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Terminator Genisys

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I think Marvel movies have a lot more quality then this, they have their flaws but they tend to have much better writing, characters, and action. Some stupid things in a script I can forgive, this was just all over the place though. I didn't call you an idiot, and stop taking this so personally. I am a Terminator fan too, but I also have a right to hold movies to certain standards. I understand action movies can be dumb. Jurassic World is a good example, but I found that to be a blast with a few inconsistencies. The writing was just atrocious in this. So many things made no sense.

"Hey John, if you kill us won't you cease to exist?"

"No! Um... I don't think so? Time exhiles..."

Like, wtf? There were other parts too that made no sense. Why did Judgment day magically move to 2017 (aside from the fact they wanted to have the movie take place in our current time)? Why was Skynet all the suddon a singular being? Why was a good Terminator randomly sent back to Sarah at age 9? Why did the cabin blow up?

Then you combine all that crap with lame acting, bad special effects, and a plot that was too similar to the other movies, and I just thought it sucked. Yeah, it was better than Salvation, but that isn't saying anything.

No, it wasn't nearly as bad as a Transformers sequel, but it was still bad in my opinion. This isn't going to bomb because its a Terminator movie, its going to bomb because it isn't that good. Just look at franchises like Planet of the Apes and Star Trek. Those were successfully rebooted, and make money now because they were quality films.

Umm, bro, I'm not offended, I'm not taking this personally, I'm just being honest, lol

Sorry but no, I have to accept that this movie has some stupid lines along it, but the worst thing in Marvel movies (which I totally love) is the writing. The beloved Captain America 2, had ridiculous dialogues. And I think they are getting a proper quality right now, because the first 6 marvel studios movies were very generic, and CA and Thor were just made to make them fit on Avengers, those movies were empty.

About this movie, the judgment day changes its date because the terminator arm doesn't get caught like in T1. So that delayed the judgment day.

They say it during the movie, they don't know who sent him, but has to be somebody with good reasons. It's obvious that they are keeping the secret for a sequel, is not a random thing.

I'm pretty sure that the guardian is the terminator from T2 but sent to another date. Sarah says a T-1000 was sent too, so maybe that could be Robert Patrick??? I just think they are holding this part for future sequels.

I don't see bad acting in the movie, maybe Jai Courtney a bit... But about the special effects... I can't comment because I watched a cam rip version, but what they did with young Arnold was just awesome. If you're talking about explosions and stuff like that, I again have to comment about Marvel, who has the same mistakes.

Man, before seeing any trailer, the 90% of the comments I saw were like "oh again..." "bury this shit please" "not another one" "this is going to be shit" "an old terminator? ridiculous"

People judge before watching the movie because they had a bad experience with the last ones. And I can asure you that if T3 and TS would have never got released, we would have a better opinion about this movie.

And this is better than T3. I just watched it the other day with my gf because she wanted to watch it before this movie and it was worst than I remembered

It was a T2 parody. The whole movie was just a shame, and the terminators in that movie use to move their neck in a very cartoonish stupid way

The other thing I can say is that at least this movie, unlike T3, develop the characters and plot.

In T3 the only thing that happens is that the T-800 appears, they fight a lot with the terminatrix, they go to skynet offices, and then that bunker, end

Here's another one, Sarah and Arnie built a fucking time machine in a basement in 1984 which isn't explained. Wtf?

Yes, you're right, that's stupid. It's obvious that according to the movie, a terminator has the acknowledges of creating time machines that travel to the future... But, if they are able to do that, Skynet too. Why haven't they done that before? I mean, in the apocalyptic war

I liked T3. It was a T2 rehash, but still fun to watch. Plus it had a really good twist ending. I also wouldn't call Iron Man, Captain America, and The Avengers generic out of the first 6. But why are we comparing this to Marvel?

The special effects on young Arnold were good, and I said that initialy. My problems were the horrible physics in the helicopor chase, the cheesy cartoon cgi when John died, and stuff like the bus. I also think most of the comments you saw were because the marketing was terrible. The photos, posters, and trailers were all pretty bad. But they did accuratly portray the movie, I guess. Its cool you liked it, but I don't think you are going to get very far arguing about that on here. So far it has about a 25% on rotten tomatoes.

Seriously, you got to watch the movie again. These neck moves I'm talking about are a shame. But what' I'm talking about about T3 is that in T3 doesn't happen anything. The plot happens easily without any medium development, and the T-800 it's a shit, in T2 (and Genisys) the terminator develops as a human and you start to feel empathy for him. In T3 you just don't give a fuck when he dies. The ending, yes, the ending is one of the better endings in a sci fi movie of all time in my opinion.

