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3 hours ago, Anguyen92 said:

Hmmm, Slash is in the studio with Myles at the time of that post, ehhh?  Funny thing about that.  On 12/05, Myles was still touring with Alter Bridge in Dallas and still is touring until mid-December, just finished a show in Tulsa (Eddie Trunk was there actually.)  I'm not doubting that Myles may work with Slash at the start of 2018, but I'm not too sure about this particular sentence.

Believe what you like maybe it wasnt right there and then but it obviously happening very soon and Myles doesn't have to be there Slash could be putting his track down Todd wasn't there because he was in Canada with Mitch. When I wrote with Myles I was meaning he not recording for gnr. It's what I got told and I just thought I'd share it with yous and the next day Meegan was saying similar thing.




Edited by Gibbo
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22 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

I don’t think Ashba is ever going to be back in Guns. I see this as a legitimate Axl solo project of some sort to get out unreleased Chinese II or III music. Isn’t that what the majority of you have been pressing for, no? Solely Axl focused music to be released under his solo career? 

At this stage, i don't give a fuck. Slash is off doing shit with Myles, so bring me all the sweet Chinese vault stuff with DJ Ashba. I would rather that than Axl/DC. Axl, Slash and Duff can record new shit for Guns.

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10 hours ago, Spirit said:

She said her husband played with them at the same arena a few years ago.

You're right. She must have been thinkin somewhere else I guess. I still don't see the "bashing" others where talking about in this thread, and even Ashba himself seemed to enjoy the show. Seems like she was the unlucky one in that scenario.

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10 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

Obviously Slash would only want Izzy or Steven to be involved if it was for GNRs comeback album, not because he just wants to work with them, he has his nice little band with SMKC already. As per Izzys tweet he was offered some sort of part, we don't know if he was supposed to be the main rhythm player but there is of course reason to believe so, and that Fortus just was the one to subsequently take the gig once Izzys deal couldn't be agreed on. I do think Frank was agreed on by both Slash and Duff for Axls sake (and Steven said he only came in to rehearsals in March).

I can see Axl getting rid of Frank and Fortus after this tour because as of now they're just a touring lineup going under the GNR name, nothing is set in stone. It's sort of useless to speculate what's going to happen in regards to the line up but as far as I'm concerned that would be Slashs main gripe when it comes to releasing new material under the GNR name.

You do realise that pushing Axl is the easiest way to have him pushing back right? Slash quit the band in the past trying to gain leverage over Axl and he got fucked when Axl called that bluff, now you expect Slash try and FORCE Adler and Izzy back on board and for Axl to just remain sitting in a corner while Slash takes people that have been working for Guns N' Roses for decades now. Yeah I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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9 minutes ago, AlterL said:

You do realise that pushing Axl is the easiest way to have him pushing back right? Slash quit the band in the past trying to gain leverage over Axl and he got fucked when Axl called that bluff, now you expect Slash try and FORCE Adler and Izzy back on board and for Axl to just remain sitting in a corner while Slash takes people that have been working for Guns N' Roses for decades now. Yeah I don't see that happening anytime soon.


6 hours ago, Anguyen92 said:

Hmmm, Slash is in the studio with Myles at the time of that post, ehhh?  Funny thing about that.  On 12/05, Myles was still touring with Alter Bridge in Dallas and still is touring until mid-December, just finished a show in Tulsa (Eddie Trunk was there actually.)  I'm not doubting that Myles may work with Slash at the start of 2018, but I'm not too sure about this particular sentence.

Meegan said they're in the studio at the end of this month.

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13 hours ago, Spirit said:

She said her husband played with them at the same arena a few years ago.

Which he didn't as it wasn't open until just before the 1st Gn'R show in 2016. Lol looking at the seats they had, nothing to do with the band also note they have no passes....

