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The "New Album" Thread. Thanks to the long ass thread, I’m going home!

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19 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

all the while never having ANYTHING materialize.

we'll see. you can't tell the future, no matter how many times you say "it's never going to happen". it might happen, eventually.

Edited by Rovim
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2 hours ago, Ratam said:

This thread was begin for Susan, and maybe will be to finish for Duff?

1,348 pages of fan theories, reading into any comments made by band members not named Axl, and pure utter bullshit makes this thread a hilarious yet sad read 

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40 minutes ago, Ratam said:

1348 pages show we GNR fans have great optimism and imagination too..:lol:

it's not over until Gn'R is over when it comes to a potential final Guns album. A hard concept to grasp for some people it seems so even when Duff is not flat out avoiding the question of a new album, somehow that is also a reason to think it will never happen.

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18 minutes ago, Illusion1987 said:

Its over.


I think we can confirm Susan was lying.


All this band had in thew were 4 mediocre Chinese Leftover tracks. 

Didn't this band REUNITE in 2016....EIGHT years ago!

Susan was talking about the CD leftovers.

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You guys (previous page) are getting riled up over nothing IMO. There’s nothing that new or distinguishable that we haven’t heard before in dozens of slightly different versions. Those Duff’s words can mean anything from a single in a couple of months to another silence at least for the time until a new tour is happening. After all, Slash promised a summer single at one point, only for it to arrive with a year’s delay. 
No reason to get hysterical about this. Yet another "we’ll see, working hard, plenty of material, we all wanna do it, soon is the word..." etc., read my signature. 
It would be actually quite unprecedented for them to just release a single without a supporting tour (and we know no tour is happening this year, right?). Unless it’s something difficult to sing, so Axl could avoid it like that. But then, he knows people would still expect to hear it live once the machine gets on the road again, so... Idk. Again, anything is possible. 
But for now, I take it as another day, another "promise". Nothing to write home about. 

Edited by jamillos
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42 minutes ago, jamillos said:

 anything is possible. 

which is all I was trying to say really. anything is still possible, even a last Guns album, and even with what we know about Axl and how slow his process is and the amount of original material we got from Gn'R.

if it's going to happen, it's not going to happen in the near future, but it's far from impossible for Axl, Slash, Duff and the rest of the current Gn'R lineup to accomplish it, even if it happens years from now.

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3 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

If you have a lot of spare time, look at the old New Album thread and see how many people thought that GNR wouldn't even release the CD-era stuff (I refuse to call it leftovers, when it's clearly not the case). Hell, there were people arguing that Axl didn't have any vocals recorded for other songs past the Village sessions. 

I know it's easy to get skeptical with this band, but the reality is just that they take forever to do things, but they eventually do anyways.

You hit the nail on the head.

Things are going exactly according to the plan as suggested by Slash: Release old material that has been reworked, piecemeal, and then possibly combine it in an album. The fact that this takes an inordinate amount of time shouldn't come as a surprise to any of us. And people who confuse the long time with the band having changed their goals, clearly don't understand this band at all. 

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27 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

If you have a lot of spare time, look at the old New Album thread and see how many people thought that GNR wouldn't even release the CD-era stuff (I refuse to call it leftovers, when it's clearly not the case). Hell, there were people arguing that Axl didn't have any vocals recorded for other songs past the Village sessions. 

I know it's easy to get skeptical with this band, but the reality is just that they take forever to do things, but they eventually do anyways.

Just don't say Pele's name 3 times, or he'll reappear! 

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On 3/10/2024 at 3:13 PM, Blackstar said:

Duff: You're allowed to ask whatever. I mean, there's things that have happened and more things to happen. So I think you'll see, that question will be answered soon enough.


Are any of these "things" in the room with us now?  Are there any words besides "things" to make it look like you're being honest with your fans?  Would Duff obey a doctor who said that thing will explode if he doesn't stop doing that thing?  Or would Duff want some real questions about these things?  Well, that question will be answered soon enough, next month in fact.

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14 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

You hit the nail on the head.

Things are going exactly according to the plan as suggested by Slash: Release old material that has been reworked, piecemeal, and then possibly combine it in an album. The fact that this takes an inordinate amount of time shouldn't come as a surprise to any of us. And people who confuse the long time with the band having changed their goals, clearly don't understand this band at all. 

I think most people don’t doubt that piecemeal thing. It gets tricky when the CD material is released and they should write new material. Nobody can force Axl to go into the studio. Does he have enough recorded vocals or is he willing to enter the studio? These are the big questions imo.

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

Well, there is a connotation to "leftover" suggesting that it is what remains when the best has been used, which doesn't automatically apply to the unreleased songs from the Chinese Democracy sessions. People who don't like the songs will tend to use that expression because of this connotation. Similarly to saying that November Rain and Don't Cry were leftovers from Appetite. Most people wouldn't use that term to describe those songs. 

