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Russia Invades Ukraine


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1 hour ago, Basic_GnR_Fan said:

Yeah the rapes by the red army are probably worst I know of. Mass rapes of millions of German women, women from  8 to 80. I wouldn't underplay their propaganda minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, that really whipped those guys up into a frenzy. They even raped Polish and Jewish women because they were just raping whatever they could their hands on.

I've heard of unspeakable things that occurred back then to the women and children of Germany post-war. 

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When was the last time I could say about some politician that not only I relatively trust him but also kinda consider him quite sympathetic? The only guy I can think of was our first post-communism president, V. H. 
But this guy now, he’s a fucking stand-up guy, isn’t he. I could only wish to have someone like him as president in our country. It looks like they are all legends over there. 

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Russia now banning Facebook over its refusal to remove fact checks to RT News and other Russia friendly news sites.

Pretty much all independent media in the country has either been forced or voluntarily shut down.

The Russia Dumas is in the process of passing a law that would hand out 15 year jail sentences for spreading "false information" about Russia's military.

It's been suggested/reported that martial law will be implemented within Russia at some point in the next 24 hours.


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23 hours ago, downzy said:

Objectively China has a better or more justified claim with Taiwan than Russia with Ukraine. Taiwan has little or no formal diplomatic relations with anyone. Every major and most minor countries recognize or acknowledge that Taiwan belongs to China.  The issue China has it doesn’t have the military might at present to take on Taiwan and likely Japan and the US. Maybe five to ten years, but it’s probably in their interest to wait.

I think Biden knows this eventuality and its why he’s pushing to move production of semiconductors to the US so there’s less reliance on Taiwan. 

Yeah, but the people of Taiwan don't think so. it's like back in olden days when countries went and conquered other countries. It's one big mess.

All the US is doing is talking and I'm so tired of it. Nothing is getting done and more and more people from the Ukraine have to flee their homes. Russian tanks have been stucked on a road for days now. Where are the weapons that can blow those tanks up? 

Now Finland and Sweden want to join Nato and Europe and the US are considering it. So why can't Ukraine join Nato now? I am so confused by all the talking and nothing is actually getting done. President of Ukraine wants to talk to Putin. Why? Nothing will change except Putin will say to him surrender and give us Ukraine and we won't kill you or do any more military action. It's the only way Putin will stop. Putin and the President of France spoke for 90 minutes. Nothing was done and the President of France said the worse is yet to come. I guess the rest of us must be so stupid in thinking anything would happen to help Ukraine.

I think at this stage of the game, Putin won't give up short of the US and Europe declaring war on him. Some are saying maybe the Russian people will rise up and force him to stop. lol My God! Who are these morons?  today the government of Russia enforced a fine on anyone speaking false news about the war. Well, Putin is on video saying all this shit. He's spreading the lies. Who will fine him?

This is just showing that no one in government anywhere knows what the fuck they are doing and Ukraine is paying the huge price for it.

Thos people know they won't be able to go back to their homeland anytime soon and Russia has already won. Most of Ukraine is fucked and if they go back where will they live? Most power and water is out in many places.  It may not be a world war but it looks like one hit the Ukraine.

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28 minutes ago, downzy said:

Russia now banning Facebook over its refusal to remove fact checks to RT News and other Russia friendly news sites.

Pretty much all independent media in the country has either been forced or voluntarily shut down.

The Russia Dumas is in the process of passing a law that would hand out 15 year jail sentences for spreading "false information" about Russia's military.

It's been suggested/reported that martial law will be implemented within Russia at some point in the next 24 hours.


Yeah, and Putin is the one doing this. Spreading false news and on video too. This is a joke too!

It's just fucking up the Russian people who want to communicate with the world and see what's going on.  

And as for the very rich in Russia. not sure if this is true but the world news said Putin has no connection to them and if the US and Europe take their wealth it won't effect Putin at all. Way to go. 

