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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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The way I see it is that GNR don't 'owe' us anything. They don't want to make music - up to them. It's not like they're taking money from us and not delivering. We're not paying for albums they're not delivering. 

The other side is that it's very frustrating for people that have been fans for decades. It's made more frustrating by the carrot-dangling that's gone on for years of new material just being around the corner. That makes it feel very infuriating. 

If GNR said "no, we're done now, come and see us play if you want, it'll be the same music, but there's no new stuff planned, at least for the foreseeable future" I think the dynamic would change. I think most people would respect that honesty. 

On a personal level it's the chronic waste of time, talent and opportunity that annoys me. People would kill for the attention and fan base GNR have, let alone the talents of every single band member, and to just let that pass by year after year seems such a waste to me. I'm not going to ever defend that. 

Ultimately though..... it's boring to a lot of people. And GNR were never boring. 


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Of course they don’t own us anything. We’re free to pay when they offer something and we don’t pay when they don’t. 
But as a fan, of course I want my favorite band to release music as much as possible. I’m not gonna kill myself if they don’t do it but I’m happy if they do. What’s the problem? And of course I can express my dissatisfaction, especially when there’s a lack of music over a bigger timeframe. In our case, as fan of GNR it’s more strange to not be disappointed imo when it comes to releases.

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Axl could remove from the set-list any song that took him less than five years to write.  That would show how much he cares about the new material.  None of that garbage that was written in fifteen minutes or riding some van to the next gig.

For that matter, Duff and Slash can release a song with Duff on vocals and call it "Guns'n'Roses."  They're equal members of the band, right?  Just outvote Axl and he'll have to go along with the group.  Unless it's one of those bands where one person's vote counts more than everybody else's.

Axl is about controlling others and forbidding people to do something is control.  You can lock her in a closet for a day or two so she can't go anywhere.  You can say you'll shoot yourself if she doesn't marry you.  He did that with Erin.  You can become obsessed with the model who was hired to pretend to be Erin for a couple music videos.  He did that with Stephanie.  You can send girls to the hospital multiple times because they weren't totally obedient, as he did with Erin and Stephanie.  You can give your girlfriend a present for free and then sue her to get the present back after she's dumped you, which isn't how presents work.  He did that with Stephanie.

There has nothing to do with attraction or love, this is about control.  Axl decides what you can and can't do.  The girls had to go along with him, and this is just Erin and Stephanie, nothing to do with the huge band that ruled pop culture in the late 80s/early 90s.

Bill Bailey moves to Los Angles and joins the band Axl.  He changes his name to Axl.  Soon Axl joins Hollywood Rose and there's his new last name.  Hollywood Rose joins L.A. Guns and there's Guns'n'Roses.  Beating up women, showing up to concerts whenever he gets around to it, long monologues, he runs Guns'n'Roses and everybody around him is willing to go along with that, feeding his lust for control.  He takes complete legal ownership of the band, he can get rid of all the others any time he wants.

Owning the band is far more important than making actual music.  Geffen's paying for the studios, so nothing needs to be finished.  I'm pretty sure that all the employees are required to sign non-disclosure agreements so they can't talk about how pointless this job is, and they get paid well enough that they go along.  So the next couple decades, all they can say is 'the new album is almost done' or 'we'll start talking about a new album after the tour is over.'  Generic comments that contradict what previous employees said years ago.  At one point, Matt Sorum said they were halfway done with the new album.

But somehow Stephanie and Slash didn't permit Axl to do anything.  At least that's what Axl said on the rare occasions he actually had anything to do with the fans, the ones who made his mansions possible.  Other than cooks and plumbers and limo drivers, it's been a long time since he's had anything to do with people who actually have to work for a living, so he can be surrounded by sycophants.

Time passes the same for him as for everybody else, but he can delude himself and pretend he's special and everybody around him has to pretend they agree.  The documents they have to sign to be permitted in his presence mean they can't sue and they wouldn't be allowed near him if they were the kind of people who would sue in the first place.  None of the women he sent to the hospital, none of the previous employees, it's easier just to drop everything and run away than to fight back.

