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Meeting Axl

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Met Steven, Frank, Melissa, Ron and DJ. Frank a great cool guy, asked him to play Perfect crime he said he loves it and the band knows it, he wants to do it but is not his choice. Mellisa LOVELY ! Dj cool but Ron is a genius. Steven was very shortly meet n greet on 09 so couldnt say nothing bout it, just a smile and a picture. 
Oh... also met some guy named Fernando... rings a bell? not a nice guy... (FOR REAL jajaj) 

Edited by gonzalo palmese
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Only really met Duff so far. Saw Slash walking by us in the Vegas hotel 2016 but that doesn't really count.

First time met Duff in 2017 on Stockholm as I was standing around the band hotel with the other nerds. Duff came out and signed everyone's stuff. I was the last in line and approached him and I remember I was the only bunch of the group to shake his hand. I didn't want anything signed but just a photo. Then he asked if everyone would like a foto and his security took a group pic with all of us. Luckily I was standing next to Duff on that pic.

Met him again one year after that in Berlin. The day after the show we were sightseeing at checkpoint charlie. We were sitting outside of a bar when I suddenly recognized duff's security on the other side of the street, then saw that it was Duff behind him. One of the girls I was with went to the bathroom shortly before, so me and my other friend packed our shit and crossed the street. We asked their security if it's cool to approach Duff. He took the time to get a picture with us. 

After being so stoked we just met Duff, we went back to the bar and the girl that was in the bathroom came back and we told her we just met Duff and took pictures. She was not so pleased we just left here there and got kinda pissed. :lol: 

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2 hours ago, StayofExecution2020 said:

Now I think about it, I also shortly met frank on the streets of paris. The person I was walking around with chitchatted a bit with him but I didn't really know what to say to him and probably didn't care too much. He was there with his daughter and seemed like a sweet fellow. Probably too nice for a rock band like that.

Met fernando quickly in Vegas 2016. Very uninspiring conversation. Never cared for him too much but grown to hate him the last cpl years for his behaviour.

One of my greatest experience came from meeting beta though. Me and a bunch of other nerds were waiting for Axl in the hotel in Vegas 2016. I flew in from Europe for the show - only had tickets for the opening night. Anyway me and the person I was with stated chatting with beta, who seemed to be pretty nice (unlike her son). We told her that we didn't have a ticket for the 2nd show and if there was a way she could get us in. She started typing something into her phone and then told us to go to the ticket counter and that the tickets would be there waiting for us under her name. If that wasn't even cool as shit - after we went back to the ticket counter, we said we had tickets from beta waiting for us and the person came back with an envelope (at that point I was already freaking out mentally). After we opened it we saw that these were VIP tickets. 

So we went into the venue and had a spot at the upper left balcony next to the stage. There was a guy opening and closing the door behind us, we had our own bar and hot groupies in the suite. At one point sebastian bach was even in that suite, few minutes later he was on stage singing my Michelle. I also saw jimmy webb there. Didn't know who he was but I knew I saw pictures with him and the band prior to the show. Anyway, I wanted to get backstage but couldn't without someone who had a backstage pass. While the crew etc were cleaning up the venue after the show, I just went backstage. Saw beta and thanked her for the tickets. Saw richard talking some boring stuff about nyc to some guy. Then the stage security guy approached me and asked me what I was doing here. I just stood there and pointed to my gnr badge that said "beta". He asked me to please go to the Aftershow party. Unfortunately nobody from the band was there. Just some wanna be people and jarmo.left the party after maybe 15 mins to get back to the hotel to get my flight back to europe. Was an epic experience for which I will always grateful to beta and hold her somewhat in high regards..unlike her son.

Lucky guy, cool story. My favourite bit was probably the fact that Jarmo was at the after party with no band members. That's exactly how I pictured it :lol:

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I've only been lucky enough to meet Steven Adler and Slash of any era GnR. Slash was at a guitar guitar store opening just outside London in a town called Epsom (famous for horse racing). He didn't allow any pics, but I asked him to sign my appetite Tat. I put my leg up on the table, security came over and pulled my leg down. Slash said 'No it's cool' to the guy, then asked me to put my leg on his lap. So I put my leg on his lap and he signed it below his image. I then went straight to the tattoo artist down the road and he inked it on. 