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I don't get why people are angry about this... we know Axl is a lazy fuck and we won't listen to a new Guns record ever (or maybe in 3-4 years). BUT, in my opinion, it is huge that Slash and Duff are back in the band and can aswell go and do their thing. I think it speaks volumes of how are the things in the band. Axl seems to have changed too, I mean he guested (something weird from him since 2000) two times Billy Joel and the AC/DC thing was just huge. Axl seems to trust in Slash and Duff again, to let them go and do their thing and still be Guns N' Roses members. Hell, even Dizzy is releasing a new solo album. I like the present of Guns N' Roses. Despite of the vocal condition of Axl this year, the whole thing made Axl feel more confident with himself, and reconnect with Slash that also makes me really happy. When Axl feels ready to release a new album, he knows they will be there. Sure, we would all love Axl to release CD2 and CD3, the Perfect Crime Documentary, the fucking whole vault. But we know that won't happen, and this scenario is not that bad actually. We may not get new music, but atleast we know that they have worked past their differences. For me, Axl being Axl again (in a good way :D), and Slash and Duff doing their thing while being GN'R members (and that there aren't problems about it) is far more valuable that a new song or two. If we do get something new in the future, I'm sure it will have a more sincere value because of all this things that happened since NITL started.

However, I'm not crazy about a Guns album. I can live without it. An AC/DC album with raspy Axl on vocals would be far more insteresting for me.

What I would LOVE to see in 2018 would be: a NITL bluray with the best performances of each song, a new SMKC record, and a new Axl/DC record or atleast a Rock or Bust bluray (something that also would be huge).

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I wanted a new Guns album for many years, look at my damn username! But the thing is I've accepted that it's never going to come to fruition. It's a fantasy, a myth. I promise you all once you accept there will never be another Guns album for the rest of your life, you'll be so much happier. There are thousands of great albums that you know exist and can enjoy instead that actual exist and there are hundreds of bands that actually release music.

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All these people's look in the crystal ball.

How do you know? How do you know there will be a new Guns record? How do you know there won't be one. You simply do not know. Your opinion is not a fact. Nobody's opinion is. 

CD was a fantasy, a myth nobody believed in and still, it exists, right?

Nobody believed in the reunion but look where we are now.

I wish there will be new Guns music of the classic line up. As long as none of them passes away there is minimalistic chance we'll get some someday. Do I believe it will ever happen? God no!

New music by Axl, Duff and Slash isn't that unrealistic. They already talked about it. We all know Axl's history with releases but things can change. In fact they already changed. The three of them are back together performing one of the biggest tours of all time. 

Yesterday that was an unbelievable scenario and today everybody's acting like it's the most normal thing in the world.

Who knows what tomorrow will be?

Everything is possible and most likely we won't hear anything in the near future but IMO they would be stupid not to release anything new created by the three of them. It's what the world wants and it could be inspired enough to be something magical.

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31 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

How do you know? How do you know there will be a new Guns record? How do you know there won't be one. You simply do not know. Your opinion is not a fact. Nobody's opinion is. 

Because the lead singer, while a brilliant man, simply is unable to materialize on new music. We are admist the biggest tour possibly of their careers (rivaled by the UYI tour) and we have Slash collaborating with Myles,Axl possibly working with Ashba, Duff doing his side bands, and Dizzy releasing a solo album. Tell me, how can there be music when the lead singer, who owns the name of the band, refuses to release anything and has shown no signs of wanting to release anything with Slash and Duff back in the fold. We have gotten one album in 25 years from Axl. If he was willing to work on new music, I guaren-damn-tee you Slash would not be recording a new album with the Conspirators and a Guns album would take immediate priority.

You mention that Chinese was once conceived as a myth or fantasy, which is a fair point. However, the album had a name since what, 1999? Axl was talking about how much he wanted to release it during those 9 years in interviews and everything.

The alleged "new album" doesn't have a title. The lead singer does not even know for sure if he wants to release new music with this lineup soon. Assuming we even get a name for the album within the next few years, we could still have up to 9 years before anything will even come to fruition. Keep that in perspective.

In 2001, 16 out of 20 songs played are still setlist regulars today. This isn't a setlist discussion of course, but when the lead singer is comfortable with touring with a similiar setlist 17 years later it says something.

Edited by AxlRoseCDII
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16 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

All these people's look in the crystal ball.

