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Perhaps - August 18. UPDATE IV: A New Hope (Radio Premiere Tomorrow?)

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Robin (TIL and others), Bucket (TWAT and others), and Slash (NR and others) have all contributed excellent solos over the years.

Personally I did prefer NuGuns reinterpretations of the original solos (Bucket’s Nightrain a primary example) versus Slash’s reinterpretations of NuGuns.

I adore Slash but do subscribe to the view that his quality has waned recently, particularly in the studio. Ain’t Life Grand was amazing (Serial Killer is one of the best solos he’s ever recorded). But downhill thereafter. “Slash and Friends” was a good album but the solos were very sterile (a bit like the drums - it felt like what it was: a studio album with session musicians). Since then there have been some highs (WOF, the guest solo with Elan, a few others) but the average quality has dropped off noticeably (again, in my view).

I have not yet heard the Perhaps new solo but have heard the original which I found good but nothing special.

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2 minutes ago, ToonGuns said:

Robin (TIL and others), Bucket (TWAT and others), and Slash (NR and others) have all contributed excellent solos over the years.

Personally I did prefer NuGuns reinterpretations of the original solos (Bucket’s Nightrain a primary example) versus Slash’s reinterpretations of NuGuns.

I adore Slash but do subscribe to the view that his quality has waned recently, particularly in the studio. Ain’t Life Grand was amazing (Serial Killer is one of the best solos he’s ever recorded). But downhill thereafter. “Slash and Friends” was a good album but the solos were very sterile (a bit like the drums - it felt like what it was: a studio album with session musicians). Since then there have been some highs (WOF, the guest solo with Elan, a few others) but the average quality has dropped off noticeably (again, in my view).

I have not yet heard the Perhaps new solo but have heard the original which I found good but nothing special.

100% agree on the above, especially the Slash, that I have also expressed many time here, and I’m a Slash fanboy, so no hate from me, just observations unfortunately…

looks like everyone who share the above are more often than not, guitarist (ToonGuns are you one too by any chance ?) 

as guitarists we might be picking up on these thing more easily I guess? 

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35 minutes ago, freak6767 said:

100% agree on the above, especially the Slash, that I have also expressed many time here, and I’m a Slash fanboy, so no hate from me, just observations unfortunately…

looks like everyone who share the above are more often than not, guitarist (ToonGuns are you one too by any chance ?) 

as guitarists we might be picking up on these thing more easily I guess? 

Drummer. But I’m a weird drummer (I think) - I don’t listen to other drummers but listen to other musicians like guitarists to then be inspired to drum alongside them. So I’ve always loved guitar and taken a big notice of guitarists as that’s what inspires me to play along - I seek out the emotion in music which often comes from the crescendos etc within guitar solos. I’m a big fan of dynamics in music - fast v slow, loud v quiet, hard v soft etc. The human touch is key. Everything at the same pace / volume is beyond boring.

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7 hours ago, Naupis said:

Frankly I am disappointed in all of them for releasing this series of half ass songs under the guise of being new "real" GNR songs when the quality level is no where near what people would have expected and hoped for getting Axl/Slash on a song together again.

The idea that they are content to put the GNR brand name on left over B-sides from the CD Sessions as their big post reunion releases frankly is kind of embarrassing compared to the level of quality people would expect who didn't know the whole back story about why these songs even exist.

Slash has no interest quite clearly in stuff that's been sitting around for 2 decades and clearly is just going along to get along. That's actually in character for him.

Axl is the one I am dumbfounded is OK with being as creatively backrupt as he is right now while he just milks the back catalog with endless tours. He always held himself out as being above that type of approach. That he has essentially spent 25 years now with nothing to say creatively in terms of new music (even the new releases are all old) is about the last thing I would have ever expected if you had asked me in 1995 what his career arc would look like.

We haven't had new music from Axl and Slash in 30 years and yet they are OK releasing stuff like Hard Skool, Silkworms and Perhaps like those in any way stand up to the level of quality people were so desperately hoping would come from a reunion.

The whole thing just makes me sad from the piece meal approach to the going through the motions. 

