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6 minutes ago, kever20 said:

Am I the only one who misses the horn section from the concert intros? It was such a sinister, cinematic sound. I like the orchestra we can hear in the leaked mix, and I imagine the official release will have them higher in the mix.

Was the horn section like 2-3 minutes into the concert intro? It was sick! Maybe it's in another song now?

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1 hour ago, Nick85 said:

Beating a dead horse, but man I hope they release this digitally as a single on Friday. Releasing The General should be a victory lap for the GNR, especially since it’s very likely the last “new” song we’ll get  for the foreseeable future. To see its release bungled and half-assed would be a real shame.  

Oh, it has to come digitally, fir sure.....but I'd say the release is already bungled and half-assed! 

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28 minutes ago, chorrada said:

Can the long instrumental intro from 2006 still be found somewhere? I can't find it on YouTube anymore.

:) https://mega.nz/file/jIMHEawK#JyxSO966dw2r4pwuPhB4Ww2vl88Dq_rV2s_NGUfqusQ

I will remove this link if Mods want but it's just made from bootleg audio found on youtube (from around 5 or 6 shows)

Edited by Rindmelon
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8 hours ago, allwaystired said:

Yep, I'd agree on that one. I've worked on getting my expectations as low as possible so I'm not surprised! 

Yep. But I'm very much in the camp that thinks it was meant to be, based on the quality issue and the rights registration of the two tracks together. 

Others think differently of course, and I'm not sure we'll ever find out. I'm also not sure that we'll get an official Monsters release now. 

Not getting an official release of Monsters would be a travesty. It's a fantastic tune.

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I am loving the General and to a lesser extent Monsters more than anything on CD or any of the other 3 songs released since. Both are better than Absurd, Hard Skool, and Perhaps to me. I have listened to the 2 tracks more than any of the others. 

Now they just need to complete Quick Song and I will be happy. That is the only other song out of all the leaks I enjoyed at all. The rest can stay in the vault IMO.


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1 hour ago, GoBucky said:

Not getting an official release of Monsters would be a travesty. It's a fantastic tune.

It will definitely (hopefully) be in the next batch of songs when they do another NA tour. Probably in 2025 or so. Probably that and Atlas or something. Atlas is kind of meh to me, but I am sure it is coming. Maybe I will be surprised

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18 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

My favorite comments here are from people who tell us how long they’ve been a fan, and then go on to say “The General” is trash. As if being a fan since 1990 or whenever gives them some type of authority to speak for the masses. The audacity of some of us to actually like “The General” and “Monsters.” We just must be uncultured swine, we “new” fans who enjoy this intolerable “industrial” Guns N’ Roses.

I’ve STILL been singing “My only regret is that I never took the time to forget” part over and over throughout the week and I’ve only listened to the song once in the last several days. Still waiting for a proper release so I’m not trying to burn it out. But knowing GNR, “Monsters” won’t release till 2026. It took them how long to get us “Hard Skool” and “Perhaps” after those locker leaks? lol

They’re cool songs. Wish we just got an EP with all these in 2016 but I’ll take what we get

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15 hours ago, JimiRose said:

1. They never got a release video, and they sold over 3 million records. comparing a 2008 non video full album release song to a youtube and streaming only release is your first sign of mass ignorance. I've never listened to those songs on youtube ever. why would I? ive spun them several hundred times each on the cd i bought. extrapolate that by the millions of sales. They have no music video. YouTube is a visual mean. 

2. I tried, but most of what you are saying is complete nonsense. you've said it'd be pretending to be a choice between singles and an album. Why is that pretend? We know a full album was ready in 2010. We know it was again ready around 2015. So there is a full album ready. We know slash and duff were given songs to play on 4 years ago. not last week. Whether they only did 6/7 is neither here nor there. There was/is an albums worth of completed material, maybe even 2. So yes it is a choice between a couple singles every couple of years and an album. And they have chosen the dumbest lamest option. 

1. Pretty hilarious to call someone "massively ignorant" while comparing an entire album that's been out for 15 years to a single that's been out for 3 months. The fact that you're resorting to personal insults speaks to how weak your ability to defend your point is. I was talking about the song CD, not the album. You should work on your reading comprehension. Whether you watch videos or not, that is a very popular way to engage with music in 2023. Hence the 5 million views on Perhaps. Hello?

2. "most of what you are saying is complete nonsense". Why even respond if you're just going to engage in this kind of cop-out? Just trying to save face/pride? It's pretend because the universe where Axl releases an entire album faster than he releases singles is not the one we live in. We also know that 2010 album never happened, proving my point.

"So yes it is a choice between a couple singles every couple of years and an album."

I might as well just start copy and pasting my previous comments because you aren't reading them before responding...

"You're pretending it's a choice between a couple singles a year or an album right now."

I even emboldened the words RIGHT NOW and yet you still managed to miss or ignore them somehow?

My point is extremely clear, you have to be deliberately avoiding it because I refuse to stoop to your level of calling somebody "dumb" and "massively ignorant". You know what you're doing.


Ignore how long an album takes? Does it take 24 years? this is the dumbest comment ive seen in a while.

For Axl Rose? Quite possibly.

Again, this is the reality we live in.


Slash and duff whip up a fully serviceable album in a couple months. Like every other band in history. I know how long an album takes to make, and if your argument is it takes as long as Axl rose takes to make an album then you're living in the stars. 

Slash and Duff alone aren't GNR, are they?


Still nice try at sucking up to the band. They are lame as fuck. accept it and move on. 

At this point it seems like you're just so defensive and emotional at someone disagreeing with you that you can't even read straight.

I went way out of my way to say that I was not commenting on the timeliness. And then I had to repeat that FOUR FUCKING TIMES. And it still hasn't gotten through to you?

Quote where I defended how long it takes to release anything, I'll wait...

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