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1 minute ago, Ubukitty said:

Ummm, I'm sorry to say I'm highly offended by these comments. I joined this forum because I am a GnR fan and expected most if not all other members to be too. Axl isn't crazy for expressing his opinions and Duff definitely isn't stupid. This literally makes me sick.:question: So do I still want to be a part of this?

I was being sarcastic. Didn't mean to insult Axl and Duff, I was kind of defending them.

I don't care if people voted for Trump or Hillary or Hitler or whoever they fn' want, what pisses me off is how some people don't want Axl to express himself just because they don't like his opinions and come up with stupid excuses to downgrade them (bringing up a song Axl wrote like 3 decades ago or the fact that he's a millonaire).

Axl has all the right in the world to speak his mind. You agree with him or you don't, that's it but his opinion isn't less valuable than anybody else's.

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1 minute ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

I was being sarcastic. Didn't mean to insult Axl and Duff, I was kind of defending them.

I don't care if people voted for Trump or Hillary or Hitler or whoever they fn' want, what pisses me off is how some people don't want Axl to express himself just because they don't like his opinions and come up with stupid excuses to downgrade them (bringing up a song Axl wrote like 3 decades ago or the fact that he's a millonaire).

Axl has all the right in the world to speak his mind. You agree with him or you don't, that's it but his opinion isn't less valuable than anybody else's.

Ahh, didn't get the sarcasm. Sorry bout that. Doesn't matter to me either who voted for who. Tired of watching everyone throw tantrums over this election. What a circus this has become, and quite embarrassing for us U.S. citizens. We have the right to free speech without being attacked but unfortunately that's not the scene these days. Wish us all luck. Thanks for clearing that up @BorderlineCrazy

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7 minutes ago, Ubukitty said:

Ahh, didn't get the sarcasm. Sorry bout that. Doesn't matter to me either who voted for who. Tired of watching everyone throw tantrums over this election. What a circus this has become, and quite embarrassing for us U.S. citizens. We have the right to free speech without being attacked but unfortunately that's not the scene these days. Wish us all luck. Thanks for clearing that up @BorderlineCrazy

No problem. I wish you the best of luck, I think we all need it. It's really hard (if possible at all) to find good, honest politicians in any country you may look at. As Axl said in Since I Don't Have You, "yeah, we're fucked".

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Of all the people to tell someone to move on and stop whining...from the guy that whined and bitched so much he destroyed one of the greatest bands.
Cried about Cobain making fun of him, refused to go on stage after Hetfield got burned by pyro, caused several riots by refusing to perform, attacked a fan for filming a show.

His also tried to sue google to take down fat pictures of him, The poster child for out of touch celebrity douches.

What a complete fucking clown.

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16 minutes ago, ratrace said:

Of all the people to tell someone to move on and stop whining...from the guy that whined and bitched so much he destroyed one of the greatest bands.
Cried about Cobain making fun of him, refused to go on stage after Hetfield got burned by pyro, caused several riots by refusing to perform, attacked a fan for filming a show.

His also tried to sue google to take down fat pictures of him, The poster child for out of touch celebrity douches.

What a complete fucking clown.

We really can't comment on someone else's life before knowing all of the circumstances. I'm sure it takes more than one band member to destroy a band. What if he wanted to clean up and they wouldn't? There are way too many scenarios for it to be one persons fault. He can't win, he's constantly scrutinized for what he does or says. His life is under a microscope at all times, people just waiting for him to say or do something so they can attack. Why do you think he lives such a private life. If people would stop damning and or labeling him maybe, just maybe he would be more personal. The band is back, and better than ever imo. I believe he answered most of these questions in the past as to why he refused to or couldn't perform and so on. He's extremely intelligent and understands this business more than most and he truly does care about his fans. We as humans need to be more understanding and less judgemental. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. In the end, Axl Rose doesn't really owe anybody anything.