Steven I met in 2018 outside the Whiskey, after adlers appetite played. Was a great set, he came out after. He signed my mates cymbal, but said sorry and jumped into the car when I asked him to sign my leg. People say I was unlucky as he's normally cool with that sort of thing but he did seem desperate to get away from the venue. Met vicky hamilton there too. I think I'd only like to meet Axl whilst he's drunk and in a cool bar environment, then he seems really open and friendly. Anywhere else I probably wouldn't approach. 


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after one of the Hammerstein shows in NYC back in 2006 I hung around the back and literally every guy came out (minus Axl) and signed autographs, some were harder to get than others, Bumblefoot was the only one who was hanging around and talking to the fans, definitely thought it was cool at the time, Axl if I recall came out and basically darted to the van (it might have been when he was holding the light saber)

Slash I met after a Miles Kennedy/Conspirators show in Madison WI back in 2012, hung around the back and his manager or someone basically told everyone to make a line and he will sign 1 item per person, definitely cool of him to do that

Steven Adler I also met in Madison 2 years ago when he played a show, paid $100 for a meet and greet before the show and I got a Photo and my Appetite album signed, also got the set list signed by him after the show but that was by luck

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I met Axl, DJ, and Bumble after the Philly UCAP show. I wrote a long post about it at the time, link below, but here’s the bit I wrote up on the meet and greet in the parking lot after the show: 

GNRSkidRow1 and I headed out the side door as soon as the show ended and headed for the stage entrance area, along with McCoy and crew. There were probably 30 people out there totally, about 2/3 fans and 1/3 dealers ( :fuckyou: ). We were told it would be at least an hour, and we all settled in. Dj came out about 20 minutes later. He signed and took pics with almost everyone who wanted, but Del shuttled him out pretty briskly. Got my picture signed (props to Powerage5 for the photo!) and took a pic with him. Had a very entertaining convo with him, too.

Me: Dj, can't wait for the AM performance at the Revolver Awards.

Dj: Thanks, man, we're excited.

Me: You guys have any idea what you'll be playing.

Dj: Yup.

Ron is a fucking boss. After disappearing for chunks of the show in visible pain, Bumble chatted and signed for EVERYONE. Posed for pictures, the whole shebang. All on top of chillin in the pit for a few minutes right when the doors opened. Just the coolest. I already had my pic with him, but got him to sign my band picture outside afterwards.

Dizzy, Tommy, Frank, and Richard all left with minimal interaction, and Chris snuck out at some point. We all knew there was only one guy left. After about half an hour or 45 minutes, Fernando came out. He said something like "We're not gonna do individual pictures, but we'll do one group shot, and we won't be able to get everyone, but we'll do as many as possible" and went back inside. About 5 minutes later, Beta and Vanessa came out, followed by Fernando and, finally, the man himself. Axl was gracious as all hell. Talked the whole time he was signing stuff. Definitely was rushing to get everyone in before he had to leave, but it was in an effort to be accommodating, not his alleged hatred of fans. He and I exchanged words briefly as he signed my photo. Just an unbelievable experience. Fernando's gonna put the group photo on gnr.com at a point, but I don't have it yet. Still, just in shock that I actually got all my goals for the evening: front row, a guitar pick, and met Axl motherfucking Rose.


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Met Dizzy, DJ and Richard a few times and they were friendly but not overly enthused. Met Frank a few times and he is genuinely lovely, as was Ron. Ron is an amazing bloke that actually goes the extra mile to make a fan feel welcome and happy!

Met Steven a couple of times and he is wonderful to meet. Friendly and sincere in his willingness  to meet with fans.

Met Duff and he was friendly and cool, just said a quick hi as his bodyguard was with him.