This is a guy who will publicly threaten to kick your ass in a way that millions of people will hear about when they buy the album.  Then, when the intended victim says 'ok, let's do it,' you just say 'oh I didn't really mean it, it was just metaphorical.'  Stephanie and Erin never got that sort of threat, Axl meant it for real and did exactly what he said he'd do.

By the same token, that's why I totally believe that at whatever concert it was, Axl refused to go on stage if the rest of the band didn't sign over complete ownership of G'n'R to him.  They just wanted to get on stage and stop pissing off the fans, and they're already not willing to fight back.  It's easier to leave than to sue.  And they left.

So he got to spend the next 15 years on an album that will explain everything to Stephanie's son, how did that work out?  It's part one of a trilogy, the second part will be released as soon as Geffen is done promoting Chinese Democracy.  The video to promote the album is ready to go, it just needs Metallica to sign a waiver, "soon is the word."  And no one around Axl ever tells him he's the one causing all the problems.  That would be too much like real life and Axl doesn't do that.  That's why he's in charge.

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4 hours ago, Rovim said:

if a person has been acting a certain way for 30 years, would you bet on them to dramatically change their ways or accept that this is probably, for whatever reason, how they choose to be/are? I don't think Axl is ever going to be prolific so what's the sensible thing to do here if not to accept it for what it is and lower your expectations?

Believe me, my expectations are low :lol: yet Axl found a way to limbo under them and still have fans inexplicably defending him

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9 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

Believe me, my expectations are low :lol: yet Axl found a way to limbo under them and still have fans inexplicably defending him

idk it seems you still expect him to deliver like people who are not Axl release music. his last album was released 15 years ago, more than enough timet to adjust to the "new" reality that Gn'R is never going to operate like other bands. everything we get from here on out is a bonus imho. no matter what Axl still got unreleased or the potential of the current line up and will likely take years for anything more than a few tunes released to happen.

you can whine about it and repeat yourself as much as you want, it still won't change a thing or you can be pleasently surprised if/when Gn'R releases more material. just my take on it.


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10 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

Yeah, Brain was there with the band in the 2022 South American tour at least.

I’d ask why he didn’t sit in for a few songs, but I think that would cost Frank a job.

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3 hours ago, Draguns said:

I heard exactly what you said. You were trying to equate new music with buying a ticket for a concert. The two  are totally separate.  Additionally, you were using the ticket  sales argument with saying that apologetics was produced. If anything, you didn't listen to what I was saying. In a backhanded way, you were trying to say that I was defending  Axl and not releasing new music.

I get the frustration of  not getting new music. I am disappointed as well. It is what it is though. If new music gets released then that that is great. If not then I'll just listen to songs by GNR and the solo efforts.  It is what it is.   With that being said, buying tickets for a concert or show does not mean that I am owed new songs. That argument is  illogical to say the least. 

To be clear, I dont think either of us were saying that because we went to a gig we should be given a new album. I won't speak for anyone but myself here, I was saying that it all factors in. It's part of the investment in the band, the gigs, the merch, the fandom. Axl saying theres  new music and it'll come, then disappearing and repeat etc. And I also would like to literally point out - we would pay for that new music and probably spend more money on brand GnR because of it. It's an unwritten rule which is observed by bands and their fans, bands write songs and release them and fans buy and listen to them. Thats as simple as it needs to be, any defence of Axl and GnRs record will fall short because for 16 long years Axl has fallen foul of that sacred agreement! Sorry i have to take it to the nth degree here, but it really is simple. I dont doubt you are too frustrated and disappointed too.

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2 hours ago, allwaystired said:

The way I see it is that GNR don't 'owe' us anything. They don't want to make music - up to them. It's not like they're taking money from us and not delivering. We're not paying for albums they're not delivering. 

The other side is that it's very frustrating for people that have been fans for decades. It's made more frustrating by the carrot-dangling that's gone on for years of new material just being around the corner. That makes it feel very infuriating. 

If GNR said "no, we're done now, come and see us play if you want, it'll be the same music, but there's no new stuff planned, at least for the foreseeable future" I think the dynamic would change. I think most people would respect that honesty. 