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2 hours ago, Ubukitty said:

We really can't comment on someone else's life before knowing all of the circumstances. I'm sure it takes more than one band member to destroy a band. What if he wanted to clean up and they wouldn't? There are way too many scenarios for it to be one persons fault. He can't win, he's constantly scrutinized for what he does or says. His life is under a microscope at all times, people just waiting for him to say or do something so they can attack. Why do you think he lives such a private life. If people would stop damning and or labeling him maybe, just maybe he would be more personal. The band is back, and better than ever imo. I believe he answered most of these questions in the past as to why he refused to or couldn't perform and so on. He's extremely intelligent and understands this business more than most and he truly does care about his fans. We as humans need to be more understanding and less judgemental. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. In the end, Axl Rose doesn't really owe anybody anything.

Oh, poor, poor Axl.......

Btw, his fans are even  more skilled in whining on his behalf than he ever was himself.

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 All of us here including the Axl super fans which i consider myself one of would all agree Axl's past ..how should i put this.......as it relates to dealing with all kinds of people in say a fair/democracy way is highly in question lol. And that is putting it nicely. The part that really made me face palm myself is when i read in the news Axl used the word "whining"... actually having the audacity to accuse another of that. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. And also wouldn't what these Hamilton actors did actually qualify hugely as "whining" ?

Axl is probably saying this stuff of Trump because of Trumps thoughts he posted on twitter of Axl back in 2012 because he disagreed with Axl not attending the Rock N Roll hall of fame stuff, and I can't disagree with Trumps opinion on the matter. An we all know Axl is known to get overly sensitive to any critiquing of his handling of really anything but especially his handling of NuGNR. And lastly Axl will probably have a problem with anything Trump because he does after all live with a family from Brazil so he feels he needs to defend that.

I love Axl for a lot of reasons, but his input on current events is not one of them. If I had to guess Axl's knowledge on the inter workings of politics/who is really pulling the strings is limited to CNN/MSN/FOX/mainstream social media so Axl like 99.9% of the population in my opinion is not qualified to push opinions/thoughts on others as it relates to this. Because if you totally have a false understanding/kept in the dark of what is really going on how can you possibly have much of a valid opinion? I could go on and on about what exactly I'm talking about here but it's probably best i don't cuz after all this is a GNR forum.




Edited by amacfantasy
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3 hours ago, ratrace said:

Of all the people to tell someone to move on and stop whining...from the guy that whined and bitched so much he destroyed one of the greatest bands.
Cried about Cobain making fun of him, refused to go on stage after Hetfield got burned by pyro, caused several riots by refusing to perform, attacked a fan for filming a show.

His also tried to sue google to take down fat pictures of him, The poster child for out of touch celebrity douches.

What a complete fucking clown.

Axl Pose Dressing Room Requirements -- James Hetfield, 1992

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5 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

When did this place become GOP central? Every time some star simply criticizes Axl people shit all over them, yet since Axl is attacking a conservative politician everyone's shitting on him this time? Never knew this forum was so politically biased.

Trump is the conservative knight in shining armor right now. In about 6 months, these same people will either be calling for his head or blaming Obama/Hillary/Black Lives Matter when the economy circles the drain.

Americans have become extremely thin skinned when it comes to politics.

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10 minutes ago, amacfantasy said:

 All of us here including the Axl super fans which i consider myself one of would all agree Axl's past ..how should i put this.......as it relates to dealing with all kinds of people in say a fair/democracy way is highly in question lol. And that is putting it nicely. The part that really made me face palm myself is when i read in the news Axl used the word "whining"... actually having the audacity to accuse another of that. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. And also wouldn't what these Hamilton actors did actually qualify hugely as "whining" ?

Axl is probably saying this stuff of Trump because of Trumps thoughts he posted on twitter of Axl back in 2012 because he disagreed with Axl not attending the Rock N Roll hall of fame stuff, and I can't disagree with Trumps opinion on the matter. An we all know Axl is known to get overly sensitive to any critiquing of his handling of really anything but especially his handling of NuGNR. And lastly Axl will probably have a problem with anything Trump because he does after all live with a family from Brazil so he feels he needs to defend that.

I love Axl for a lot of reasons, but his input on current events is not one of them. If I had to guess Axl's knowledge on the inter workings of politics/who is really pulling the strings is limited to CNN/MSN/FOX/mainstream social media so Axl like 99.9% of the population in my opinion is not qualified to push opinions/thoughts on others as it relates to this. Because if you totally have a false understanding/kept in the dark of what is really going on how can you possibly have much of a valid opinion? I could go on and on about what exactly I'm talking about here but it's probably best i don't cuz after all this is a GNR forum.