Met Slash at an afterparty  and had a good long chat with him and he was really lovely and engaging. Funny bugger too, my mate was giving him shit and Slash was giving it back. I think he was pleasantly surprised by my mate who just treated him like any other fucker. After hanging out at the after party for quite a while, Slash then went off to meet a very long line of fans outside the gates of the venue and posed for photos and signed stuff for like an hour and this was after midnight. A class act. This was pre-reunion SMKC days of course, now he would be more time pressured I’m sure. 

I would dearly love to meet Axl but it has never worked out.


Edited by DownUnderScott
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  • 2 weeks later...

in the last 17 years, i've meet many times all band members except Axl...

Slash in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Duff in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Dizzy in 2017 and 2018.

Gilby in 2010 and 2015.

Steven in 2011.

DJ in 2010, 2012 and 2016.

Frank in 2010, 2017 and 2018.

Richard in 2010, 2017 and 2018.

Tommy in 2010.

I've seen all the band in 2017 cause i've stay in the same hotel in Bologna, but TB can't permise me to meet AXL, and i was in the same hotel... i've seen all the band in the hall except for slash and axl...

the hotel's staff, gn'r bodyguards, internal bodyguards, fernando and beta for fucked me up me and other  guys.

we were just 7 guys and We have been segregated in 5 M2 in aisle of the hotel with the promise that all the band would have passed in front of us.

we are only 7 guys (all clients of the hotel) That we just wanted to see them pass and beta or fernando decided to pass in a secondary way preventing us to moving.

axl out of the hotel signs some autographs and did some photos, so this is the proof that it is not his fault.


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On 12/15/2020 at 7:16 PM, Powerage5 said:

I've met the entire 2009-2014 lineup, most multiple times. Various situations, some at aftershow parties, some by chance, some at solo shows. I agree with the sentiments that it's not super likely to meet them nowadays unless it's by chance due to the size of the venues. I'm not sure how much they're even up for meeting people outside the hotels as I haven't heard much chatter about that in recent years. 


As for what they were all like...Bumble is my favorite, for sure. He's always been super outgoing and personable, always down to chat as long as you are. There was a period where Bumble had purchased some of my photos from GN'R gigs for his promotional use, including one that he used for a cover photo on a guitar magazine in Italy. He did a lot to try and help me establish myself as a concert photographer (Which sadly I never did), but I'll always be eternally thankful to him for that - he put a lot of faith in me. Axl has always been very nice, though slightly soft spoken and shy all but the first time I met him. He sort of has this sense of calm about him which puts you at ease, which caught me offguard the first time. Only met Frank once but he was lovely, very chatty and personable. Dizzy and Tommy have both been nice on every occasion I've met them, but nothing else particular to note. I've never found Ashba as friendly on any occasion I've met him as his reputation suggested. Not rude or anything, but just sort of...uninterested in talking to people. Wasn't impressed by Pitman - he acted like he had a massive ego. It didn't really surprise me when he threw his fit in early 2016 and got kicked out (If that's indeed what happened), seemed very in line with his character from when I met him. Fortus was the worst - his room was on the same floor as mine at the Hard Rock during the 2014 residency, so naturally I bumped into him a handful of times waiting for the elevator and whatnot. Every time we crossed paths he would actually go out of his way to avoid contact. It's not like I was fanboying out or anything - even just saying hi or nodding or waving to him, he'd practically avert his eyes. I remember there was once when we both got on the elevator at the same time - I was standing by the buttons so I asked him what floor he wanted. He reached over and pressed a button ,and then stood facing into the corner of the elevator until he got off. Really bizarre :lol: 

Wow! How did you meet Axl? :heart:



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On 12/24/2020 at 1:45 AM, axlslash said:

I met Axl, DJ, and Bumble after the Philly UCAP show. I wrote a long post about it at the time, link below, but here’s the bit I wrote up on the meet and greet in the parking lot after the show: 

GNRSkidRow1 and I headed out the side door as soon as the show ended and headed for the stage entrance area, along with McCoy and crew. There were probably 30 people out there totally, about 2/3 fans and 1/3 dealers ( :fuckyou: ). We were told it would be at least an hour, and we all settled in. Dj came out about 20 minutes later. He signed and took pics with almost everyone who wanted, but Del shuttled him out pretty briskly. Got my picture signed (props to Powerage5 for the photo!) and took a pic with him. Had a very entertaining convo with him, too.