I think they literally did point A with the perhaps release :lol: though we did get it in the end...

points B and C are where you're spelling it out. Dangling carrots for literally THIRTY YEARS. It is insulting. I'd much rather they said it's over creatively. Like Kiss and aerosmith have. I am under no illusions what the deal has been with them for the past 10 years and I respect and embrace it. And so do the band, they seem liberated!

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5 minutes ago, Rovim said:

idk it seems you still expect him to deliver like people who are no Axl release music. his last album was released 15 years ago, more than enough timet to adjust to the "new" reality that Gn'R is never going to operate like other bands. everything we get from here on out is a bonus imho. no matter what Axl still got unreleased or the potential of the current line up and will likely take years for anything more than a few tunes released to happen.

you can whine about it and repeat yourself as much as you want, it still won't change a thing or you can bu pleasently surprised if/when Gn'R releases more material. just my take on it.

I really genuinely hope this isnt your outlook to real life too. Axl lets us down, and rolling over and accepting it as fans isn't a great approach to it. I know there is probably very little we can do, but that doesnt mean im going to accept it either. there's little I can do about unjust wars and rapes etc, but doesnt mean I'll just say i dont give a fuck. GnR and TB suck

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1 minute ago, JimiRose said:

I really genuinely hope this isnt your outlook to real life too. Axl lets us down, and rolling over and accepting it as fans isn't a great approach to it. I know there is probably very little we can do, but that doesnt mean im going to accept it either. there's little I can do about unjust wars and rapes etc, but doesnt mean I'll just say i dont give a fuck. GnR and TB suck

how about nothing we can do? that is the reality of the situation imo. don't worry about my real life, we are discussing a rock n' roll band. it is healthy to make the distinction.

you can vote with your wallet, but that won't affect much in regards to new music and most ticket buying fans are casuals that want to hear the hits and go for nostalgia anyway.

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7 hours ago, JimiRose said:

No, he owes me songs because he is the 'artist' and i am the fan. That is literally the deal.

What deal? Who made this deal with you? That's not how it works. I'm a fan of Quentin Tarantino, but that doesn't mean that he owes me more movies after the next one, that's apparently his last movie. I've never made a deal with Quentin Tarantino, just like you've never made a deal with Axl. The deal is nothing but your imagination. It's not a real. If I decide that I'm a fan of your posts here, that doesn't mean that you have to post here for the rest of your life. That is such absurd logic. Quit acting like an entitled bitch. Axl has never promised you to release more music if you buy GNR merch. You made it up yourself and now you're whining because GNR doesn't follow the rule that you made up in your head.  If you buy GNR merch you get GNR merch. That is the deal. That has always been the deal. Nobody has ever promised you anything else if you buy GNR merch. You're acting like one of those creeps who buys flowers to a woman and then starts yelling cause she doesn't automatically spread her legs . As if she owes you sex because you decided to buy those flowers. That's not a healthy attitude.


7 hours ago, JimiRose said:

Actually the amount they wrote, then recorded in that initial period was pretty rapid.

Artists often experience periods of creativity and periods of less creativity. That's shouldn't be news to anyone. You tend to write more and faster when you are very inspired. But then you can have periods when you write slower. Especially when artists become older, they often start to write either slower or their art might also become less insipired. It's normal. 


7 hours ago, JimiRose said:

I am not throwing out wild guesses here. We have quotes from most musicians he's worked with the man himself in 2016,

What are you talking about? Nobody has ever said that Axl doesn't care about these songs. What quotes are you talking about and what are these quotes supposed to prove?


7 hours ago, JimiRose said:

Sure there's a chance I am wrong

You got that right! As I said, this is all just speculation


7 hours ago, JimiRose said:

I'd like to know your definition of caring?

I don't have my own definitions. According to merriam-webster, one definition would be: "to feel interest or concern".


7 hours ago, JimiRose said:

All evidence I have seen tells me he doesnt care.

If he doesn't care about these songs, why did he release them? Why did they rework these songs with Slash and Duff and why are they playing them live? Why didn't Axl just abandon these songs if he doesn't care about them? If he didn't care about releasing music, you would think that he wouldn't release music. Instead he is releasing music. So that is pretty major evidence against your claim that he doesn't care about releasing music. When he is in fact releasing music.