Just now, Gibson87 said:

They're turning into North Korea v2.0

Waiting for China to make a move on Taiwan and North Korea to make a move on South Korea. What will the rest of the world do if this happens? More talking. It's all bullshit and people are suffering and dying.

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1 hour ago, jamillos said:

But this guy now, he’s a fucking stand-up guy, isn’t he. I could only wish to have someone like him as president in our country. It looks like they are all legends over there. 

I think he was a comedian at one point, or maybe an actor, or both? Either way, he's a badass and from what I can see or have seen, a great leader.

I hope Ukraine can emerge from this war.

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7 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

I think he was a comedian at one point, or maybe an actor, or both? Either way, he's a badass and from what I can see or have seen, a great leader.

I hope Ukraine can emerge from this war.

Yes but I didn't mean a guy who does stand up. I meant a "stand-up guy", which means an awesome fella etc. As for the rest, you're right! 

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20 minutes ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Waiting for China to make a move on Taiwan and North Korea to make a move on South Korea. What will the rest of the world do if this happens? More talking. It's all bullshit and people are suffering and dying.

China/Taiwan is kind of tricky but North Korea would get wiped off the map the second they make any moves against South Korea. 

Edited by Gibson87
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Maybe…. Who knows…  Here’s hoping…

I did see some video reports last night of Russia transporting some of its artillery from the eastern part of the country.  It was estimated it would take five to six days for it to arrive and be ready to enter the war.

Again, take all of this with a grain of salt. Who really knows. 

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2 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Yeah, and Putin is the one doing this. Spreading false news and on video too. This is a joke too!

It's just fucking up the Russian people who want to communicate with the world and see what's going on.  

And as for the very rich in Russia. not sure if this is true but the world news said Putin has no connection to them and if the US and Europe take their wealth it won't effect Putin at all. Way to go. 

Waiting for China to make a move on Taiwan and North Korea to make a move on South Korea. What will the rest of the world do if this happens? More talking. It's all bullshit and people are suffering and dying.

And here is the catch, if you don't talk people will end up suffering and dying. This is a universal principal of being a human. It's the human condition. 

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Lindsey Graham said someone in Russia needs to kill Putin to end this war. The woman who speaks at those press conference said that's not helping.  So what exactly is helping?

The news also said the Russian soldiers are now raping the women in Ukraine. Just like they did when they went to the death camps. I saw a woman who survived a camp in Nazi Germany who said when the Russian soldiers freed them they were raping the women and attacking the survivors. How disgusting is this? It never surprises me that some men no matter what the situation they will attack and rape women. Sons of Bitches, since their mothers must have been pigs too.

Now the US is asking for funding for the Ukraine citizens. I understand this, but there are plenty of rich people in the world who can help them out, why ask people who are just trying to get by.

Last night on CNN they had one of the dancers from dancing with the stars. He went to Ukraine and said how it took 11 hours to get to Poland. He videoed scenes which he said he will never forget. Then he was posting from his hotel room in Warsaw Poland. Where are the Ukraine people staying. Surely not in hotel rooms. I felt it was very stupid of him to talk about what's happening from his fancy hotel room.

And why aren't the Ukraine soldiers trying to bomb the Russian tanks that have been in the road for days now. People are making home made bombs for when the soldiers attack, why not take the fight to them and maybe stop them from taking over their cities?

This whole situation is just so fucked up and again who suffers the little guy who has to leave their home never to return.

One man was crying over the loss of his 16 year old son who was fighing the Russians. Come on! All I see is people suffering while the US and Europe talk and talk.

Putin is in command here make no mistake about it. It would take one of his inner circle to maybe take him out. China is behind Russia all the way. Isn't that a surprise?

The latest threat is that Russian soldiers have capture the reactor which could wipe out all of Europe. yet no one does a thing but bitch about what Putin is doing is illegal.

