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I think it's going to cost more lives. the cdc and doctors agree it is too soon to lift any restrictions, but yet again because Abbott is a Republican gov and President Biden is a Democratic, it's a political move yet again. Texas has bigger egos than New York ever will.

The Florida Gov had ignored making masks mandatory and many lives have been lost and continue to be lost. Wail until Spring break week. Many morons will be paying the price.

As long as states make money it's all they care about.

maybe Gov. Abbott should consider making pot legal and that will bring the economy up quicker and won't cost many more lives.

I guess we will see how this goes 2 or 3 weeks from next Wednesday.

I only hope people use their common sense, but I don't have much faith in that. 

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On 3/3/2021 at 8:26 PM, RussTCB said:

Texas lifting restrictions and mask mandates is going to end up setting the US way back again. Awesome. 

I am going to go out on a limb and stay that is highly unlikely to happen.  We'll see.  If hospitals are over-run, the bodies are piling up, supply lines break down, and the zombies start coming over the wall.  Until then, your histarical perditions are noted

Between RussTCB and dontdamn attitude about Texas I think even further illustrates the deep divide that will likely only get worse.  If it were truly for political reasons it would have been lifted earlier.  Ok, fine.  It would have taken courage to shut down the economy in March 2020.  It will also take courage to re-open the economies and let life go to normal in March 2021.  No matter what anyone does, there will always be criticism and all that.  BTW, I suspect not much will change for most people.  The governor doesn't have control over any major city or private business.  Listening to the UFC 259 press conference, all of the majors have politely declined having a UFC PPV there.  I suspect not much as changed but the state has gotten out of the way of local jurisdictions from making their own decisions.  What mass gatherings have taken place in Florida that didn't follow CDC guidance?

Let's set all of that aside.  The groups and people recommending more lockdowns and delaying the return to normal life aren't impacted by any of their decisions.  I suspect no one from CDC recommending any of these health guidance will never lose a paycheck or worry about losing their job.  I suspect the elected officials and city majors will never worry about the same thing - while still enjoying their favorite restaurant or getting their hair done.

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4 hours ago, Spike Killer said:

I am going to go out on a limb and stay that is highly unlikely to happen.  We'll see.  If hospitals are over-run, the bodies are piling up, supply lines break down, and the zombies start coming over the wall.  Until then, your histarical perditions are noted

Between RussTCB and dontdamn attitude about Texas I think even further illustrates the deep divide that will likely only get worse.  If it were truly for political reasons it would have been lifted earlier.  Ok, fine.  It would have taken courage to shut down the economy in March 2020.  It will also take courage to re-open the economies and let life go to normal in March 2021.  No matter what anyone does, there will always be criticism and all that.  BTW, I suspect not much will change for most people.  The governor doesn't have control over any major city or private business.  Listening to the UFC 259 press conference, all of the majors have politely declined having a UFC PPV there.  I suspect not much as changed but the state has gotten out of the way of local jurisdictions from making their own decisions.  What mass gatherings have taken place in Florida that didn't follow CDC guidance?

Let's set all of that aside.  The groups and people recommending more lockdowns and delaying the return to normal life aren't impacted by any of their decisions.  I suspect no one from CDC recommending any of these health guidance will never lose a paycheck or worry about losing their job.  I suspect the elected officials and city majors will never worry about the same thing - while still enjoying their favorite restaurant or getting their hair done.

That's fair. Those are really good points and I honestly, I have no basis for the original post regarding Texas anyway. 

I've tried to find a balance through this whole thing. I didn't want to be all doom & gloom but I also didn't want to be flippant with no regard for anyone else. So I didn't mean for my post to come off as "we're all gonna die because of Texas" lol. 

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The city of Houston has all 4 variants of the covid virus and knowing this the Gov still wants Texas open 100 % and no masks mandate.

The Dallas Judge jenkins is telling Texans to listen to the doctors and health departments and continue to do what we've been doing. I wander how many will listen to him come Wednesday. the bars will be open and some wants masks and others don't. Let's see come April how many younger people will get the virus and spread it when they go home and back to school. It's a shame that people have to get sick or die for a some states to realize the virus is still here and strong and spreading.

The Dallas morning news had a very sad story about a woman who lost her husband to the virus and then her daughter. she is taking care of her grandson and the poor baby has no idea his mom is dead.  Reading this makes you realize how this virus has torn families apart and even after the deaths you are still living with the nightmare for a long time.

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6 hours ago, RussTCB said:

That's fair. Those are really good points and I honestly, I have no basis for the original post regarding Texas anyway. 

I've tried to find a balance through this whole thing. I didn't want to be all doom & gloom but I also didn't want to be flippant with no regard for anyone else. So I didn't mean for my post to come off as "we're all gonna die because of Texas" lol. 

It's not just Texas. Mississippi has the same rule as well as Florida, who never had a mask mandate. This virus is still alive and well and as strong as ever. I know it sucks after a year to still do what the doctors and health departments say, but i would rather wear a mask a little longer than get this virus and get sick and possibly die. My friends who are nurses see this everyday and it's taking a toll on everyone. 

After patients who have gotten over the virus aren't still all that well. The long haulers is a real thing and I don't want to continue to feel lousy even after the virus is supposedly gone from me. There are still things that doctors don't know about this virus and that's got to scare us all.

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A lot of cities in Texas have begun vaccination teachers this week. They are getting the J&J shot. My city has a two week break so hopefully our teachers can get vaccinated before school begins again the end of the month.

At least the Dallas/Fort Worth area are trying to get this done quickly. It'll keep teachers and our kids safe for the time being.

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Tomorrow the masks come off in Texas.

