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09/23/17 - Rio de Janeiro, BR - Rock In Rio Festival


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6 minutes ago, GNRfanJen said:

A question I don't think has been asked yet. Do you guys think Axl would've done better if it was the NuGNR lineup? He obviously takes pride in that era of the band. Had it been those members, do you think he would've maybe cared more? 

It's very subjective. I personally think with the NuGNR for RIR2017, you could have had a RIR 06' or a RIR 11'. 

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1 hour ago, EvH said:

Just watched a bit of the show, pretty disappointing . Axl's voice was AWOL.

Slash's second Estranged solo was a total joke : mindless noodling  (and  drooling ).

Yeah wtf happened during that second solo in Estranged. Just as inexcusable as some of Axls flubs

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Just now, RussTCB said:

Slash was every bit as bad as Axl on a lot of this show.

I still havent watched a ton of the show. Slash seemed decent from what I saw except that second Estranged solo. He didnt even miss the notes and then improv to cover it, he just went "fuck it I want to shred".

Hes upped his guitar playing throughout his solo career and NITL imo, so shit like that sticks out like a sore thumb to me. I dont care how bored you are, some solos you shouldn't just not play. Its ok to embelish a bit on certain things and even improv, but the 2 Estranged solos arent those kinds of solos imo

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3 hours ago, default_ said:

Bon Jovi has way more integrity as a band than GNR lol Even if you dont like it, BJ has been constantly releasing (quality) stuff since day one, Jon has obviously lost his voice but still can deliever a nice experience to his fans, the band lost their main composer and guitarrist but with no drama has just released an album and are doing a sucessful tour, changing their sets often and doing a fine job.

Dont embarasse yourself trying to undermine BJ to praise GNR.


Oh, boy. Bon Jovi haven't released an adult rock album since 1995 and their output, especially lyrically, in the past 17 years has been utterly embarrassing. You can flick to any point of their Rio set and there he is, glued to his mic stand with no range, power or mojo talking through the verses whilst the band sing the choruses in a blended, soul-less, identity-less bleurgh.

We don't run
I'm standing my ground
We don't run
And we don't back down
There's fire in the sky
There's thunder on the mountain
Bless these tears and the dirt I was born in
Whoa oh
We don't run

A private school 15-year old in his first band would be ashamed to sing those pathetic lyrics.

One song from Chinese has more value than their entire catalogue from Crushpop to their latest abysmal pile of shit. 

A "nice" experience for his fans? Hey! let's go and see the Jon Bongiovi to have a lovely nice experience! Maybe when he talks through the verses of Bad Medicine he might walk away from his mic stand for two minutes! I love it when he does that one crowd interaction move where he puts his arm in the air with his palm facing out as if to say "I'm with you, the people!" 

Axl sucked last night but he has a LONG way to go to sink to the depths of Mr Springsteen Light Light Light Light. 

Edited by Jordan Rose
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I didn't expect a "blown away" performance tbh..

They need to take a break. 2 years of cashin... Sorry, of touring it's enough.

But if they want to continue like this, they need to change some things. Starting from the setlist bringing some songs that have left behind for too long.

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10 minutes ago, nikosgnr said:

I didn't expect a "blown away" performance tbh..

They need to take a break. 2 years of cashin... Sorry, of touring it's enough.

But if they want to continue like this, they need to change some things. Starting from the setlist bringing some songs that have left behind for too long.

Do you really wanna hear deep cuts with an voice like that?

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3 minutes ago, Sosso said:

Do you really wanna hear deep cuts with an voice like that?

Exactly.  Can't believe there are people who still wish for Perfect Crime.  Can you imagine?  The horror.  

Honestly, the guys need to end the tour, rest, record new album, tour that.  In that order.  Side projects can be squeezed in around the New Album schedule if they really want to to do that and have the work ethic.  It's not impossible.  I can imagine Duff and Slash being willing to multi-task.  Axl will need some coaxing but might manage it since he has proven he can double up jobs if Angus calls.  

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3 minutes ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:

Exactly.  Can't believe there are people who still wish for Perfect Crime.  Can you imagine?  The horror.  

Honestly, the guys need to end the tour, rest, record new album, tour that.  In that order.  Side projects can be squeezed in around the New Album schedule if they really want to to do that and have the work ethic.  It's not impossible.  I can imagine Duff and Slash being willing to multi-task.  Axl will need some coaxing but might manage it since he has proven he can double up jobs if Angus calls.  

