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Guns N Roses next producer?...could Andrew Watt work?

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So I was thinking the other day about big in name producers and the one name everybody seems to want to work with these days is Andrew Watt...back in the day in the 90's and early 00's it was Rick Rubin or Brendan O Brien, Gil Norton etc who were the in demand rock producers of the time, but now it's Andrew Watt, if you dont know him he originally started off in Pop doing work with Bieber etc....but now has built up an impressive resume of Rock records under his belt...In the last few years he has done:

-The 2 most recent Ozzy Osbourne records (Ordinary Man, Patient No.9)

-Eddie Vedder's album 'Earthling'

- Iggy Pop's latest album 'Every Loser

- Post Malone's new album 'Austin'

- and of course the new Rolling Stones album that came out Friday 'Hackney Diamonds'

He is also working with Pearl Jam on on their new/upcoming album where the band have all talked about how much they are loving what they have done with him and what an amazing experience it's been.


So I was thinking he obviously knows Duff quite well as Duff played on the Ozzy and Iggy record he did, and  I cant envision a world where they havnt at least discussed what Guns plans are even if on a very surface non business kinda way...just shooting the s**t in between session work. 

Wouldnt it make a lot of sense for Axl, Slash & Duff to try and arrange some session time with him and strike whilst the iron is hot, not overthink it...,...work from scratch abandon anything from Chi-Dem era and just go and see what they can come up with together, maybe even in a GNR Lies kinda approach...just work up the tunes together all in the same room and get the creative juices flowing and see what they can work up. 


Does a new GNR album by Andrew Watt interest you and do you think the finished result could be something special? 

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I was just thinking about Watt for GNR. I didn’t love some of his production on Ozzy’s Ordinary Man (recording-wise, the songwriting was decent), but he killed it with the Stones

i think he’d be good for an all-new record

Edit- I do really like Ordinary Man and just remembered he did Patient 9 which was good too

Edited by ZoSoRose
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I think Eddies Earthling record could have been so much better and I am absolutely no fan of the whole "put as many guest stars as possible on a record" approach he obviously has, so I wouldn't really look forward to a GNR album produced by him.

Hell, I am anxiously awaiting the new PJ one and praying to every God available that he didn't put any Autotune over Eddie's voice, like he did with Ozzy and even Mick Jagger. 


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5 minutes ago, Spoon87 said:

I think Eddies Earthling record could have been so much better and I am absolutely no fan of the whole "put as many guest stars as possible on a record" approach he obviously has, so I wouldn't really look forward to a GNR album produced by him.

Hell, I am anxiously awaiting the new PJ one and praying to every God available that he didn't put any Autotune over Eddie's voice, like he did with Ozzy and even Mick Jagger. 


oh yeah I have definitely noticed the whole "put as many guests as possible" on the album approach, cant help but notice that, a GNR album....with drums by Chad Smith! ;-)

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He strips the soul out of the bands he produces. They end up sounding like paint-by-numbers imitations of themselves with the heart ripped out. Also his albums tend to be processed within a midges appendage of their lives - loud and unpleasant.

I haven’t heard the Stones record so this is my view having heard the Eddie Vedder one (listen to Earthling compared to all prior Eddie solo material) and Ozzy. 

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Morrissey’s Bonfire of Teenagers was produced by Watt and when Rebels Without Applause dropped, Moz’s following has slaughtered the production. 

Watt’s handiwork seems to divide opinion, but he’s done a cracking job with The Stones’ new album and in an ideal world, I’d love for Guns to be at a point of creating new music and working with in demand producers, so I’d be all for it.

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Would definitely be interested in an Andrew Watt produced album. With stipulations. 

Ozzy's Ordinary Man album was strong but maybe a bit light for an Ozzy record. I thought Patient Number 9 was fantastic. Was more that classic Ozzy solo sound and had some heavy moments. Andrew Watt had a lot to do with the strength of those two albums from what i've watched / read. He managed to make Ozzy sound great too so that's a valuable talent to have for GnR so long as it doesnt sound autotuned. 

