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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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Coincidentally, I was just listening to a Duff interview on Eddie Trunk in May 2019 when he was promoting Tenderness. Trunk asked him the same question (whether he had only his solo project in mind when he was writing songs or GN'R, too) and Duff avoided answering.

So it's surprising that in this recent interview he brought the Amen song up as a potential GN'R song.

Edited by Blackstar
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On 1/24/2024 at 4:56 PM, Rindmelon said:

Now that we have at least one song name that could in theory be on a new album in Amen I have to wonder how wise it is to put names out there publicly for songs we may not hear for years if at all. Obviously when you get leaks that are actually named like State Of Grace that's different thing, but knowing about The General for years for example probably helped build it into something that could never live up to the expectations of some. I guess I'd rather know than not know.

I believe that song has the same chances of being on a new album as Argentina from Bumblefoot had.

Edited by Uncle Bob
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27 minutes ago, Uncle Bob said:

I believe that song has the same chances of being on a new album as Argentina from Bumblefoot had.

I disagree because Argentina was an instrumental when BBF presented it, meaning Axl would have to both write and record for it. With Amen Axl can just sing it. I'm sure he'll love any excuse to avoid songwriting.

Unless you're simply saying you doubt a new album will happen in general, in which case I agree completely.

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56 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Here's a transcription of what Duff said in this interview:


Brian Koppelman: When you write these songs, I mean when you get an idea or you get a groove, do you ever… how do you know “Okay man, I’m gonna save this bit for a band that I’m working with.” Because you’ve done so much band stuff, not just with Guns N’ Roses, but so much of that stuff.

Duff: Yeah.

Brian Koppelman: How do you know, “Okay, this little melody and riff, an idea, feels right for me,” “I should play this one for Slash,” “I should not,” “I should play this one for…” How do you… Or is that not in you head at all and you address it like, “All right, I’m doing a Duff project now”. How does that work for you?

Duff: Man, okay, so if you could see my screen, if I could share you my screen on my iPad – which I’m talking to you on right now – I got a thing called Garage Band and I just hit the microphone and I have my acoustic guitar with me at all times on the road everywhere. It’s my punk guitar killer, it’s my everything. But I just love to play having the guitar in my lap. And I’ll write songs – there’s all this I call my crappy demos, they’re all on my iPad. I’ve shared my crappy demos only with a couple of people, Slash being one, because he knows what I’m trying to get. Or Mark, my producer. My crappy demos. So I will label them, you know, with a question mark: “GN’R?” or “Iggy?” Or, you know, “Ozzy?” But most of them for me… I wrote a song called “Amen”. It just all came to me when that - you know, everything that went down in Gaza and Israel, like that day. I was on the road watching TV and just heartbroken. You know, I’ve read so much history about that area dating back pre-Christ and all that. But like, they have just been under siege forever, you know, and this isn’t… I guess you don’t get surprised anymore. That’s happened a million times. But heartbroken you can be. You can be heartbroken.

Brian Koppelman: And in fact if you’re not heartbroken a little bit by this stuff - when you see kids in these situations… there’s something broken. But it’s so interesting like you just casually said that-

Duff: So I wrote a song called “Amen” and I sent it to Slash, and I said, “This is a Guns song. This is a Civil War, this is a new Civil War type of song.” Civil War is a Guns N’ Roses song-

Brian Koppelman: Of course, I know.

Duff: Those out there listening might not know.

Brian Koppelman: Yeah.

Duff: And I’d say there’s a new civil war.


Now that's something. 

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Wow! A name for a new GNR song! I've missed this. This is the type of stuff I want to hear more. We even got a little bit of info about what the song might be about.

Unfortunately the interviewer switched the topic for some reason. It almost felt like Duff would have wanted to talk more about the song, but the interviewer just changed the topic. I would have liked to hear if Axl has heard the song. It's difficult to count it as a potential future GNR song without knowing if Axl is interested in working on it.

It was a good interview, but switching the topic at the most important moment of the interview was a fail

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29 minutes ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

I disagree because Argentina was an instrumental when BBF presented it, meaning Axl would have to both write and record for it. With Amen Axl can just sing it. I'm sure he'll love any excuse to avoid songwriting.

Unless you're simply saying you doubt a new album will happen in general, in which case I agree completely.