I'm comparing this to Marvel because for me, it's like a Terminator movie made by Marvel Studios, the humour is the same, the dialogues, the plot...

Why aren't they generic for you? They are the typical superhero movies, comes a bad guy, complications along the movie, the hero wins, the villian is defeated

Phase 2 has been awesome (except Avengers 2, at least for me)

I'm saying that if this wouldn't have been called Terminator and would have been, I don't know, for example, Whatever-madeup-marvel-character genisys, the movie would get better rates. Because with Marvel (and Transformers, shit, I forgot, even Ninja Turtles) they have these kind of problems, and even worst, they got better rates.

No, no, I'm talking about comments when the movie was announced, without trailers nor photos.

I still can't comment on that special effects because watching a cam rip is a shit, but I think you're probably right. But as far as I know, the bus stuff is real, is not cgi.

Nah, I just made a joke with your response to ER. But with stuff like the judgment day and who sent the guardian, I think those are logical stuff that shouldn't be considered script nosenses

And it has a 7.5. on Imdb XD

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I think Marvel movies have a lot more quality then this, they have their flaws but they tend to have much better writing, characters, and action. Some stupid things in a script I can forgive, this was just all over the place though. I didn't call you an idiot, and stop taking this so personally. I am a Terminator fan too, but I also have a right to hold movies to certain standards. I understand action movies can be dumb. Jurassic World is a good example, but I found that to be a blast with a few inconsistencies. The writing was just atrocious in this. So many things made no sense.

"Hey John, if you kill us won't you cease to exist?"

"No! Um... I don't think so? Time exhiles..."

Like, wtf? There were other parts too that made no sense. Why did Judgment day magically move to 2017 (aside from the fact they wanted to have the movie take place in our current time)? Why was Skynet all the suddon a singular being? Why was a good Terminator randomly sent back to Sarah at age 9? Why did the cabin blow up?

Then you combine all that crap with lame acting, bad special effects, and a plot that was too similar to the other movies, and I just thought it sucked. Yeah, it was better than Salvation, but that isn't saying anything.

No, it wasn't nearly as bad as a Transformers sequel, but it was still bad in my opinion. This isn't going to bomb because its a Terminator movie, its going to bomb because it isn't that good. Just look at franchises like Planet of the Apes and Star Trek. Those were successfully rebooted, and make money now because they were quality films.

Umm, bro, I'm not offended, I'm not taking this personally, I'm just being honest, lol

Sorry but no, I have to accept that this movie has some stupid lines along it, but the worst thing in Marvel movies (which I totally love) is the writing. The beloved Captain America 2, had ridiculous dialogues. And I think they are getting a proper quality right now, because the first 6 marvel studios movies were very generic, and CA and Thor were just made to make them fit on Avengers, those movies were empty.

About this movie, the judgment day changes its date because the terminator arm doesn't get caught like in T1. So that delayed the judgment day.

They say it during the movie, they don't know who sent him, but has to be somebody with good reasons. It's obvious that they are keeping the secret for a sequel, is not a random thing.

I'm pretty sure that the guardian is the terminator from T2 but sent to another date. Sarah says a T-1000 was sent too, so maybe that could be Robert Patrick??? I just think they are holding this part for future sequels.

I don't see bad acting in the movie, maybe Jai Courtney a bit... But about the special effects... I can't comment because I watched a cam rip version, but what they did with young Arnold was just awesome. If you're talking about explosions and stuff like that, I again have to comment about Marvel, who has the same mistakes.

Man, before seeing any trailer, the 90% of the comments I saw were like "oh again..." "bury this shit please" "not another one" "this is going to be shit" "an old terminator? ridiculous"

People judge before watching the movie because they had a bad experience with the last ones. And I can asure you that if T3 and TS would have never got released, we would have a better opinion about this movie.

And this is better than T3. I just watched it the other day with my gf because she wanted to watch it before this movie and it was worst than I remembered

It was a T2 parody. The whole movie was just a shame, and the terminators in that movie use to move their neck in a very cartoonish stupid way

The other thing I can say is that at least this movie, unlike T3, develop the characters and plot.

In T3 the only thing that happens is that the T-800 appears, they fight a lot with the terminatrix, they go to skynet offices, and then that bunker, end

Here's another one, Sarah and Arnie built a fucking time machine in a basement in 1984 which isn't explained. Wtf?