There was a time they were better than this.

Nailed it. I think as Pitman so artfully put it, it's a money grab FU.

Maybe this is the best material they've got in the vault? The locker leaks don't exactly fill me with much confidence.

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7 hours ago, Naupis said:

Frankly I am disappointed in all of them for releasing this series of half ass songs under the guise of being new "real" GNR songs when the quality level is no where near what people would have expected and hoped for getting Axl/Slash on a song together again.

The idea that they are content to put the GNR brand name on left over B-sides from the CD Sessions as their big post reunion releases frankly is kind of embarrassing compared to the level of quality people would expect who didn't know the whole back story about why these songs even exist.

Slash has no interest quite clearly in stuff that's been sitting around for 2 decades and clearly is just going along to get along. That's actually in character for him.

Axl is the one I am dumbfounded is OK with being as creatively backrupt as he is right now while he just milks the back catalog with endless tours. He always held himself out as being above that type of approach. That he has essentially spent 25 years now with nothing to say creatively in terms of new music (even the new releases are all old) is about the last thing I would have ever expected if you had asked me in 1995 what his career arc would look like.

We haven't had new music from Axl and Slash in 30 years and yet they are OK releasing stuff like Hard Skool, Silkworms and Perhaps like those in any way stand up to the level of quality people were so desperately hoping would come from a reunion.

The whole thing just makes me sad from the piece meal approach to the going through the motions. 

There was a time they were better than this.

Whilst I agree it's not ideal, I disagree that songs like Hard Skool and Perhaps are beneath them. Just because they weren't released on CD it doesn't make them b-sides. Anybody who thinks Axl believed Scraped and If The World were more worthy songs than Hard Skool and Perhaps clearly needs their ears testing! Even Absurd is better than half of CD imho.

I honestly believe Axl always wanted these songs released in some form. It's simply not true that Hard Skool and Perhaps are not up to scratch. You may not like the changes he made or the copy and paste job of inserting Slash and Duff over the original musicians, but as songs, they are definitely of GNR quality.

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3 minutes ago, Towelie said:

Whilst I agree it's not ideal, I disagree that songs like Hard Skool and Perhaps are beneath them. Just because they weren't released on CD it doesn't make them b-sides. Anybody who thinks Axl believed Scraped and If The World were more worthy songs than Hard Skool and Perhaps clearly needs their ears testing! Even Absurd is better than half of CD imho.

I honestly believe Axl always wanted these songs released in some form. It's simply not true that Hard Skool and Perhaps are not up to scratch. You may not like the changes he made or the copy and paste job of inserting Slash and Duff over the original musicians, but as songs, they are definitely of GNR quality.

They're of CD quality, yeah, but something still sounds a bit unfinished about them to me. Absurd is actually maybe the most 'complete' sounding song - Hard Skool / Perhaps sound like they have the nucleus of a tune that wants expanding/reworking. 

Atlas is probably the next 'most finished' tune but even that sounds like it could be extended in some fashion, to Catcher's sort of length with another verse or something.

Bottom line is we're only getting these because of the locker leaks - I truly believe we'd have heard nothing otherwise.

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comincio ad essere sempre più scettico sull'uscita di venerdì 18.
D'altra parte, il link alla pagina GnR è ancora lì, e anche quella UMG sembra essere ancora in attesa.
Probabilmente pubblicheranno la canzone, ma chissà quando.
Nel caso fosse vera la data del 18 agosto, sarebbe la prima volta che noi italiani diamo una notizia in anteprima 🤣

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All these years later, and Slash & Duff are still going along to get along, just as they were in 1992.  Where's the professional pride, fellas? 

Forget about an album...I'd much rather a SINGLE, mediocre brand-new tune that the majority of your fanbase is indifferent about, as opposed to four or five twenty-five year old tunes that the majority of your fanbase is indifferent about.

At least there'd be some emotional investment from the guys there.


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1 minute ago, oneway23 said:

All these years later, and Slash & Duff are still going along to get along, just as they were in 1992.  Where's the professional pride, fellas? 