There are no longer any news stations in Russia. They are closed down and most of them have left Russia. One said as she was leaving "welcome to the USSR". Good for her! No face book either, so everyone there don't know what is happening, but I'm sure they can guess.

This is one big fuck up on everyone's part and Putin continues to move and use illegal weapons and everyone says he's horrible.

Meanwhile, Putin does what he wants while the rest of the world waits until maybe he'll stop this war or continue and make Ukraine part of Russia. What will the world do then? Not a damn thing.

1 hour ago, grouse said:

And here is the catch, if you don't talk people will end up suffering and dying. This is a universal principal of being a human. It's the human condition. 

Well, Russia has no news channels now. They are all gone. No face book either. Probably no one is getting any real news except when Putin speaks and I'm sure most of Russia knows he's talking bullshit, but they can guess what's happening in Ukraine and it's people. I'm sure they can probably hear some of the bombing there too.

God help these people.  they suffer while the rest of the world talks and talks.

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This is essentially my position (Clint Ehrlich's).

Actually it's funny, the other guy who is looking for hope of Russia losing and brings up the Russian-Finnish war of 1940. I read recently that Mannerheim actually said the Finns were about 2 weeks come completely breaking and the Russians winning when the truce was called. The Russians only stopped the invasion because they had spies in the allied camp and they were very close to intervening to help Finland.

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7 hours ago, Basic_GnR_Fan said:

This is essentially my position (Clint Ehrlich's).

Actually it's funny, the other guy who is looking for hope of Russia losing and brings up the Russian-Finnish war of 1940. I read recently that Mannerheim actually said the Finns were about 2 weeks come completely breaking and the Russians winning when the truce was called. The Russians only stopped the invasion because they had spies in the allied camp and they were very close to intervening to help Finland.

Again, does Ukraine have no agency of its own? 

We grossly overestimate ourselves if we think Ukrainians are simply victims of our own wishful thinking.  This is the same mistake Putin has made and why his military isn’t fairing as well as he and everyone else thought it would.


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1 hour ago, ZoSoRose said:

God that sucks. I just read he was saying they wouldn’t do a draft or martial law. Fuck that guy

I wouldn’t take too much of what Putin says or promises to heart based on past experiences…


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Don't really understand posts questioning helping and cheerung Ukraine. Their people woukd rather die fighting than living as Russians slaves. And yes, slaves would they be. Just like they did in years before WW2 - read about The Holodomor. And just like they were in years after WW2...

And while they want to fight, only correct way for the rest of us is to help them every way we can ( and fear of Putins wrath allow us)...

While Ukraine people have attitude like this:


No way Russia could rule them even if they defeat their army. Ukraine is large country, has 40 mil people, you cannot occupy it and hold by force, especialy if you are Russia whose economy is almost zero under sanctions, and already have to control few potential hotbeds of rebellion accros 2 continents, support puppet goverment in only "friendly" country - current Belarus gvnt would collapse within days without Putins help.

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The President of Ukraine is begging the world to declare a "no fly zone". They refuse. Now Putin is threatening anyone who would do this for Ukraine.

I still don't think the world is doing enough. Russia has taken charge of Ukraine's nuclear power plants.  It boogles my mind how this is happening while the world talks and talks and just waits. How much more damage can Russia do? 

Ukraine has captured many Russian soldiers and don't know what to do with them. Some of them are teenagers.  This whole war is one big mess on so many levels.

Most of the people have left Ukraine, so will they go back to try to get a new Russian leader out again? From the footage I've seen, this country is being destroyed more and more each day. There will be no place to live, no power or food and water.  How can they go back to that?

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4 hours ago, downzy said:

Where are you seeing that?

I’ve been reading the opposite…


Yeah I figured Putin would go harder in his rhetoric, so this isn't surprising.. Even if his ultimate goal is the Eastern Republics and an independent (buffer state) Ukraine. He is asking for more as leverage (ie, deal with me now and take the deal as I'm offering, or I take the whole country).

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