Me: Dj, can't wait for the AM performance at the Revolver Awards.

Dj: Thanks, man, we're excited.

Me: You guys have any idea what you'll be playing.

Dj: Yup.

Ron is a fucking boss. After disappearing for chunks of the show in visible pain, Bumble chatted and signed for EVERYONE. Posed for pictures, the whole shebang. All on top of chillin in the pit for a few minutes right when the doors opened. Just the coolest. I already had my pic with him, but got him to sign my band picture outside afterwards.

Dizzy, Tommy, Frank, and Richard all left with minimal interaction, and Chris snuck out at some point. We all knew there was only one guy left. After about half an hour or 45 minutes, Fernando came out. He said something like "We're not gonna do individual pictures, but we'll do one group shot, and we won't be able to get everyone, but we'll do as many as possible" and went back inside. About 5 minutes later, Beta and Vanessa came out, followed by Fernando and, finally, the man himself. Axl was gracious as all hell. Talked the whole time he was signing stuff. Definitely was rushing to get everyone in before he had to leave, but it was in an effort to be accommodating, not his alleged hatred of fans. He and I exchanged words briefly as he signed my photo. Just an unbelievable experience. Fernando's gonna put the group photo on gnr.com at a point, but I don't have it yet. Still, just in shock that I actually got all my goals for the evening: front row, a guitar pick, and met Axl motherfucking Rose.


Wow, what an amazing experience!!!!!

A moment you must've never wanted to end!  :wow:

Axl's the best isn't he? He's so amazing.

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12 hours ago, j axler said:

Wow, what an amazing experience!!!!!

A moment you must've never wanted to end!  :wow:

Axl's the best isn't he? He's so amazing.

It was surreal in the extreme. They had only announced the show a week in advance, give or take. I was a senior in college at the time and literally brought a stack of textbooks to the venue with me so I could be on the railing for the show. I talked to some other autograph collector friends in the area about how good the venue was to meet artists and went in prepared but with low expectations, knowing that Axl didn't love the whole autograph line setup. Getting to really hang out with Bumble for a while would have been amazing enough, but the interaction with Axl was absolutely insane. I don't hang many of my signed pictures around my home, but this one is too good not to.

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19 minutes ago, DurhamGirl said:

I find this whole meeting of well known people hightly embarrasing, obviously the majority dont want to do it, not all the time anyway.  So I can understand when they may be a bit offish or quickly disappear to get on with their lives.  Just my view.

You're right if it's the case you'll meet them randomly during their normal/privat life is going on.

If it's on tour, before or after a show, you might consider it as a small part of what the job as a celebrity entails, or at least as some kind of appreciated "fanservice".

Edited by EricA
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Met slash in Edinburgh after a SMK show. His bodyguard,/roadie said he will only be 5 mins as he has a cold, hmm. Got a photo, kinda, as there was no 1 on 1s allowed and autograph, but got feeling he wanted to go. Met Duff at his book signing in Glasgow, was super cool, down to earth, didnt mind talking, signing anything I had with me. Axl next.... Hopefully..... Soon. 😬😁

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On 1/5/2021 at 11:19 PM, scotsappetite said:

Met slash in Edinburgh after a SMK show. His bodyguard,/roadie said he will only be 5 mins as he has a cold, hmm. Got a photo, kinda, as there was no 1 on 1s allowed and autograph, but got feeling he wanted to go. Met Duff at his book signing in Glasgow, was super cool, down to earth, didnt mind talking, signing anything I had with me. Axl next.... Hopefully..... Soon. 😬😁

Was also there that night in Edinburgh. There weren’t many of us iirc.