He has been apolitical for the most part. The reason this Trump shit hits close to home for Axl is because he doesn't want his nanny and her leech kids to be deported back to Brazil.


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54 minutes ago, Asia said:

Oh, poor, poor Axl.......

Btw, his fans are even  more skilled in whining on his behalf than he ever was himself.

I don't understand, if you aren't a fan then why are you here? Nobody's whining on anybody's behalf. I don't know Axl Rose personally and have never met him. This isn't some kiss ass suck up post. Just stating the straight up truth. It's rock & roll, shit happens. Shit we'll never know.:headbang:


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I see no problem with Axl Rose stating his political views. He's an American and human being. Second he has said before he generally leans democratic.

I also see someone who sang Civil War has an album titled Chinese Democracy likely has more of an inkling about politics then people think. Just because he doesn't always make them known doesn't mean he can't.

I think people are too harsh on celebrities who also vote and live in this Country having political views as we all do. If one doesn't agree with his views no big deal. 




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On 11/20/2016 at 2:33 AM, Top-Hatted One said:

Reading the old reports from the early 90's it seems these guys where on friendly terms with Trump. Seems Trump is a fan and really admire them. Did something go wrong business wise back then for them to have this much animosity towards him? Why are they ganging up on him now? Like I said before, not a good look when you are flying around in your own 757 MegaPlane with the largest GROSS income because you are charging Randy living in Rural Pennsylvania $180-400 a ticket. Someone who's been a fan since 98, never got to see anything that resembles the gnr he loves so he's torn between feeding his family or going to see the band. Randy doesn't have access to the same social programs in Rural PA as folks in Philadelphia do.

Trump wasn't running for or elected President then. Likely Axl or any other band member didn't judge him off his political affiliation or even ask then.


I wouldn't say they were friends or anything and its likely he disagrees with him politically which is relevant as he's the president elect now.

He has the right as a citizen of this Country as does anyone else.


Likely many things Donald stands for or against are close to his heart. Celebrities are citizens too.

How is it not a good look that an American states his political views? It doesn't matter what income bracket your in he and everyone else has that right. I'm not going to bash him for speaking his mind. 

Many use social media famous or not yo vent or post their views. Just because their famous doesn't mean their right to freedom of speech or political freedoms shouldn't remain.

I'm not trying to diss anyone but I also don't bash someones beliefs and state how they whined about something 1 year ago or 30.


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On 11/20/2016 at 0:31 AM, Billsfan said:

- One in a million is one in a million. You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. Axl is allegedly racist, sexist and mysoganistic. So is trump. They've both said things that have proven that case. Defend it all you want, hey I'm a fan of the song myself, but it's hypocritical considering where he stands regardless of the context. It's not like Trump hasn't said things that have been taken out of context either so both could be defended there but that's another topic...

- That's an awful lot of lol...Well, Trump made some sexist comments years ago. He called women fat years ago. By your logic, since Axl isn't certain things because time changes people, so is Donald trump. So has Mike Pence. So has Charles Manson. You can't get offended by something from one person then just blindly accept the same from someone else. 

- I'm literally calling it as I see it. You just don't like Donald Trump. Maybe you're not American maybe you are, but I'll gladly take cutting taxes making health insurance more affordable for hard working honest people like myself, is a bigger concern over staying politically correct. It also means more than a pampered millionaire who realistically isn't affected either way.

- Lets hope things work out. If there was ever a presidential election where we were screwed either way, this was it. Trump may be an insensitive jerk but I like my chances with a guy who says offensive things versus someone actually doing offensive things and causing destruction. Just my two cents... whatever. But it's not like someone like Axl Rose is going to pay a price for OBAMAcare where as hard working people do so, I don't see how he speaks for anybody. He's had more than enough questionably insane moments, it was nice thinking he might have finally cut down on that. 

