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RICHARD FORTUS Says 'Everyone Is Excited' About Possibility Of New Album

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8 hours ago, default_ said:

As much as I link him, I think people exagerates on the Fortus praise sometimes, but hey... If we cant have Izzy back, we better have someone that can actually play all sorts of things and not just some powerchord (Gilby/Tobias) or is a sad emo dude (Finck).

People love to complain about his solos but thats a band decision, they rehearse as a band, its a band thing... he's not doing that out of blue and I suspect they chose to do that so Axl can have more time to rest.

As for composing... If we ever get a new GNR album and it is at least on the same level as the Dead Daisies or The Compulsions material we're lucky. Or you guys really think we'll have a new Appetite/Illusions? nop nop nop Or it'll be a "generic" hard rock n' roll album or it'll be the second half of CD, we'll never get a new appetite.

I'm perfectly fine with generic hard rock n roll over weird industrial farts.

EDIT: Oh, and Izzy solo music after the JuJu Hounds is also generic as fuck, so theres that too. Don't count Izzy on being the savior 'cause you may be disappointed.
I like the generic dated hard rock n' roll approach, but some people seems to think a new Appetite/Illusions is automatically going to happen if we get the band back. it wont.

Since when did Gilby only play chords? his lines on Wild Horses were very tasty.

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On the subject of Slash Axl commented:

“Originally I intended to do more of an Appetite style recording but with the changes in the band's dynamics and the band's musical influences at the time it didn't appear realistic. So, I opted for what I thought would or should've made the band and especially Slash very happy. Basically I was interested in making a Slash record with some contributions from everybody else. There’d still be some chemistry and some synergy happening and whatever dynamics anyone else could bring in to the project. It seemed to me that anytime we got close to something that would work, it wasn’t out of opinion that Slash would go ‘hey it doesn’t work’, but it was nixed simply because it did work. In other words, ‘Whoa, wait a minute. That actually might be successful, we can’t do that.’

People like to call me paranoid. It has nothing to do with paranoia; it was to do with reality. If the material were strong enough for me to sink my teeth in then I would still be in a certain public position in regards to Guns, we’d have possibly still held a certain popularity with the public as I have previously been fortunate enough to have had. Slash and his ex-wife Renee and his security guy and closest confidant at the time, Ronnie Stalnacker could not live with that. It’s not something Slash could live with. Slash chose not to be here over control issues. Now people can say ‘Well Axl, you’re after control of the band too.’ You’re damn skippy. That’s right. I am the one held responsible since day one. When it comes to Guns n’ Roses, I may not always get everything right but I do have a good idea about getting things from point A to point B and knowing what the job is that we have to do. Within those parameters, I give everyone as much freedom to do what they want something Slash has verified in several interviews.

Had Slash stepped up and written what we captured glimpses of, it would have created an environment that was beyond Slash’s ability to control. He did not want to do that or put himself through the rigors of taking the band to that level even if he was capable of writing it. Was he capable of doing it? Absolutely 100%. I think that some of the riffs that were coming out of him were the meanest, most contemporary, bluesiest, rocking thing since Aerosmith’s Rocks. The 2000 version of Aerosmith Rocks or the 1996 Aerosmith Rocks by the time we would have put it out. I don’t know if I would have wanted to even do a world tour at the time but I wanted to put that record together and could we have done it? Yes. It’s not something I would want to approach (without Slash) because at the time there was only one person that I knew who could do certain riffs that way. We still needed the collaboration of the band as a whole to write the best songs. Since none of that happened, that’s the reason why that material got scrapped.

If one were to say well then why not do it now there are several reasons.1) My band, too much time, too much effort and hardship. Confidence in our material. Excitement in watching this grow and being a part of the whole experience. 2) Money. You get what you play for and nothing’s free. Can you cover the cost of this venture and its financial potential that I am just supposed to walk away from and for what? To where? I do not believe in any true effort or potential regarding most of my past relationship from the other party or parties, creatively or emotionally. Without that the money from a reunion doesn't mean much and though I'm sure the alumni is up for it for me it would be as or more lacking than it was during our attempts to work together previously. As a friend and former friend of Slash said to me in regards to working with Slash, "you can only do so many pull ups."

This is my shot and you can root for me to fail all you want, but there is simply way too much put into this to cater to someone else's selfish needs and destroy peoples dreams I truly care about including my own. Not too mention that though I've fought what feels like the heart of the nature of this entire industry, my own people would probably eat me alive if I opted for a lesser course. 3) Slash has lied about nearly everything and anything to nearly everyone and anyone. It's who he is. It's what he does. Duff's support for the man though understandable in one sense in regard to his circumstances, is inexcusable, and furthers my distance from the two of them. For me Matt doesn't figure into the equation and for as much as I was a friend to him he was incapable of reciprocating and life is much better without such an obvious albatross.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking anything away from the alumni in regard to their prior performances on record or touring to support the albums. I know how I was treated and more importantly I know how they treated others during both of these things, it's not a way anyone should be forced or even asked to work. And for the record I'm referring to Slash and Matt in regards to their actions and behavior, Duff played more of a supporting role (for reasons I've never understood). For the fans to attempt to condemn me to relationships even only professional with any of these men is a prison sentence and something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I'd say my parole is nearly over. I'm practically a free man and if you don't like it you'll have plenty of time to get used to the idea.”