How do you know? How do you know there will be a new Guns record? How do you know there won't be one. You simply do not know. Your opinion is not a fact. Nobody's opinion is. 

People who say there will be no new GNR music base their opinion on Axl's track record.  And yeah, it's not good.  We all know why.  So in a way, I don't blame them.  

Personally, I'm not judging Axl by his attitudes and behaviour from 15, 10, even 5 years ago.  People change over time and learn from their mistakes.  We've seen evidence of that already in small, but important ways: acting more professionally, Axl turning up on time, not giving interviews or explaining themselves (from their POV this is the right thing to do).

Certainly, the circumstances Axl finds himself in today have no precedent.  There is nothing in Axl's past that fans can draw on to make predictions about this reunion and how it will go from here.  The reunion is completely new territory for all three of them and they've got to navigate it.  And that task wouldn't be as easy as people presume.  I highly doubt the three of them just 'clicked' again.  Everyone in the entire band would've had to get used to a new dynamic and having 'iconic' Slash in the band, and Duff too - and the history those two bring - all whilst trying not to piss anyone off, or come across the wrong way.  Lot of stepping on eggshells, initially, I reckon.

And adjusting to something like that takes time.  Maybe there was a spark of the old magic the instant the three of them got under the same roof with instruments, but then again, maybe there wasn't. Maybe they've actually had to work hard over the past 2 years to rebuild trust and form a bond (never mind make new music!).  They'd have to put effort in, you know, like most people's relationships - professional or otherwise.  And maybe that's why it wasn't until the final NA leg of this tour that we started to see a bit of chemistry again, especially between Axl and Slash.

So I'm positive that we'll see new music eventually.  Probably not this year, but I'm guessing 2019.  But who knows, they might surprise us in June with a new song added to the setlist, maybe one of the ones Axl already had in the bag at the start.  Maybe they won't.  But hey, the fact the reunion happened at all (cash grab or not) and went off without a hitch shows that anything is possible with these guys.  

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2 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

Because the lead singer, while a brilliant man, simply is unable to materialize on new music. We are admist the biggest tour possibly of their careers (rivaled by the UYI tour) and we have Slash collaborating with Myles,Axl possibly working with Ashba, Duff doing his side bands, and Dizzy releasing a solo album. Tell me, how can there be music when the lead singer, who owns the name of the band, refuses to release anything and has shown no signs of wanting to release anything with Slash and Duff back in the fold. We have gotten one album in 25 years from Axl. If he was willing to work on new music, I guaren-damn-tee you Slash would not be recording a new album with the Conspirators and a Guns album would take immediate priority.

You mention that Chinese was once conceived as a myth or fantasy, which is a fair point. However, the album had a name since what, 1999? Axl was talking about how much he wanted to release it during those 9 years in interviews and everything.

The alleged "new album" doesn't have a title. The lead singer does not even know for sure if he wants to release new music with this lineup soon. Assuming we even get a name for the album within the next few years, we could still have up to 9 years before anything will even come to fruition. Keep that in perspective.

In 2001, 16 out of 20 songs played are still setlist regulars today. This isn't a setlist discussion of course, but when the lead singer is comfortable with touring with a similiar setlist 17 years later it says something.

Slash's recording an album that's already written. That's a matter of about a month. He's restless. This album has nothing to do with any Guns release period.

Axl may be working with Ashba. Pure speculation but possible. 

Axl himself showed sign he would like to work with Slash and Duff again. It would be great... his own words. Does that mean they'll do it for sure? Of course not. I don't know their plans nor do I think I can figure out all possibilities that could happen in the future. People change their minds all the time. Only time will show us what will happen. I'm not very optimistic by myself but I didn't lost hope. 

You think you KNOW what will happen? Great for you and your self-awareness. Sorry to say I rather trust my experiences. The future is often unpredictable. 

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18 minutes ago, Gibbo said:

We know slash wont be doing any shows for a while now Todd's playing in Dizzy's band

It's also possible that they will play songs from SMKC

“This amazing line up features current members of Guns and Roses, Quiet Riot, Slash w/ Myles and the Conspirators, Danzig, Type O Negative, and Enuff Z Nuff. 