Some restaurant in Houston was going to have a "take your mask off" party, but the city said no. This restaurant will be closed tomorrow but I'm sure it'll be open for business every day after. South Padre Island is getting ready for spring break next week.

The covid virus is very happy about this.

One Mexican restaurant still requires masks for their workers and any customers. Some people were pissed and threatened to tell immigration to see if their workers have their green cards. The owner feels this is racist and I agree with him. It's up to any business to enforce what they want of their employees and customers, but since Abbott says masks aren't mandatory I knew there would be trouble.

Bars can be open 100% too and I doubt they will require masks. All about money.

Guess we will see in a few weeks how high the numbers rise for covid patients since American is a long way off of vaccinating most people.

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Dallas is allowing 50 year olds to get the vaccine too.

I went to the dentist today and all doctors's office are requiring masks.  

The news showed some morons in a bar last night at midnight when the mandate was over and they had a fun time by taking down the masks signs. I said wait for a few weeks and let's count how high the numbers go back up again.

And I'm tired of the news people telling you how you Gov Abbott took away the mask mandate and then showing a doctor explaining why wearing a mask is still the right thing to do. Abbott knows what the doctors and cdc are saying and he doesn't give a fuck!

13 hours ago, Gavin82 said:



Get ready for the 3rd wave everyone end this summer 

I totally agree with you. So many people who have lost loved ones to the virus are telling others, but is anyone listening? I mean the virus has killed over 540,000 people and over a million have gotten the virus so many of us know someone or have been touched by it, so are there still people out there who have to be told how deadly this virus still is?

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8 hours ago, Gavin82 said:

I literally only know 1 person who had it bad in 12 months that is 

I know a few people who have gotten the virus, but luckily have gotten better, but like I said the news does show you families who have lost a loved one or more and how they plead with people to realize this virus is real and to still listen to the health department.

I'm curious to see how many won't wear a mask anymore. Most stores and doctors's office still want you to wear a mask and their workers do too.  All the news stations cover "covid a year later" and they say and I agree that it's really not any better than last year, but wearing a mask and not going into crowds has helped, but now who knows? I will continue to do what I have been doing for the past year and probably will for a long while.

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Here in UK our summer is not far away and I'm sure the beaches will be rammed same as last really this Drakeford is saying this 3rd wave also Prof Chris has said same in Wales 1M are now jabbed up there is only 3.5M or so and Drakeford is already shitting him self about the summer 

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I heard there are 7 variants now. Still not sure if the vaccines will help against them or not. Doctors say words like "should and most likely" but who knows?  Sometimes even with a flu shot you still get some version of a flu.

I don't have much faith in humans because we are so full of ourselves and want to do what we want when we want. This weekend, Dallas celebrates St. Paddy's day. Bars are open 100%, so here we go. Covid is smacking it's lips! lol God help us all.

I don't ever think things well be normal like they were, but I think we will always have to be vigilent with our lives. But will we?

I do hope by May wll adults can get a vaccine and then we can concentrate on our children. I do feel some hope, but you know there will be plenty of morons who didn't care before and won't care now.

And like I've said before, this is why we have the covid virus. Humans don't treat ourselves or the earth well. And yes I add myself to that list, but at least I follow the science and try to do wasn't right and don't hurt myself or anyone else.

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19 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

I heard there are 7 variants now. Still not sure if the vaccines will help against them or not. Doctors say words like "should and most likely" but who knows?  Sometimes even with a flu shot you still get some version of a flu.

I don't have much faith in humans because we are so full of ourselves and want to do what we want when we want. This weekend, Dallas celebrates St. Paddy's day. Bars are open 100%, so here we go. Covid is smacking it's lips! lol God help us all.

I don't ever think things well be normal like they were, but I think we will always have to be vigilent with our lives. But will we?

I do hope by May wll adults can get a vaccine and then we can concentrate on our children. I do feel some hope, but you know there will be plenty of morons who didn't care before and won't care now.

And like I've said before, this is why we have the covid virus. Humans don't treat ourselves or the earth well. And yes I add myself to that list, but at least I follow the science and try to do wasn't right and don't hurt myself or anyone else.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of variants, but that doesn't mean there is cause for panic. The vaccines are all very effective and can easily be tweaked if need be. I've learned the media loves to run wild with "anti body response is far less" for variant XYZ. Antibody generation does not always directly correlate to neutralizing the virus. 

We're in good shape.


My gf also got her first dose today, I am very grateful

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2 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

There are probably hundreds of thousands of variants, but that doesn't mean there is cause for panic. The vaccines are all very effective and can easily be tweaked if need be. I've learned the media loves to run wild with "anti body response is far less" for variant XYZ. Antibody generation does not always directly correlate to neutralizing the virus. 

We're in good shape.


My gf also got her first dose today, I am very grateful

Yeah, I agree. Thanks goodness we have these vaccines now. I do feel better and hopefully by May I can get my vaccines too. 

I went to another supermarket today and luckily they still require masks and everyone was wearing one. It's still too soon to drop our guard. 

Unfortunately, the bars in Dallas are open 100% and I'm sure this weekend will be very busy for them. Just hope they try to be safe, but I doubt it. Oh well. All we can do is take  care of ourselves and those we love.

Stay well

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45 minutes ago, lame ass security said:

There were still over 1800 deaths in the U.S. on Saturday. While that's much better than the 4000 deaths per day a few months ago we still have a long way to go.

I agree. The bars in Dallas are all open 100%. I'm sure tons of people were out. Let's see how the numbers of covid cases are in a month's time. I'm pretty sure they will go way up. 

I think the states could have waited another few months and hopefully most people will be vaccinated. Is it worth moving ahead when it's still not safe? I don't think so.

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