Yes, you're right, that's stupid. It's obvious that according to the movie, a terminator has the acknowledges of creating time machines that travel to the future... But, if they are able to do that, Skynet too. Why haven't they done that before? I mean, in the apocalyptic war

I liked T3. It was a T2 rehash, but still fun to watch. Plus it had a really good twist ending. I also wouldn't call Iron Man, Captain America, and The Avengers generic out of the first 6. But why are we comparing this to Marvel?

The special effects on young Arnold were good, and I said that initialy. My problems were the horrible physics in the helicopor chase, the cheesy cartoon cgi when John died, and stuff like the bus. I also think most of the comments you saw were because the marketing was terrible. The photos, posters, and trailers were all pretty bad. But they did accuratly portray the movie, I guess. Its cool you liked it, but I don't think you are going to get very far arguing about that on here. So far it has about a 25% on rotten tomatoes.

Seriously, you got to watch the movie again. These neck moves I'm talking about are a shame. But what' I'm talking about about T3 is that in T3 doesn't happen anything. The plot happens easily without any medium development, and the T-800 it's a shit, in T2 (and Genisys) the terminator develops as a human and you start to feel empathy for him. In T3 you just don't give a fuck when he dies. The ending, yes, the ending is one of the better endings in a sci fi movie of all time in my opinion.

I'm comparing this to Marvel because for me, it's like a Terminator movie made by Marvel Studios, the humour is the same, the dialogues, the plot...

Why aren't they generic for you? They are the typical superhero movies, comes a bad guy, complications along the movie, the hero wins, the villian is defeated

Phase 2 has been awesome (except Avengers 2, at least for me)

I'm saying that if this wouldn't have been called Terminator and would have been, I don't know, for example, Whatever-madeup-marvel-character genisys, the movie would get better rates. Because with Marvel (and Transformers, shit, I forgot, even Ninja Turtles) they have these kind of problems, and even worst, they got better rates.

No, no, I'm talking about comments when the movie was announced, without trailers nor photos.

I still can't comment on that special effects because watching a cam rip is a shit, but I think you're probably right. But as far as I know, the bus stuff is real, is not cgi.

Nah, I just made a joke with your response to ER. But with stuff like the judgment day and who sent the guardian, I think those are logical stuff that shouldn't be considered script nosenses

And it has a 7.5. on Imdb XD

If the way a robot's neck moves brings you that much strife, I have no idea how you gave this movie a pass. Did you not see the way the helicoptors flew or the way Arnold fell in traffic? I think Marvel movies work better as comedies than this movie did. There were a few laughs at this, but not many. I also think the dialogue is a lot more poor in this. Marvel isn't shakesphere, but there are few lines or plot points that make you cringe. Also, those movies had simple plots, but they had good scripts, were easy to follow, and didn't contain huge plotholes for the most part. Iron Man had a ton of charm to it and was extremly well written for an action film, Captain America was more straight forward but had likeable characters and took place in the 40s which was neat, The Avengers also brought a ton of different movie franchises together along with being really well put together. Regardless, I don't think a Terminator movie should feel like a Marvel movie, but whatever.

I also don't think there is a consipiracy against this franchise, its just been lackluster so people should be skeptical. People should hold sequels to high standards. Star Wars is my favorite franchise ever. You better believe I am expecting great things from the sequel. I said I liked T3, but it is a drop from 1 and 2. Salvation was also an abomination. Naturally, this deserved the skeptism when it was announced. If this was really good it would have helped and won people over. I really think franchises like Batman, Star Trek, Apes, etc are good examples of where this needs to go. All of those franchises have had tons of terrible sequels and even reboots in the past. Do you think the world was waiting on the edge of its seat for a new Planet of the Apes movie in 2011? Absolutely not, but the studio delivered a fresh take on the franchise that was really well done. It won audiences over, and look how respected the brand is.

By the way, the rating on imdb includes the ratings from 6,600 users. I doubt that many people have seen the film the day before release, and thought to go on imdb to rate it. That isn't a very good site to go off of aside from movie info.

I'm glad you liked the movie, though. Personally, I'm disappointed. I really do like this franchise, but its too bad the last 2 movies were so bad for me. They should have made a good war movie/trilogy when Salvation came out as a sort of new take on the franchise, but whatever.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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So far it has about a 25% on rotten tomatoes.

Nice. Hopefully will reach the 9% it truly deserves.