Edited by Lies They Tell
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13 minutes ago, Lies They Tell said:

1. What deal? Who made this deal with you? That's not how it works. I'm a fan of Quentin Tarantino, but that doesn't mean that he owes me more movies after the next one, that's apparently his last movie. I've never made a deal with Quentin Tarantino, just like you've never made a deal with Axl. The deal is nothing but your imagination. It's not a real. If I decide that I'm a fan of your posts here, that doesn't mean that you have to post here for the rest of your life. That is such absurd logic. Quit acting like an entitled bitch. Axl has never promised you to release more music if you buy GNR merch. 


If he doesn't care about these songs, why did he release them? Why did they rework these songs with Slash and Duff and why are they playing them live? Why didn't Axl just abandon these songs if he doesn't care about them? If he didn't care about releasing music, you would think that he wouldn't release music. Instead he is releasing music. So that is pretty major evidence against your claim that he doesn't care about releasing music. When he is in fact releasing music.

1. well done for proving my point and not even realising it. Thank you! Yes, tarantino said he's done! Correct! What did Axl say? hmmmm... that's fucked ya.... Yes overlook where I said the merch is a part of the bigger picture. Very convenient. 

2. Have you heard what he's released? Maybe you haven't. If you had, you'd deduct that he couldn't give too much of a fuck, as literally every person that has heard each of the 4 have either said the mix is terrible OR the song is terrible OR both! I happen to like all 4 songs, but the mixes and way each was released was abysmal. If that's how you think your treat something you care about, I'd hate for you to care for me :lol: 

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54 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

1. well done for proving my point and not even realising it. Thank you! Yes, tarantino said he's done! Correct! What did Axl say? 

Again, what on earth do you want Axl to say? He's not retiring, so he can't say that he is done releasing music. It's more or less guaranteed that they'll be back touring again at some point and it's pretty obvious that they'll release a couple new songs again. Your problem is that they are releasing music too slowly. So, I'll ask again, would you be satisfied if Axl said that he is a slow songwriter. Cause I don't know what else you're expecting him to say. He is not done releasing music, so you can't expect him to say that he is. Quentin Tarantino has said that the next movie will be his last. But even if he changed his mind and retired without making that last movie, it would be fine. It's his life. The fact that I'm his fan doesn't change anything. He doesn't owe me more movies.


1 hour ago, JimiRose said:

 as literally every person that has heard each of the 4 have either said the mix is terrible OR the song is terrible OR both! 

You mean some nerds on Mygnr? Most casual fans loved Hard Skool and Perhaps. You only need to step ouside of Mygnr and look at the Youtube comments section for example. Most comments are overwhelmingly positive. Most people don't have a problem with the mix. Absurd and The General have been more controversial, because people always tend to hate new GNR songs that don't sound enough like classic GNR. Then again a portion of the fans want songs that are more experimental. So GNR have been pretty successful at pleasing both types of fans. Which in my opinion is another sign of the fact that Axl actually cares. He tries to release songs for both the old school fans and for the fans who enjoy more experimental sounds. Everyone and their mother called Chinese Democracy overproduced, so I'm not personally surprised that these songs have this raw underproduced sound to them. One could argue that if Axl didn't care about these songs he wouldn't have listened to the criticism that CD1 got. But it seems like he did listen. Maybe they overcorrected with this raw production, but at least it's not overproduced.

1 hour ago, JimiRose said:

I happen to like all 4 songs, but the mixes and way each was released was abysmal.

You know, there's a difference in saying that Axl doesn't care and saying that Axl doesn't care enough. If your expectation is that GNR should be promoting the shit out of these songs and doing the best they can to become the biggest band in the world again, then no, I don't think Axl cares about that. But clearly he still cares about releasing music. otherwise he wouldn't release music.

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February 26, 1993 is the halfway point of Axl's life up to now, closer to the day he was born than to today.  It's also the day the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslim terrorists.  Does everybody remember what a big deal that was?

