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10 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

I think I read that the UK strategy has been to invest as many as possible with one shot (even if two is required for full immunization), because it is expected that even one shot provides substantial protection, and then administer the second shot later. This quickly achieving a good general protection in the population. Most other countries focus on full-vaccinating people, so instead of vaccinating two people with one shot each, they vaccinate one person with two shots. Later, UK will of course make sure that everybody got two shots and are fully vaccinated. Don't know if this is true, but makes a lot of sense to me. 

That's basically the plan I think. One shot offers very good protection against the most serious consequences of infection so the idea is that we protect more people from serious illness rather than less people against all illness. Got to hand it to Boris and Co. in this instance. They've not done a lot right in this pandemic but credit where it's due as far as vaccines are concerned.  

Edited by Dazey
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3 minutes ago, Dazey said:

That's basically the plan I think. One shot offers very good protection against the most serious consequences of infection so the idea is that we protect more people from serious illness rather than less people against all illness. Got to hand it to Boris and Co. in this instance. They've not done a lot right in this pandemic but credit where it's due as far as vaccines are concerned.  

Absolutely, well done! 

You also have a lot more vaccines than most other countries, and in this case not being part of the EU has allowed you to get your hands on more vaccines. Good that something positive comes out of Brexit. But you might have got too many vaccines. I believe you have ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate your population many-fold over. Not much solidarity, but I suppose you left the EU for this reason ;). 

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Just now, SoulMonster said:

Absolutely, well done! 

You also have a lot more vaccines than most other countries, and in this case not being part of the EU has allowed you to get your hands on more vaccines. Good that something positive comes out of Brexit. But you might have got too many vaccines. I believe you have ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate your population many-fold over. Not much solidarity, but I suppose you left the EU for this reason ;). 

The irony is that Brexit is irrelevant here. There was a absolutely nothing about membership of the EU that stopped us from pursuing this strategy as evidenced by the fact that we were still within the EU framework until January 1st this year. Any EU member state could have copied our rollout strategy, they just chose not to. :shrugs:   

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1 minute ago, Dazey said:

The irony is that Brexit is irrelevant here. There was a absolutely nothing about membership of the EU that stopped us from pursuing this strategy as evidenced by the fact that we were still within the EU framework until January 1st this year. Any EU member state could have copied our rollout strategy, they just chose not to. :shrugs:   

That's funny.

Norway was lucky to be able to join the EU vaccine program, so we are getting vaccines as if we were a member state. We could have taken UK's, but I don't think we even thought of it, nor that we would have succeeded or even wanted it.

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1 minute ago, SoulMonster said:

That's funny.

Norway was lucky to be able to join the EU vaccine program, so we are getting vaccines as if we were a member state. We could have taken UK's, but I don't think we even thought of it, nor that we would have succeeded or even wanted it.

The strategy was to invest heavily in vaccines from many different sources in order to make sure that we had access to whatever was approved first basically. There was no way of knowing back in early 2020 which of the many vaccines would be successful (if any) and which would be approved for use first. It wasn't so much a case of vaccine hoarding but rather a hedging of bets over what would be available.

We ordered 400 million doses from 7 manufacturers which would be enough to vaccinate the adult population with both doses seven times over but so far only three suppliers have been approved and only two are available from Astra Zeneca (100 million) and Pfizer (40 million). If for whatever reason the Oxford vaccine hadn't been successful we'd be looking at 40 million doses which would only be enough for 20 million people and obviously we wouldn't have all those doses available yet.

By basically spreading the net as widely as possible we gave ourselves the best chance of success and that seems to have worked out well. I wouldn't however be averse to allowing some of our orders to go to the EU now as we've now given the first shot to enough people to see a way out of this. Boris seems to be okay with that also now as I believe we've offered to share future shipments of the Oxford vaccine. 

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I think we have vaccinated about 10% of our population (full-vaccinated, two doses). The plan is that all adults will be vaccinated before July, or something. I need this to be able to start business traveling against after summer. Being grounded in Norway for another season would be terrible for my company.

Have you and your wife been vaccinated, Dazey?

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

I think we have vaccinated about 10% of our population (full-vaccinated, two doses). The plan is that all adults will be vaccinated before July, or something. I need this to be able to start business traveling against after summer. Being grounded in Norway for another season would be terrible for my company.

Have you and your wife been vaccinated, Dazey?

Not yet. We were supposed to be getting our first doses in April but I think it's going to be May now as we appear to have to share our toys with the bloody Europeans! :lol: 

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10 minutes ago, Dazey said:

Not yet. We were supposed to be getting our first doses in April but I think it's going to be May now as we appear to have to share our toys with the bloody Europeans! :lol: 

I take from this only a warm testament to your benevolent solidarity.