On Richard Fortus replacing Paul Tobias:

“Paul helped us a lot in the writing and the recording of this record and to me was a vital part of not only the band but also my life. The world tour really wasn’t his cup of tea whereas he's much more comfortable in a studio setting. We’re fortunate to have found Richard who has this vibe kind of like Izzy but with amazing feel. The first thing I heard Richard play was the beginning of "Stray Cat Blues" by the Stones and he did it with the right feel. Richard likes to play rhythm. He’s an amazing lead player and very technically skilled. He really likes the pocket that Brain sets and the two of them click with Tommy so we finally have the real deal rhythm section, as Richard is a proven professional. Basically, Richard’s the guy that we always were looking for. I think that we’ll go on to write some very interesting things with Richard and he’s already done some rhythm work and some leads on the album.”



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13 hours ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

I'm not assuming Richard's contributions will suck, just don't understand why this delusional dude would make that stupid comparison with Izzy when Richard clearly can't win.

I really like Richard as a player. He was probably my favorite member on Axl's solo band (I mean, I like Buckethead way more but to me Richard was the perfect combination between being a great player and a good fit for the band). That said, I don't enjoy him that much in GNR, I feel he often overplays and that ruins some songs for me (especially Rocket Queen).

Overall, I still think he's a wondeful player. As a writer I'm not really sure, never heard a song that made me feel he's in a league close to the GNR guys, I doubt he's able to come up with stuff that's good enough to be part of a GNR record. I won't assume he can't do it without actually listening to what he's got to offer (if Axl ever let us hear another GNR record) but I'm not holding my breath for his contributions.

I dont think anyone is stupid enough to compare Fortus to Izzy as we dont have any song by Fortus released by GNR lol What i'm trying to say is:

He is not a powerchord dude that Axl or Slash has a problem with, he is not a sad emo alternative dude that would only bring moar sad, fragile emotional weird songs to the table, he is not a crazy dude who wears a mask, a bucket in his head, only records in a chicken coop and loves to do weird blu blu blu on the guitar, he is not a generic pop rock dude who loves to vitimize himself and only does blu blu blus on the guitar and he is not a Slash copycat.

Richard feels like the perfect match if we analyze this list of freaks carefully, he has the right influences, he has the baggage, he is skilled and he can obviously create good songs on what he is aming to. Thats what I been saying.

And as for the solos, I'll just say it again: It is a band decision and I suspect they are doing it so Axl has more time to rest his voice. I dont think it would change even with another guy.

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4 hours ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:

I'm out of likes but thank you very much for posting this.  I think I'll have to read this a few times to fully process it.  Can't say much of it surprises me though.

Maybe you'd be interested to have a look: :)


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6 hours ago, ToonGuns said:

If there is a new album and the Steven and Matt relationships are still not functioning... Please bring Brain back. Much better vibe than Frank. IMO the Frank overdubs on CD were unnecessary and made CD and IRS worse.

Although I dont like what Frank does in GNR, he has actually done some cool stuff with Richard and the Compulsions, maybe he'll do good on new songs? Who knows but check it out: 


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Are there any bands that have been able to make new music 20+ years after their heyday and still be able make a relevant musical statement? Don't get me wrong, I'd buy and enjoy anything new they put out. I don't understand whats going on with the music business these days... seems like all the romanticism is gone and everything sucks... or maybe I'm just getting old lol

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1 hour ago, passenger57 said:

Are there any bands that have been able to make new music 20+ years after their heyday and still be able make a relevant musical statement? Don't get me wrong, I'd buy and enjoy anything new they put out. I don't understand whats going on with the music business these days... seems like all the romanticism is gone and everything sucks... or maybe I'm just getting old lol

They could pull of a fun little rock album but they're not going to change the music industry or anything. I wonder if Axl even has anything to say? He seemed to grow out of signing about banging woman and being a rockstar in 1991 and unloaded the personal stuff with Chinese Democracy. 

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10 hours ago, passenger57 said:

Are there any bands that have been able to make new music 20+ years after their heyday and still be able make a relevant musical statement? Don't get me wrong, I'd buy and enjoy anything new they put out. I don't understand whats going on with the music business these days... seems like all the romanticism is gone and everything sucks... or maybe I'm just getting old lol

Not bands as such but I can think of a few solo artists,

Dylan, Time Out of Mind

Neil Young, Freedom to Sleeps With Angels late-80s - mid -90s 'Shakey' renaissance.