And just so you know, in less than a year and a half, September 10, 2025, the release of Spaghetti Incident will be also closer to the day Axl was born.  And just look at what he's accomplished.

This is actually kinda fun.  We're still a couple years away, but now I'm curious how long it'll be until half of Axl's life has been after Kurt Cobain got tired of putting up with his wife.

Axl's birthday is also closer to December 27, 1899 than to today.

Edited by ChrisW
The old man took a look at my life and I'm way too much like he was
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50 minutes ago, ChrisW said:

February 26, 1993 is the halfway point of Axl's life up to now, closer to the day he was born than to today.  It's also the day the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslim terrorists.  Does everybody remember what a big deal that was?

And just so you know, in less than a year and a half, September 10, 2025, the release of Spaghetti Incident will be also closer to the day Axl was born.  And just look at what he's accomplished.

This is actually kinda fun.  We're still a couple years away, but now I'm curious how long it'll be until half of Axl's life has been after Kurt Cobain got tired of putting up with his wife.

Coming in here to see all the new posts to figure out if there's any real news, leaving feeling existential.

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3 hours ago, ChrisW said:

February 26, 1993 is the halfway point of Axl's life up to now, closer to the day he was born than to today.  It's also the day the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslim terrorists.  Does everybody remember what a big deal that was?

And just so you know, in less than a year and a half, September 10, 2025, the release of Spaghetti Incident will be also closer to the day Axl was born.  And just look at what he's accomplished.

This is actually kinda fun.  We're still a couple years away, but now I'm curious how long it'll be until half of Axl's life has been after Kurt Cobain got tired of putting up with his wife.

Axl's birthday is also closer to December 27, 1899 than to today.

Indica, sativa, or hybrid?

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3 hours ago, bmus1 said:

Coming in here to see all the new posts to figure out if there's any real news, leaving feeling existential.

Never expect any actual news from this nonsensical waste of a thread. I've always seen any big news regarding GnR on FB first from a news site. Never was anything "new" discovered by checking this thread lol

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2 hours ago, 2020_Intensions said:

Never expect any actual news from this nonsensical waste of a thread. I've always seen any big news regarding GnR on FB first from a news site. Never was anything "new" discovered by checking this thread lol


Axl farted in the foyer and Beta unknowingly walked through the cloud.

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21 hours ago, JimiRose said:

No, he owes me songs because he is the 'artist' and i am the fan. That is literally the deal.

No, there is no such deal :lol: Artists aren't obligated to keep releasing art simply because you chose to be a fan. They are not in servitude to you because you happen to like what they have created previously.

I understand you are frustrated about the state of the band but take it like a man and don't shift the blame to the band because you happened to get too emotionally invested. That's all on you. You made a bad decision to get emotionally invested. You were a fool to make that decision. And now you have to take it on the chin and be an adult about it. Not try to shift the blame to them for your bad decision.

17 hours ago, Free Bird said:

Of course they don’t own us anything. We’re free to pay when they offer something and we don’t pay when they don’t. 
But as a fan, of course I want my favorite band to release music as much as possible. I’m not gonna kill myself if they don’t do it but I’m happy if they do. What’s the problem? 

The problem is that some fans actually believe the band owes them new music because they happen to be fans.

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15 hours ago, JimiRose said:

I think they literally did point A with the perhaps release :lol: though we did get it in the end...

points B and C are where you're spelling it out. Dangling carrots for literally THIRTY YEARS. It is insulting. I'd much rather they said it's over creatively. 

Obviously they don't agree that it is over creatively. They released two singles last year. Slash and Duff are still hoping to make entirely new music with the band. I am sure Axl hasn't closed the door to that possibility, either. They can't go out and say they are a spent creative force if they don't think so themselves. And they don't have to come out and say it will take time, because we know that already. This is GN'R, everything takes a long time. They don't need to come out and spell out what we already know. Why do you keep whining about this?

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13 hours ago, 2020_Intensions said:

Never expect any actual news from this nonsensical waste of a thread. I've always seen any big news regarding GnR on FB first from a news site. Never was anything "new" discovered by checking this thread lol

He was one of the biggest rockstars of the 80s. 

You won't BELIEVE what Axl Rose does now.....


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