and turned into a decent rock song. Of course, it would need some verses and the "ah ah" vocals recycled for Hard Skool might mean that the song was completely abandoned, but then again, if these guys dusted off a revamped Silkworms/Absurd as their first post-reunion new music it means that you never know.

I totally agree, that chorus was stuck in my ear for days after the very first listen. 

The "aah aah" part in Hard skool is so annoying and unnecessary, it really slows the song down where it doesn't need to be slowed down. A kick ass solo would be way cooler and if that copy and paste job means that Eye on you is abandoned, it'd make it even worse.

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21 minutes ago, rumandraisin said:

Indeed. Imagine it with guitars, a Robin solo and so on. 

That would be amazing, same with Soul Monster. (Either with Robin or Bucket, I am lead to believe Bucket later added some killer guitars to Soul Monster)

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

Eye on You is brilliant and the vocals are fierce. 

The beauty of this forum and why the thread should never be closed: differing opinions. Discussion is good.

Soul Monster and metalavenger99 like Eye On You. I can't stand it. We meet here to discuss our differing opinion and to exchange ideas.

He likes the vocal - I don't like the vocal, and my gripes about it are twofold: 1.) it's not good enough to be a chorus. 2.) it's too clean tonally, for the most part. I know that was Axl's style at the time (apparently intentional - he notes in the China Exchange that 'the public didn't like it.'). I think it could use - and I almost hesitate to use this word here because it's so overused in these arguments - a bit more rasp or grit. The last chorus has a bit of the grit in there, but not enough for my tastes.

That said - as long as there is 'new' music being released, as in songs being reworked and released that had previously not been officially available, then this thread needs to exist. Look, I'm annoyed that we're getting ChiDem stuff still. I was fascinated by that era, but *in* that era. I have no desire to hear these songs that sound like 1998 being reworked to sound like 2023. 

But that's what's happening and, as of now, I haven't heard Slash and Duff's take on Perhaps. So it's 'new music.'

Plus, if we close this thread...what else do we talk about? There's nothing else going on. The band is on tour, they've got a few new songs in the setlist this year, and that was fun to talk about for about 5 minutes. If people are tired of debating whether or not new music will be released, or if they're tired of weighing the merits of Atlas Shrugged or what does and does not have vocals, or if The General is ever going to be released...how will they feel when the only topic of conversation is "the setlist is the same again tonight," or "do you think they'll play Perfect Crime? We've seen a setlist with it on it!" or, my personal favorite, "Axl sounds like shit!/No he doesn't, he sounds good!"

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24 minutes ago, Spoon87 said:


The "aah aah" part in Hard skool is so annoying and unnecessary, it really slows the song down where it doesn't need to be slowed down. A kick ass solo would be way cooler and if that copy and paste job means that Eye on you is abandoned, it'd make it even worse.

While I like the mellow slide part in Hard Skool, I agree that the song would have been better served if they just extended Slash's guitar solo and let him rip a blistering solo for sixteen more bars before slamming right into the chorus again with no slowdown.

Edited by GoodOlJohnnyK
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Eye on You 👁️ is pretty weird. The Mac Daddy part especially so. But the vocals are pretty incredible. It obviously took a lot of effort. I’m just so curious about some of Axl’s decision making during this time period. Like here’s this bizarre song that has no guitars and sounds kinda like Prodigy. This I will add some blistering vocals. This is my choice. 

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I like Eye on You. It’s something wacky and industrial but has an insanely catchy melody which I didn’t always find in NIN albums. A Slash and Duff guitar driven version could be super interesting but I doubt they want to touch it with a 10 foot pole, especially since the vocals have been pinched before.

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5 hours ago, Coma16 said:

Tomorrow we find out if Perhaps is a standalone or in support of something larger. Trust me bro

Can’t see it being anything other than a single release. By GnR standards, I’m grateful for that!!

Would love to be wrong though

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