Johnny Cash, American Recordings

Springsteen, The Rising

The Stones' Some Girls arrived a bit soon for your allocated time frame of twenty years, however they were certainly seen as washed-up at that point and nobody was expecting a decent Stones album.


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On 7/27/2017 at 6:47 AM, Blackstar said:

Slash had said more or less the same in 1992*:

GW:  Is  Gilby now  a permanent, recording member of Guns N' Roses, or is he just fill­ing in for the tour?
SLASH : Chemistry between musicians is something that takes a while to develop. So right now we're just touring. We don't have any plans for recording or writing togeth­er.
GW: Has Izzy left the band for good?

SLASH: That's something I have no idea about- how this is going to affect Izzy and his attitude. He may be happy not doing this anymore. Or he might really want to come back and make the effort that he was­n't making before. I just can 't understand how he could let something like this just fall apart. I mean the guy didn't want to tour or do videos; he hardly wanted to record. I just never thought he was one of those guys that this would happen with. It's a lot different than the Steve Adler situation . So I don't know what's going to happen a year from now: whether we'll be working with Gilby, Izzy or somebody else altogether. A lot of things are up in the air right now. But we've got a heavy duty tour going on, and we've got a killer band to do it. [Slash, Guitar World, Feb. 1992]

* According to Izzy, it was Axl talking through Slash in those interviews (had Axl "possessed" him? :P)

I'm guessing Izzy meant that Slash was just being the company man. I think back then, Slash was playing Duff's role as the PR wing of the band. Axl was running the band affairs and Slash was communicating Axl's directives to the press. Now, Duff has that job. 

So while he may not have approved or liked Gilby's sacking, he went along with to keep Axl happy and the band functioning. It probably seemed like a betrayal to him I imagine to go along with Gilby's firing but then see Axl refuse to extend the same courtesy in firing Tobias to keep him happy. 

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I'm not a fan but I can see how Fortus is in a tough situation when it comes to comments like this. He says the only thing he can say really. He can't say yes we are or no we're not. It's not really his place to do that. To commit one way or the other could only get him in trouble.

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6 minutes ago, bigpoop said:

I'm not a fan but I can see how Fortus is in a tough situation when it comes to comments like this. He says the only thing he can say really. He can't say yes we are or no we're not. It's not really his place to do that. To commit one way or the other could only get him in trouble.

Might be time for him to adopt Dizzy Reed's strategy. Dizzy makes it very clear that he's not really in the loop. 

Fortus is a hired hand like Sorum and Gilby - not a real member. So it's perfectly fine for him to just skip the question. 

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6 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

Somewhere in some alternate universe the band never broke up and there are fans with dozens and dozens of Guns N' Roses records laughing at us.

By any chance, d'ya know how to get there?

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6 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

Somewhere in some alternate universe the band never broke up and there are fans with dozens and dozens of Guns N' Roses records laughing at us.

I see right through you....

You really want the universe with all those GREAT Richard Fortus riffs.....15 YEARS WORTH!

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On 28/07/2017 at 0:25 AM, Sunset Boulevard said:

Yes, sir.

Fortus has most certainly written more material over the last 15 years than Izzy ever did in Guns N' Roses.

He is also currently writting new material with Slash and Duff right now.

Not true.

For all we know, the only time Richard has written something was between 2013 and 2014 with Dj Ashba. 

""The way [Axl] generally works is that he doesn't wanna take an idea that DJ sent and… What he'll do is he'll take a little piece that I sent, he'll take a little piece that DJ sent on another track, and he's always done that." Richard, 2014.

That's probably why Axl wanted DJ to take part of the NITL tour. New materials are Dj/Richard songs, '96 Slash vault, current line-up material.

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13 hours ago, RONIN said:

Might be time for him to adopt Dizzy Reed's strategy. Dizzy makes it very clear that he's not really in the loop. 

Fortus is a hired hand like Sorum and Gilby - not a real member. So it's perfectly fine for him to just skip the question. 

Seriosuly! How do we get this message to him? Lol


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Like it or not,  but the big four of this tour are Axl, Slash, Duff and Richard. Richard has survived every line-up change since 2002 and he is cleary more than just a “hired hand“.

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10 minutes ago, Sosso said:

Like it or not,  but the big four of this tour are Axl, Slash, Duff and Richard. Richard has survived every line-up change since 2002 and he is cleary more than just a “hired hand“.

Anyway you look at it, in the media, overall impression, Richard will never have as much influence as Dizzy Reed, who is a rock hall of famer.

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25 minutes ago, Sosso said:

Like it or not,  but the big four of this tour are Axl, Slash, Duff and Richard. Richard has survived every line-up change since 2002 and he is cleary more than just a “hired hand“.

Do you really think the general public view Richard as one of 'the big four', on par with Axl, Slash and Duff?

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6 minutes ago, SevenMichaels said:

Do you really think the general public view Richard as one of 'the big four', on par with Axl, Slash and Duff?

I don't know. But he has more spotlight at the gigs than Dizzy, Frank and Melissa together. 

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