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Perhaps - August 18. UPDATE IV: A New Hope (Radio Premiere Tomorrow?)

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2 minutes ago, Caedo said:

Soooo... We thinking this got pulled of Reddit because it's legit, or because it mentions the name of a naughty leaked song?

If it is fake, it's really well done. Not sure why they would pull something fanmade off the platform tbh. Maybe simply mentioning a leaked song title will cause the moderators veins to explode?

Edited by StrangerInThisTown
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3 minutes ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

Not to make comparisons, but Taylor Swift released a new album last October, re-recorded and released her version of ‘Speak Now’ in July, and is releasing her version of ‘1989’ on October 27th, all while in the middle of the highest grossing tour in history.

And this band, who at one time was as big as Taylor Swift is today, can’t manage to properly release a song that was a near finished product 20 years ago. 

Taylor has competent management. Something that this band doesn’t have.

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1 minute ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

Not to make comparisons, but Taylor Swift released a new album last October, re-recorded and released her version of ‘Speak Now’ in July, and is releasing her version of ‘1989’ on October 27th, all while in the middle of the highest grossing tour in history.

And this band, who at one time was as big as Taylor Swift is today, can’t manage to properly release a song that was a near finished product 20 years ago. 

Yeah, it’s pretty pathetic. We honestly shouldn’t use the term band though. It’s Axl Rose who can’t seem to ever get his head out of his ass. 

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I get why they wouldn't want a recording of the song to be circulating on youtube etc. before the official release.

But, unless the release was postponed because they wanted to make changes on the song, I don't understand what harm could be caused because of a few fans streaming it in a bar. I think that their main issue with it may be the publicity it generated. They probably wouldn't have pulled it from TouchTunes if it had remained a forum thing and wasn't picked up by the media. Some people say that this publicity should be to the band's advantage, but I suspect that the band doesn't see it that way. They don't want this kind of publicity that mentions that the new songs are reworked tracks from the CD sessions. They want to keep it as vague as possible about the origins of these songs, but now this information is everywhere.

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6 minutes ago, The Real McCoy said:

Or the fact that it was released on TouchTunes and rather than Team Brazil being good sports, they pitched a fit and blamed the fans like they always do.

I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with trying to stay on their good side. It’s a little strange. 

The release on TouchTunes had likely nothing to do with TB. Their incessant need to control information, inherited from Axl, is pathetic, nothing else. And they don't do anything to spite a few hardcore fans, that's absolutely ridiculous :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

Not to make comparisons, but Taylor Swift released a new album last October, re-recorded and released her version of ‘Speak Now’ in July, and is releasing her version of ‘1989’ on October 27th, all while in the middle of the highest grossing tour in history.

And this band, who at one time was as big as Taylor Swift is today, can’t manage to properly release a song that was a near finished product 20 years ago. 

She's also ready to release the last two remaining rerecordings during the current tour (Taylor Swift and Reputation)

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9 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

If you hate the ones you have left just crank Absurd next time at the bar that will finish the rest of them off.

I tried to do that at my bar, after Perhaps, and after Hard Skool, but Absurd wasn't playable, probably due to the explicit lyrics. 

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Somebody just slapped that "g n' f'n r's!" text into an existing art, if this was legit and that was part of the layers, it would: 1) match the perspective (instead it's just diagonally placed) 2): be affected in opacity by the shadow of the skeleton and 3) follow the shape of the rock structure or cliff or whatever that is.

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8 minutes ago, Caedo said:

Soooo... We thinking this got pulled of Reddit because it's legit, or because it mentions the name of a naughty leaked song?

That would make a decent cover art for a new album. I never liked the CD bike cover. Cover B (red hand) and Cover C (grenade) were amazing. It would be cool if they somehow reused those for a single release. 

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6 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

I tried to do that at my bar, after Perhaps, and after Hard Skool, but Absurd wasn't playable, probably due to the explicit lyrics. 

Tbh I'm laughing my ass off now at the thought of sitting in a bar and hearing Absurd there and "pussy full of maggots" blasting through the speakers for everyone to hear.

Edited by StrangerInThisTown
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If Team Brazil was honest and just went "yeah there is a new song coming, we messed up and due to various circumstances it was allowed to be heard via a Jukebox app before the release date we have planned - __ here is the specific release date, please don't upload phone recordings in the meantime " it would go a long way in good faith

As far as I am concerned, if they aren't going to actually make sure we know the song is actually coming and they didn't pull its release indefinitely, I hope the fan phone recordings spread as much as they possibly can

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12 minutes ago, Caedo said:

Soooo... We thinking this got pulled of Reddit because it's legit, or because it mentions the name of a naughty leaked song?

I'd say the latter, and additionally because it was confirmed as fake (someone had tagged Fernando - he didn't respond, but maybe the mods contacted him or vice versa).

Edited by Blackstar
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3 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

I'd say the latter, and additionally because it was confirmed as fake (someone had tagged Fernando - he didn't respond, but maybe the mods contacted him or vice versa).

Someone could test if mentioning Atlas gets you banned or a warning, that way we would know if Fernando replied to the mods confirming it to be real to them. Because if simply mentioning Atlas doesn't get you banned/it removed then why would they pull fanmade art off the platform? The only option that is left then is that it is real, isn't it?

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1 minute ago, Free Bird said:

As you might know I'm not the biggest fan of CD but Buckets Sorry solo is pure class as well, so is Fincks solo on Better.

You would love the Electric Tears album then 

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4 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

If Team Brazil was honest and just went "yeah there is a new song coming, we messed up and due to various circumstances it was allowed to be heard via a Jukebox app before the release date we have planned - __ here is the specific release date, please don't upload phone recordings in the meantime " it would go a long way in good faith

As far as I am concerned, if they aren't going to actually make sure we know the song is actually coming and they didn't pull its release indefinitely, I hope the fan phone recordings spread as much as they possibly can

I have a feeling that they did pull it to spite us. It would just be par for the course for them. 

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