Hookers & Blow
Dizzy Reed (Guns N' Roses)
Alex Gross (Quiet Riot)
Todd Kerns (Slash/ Myles Kennedy)
Johnny Kelly (Danzig / Type O Negative)
Chip Z' Nuff (Enuff Z' Nuff)

Playing all the hits from all their bands catalogs. And to top the night Don Jamieson from THAT METAL SHOW will be hosting with Comedy through out the night.“


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2 hours ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:

People who say there will be no new GNR music base their opinion on Axl's track record.  And yeah, it's not good.  We all know why.  So in a way, I don't blame them.  

Personally, I'm not judging Axl by his attitudes and behaviour from 15, 10, even 5 years ago.  People change over time and learn from their mistakes.  We've seen evidence of that already in small, but important ways: acting more professionally, Axl turning up on time, not giving interviews or explaining themselves (from their POV this is the right thing to do).

I’d agree with literally everything you’ve said if Axl had showed any signs of wanting to release something and be more consistent in music releases. However, when asked about new music, he gave a very vague answer and was even unsure if Slash and Duff would be on it. They cut out vague statements of talks of new music from the Brazil interview. These ideologies going forward replicate exactly what we got during NuGuns. You also have to keep in mind Axl isn’t going to be able to sing the way he is for the rest of all time- age is catching up with the man already, and I can’t see him touring a new Guns album in 15 years. 


1 hour ago, Free Bird said:

Slash's recording an album that's already written. That's a matter of about a month. He's restless. This album has nothing to do with any Guns release period.

Axl may be working with Ashba. Pure speculation but possible. 

Axl himself showed sign he would like to work with Slash and Duff again. It would be great... his own words. Does that mean they'll do it for sure? Of course not. I don't know their plans nor do I think I can figure out all possibilities that could happen in the future. People change their minds all the time. Only time will show us what will happen. I'm not very optimistic by myself but I didn't lost hope. 

You think you KNOW what will happen? Great for you and your self-awareness. Sorry to say I rather trust my experiences. The future is often unpredictable. 

People change their minds all the time, but Axl sure hasn’t by giving a very vague statement in regards to new music during the Chinese Exchange interview. Of course I don’t know what will happen. I never claimed to say I know what the future holds, but from Axl’s past records and his opinions not seem to differing much from the NuGuns years I can heavily speculate what will. Believe it or not I am an optimist. I’m just not a blind one.

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20 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

He used to say all the time he would only do a reunion if all 5 of them were onboard. Now he caved in to do a tour with just 3 of them. Slash really, really badly wanted to play with GNR again since getting sober and it's been 9 years. So he took that chance and got his thrill. What's the use in making a half baked comeback record with synths and without Izzy, knowing the fans will miss Izzys presence on the songs and Stevens or Matts drumming? Literally 0% of GNR fans would choose Frank to be the drummer and he knows that.

Better not to tarnish the legendary GNR legacy instead, and wait it out until perhaps a full reunion is in the cards. It came this far there's no reason it couldn't become even better and get everyone on board. There's no going back for Axl from this point. And Fortus isn't half the songwriter Izzy is, and Slash is used to writing alone (Izzy was one of the few people he could really write with, so how is a crap songwriter like Fortus gonna help make a good GNR record?) and of course theres Dizzy and Melissa in the band, a person responsible for synths mainly. Many reasons for Slash not to record an album like this and wait it out a couple more years.

I dont know.

None of this makes sense to me. :shrugs:

Sounds more like something you've made up in your head than something Slash actually feels or thinks about.

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7 minutes ago, killuridols said:

I dont know.

None of this makes sense to me. :shrugs:

Sounds more like something you've made up in your head than something Slash actually feels or thinks about.

I..never claimed that's how he thinks. Those are just possible reasons why he would perhaps not do an album, taken from things he has said in the past. There are reasons I can name why he would record aswell but that was not asked. Rather simple no?

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