I didn't like it but I don't think it was exactly a Transformer or Taken sequel :lol:

I did like seeing Arnold again in the role and Emelia Clark and Terminator-dad had some nice chemistry

That's about all I got

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I wish this was released earlier in the summer. Good or bad, I'd rather have went early in the day to see the film without all the annoying kids around.

12 A ratings to the films that used to have a 18/15 rating are always red flags as well.

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Haven't seen it yet but from what I've been hearing, it's a big mess.

Maybe it would've been best to just do a mirror image of the first film and not incorporate elements of T2 in there (like the T-1000 and such). All of that could've been saved for the sequel.

They should've just kept this one grounded and have the Old Arnold vs. Young Arnold fight be the big build-up at the climax. I guess still have Sarah Conner already be the badass she was in T2, tho. Going off of the trailers, that element seems cool.

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Yeah, it's terrible. The script reads like particularly hokey fanfic. Both leads are woefully miscast (and Emilia Clarke doesn't look a day over fifteen, it's unsettling). It makes no fucking sense, either on it's own terms, let alone as canon for the series. And worst of all, it's really kind of dull. Courtney and Clarke are onscreen 90% of the movie and...well, you can imagine how much fun that is. I'll rank it over Salvation, only because I was so bored in it that I think I blacked out. I unabashedly enjoy T3, so suck my dick on that haters. This is nowhere near as much fun, or as well executed. The worst episode of Sarah Connor Chronicles shits all over this. Having said all that, I didn't loathe it. It was clearly made by fans, and is almost endearingly slavish in it's devotion to Cameron's films (which explains his endorsement). But make no mistake, it sucks.

Edited by Angelica
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Cameron will turn his back on this film. As he has before.

I fully expect him too as well. I'm sure he enjoyed the ego stroking, but the poor reviews and the fact that it may well tank (my opening day session was only 30% full and Australia is a pretty reliable prognosticator of US box office) will probably compel him to distance himself. He's a dick like that.

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Yeah, his opinion means squat. He gets a nice paycheck, once that is spent he is going to get critical.

Is the movie fun at least? Like Rise of the Machines was? Salvation bored the hell out of me. Great trailer though.


Looking a bit top heavy there Emilia :lol:

Just bumping this because I think we could do with something positive to look at after 5 pages of how bad this film sucked.

Watch her scenes in Seasons 1 to 4 in Game of Thrones.

Supposedly Magic Mike XXL is slightly more successor in the US box office.

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I'm glad that I didn't fool myself (for the third time)....

The movie was poor, but it was the best of the poor Terminator films. There were more redeeming things about this film than T3 and Salvation combined.

But, the film is just as mechanical and by the numbers as a sans-Cameron T-flick, always will be. There is no soul here. They certainly tried, but at the end of the day, a duck is a duck and a dog is a dog.

I'm wiling to forgive the writers for mucking up the mythology and then not clarifying their changes: Who sent old Arnold?, What is John Connor's motivation for serving Skynet?

As a massive fan of this franchise, I must concede that it's very hard to make a good Terminator movie. There are probably only a dozen ways to craft an effective story and thousands upon thousands of ways to do it wrong and incite a lynch mob. Undersell the story, and you've got the whole world pissed that you took something so cerebral and reduced it to bubblegum, conversely, you over-tell the story and you'll hurt people's heads from pages of exposition, time-travel and paradoxes.

Like everyone else who saw the film on opening day, my theater was me and six other guys and you could feel the apathy just wash over all of us early into the film. I don't think this film will demand any sequels, which is a shame, because, as much as I've said each new Terminator is like getting diagnosed with cancer again....I really don't want Terminator to go away. I really keep hoping for something that incites my imagination. I don't want to watch Sarah Connor drive off towards the Mexican border with those juggernaut storm clouds on the horizon, and think "this is the end."

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Yeah, his opinion means squat. He gets a nice paycheck, once that is spent he is going to get critical.

Is the movie fun at least? Like Rise of the Machines was? Salvation bored the hell out of me. Great trailer though.

Arnie is fun. As is (the sadly underused) JK Simmons. Besides that, not so much, unless you're really into watching two especially terrible actors make puppy dog eyes at each other whilst spouting ludicrous expositionary dialogue. It's not as relentlessly tedious as Salvation, but it's leagues below Rise of the Machines on all fronts.

Edited by Angelica
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The posts so far sum up exactly why Hollywood should stop pushing for Jai Courtney. He's dull - zero charisma. Another actor might make the terrible dialogue and lack chemistry at least salvageable. I do still want to see this film but all the same I might just wait for it.

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