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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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18 minutes ago, rocknroll41 said:

I love how slash looks so happy to be there whereas Axl looks like he just woke up.

whether this is for new music or just tour mixing, it’s interesting to see slash so involved with the process. A lot of people think he became “just an employee” when he rejoined in 2015, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the case.

People want to believe what they want even though facts can get away from it. As Blackstar and I pointed out a few years ago, there was a filing in California, which  stated that Axl, Slash, and Duff are partners. The filing was signed in 2017. 

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8 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

Not seen Slash so happy looking for a while! He must be like....we're.....soooo....close....to.....Axl.....pressing the red button! Don't fuck it up now. This is genuinely exciting....the thought many of us of been having that Glasto is the time to unleash something may be a reality after all. Really... GNR  doing something logical? Really?  Surely this isn't an A.I generated photo 😂


Also...do we have an exact date on when this was taken? If it's post that festival which the indiction is it was....it's gonna be nothing to do with live sound...these Norwegian dudes aren't doing Glastonbury's sound and I don't think we would have the two of them together at this point in a tour, going in to check that out..so this is studio tracks and the fact this is happening ahead of Saturday = fair bet that they are "oking" final mixes for "Perhaps" and perhaps the other 2,3 tracks that Slash alluded to...anything more, would be beyond incredible and done in secret in the last 6 months....but perhaps Axl being far more motivated on stage and into it, has something to do with what he's been up to in the last 6 months and what was to come...we'll see retrospectively in the future if that was the case...🤞🤞🤞

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5 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

Also...do we have an exact date on when this was taken? If it's post that festival which the indiction is it was....it's gonna be nothing to do with live sound...these Norwegian dudes aren't doing Glastonbury's sound and I don't think we would have the two of them together at this point in a tour, going in to check that out..so this is studio tracks and the fact this is happening ahead of Saturday = fair bet that they are "oking" final mixes for "Perhaps" and perhaps the other 2,3 tracks that Slash alluded to...anything more, would be beyond incredible and done in secret in the last 6 months....but perhaps Axl being far more motivated on stage and into it, has something to do with what he's been up to in the last 6 months and what was to come...we'll see retrospectively in the future if that was the case...🤞🤞🤞

I’ll be thrilled with Perhaps and The General but, man… if we ever got some completed instrumentals like Soul Monster, Zodiac, Quicksong, Tonto, Oklahoma, etc, that’d be awesome too. I’d prefer those to Atlas.

There was a phenomenal GNR album on the Village sessions, it just wasn’t finished. Could have been the heaviest since AfD

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2 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

I’ll be thrilled with Perhaps and The General but, man… if we ever got some completed instrumentals like Soul Monster, Zodiac, Quicksong, Tonto, Oklahoma, etc, that’d be awesome too. I’d prefer those to Atlas.

There was a phenomenal GNR album on the Village sessions, it just wasn’t finished. Could have been the heaviest since AfD

Perhaps, The General, Oklahoma and Soul Monster would be the perfect combo for me!

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1 minute ago, SoulMonster said:

But why would they had a guy who is an expert on _live_ sound engineering come down for this, and why is it emphasized that they were getting prepared for Glastonbury? The more I think about this, with help from @Blackstar, it sounds like this was just to listen to live mixes to be absolutely ready for Glasto.

its just saying that they did it before heading to glastonbury. the fact they were there doesnt necessarily have to to with glastonbury itself

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1 minute ago, SoulMonster said:

But why would they had a guy who is an expert on _live_ sound engineering come down for this, and why is it emphasized that they were getting prepared for Glastonbury? The more I think about this, with help from @Blackstar, it sounds like this was just to listen to live mixes to be absolutely ready for Glasto.

A live engineer would still have a lot of knowledge about studio production. This looks like a recording studio.

I could be wrong, of course, but I read it as they’re listening to studio mixes ahead of Glastonbury. Maybe for a release around then. I doubt they were actually recording; seems they just wanted to listen to the songs on a proper system ahead of putting them out

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1 minute ago, ZoSoRose said:

A live engineer would still have a lot of knowledge about studio production. This looks like a recording studio.

I could be wrong, of course, but I read it as they’re listening to studio mixes ahead of Glastonbury. Maybe for a release around then. I doubt they were actually recording; seems they just wanted to listen to the songs on a proper system ahead of putting them out

Yeah, they needed proper loudspeakers to listen to Natale's mixes of the show the night before. To be sure it is all set for Glastos. Shit, I think this is the explanation.

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5 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

But why would they had a guy who is an expert on _live_ sound engineering come down for this, and why is it emphasized that they were getting prepared for Glastonbury? The more I think about this, with help from @Blackstar, it sounds like this was just to listen to live mixes to be absolutely ready for Glasto.

This sounds like the most likely answer to me.

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5 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

But why would they had a guy who is an expert on _live_ sound engineering come down for this, and why is it emphasized that they were getting prepared for Glastonbury? The more I think about this, with help from @Blackstar, it sounds like this was just to listen to live mixes to be absolutely ready for Glasto.

The post says he help to set up the sesión. There was a post the other day of Slash in a guitar placer un Oslo and the wording was interesting. 

1 minute ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

The post says he help to set up the sesión. There was a post the other day of Slash in a guitar placer in Oslo and the wording was interesting. 


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6 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

A live engineer would still have a lot of knowledge about studio production. This looks like a recording studio.

I could be wrong, of course, but I read it as they’re listening to studio mixes ahead of Glastonbury. Maybe for a release around then. I doubt they were actually recording; seems they just wanted to listen to the songs on a proper system ahead of putting them out

That's my take. If they're gonna prepare for Glasto live sound, they would of met with the BBC sound engineers for that, as they'll have a different way of doing it from these dudes...I think they could of had it mixed and sent to them to listen on headphones if it's live show review...I don't think they go into a studio to do that....they haven't seemed to of done that prior to other big festivals, right? (As far as we know at least) Axl is more involved these days with soundchecks etc but I don't see him bothering to turn up unless it's something more...

Edited by colonizedmind
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9 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Doesn't this seem like the most reasonable explanation: Dave Natale did the mixing at Tons of Rock, the day after he met up with Axl and Slash to listen to mixes from the show and discuss changes before Glastonbury?

Yeah I was about to say “This is Fatcon 1 folks. I repeat, we are in Fatcon 1.” But I’m holding off on that for now, as I think this really is just for soundcheck kinda stuff. Not necessarily new music. Hope I’m wrong, though!

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1 minute ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

IIRC, the band regularly listens to their live performances afterwards. If they were to take Glastonbury seriously, there's every reason to get in the studio and listen to the Oslo live mix properly to prepare for Glasto.

Exactly. Baring in mind they can't soundcheck at Glastonbury either. 

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