He could do the AC/DC Album + tour from 2018 til 2020 and then focus on GN'R again. Duff, Slash and Fortus could build something like VR 2.0 during this time 

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I do not understand the opprobrium for Bon Jovi. Certainly their music is lite-rock pap and a music I would never personally select but it is supposed to be lite-rock pap. It rather misses the point criticising Bon Jovi for being ''lightweight'' and ''mainstream'' when that is their raison d'être. I would no more look for something 'punk', 'heavy', 'progressive' or 'sleazy' among the Jovi oeuvre than I would go looking for a big 1980's pop-rock anthem or a hair ballad among Slayer's oeuvre. Jovi possesses thirteen albums to Axl's four, three of which were released following Axl's Chinese Democracy; who has the happier fanbase?

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21 minutes ago, WindsorBoy147 said:

You guys make me lol soooooooooooooooo much... Bitching and crying over and over lol

The show was great and most importantly the crowd looked to have a great great time....Happy keyboarding guys....

Yes sure... At the eyes of the rest of the world, it was a pathetic rock concert. Really... and i'm not talking about the rasp thing here, i'm talking about hit at least some notes. Im going to the Argentinian date with my girlfriend and after she listened to RiR, she told me: do you wanna go with a friend? 

It's a shame...

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Supposed to be lite-rock pap? Supposed by whom? Not by Jon, that's for sure. 

They were a rock band up until 1995 and they wrote pretty good rock music and performed rock shows. Jon and Richie's first two solo albums were really solid and These Days was magnificent. Not light or pap at all.

Then at some point after his voice started to decline and he'd had enough of being scorned by the critics he went out of his way to try and become a journeyman singer-songwriter and name-dropped Dylan, Waits, Cohen and Taupin every interview. He's just not talented enough to write like that and from Bounce in 2002 through Shit House last year he's put out masses of dreadful lyrics and forgettable melodies. There Was A Time is worth more than the lot combined. I remember reading the lyrics to That's What The Water Made Me and What About Now to a bunch of friends and we were literally crying laughing at that shite. 

Happiest fanbase? The splintered Guns fanbase was a lot happier with just the reunion and 2016 shows than the Jovi fans have been with his shitty album and awful shows. As a whole his fanbase is a joke anyway. A myopic group who only listen to Bon Jovi, not discerning music fans. There are virtually no rock fans left at his shows, mostly just middle-class Jovi die hards. You can see it in the embarrassing tour ads in the cinema with all the rich, middle class women who likely don't own any music other than Jovi, singing along to a couple choruses. 

Something To Believe In and Santa Fe would possibly both me in my top 10 desert island songs. Stranger or These Days might be in my top 10 albums. But anybody trying to put Axl down for Rio by comparing him to what Jon Bongiovi has been and done the past 17 years, let alone that joke of a show he put on the other night, is chatting a fat load of bullshit.

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1 hour ago, Nosaj Thing said:

Yep, just as Axl has lost his voice and now sounds like a bad parody of himself, Slash is starting to lose his sort-of unique ability to bend a note, as well as playing, slow melodic solos.  Instead, he chooses to shred which is... good? but not on most Gn'R songs.  Noodling is boring.  I love Slash for his melodic solos, so when he butchers them, I cringe.

While Slash being a noodler is a criticism that non fans have brought to him since at least 91', I sometimes wonder if on NITL he feels the need to compete with the shredding of previous members like Bucket and Bumblefoot?  In an interview Fortus commented on how he admires Slash of just going for it and trying new things every night and I swear I picked up on a chuckle and a mocking tone when he said it.

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3 minutes ago, soon said:

While Slash being a noodler is a criticism that non fans have brought to him since at least 91', I sometimes wonder if on NITL he feels the need to compete with the shredding of previous members like Bucket and Bumblefoot?  In an interview Fortus commented on how he admires Slash of just going for it and trying new things every night and I swear I picked up on a chuckle and a mocking tone when he said it.

That's a nervous smile you're talking about. It happens when you're assessing a legend like Slash. 

Slash was incredible at Rio. Its extreamly impressive to hear him on a pro shot like this. Sweet child was amazing on his end. 

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3 minutes ago, soon said:

While Slash being a noodler is a criticism that non fans have brought to him since at least 91', I sometimes wonder if on NITL he feels the need to compete with the shredding of previous members like Bucket and Bumblefoot?  In an interview Fortus commented on how he admires Slash of just going for it and trying new things every night and I swear I picked up on a chuckle and a mocking tone when he said it.

I'd hazard a guess that Slash's ego feels the need to show off at every opportunity and be the loudest instrument in the band. :lol: 

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2 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

Yeah wtf happened during that second solo in Estranged. Just as inexcusable as some of Axls flubs

Honestly it was so disappointing. I was in the 'Slash has never played that good before' for months, but he  has completely fallen in the 'faster is better ' camp for a while.

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