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10 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

You have 50% of your population now. That should make it harder for the virus to spread.

We will have another LD its going to happen Bojo and Drakeford have said they are both bricking it over this summer 

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On BBC news right now all the talk on these other strains Kent and SA etc saying these current vaccines may not work on them saying we may need to tweek them 

Sir Pat Val says this is not going away 0% chance of that ever happening 

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3 minutes ago, Gavin82 said:

On BBC news right now all the talk on these other strains Kent and SA etc saying these current vaccines may not work on them saying we may need to tweek them 

Sir Pat Val says this is not going away 0% chance of that ever happening 

Yeah, this was always a possibility. SARS-CoV-2 may become a fixed staple of the human condition like influenza and the cold. Hopefully we will be able to continuously develop new vaccines and eventually as more and more of us get infected, we will develop some immunity from that as well making the disease less of a problem. But yeah, this is likely not one of those diseases we will be able to eradicate, at least not with the types of vaccines we are using today. The more realistic scenario is that we have a perpetual arms race with the virus, it evolves and we respond by making new vaccines. 

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Texas is getting more vaccines next week. My brother got notice and is getting his first vaccine next Wed in Grand Prairie. Hope I hear soon too.

also saw on the news that kids from 6 months to 12 years old will be able to get vaccinated before the next school year. they are testing kids now. My daughter is 10 and I want her vaccinated as soon as possible too.

Hopefully other people who didn't want it will change their minds or this virus will never go away. Not that I think it will anyway, but the more people get the vaccine, the more the virus can slow down.

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22 hours ago, Dazey said:

50% of the UK adult population is vaccinated.

Great news! The US might be able to send vaccines to the rest of the world soon. That would be great because we all need to get vaccinated to slow down the spread and possibly one day stop it.

We will all need to get vaccinated each year against this virus just like the flu vaccine fine by me.

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Bojo made an interesting comment as he came of air earlier this evening  by saying 

The UK has done so well cos of greed Az has made so much money from this 

He then tried to back track and say he never said it but the press were watching 

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4 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

Michigan is getting fucked up right now, glad I got my vaccine. Second dose is tomorrow

I'm on the south west side of MI.

I'd be down for the single shot J&J shot. A return trip for another dose is a pain, no pun intended. I'd rather it be one and done. Of course, having said that, I have an upcoming dental event that will require 4 additional visits... getting old sucks. 

I don't like going to any medical facility, ironically I seem to catch shit from people every time I go to the doctor. I'd rather go into a damn Walgreens or something for the shot. Haha

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8 hours ago, Dean said:

Just back from my vaccination and it was a breeze! The first steps in the right direction

I think i will have to wait until May until i get mine, i think they are going to give the old folk their 2nd jabs first.

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MI needs another "pause" as they called it. Vaccines are our way out, but it takes a month to a month and a half for full protection. Plus, not nearly enough of the population has received them yet to drastically reduce transition. Our RT today may be the worst yet (1.3 I think?) and we are at over 5,000 cases today. The UK variant is most likely a big factor.

They should shut down indoor dining and schools again for another month or two at this point. It worked in the fall.

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My brother got his first covid vaccine today. Hope all goes well. He has a pre-existing condition and he's 35 years old. 

I hope to get my first vaccine soon too. So glad and grateful to the parents of the younger kids who are getting the vaccine and testing it out. Amazing.

CNN is going to have a special on the covid virus tomorrow night. One doctor said there will definitely be another pandemic! Like we don't know that!

The more humans fuck up the earth the more there's a chance one day there will be a virus that might wipe out all living things one day.

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On 3/26/2021 at 10:35 AM, downzy said:


So many jerks in Texas who don't take vaccines.  There is a law in Texas that says it's okay for your kids not to get any vaccination and it pisses me off.  This could endanger all of us and since my parents and me and my child have always gotten our vaccines, I find this very stupid and dangerous.

One woman who lost two familiy members doesn't want the vaccine and other people believe the government is putting trackers in the vaccine too.  OMG!

On 3/25/2021 at 2:59 PM, ZoSoRose said:

MI needs another "pause" as they called it. Vaccines are our way out, but it takes a month to a month and a half for full protection. Plus, not nearly enough of the population has received them yet to drastically reduce transition. Our RT today may be the worst yet (1.3 I think?) and we are at over 5,000 cases today. The UK variant is most likely a big factor.

They should shut down indoor dining and schools again for another month or two at this point. It worked in the fall.

I agree keeping bars and restaurants closed or at least 50 % of less, but Texas and other states re opening up more and more. Can't wait to see how many will get the virus after spring break. Common sense has gone out the window with some people.

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