I'm really liking the new Stones album too, how much that is thanks to Andrew Watt isnt all that clear, they only seem to be giving him credit for helping them crack through the recording process. I think the overal album has a pop influence in its production which must be something he brought to the table. It's just about right but i lacks a little stones down and dirty sound. Very polished in parts. I wouldnt want that for GnR. 

You can't deny he seems to have a bit of a magic touch for legacy artists right now. Getting him involved with GnR would be smart I think. 

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The Stones album sounds very warm. The guests thing is kind of fun, but I wouldn’t want so much of that on a GNR album. Steven and Izzy, sure :lol:

Guests on the Ozzy album make sense since he’s a solo act, and the Stones one never took focus away from the band. 

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You beat me to it…

After listening to “Hackney Diamonds” three times in full this weekend, I soooo want Andrew Watt to tackle any potential major GNR releases going forward.

Plus, I think he has already worked (and maybe even played?) with Duff through Iggy Pop.

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7 hours ago, ToonGuns said:

Also his albums tend to be processed within a midges appendage of their lives - loud and unpleasant.

Isn't that just a trend right now, not necessarily an Andrew Watt thing? Not saying it's a good thing, but it feels like everyone big in rock is doing it.

I mean, you look at SMKC's World On Fire, then Living the Dream – both had the same producer, but LTD is definitely louder and more processed. The latest GN'R tracks, Foo Fighters albums, and a few other recent releases tend to follow the same formula too.

I reckon whoever produces a theoretical new GN'R album would do the same, be it Watt or anyone else. Maybe Dave Cobb would be an exception, but people here didn't like his production on 4, and I preferred the sound of the last Greta Van Fleet album compared to the latest, which he produced

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3 hours ago, Voodoochild said:

They need a producer that bring Slash’s tone back to the Illusions era and a lively drum sound. That won’t happen anytime soon with Axl, Caram and Slash. 

No matter who produces the guitar sound it will still be the same result... Slash just likes a whole lot less gain and a (to my ears) really scratchy garage rock sound these days. Same issue the Metallica guys have. Problem is you lose all the bite as a trade for extra clarity. The other trade is that more gain makes certain licks and riffs easier to play... Slash and Kirk should be welcoming the help! 

A producer that would put the foot down and say "no, that's not a good guitar sound for GNR" would be ideal. I've heard the results of Watt producing Slash and I really didn't enjoy the tone or the resulting solo... so, I'd rather the collaboration stars and stops there. My preference for producing is Nick Raskulinecz or Bob Rock. Both guys push the musicians and want great performances as well as great sounds. Nicks work on clockwork angels was splendid, to get a record as good as that from a band that late into their careers? The mans a genius!

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15 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

No matter who produces the guitar sound it will still be the same result... Slash just likes a whole lot less gain and a (to my ears) really scratchy garage rock sound these days. Same issue the Metallica guys have. Problem is you lose all the bite as a trade for extra clarity. The other trade is that more gain makes certain licks and riffs easier to play... Slash and Kirk should be welcoming the help! 

A producer that would put the foot down and say "no, that's not a good guitar sound for GNR" would be ideal. I've heard the results of Watt producing Slash and I really didn't enjoy the tone or the resulting solo... so, I'd rather the collaboration stars and stops there. My preference for producing is Nick Raskulinecz or Bob Rock. Both guys push the musicians and want great performances as well as great sounds. Nicks work on clockwork angels was splendid, to get a record as good as that from a band that late into their careers? The mans a genius!

Not a massive expert on these matters, but could it have something to do with the stolen amp he used in the early days being repossessed? Didn't he say he's never been able to fully recreate that sound since?

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5 hours ago, Voodoochild said:

They need a producer that bring Slash’s tone back to the Illusions era and a lively drum sound. That won’t happen anytime soon with Axl, Caram and Slash. 

They should get Brendan O’Brien for that. Love his work with STP and on Libertad. I also wonder what a new Mike Clink record would sound like w them 

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