Forget about an album...I'd much rather a SINGLE, mediocre brand-new tune that the majority of your fanbase is indifferent about, as opposed to four or five twenty-five year old tunes that the majority of your fanbase is indifferent about.

At least there'd be some emotional investment from the guys there.


As much as I agree and my choice would obvious be a new Axl/Slash song, I cant help but say Perhaps is a fantastic song. 
While on that, I do think it feels unfinished. It lacks versality, some powerful hooks, bridges and stuff like that. But the general idea of the song is fantastic and even feeling it could be better, I love the song.

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5 minutes ago, default_ said:

As much as I agree and my choice would obvious be a new Axl/Slash song, I cant help but say Perhaps is a fantastic song. 
While on that, I do think it feels unfinished. It lacks versality, some powerful hooks, bridges and stuff like that. But the general idea of the song is fantastic and even feeling it could be better, I love the song.

Oh, don't get me wrong...pretty cool tune, but, the true vitality of active band, imo, will always spring from creating new songs. 

I heard somebody earlier in the thread mention that you make $$ from touring, not from releasing new music these days.  I would say that is still undoubtedly true, though, perhaps it was really more true, for the industry as a whole, say, a decade ago or so...For 95% of bands these days, unfortunately, I'd argue that they make no money doing either LOL.   Bands these days are pretty much doing it out of the love of doing it, because no one in their right mind would be in the industry otherwise

In any case, back to Guns, I get the life-long love, appreciation, and attachment, trust me.  I feel it.  All the same, it really is necrophilia, at this point.  They've now been touring almost just as long as NuGuns had been in existence prior to CD coming out.

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53 minutes ago, klakly said:

comincio ad essere sempre più scettico sull'uscita di venerdì 18.
D'altra parte, il link alla pagina GnR è ancora lì, e anche quella UMG sembra essere ancora in attesa.
Probabilmente pubblicheranno la canzone, ma chissà quando.
Nel caso fosse vera la data del 18 agosto, sarebbe la prima volta che noi italiani diamo una notizia in anteprima 🤣

Can you translate please?

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4 minutes ago, oneway23 said:

Oh, don't get me wrong...pretty cool tune, but, the true vitality of active band, imo, will always spring from creating new songs. 

I heard somebody earlier in the thread mention that you make $$ from touring, not from releasing new music these days.  I would say that is still undoubtedly true, though, perhaps it was really more true, for the industry as a whole, say, a decade ago or so...For 95% of bands these days, unfortunately, I'd argue that they make no money doing either LOL.   Bands these days are pretty much doing it out of the love of doing it, because no one in their right mind would be in the industry otherwise

In any case, back to Guns, I get the life-long love, appreciation, and attachment, trust me.  I feel it.  All the same, it really is necrophilia, at this point.  They've now been touring almost just as long as NuGuns had been in existence prior to CD coming out.

Axl threw in the substance towel after Robin left.

It's been all about the cash ever since. 

Axl continues to neuter the Chin Dem era because he's forced to have the current lineup "contribute". He did that with the actual album as well. Not to mention it becomes money related as well if/when you start releasing new material. 


Other than touring, he and his mgmt have 0 vision or creativity

Edited by youngunner
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5 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

Fortus: “Axl, someone on the internet is threatening to release our song if we don’t play it. He sounds serious.”

Axl: ”Are you even on this song?”

It’s all up to Fortus now, what a weight upon his shoulders!

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On 8/14/2023 at 8:44 PM, DannyVinyard said:

Axl, if you are reading this. Please take this opportunity to put Robin's solo back, which is way better than Slash's replacement. The Slash solo sucks big time and is completely out of place in the song.  Perhaps will get more play time with the Robin solo. Could hit #1 with Robin solo and not even chart with Slash solo. 

I went to the bar just to hear the solo and it's almost like there wasn't one.  Perhaps I was too close to the one speaker in the back and could barely hear the solo. Perhaps it was hard panned to one speaker? The other speaker was way across a large room. Perhaps it is just buried in the mix?

That beginning piano sounded really great though!

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