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When you get to a certain age your life becomes less about mates. I'm finding now in my early 30s that when I wanna go out and take the piss a lot of the usual suspects kinda like...well, can't. Missus, kids etc etc. The thought that it might be time for me to consider behaving myself occured to me.

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I'm quite shocked he disappeared and nobody seemed to bat an eye. I kinda miss the little god botherer.

He's better off without the internet/GNR forums...seriously.

And while I genuinely wish him the best in (real) life, I think the internet/GNR forums are better off without him on them.

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My mother in law is "upset with me" so she deleted me off Facebook.

This morning my husband visited her. She's disabled so she asked him to wrap some gifts for her. She took a photo of him on her phone and posted it on Facebook with the comment "Good job his wife is better at wrapping than he is- their kids would think that Santa's drunk" and tagged me in it- despite me not actually being there.

I commented "Joe's helping you- no need to criticise him publicly".

She then tells my husband about my comment and he agrees with me. She then bursts into tears, deletes the post and there is lots of door slamming.

Joe gets home and explains the situation. His mum then apologises to him for overreacting. I thought that was the end of it- until I am told that she's deleted me off her friends and is moaning to them that I upset her!

What the fuck did I do?!

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This is why Facebook is retarded. Knee jerk frie d deletions are seen as grand gestures. Who the fuck cares? Stop talking to her if she's a pain in the ass drama queen, tell your husband you'll talk to her when she grows the fuck up and stops acting like a 15 year old from Mean Girls.

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My future in-laws haven't met my parents yet, we were hoping to get them together before Christmas but his folks just seem really uninterested :unsure:

That's a shame, it might not matter as much to them. Good that you're making the effort though. I'm sure it will be fine!

My dad met his mum in the church, minutes before our ceremony. If we could have put if off any further, we would!

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My mother in law is "upset with me" so she deleted me off Facebook.

This morning my husband visited her. She's disabled so she asked him to wrap some gifts for her. She took a photo of him on her phone and posted it on Facebook with the comment "Good job his wife is better at wrapping than he is- their kids would think that Santa's drunk" and tagged me in it- despite me not actually being there.

I commented "Joe's helping you- no need to criticise him publicly".

She then tells my husband about my comment and he agrees with me. She then bursts into tears, deletes the post and there is lots of door slamming.

Joe gets home and explains the situation. His mum then apologises to him for overreacting. I thought that was the end of it- until I am told that she's deleted me off her friends and is moaning to them that I upset her!

What the fuck did I do?!

To be honest from the info you've given i think you were a bit out of order. It seems like it was meant as a joke. She surely didn't mean to hurt your husband by criticising his gift wrapping skills but you pulled her up on it.

Her over reaction afterwards is just that. And it's the reason I got rid of facebook years ago it's a load of bollocks.

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In Graceses defence it just seems an overreaction to crossed wires i mean, you cant tell the tone of voice and like...yknow whether something is sarcasm or the manner in which it is meant whatever just written on facebook. But yeah, with the in laws its best to just suck em off i find. Sounds awfully fake of me but i figure its about making the other half happy...and fuck it, its not like you gotta live with em, tell em what they wanna hear, tick the box nice and neat and get on with your life, you never come off well arguing or being snippy with old dears.

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Fucking hell, I haven't even had a crush on anyone in nearly a year and a half... And aside from one girl who kissed me in a nightclub 7 months ago, I can't honestly recall actually meeting a lassie I thought "hang on a minute..." about in all that time. Not that I would have had any success if circumstances had been different :P.

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Fucking hell, I haven't even had a crush on anyone in nearly a year and a half... And aside from one girl who kissed me in a nightclub 7 months ago, I can't honestly recall actually meeting a lassie I thought "hang on a minute..." about in all that time. Not that I would have had any success if circumstances had been different :P.

I felt like this for quite a while, but the time will come. I was single for 7 years and for 3-4 of those I had no interest in anybody.

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Fucking hell, I haven't even had a crush on anyone in nearly a year and a half... And aside from one girl who kissed me in a nightclub 7 months ago, I can't honestly recall actually meeting a lassie I thought "hang on a minute..." about in all that time. Not that I would have had any success if circumstances had been different :P.

I felt like this for quite a while, but the time will come. I was single for 7 years and for 3-4 of those I had no interest in anybody.

I don't know how those people who're never out of a relationship for more than 3 weeks manage it... I just think "Where do you find these people!?"

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