In conclusion, I'm not sure how guilty or not guilty Axl really is. Personally, I'm leaning towards not guilty considering Seymour being a money hungry one and everly being kind of crazy in her own right. But he was accused of similar things trump has been. Hey we're all entitled to our opinions, I respect Axl for sharing them. But I also have the right to call him stupid for it. he just looks silly for going after trump and pence for immigration, homophobia, sexism, and racism considering he was literally the face of that for years. He's literally living in a glass home ready to throw stones. And again, the point still stands that if he really has such a problem with People like Mike pence he could have properly voiced it by at least voting. 

And above all.. he has plenty of other things he should be devoting his energy to and that's the biggest middle finger I see here. And that's why I will never buy this politically correct theory that artists and stars should be looked to for political inspiration... I mean my god, he can't even put in the effort to work perfect crime into a set list. Like come on dude

Do you know that he didn't vote this election?

Saying someone has no right to have a political view and express it because you want them to put a song in a set or make new music makes no sense.

I believe he's been touring all year and he's toured two major bands. What he tweets which literally takes seconds is his business. 

No one works 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


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Look Ted Nugent is a die hard Trump supporter. He has said a lot of political incorrect things. Fine, he has that right. Then Axl and other musicians have the right speak up against Trump. As for the Pence/Hamilton issue, Pence has said he was not offended by the cast speech. Yet Trump went nuts on twitter moaning. Trump doesn't seem to understand that what goes around, comes around. Nor he seems to understand free speech when it comes to others. He believes he is the only one who has the right to speak up about things he doesn't like. 

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8 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

When did this place become GOP central? Every time some star simply criticizes Axl people shit all over them, yet since Axl is attacking a conservative politician everyone's shitting on him this time? Never knew this forum was so politically biased.

Republicans are thin-skinned crybabies, and hypocritical ones at that. They howl and moan about PC this and safe-space that, but when someone says something they  don't like, well..you see what happens.

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6 minutes ago, gnr157 said:

Good for Axl.

The President Elect of the free world is and should be held to a higher standard than any musician.  This isn't about the past (look at Trumps past...all Trump supporters have no problem ignoring his past) so why should people be calling out Axl and saying what he can and can't say based on his past?  He called out Trump for being a "whiner" and yes Axl has been accused of the same behavior.  But Axl didn't campaign to be President, and Axl hasn't spent the last 18 months making promises that he can't or won't keep.  Trump is an embarrassment, and in four years most of those that voted for him will come to the conclusion that they got played by a rich punk that doesn't give a two-bit shit about the Average American.  Trump is not only the establishment, he is the ELITE ESTABLISHMENT --- we've now handed our government over to not just politicians, but to an elite ruling class. And they won the election by feeding the fear of the disenfranchised.  I am glad that Axl has the voice and the motivation to call out Trump.  

I completely agree with you, but in all actuality Hillary was and is the exact same thing.   The reason she failed to win is she took for granted that people who voted for Obama would vote for her.  Some did, many did actually.  But many did not by either not voting or voting elsewhere be she did nothing to appeal to them.   

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2 minutes ago, tsinindy said:

I completely agree with you, but in all actuality Hillary was and is the exact same thing.   The reason she failed to win is she took for granted that people who voted for Obama would vote for her.  Some did, many did actually.  But many did not by either not voting or voting elsewhere be she did nothing to appeal to them.   

Agreed.  I almost put that in there about Hillary and the Obama vote.  She simply did not have any accomplishment that she could point to and say "look what I've done for you"  and having President Obama campaign for her was simply not enough.  She definitely took those votes for granted -- and  was relying on the fear of a Trump presidency to draw out substantial votes.  

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15 hours ago, amacfantasy said:

Axl is probably saying this stuff of Trump because of Trumps thoughts he posted on twitter of Axl back in 2012 because he disagreed with Axl not attending the Rock N Roll hall of fame stuff, and I can't disagree with Trumps opinion on the matter. An we all know Axl is known to get overly sensitive to any critiquing of his handling of really anything but especially his handling of NuGNR. And lastly Axl will probably have a problem with anything Trump because he does after all live with a family from Brazil so he feels he needs to defend that.

i doubt the tweet has anything to do with it, i think you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence. 

Edited by -W.A.R-
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