I remember when Bumblefoot was playing that song, it was more than just an instrumental, it had some vocal melodies. This was before it was recorded and released. I wish GN'R recorded it, the raw version Bumble played was pretty good. I wasn't too fond of the final product, but I bet if Axl was on it and wrote most of the lyrics, it would be a pretty good Guns song for CD3 or whatever. 

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“Amen” being the first ORIGINAL composition from the semi-reunited GNR would be quite a hoot. :headbang:

Plus, they did say in the press release for the “TG” music video that it was meant to “kickstart” 2024… :shrugs:

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4 hours ago, GNRRHCP98 said:

“Amen” being the first ORIGINAL composition from the semi-reunited GNR would be quite a hoot. :headbang:

Plus, they did say in the press release for the “TG” music video that it was meant to “kickstart” 2024… :shrugs:

they say a lot of things to "sell" it, it's like a commercial. doesn't mean that Gn'R will definitely won't release more products this year in their downtime, just that anything promoted by them in social media should not be taken at face value. oftentimes, they hype it up to being something more than it really is, labeling it as "special" or some shit.

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On 1/28/2024 at 12:40 AM, GNRRHCP98 said:

“Amen” being the first ORIGINAL composition from the semi-reunited GNR would be quite a hoot. :headbang:

Plus, they did say in the press release for the “TG” music video that it was meant to “kickstart” 2024… :shrugs:

Amen to that. 

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On 1/27/2024 at 10:14 PM, Uncle Bob said:

I believe that song has the same chances of being on a new album as Argentina from Bumblefoot had.

And the dozen or so songs Ashba wrote for Guns. I can't understand why they waste their time, they must know deep down Axl isn't going in to a studio anytime soon. 

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46 minutes ago, rumandraisin said:

And the dozen or so songs Ashba wrote for Guns. I can't understand why they waste their time, they must know deep down Axl isn't going in to a studio anytime soon. 

I think Duff's demos have priority in this case. Keep in mind that both Duff and Slash are not Axl's employees. 

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On 1/28/2024 at 9:43 AM, ShadowOfTheWave said:

I disagree because Argentina was an instrumental when BBF presented it, meaning Axl would have to both write and record for it. With Amen Axl can just sing it. I'm sure he'll love any excuse to avoid songwriting.

Unless you're simply saying you doubt a new album will happen in general, in which case I agree completely.

I dont think Axls problem is song writing as he could have hired or used song writers all these years (like many artists do) and we could have actually had albums.

Its more him recording actual vocals he seems hesitant to do. Even these new released singles his happy to recycle copy/paste vocals from other songs or repeat verses instead of recording anything new. 

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4 hours ago, vloors said:

I dont think Axls problem is song writing as he could have hired or used song writers all these years (like many artists do) and we could have actually had albums.

Its more him recording actual vocals he seems hesitant to do. Even these new released singles his happy to recycle copy/paste vocals from other songs or repeat verses instead of recording anything new. 

And yet, he records fresh vocals for a fucking Looney Tunes song off the cuff. I think it's more his perfectionism when it comes to anything GNR.

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4 hours ago, vloors said:

I dont think Axls problem is song writing as he could have hired or used song writers all these years (like many artists do) and we could have actually had albums.

Its more him recording actual vocals he seems hesitant to do. Even these new released singles his happy to recycle copy/paste vocals from other songs or repeat verses instead of recording anything new. 

And it’s absolutely pathetic. Everything else we’re gonna hear is probably from no later than 2006 vocal wise. I don’t know if it’s the lukewarm reception to CD, or the fact that NuGuns failed miserably in the US after CD came out, or if Axl just doesn’t care what his “fans” want. For whatever reason, he continually disappoints when it comes to releasing new music. 4 songs released since CD. Which was over 15 years ago.


18 minutes ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

And yet, he records fresh vocals for a fucking Looney Tunes song off the cuff. I think it's more his perfectionism when it comes to anything GNR.

I very much disagree that Axl is a perfectionist with regards to music. I present the officially released Absurd as evidence. One verse and the same chorus repeated three times is abturd. Btw, I actually really like what Slash and Duff and all did with the music. 

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again, perfectionism doesn't mean high quality and your idea of what is good is not the same as what Axl thinks is good, great, or perfect. 

Chinese sounds like Axl obsessed over it, like a perfectionist went through it, tinkering with it for years. other respectable musicians also said as much in Alice Cooper and Brian May ("at some point it must be good enough"- Alice Cooper after working with Axl in the studio recording vocals for The Garden and "he's utterly meticulous like Freddie was"- Brian May)

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