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Met Gilby in 1994 here in Cleveland at the site they were building the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame-the local radio station was on site-they were interviewing him-he wasn't happy they weren't playing Cure me Or Kill me in regular rotation-Gilby is from here, so he was a little pissed and let them know lol. He signed my cassette cover of Pawn Shop Guitars-he was cool. Met Tommy last year at one of his shows at someone's house. I bought the early meet and greet-it kind of sucked because he showed up late. He did do a shot with us and talked with us. He's for sure different. It was neat but not worth $100. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/16/2020 at 4:00 PM, BangoSkank said:

I've told this story here before, but here it is again:

This took place outside of Brooklyn Bowl in 2013. I missed the ticket on sale, but live close by and was just going to go to try and get a ticket either outside or on a drop. Two of my friends were inside already. I left work early for it.

I also wanted to try and meet Axl, shake his hand and say, “You’re awesome,” or something. He’s one of my favorites and I’ll likely never get this opportunity again because the venue is so small. 

It’s not hard to figure out where the talent entrance is, but I see a guy who works for the venue, looking official. I ask him is there any way you can tell me where Axl is coming in from? I let him know I'll be cool and I’m trying to look as chill as possible. I ask it quietly, I have no merch to sign, just want to see Axl come in and hopefully shake his hand.  

The guy leans in like he has info. and says "they’re actually letting him out over there," and points to a spot across the street by another building. I’m with a very harmless-looking South American fan too.

So we wait across the street, thinking this is odd, but sticking with it because we had word from an official source this is where it was happening. 

Well, of course Axl’s car pulls up in the original spot where we were, next to the venue's talent entrance. We race across the street to try and see him, but the door shuts and we miss him.

I look at the dude and I say, “I thought you said he was being dropped off there?” He shrugs and starts walking away. 

I then ask him, “Do you know if there are any extra tickets at the box office?”

He says, “Uh, yeah, there’s some! I’ll be right back!” 

Of course, he never comes back. 

I find out from someone outside that this motherfucker was Fernando, a name I'd always heard as a GNR fan, but never knew what he looked like. And after looking at pictures I can definitely confirm.

Now of course he doesn’t want fans bombarding Axl as he goes in or ticket scalpers trying to up sell on the street. But I was very obviously not that. And he could have just said, “Sorry, can’t help you,” instead of giving phoney information and treating us like an annoyance. I’m there to support the new GN’R project, something that has been critically lauded and made fun of by the general public. I stuck with Axl after he no-showed in Philly (I was in the riot), went to plenty of shows where he came out hours late, and still stayed a fan. I defended Chinese Democracy to all the detractors I ran into and this guy outright lies to me twice. It's just so fucking dismissive. Don’t be hostile towards people like me, try and make more of us.

So it’s not what, but how. I in no way felt I deserved meeting him or a ticket, but also, don’t be a dick about it.

Luckily I eventually got in because I bought a ticket off of a guy who was being thrown out - only missed four songs.

Also, saw DJ standing outside Brooklyn Bowl, but he did not look approachable at all. Met Frank outside The Apollo and he was as cool as ever. I also met a very hammered Tommy after a solo show in Jersey City.

Fernando was really mean, i would be so angry lol 

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23 minutes ago, darkside259 said:

Fernando was really mean, i would be so angry lol 

Fernando is notoriously an absolute dick, and would openly lie to fans for no apparent reason other than getting his own rocks off. He's a dude who just enjoys the "power" of being..... GNR's quasi-manager?

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Just now, axlslash said:

Fernando is notoriously an absolute dick, and would openly lie to fans for no apparent reason other than getting his own rocks off. He's a dude who just enjoys the "power" of being..... GNR's quasi-manager?

i wonder if he hate the fans for being raised near them and maybe that could be a jelous thing for a kid with a "father" figure like axl, just thiking 

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Just now, darkside259 said:

i wonder if he hate the fans for being raised near them and maybe that could be a jelous thing for a kid with a "father" figure like axl, just thiking 

Anything is possible, but I think he's just a guy who was a "normal person" until a rock star gave him some power and he took it and ran with it.

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