Yeah, it's the connotation. It's based on personal opinions, which is fine. But it's rather not "literally" leftover if Axl didn't consider it that way to begin with. I don't love everything that has been out so far, but I can recognize this. 

14 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

I think most people don’t doubt that piecemeal thing. It gets tricky when the CD material is released and they should write new material. Nobody can force Axl to go into the studio. Does he have enough recorded vocals or is he willing to enter the studio? These are the big questions imo.

I understand that. The thing to me is that I 100% believe that he has enough recorded vocals, and that's the catch: Axl wouldn't throw away years of his own work because Slash and Duff rejoined, one thing doesn't have to do with the other. It's art after all, and it's not fair to disregard it if he can just do what he's doing: repurposing it with the current lineup. 

The problem, again, is the timing. Axl takes forever to do it, he thinks he'll be forever young and able to sing. He's dealing with the band as if he could just prioritize those old work and, when he feels like, he can *start to think* about recording new vocals. Obviously, time will show that he'll regret that.

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4 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

The problem, again, is the timing. Axl takes forever to do it, he thinks he'll be forever young and able to sing. He's dealing with the band as if he could just prioritize those old work and, when he feels like, he can *start to think* about recording new vocals. Obviously, time will show that he'll regret that.

I think that maybe you're jumping to conclusions there. I believe Axl is aware of age limitations as a singer and maybe he's aware of a lot of other stuff as well but there are other possibilities like for example, he knows the clock is ticking, but he made his choices anyway, whatever those may be, or he's aware, but doesn't have the control, ability, or cares to change the way he moves through life as a person and a musician.

we just can't know these things, but my guess is the Chinese era is not done the way he sees it and maybe he feels he needs to complete that first up to a certain point that he decided on or until it feels like it's enough for him to move to a new thing (or maybe he has already)


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6 hours ago, jamillos said:

You guys (previous page) are getting riled up over nothing IMO. There’s nothing that new or distinguishable that we haven’t heard before in dozens of slightly different versions. Those Duff’s words can mean anything from a single in a couple of months to another silence at least for the time until a new tour is happening. After all, Slash promised a summer single at one point, only for it to arrive with a year’s delay. 
No reason to get hysterical about this. Yet another "we’ll see, working hard, plenty of material, we all wanna do it, soon is the word..." etc., read my signature. 
It would be actually quite unprecedented for them to just release a single without a supporting tour (and we know no tour is happening this year, right?). Unless it’s something difficult to sing, so Axl could avoid it like that. But then, he knows people would still expect to hear it live once the machine gets on the road again, so... Idk. Again, anything is possible. 
But for now, I take it as another day, another "promise". Nothing to write home about. 

I wouldn't be shocked if they hit the road in November.

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47 minutes ago, Rovim said:

I think that maybe you're jumping to conclusions there. I believe Axl is aware of age limitations as a singer and maybe he's aware of a lot of other stuff as well but there are other possibilities like for example, he knows the clock is ticking, but he made his choices anyway, whatever those may be, or he's aware, but doesn't have the control, ability, or cares to change the way he moves through life as a person and a musician.

we just can't know these things, but my guess is the Chinese era is not done the way he sees it and maybe he feels he needs to complete that first up to a certain point that he decided on or until it feels like it's enough for him to move to a new thing (or maybe he has already)


It may be the case indeed. We sure don't know if he started working on something already. 

My comment about his lack of awareness was based on his live performances. He often struggles to sing something that he thought he could, or just ignore the options he considered (like Perfect Crime, OMG) probably because he found out he wasn't comfortable singing those. 

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45 minutes ago, Rovim said:

I think that maybe you're jumping to conclusions there. I believe Axl is aware of age limitations as a singer and maybe he's aware of a lot of other stuff as well but there are other possibilities like for example, he knows the clock is ticking, but he made his choices anyway, whatever those may be, or he's aware, but doesn't have the control, ability, or cares to change the way he moves through life as a person and a musician.

we just can't know these things, but my guess is the Chinese era is not done the way he sees it and maybe he feels he needs to complete that first up to a certain point that he decided on or until it feels like it's enough for him to move to a new thing (or maybe he has already)


Can't work both ways.  If he's aware time is passing and he won't live forever, he'd want to get as much done as possible before he dies, or he would just admit he's already done and fiddling with some 25 year old track is just a way to kill time until he's gone forever.  But this requires him to be capable of understanding that and accepting reality.  There's no evidence of any of that.

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23 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

It may be the case indeed. We sure don't know if he started working on something already. 

My comment about his lack of awareness was based on his live performances. He often struggles to sing something that he thought he could, or just ignore the options he considered (like Perfect Crime, OMG) probably because he found out he wasn't comfortable singing those. 

it could be, but even if I think Axl is an experienced singer and I believe everything Duff said about how Axl knows how to use his voice and gets into the details of how to use it live, as singers age and if it's challenging material, the only way to actually know if you can still pull it off according to the quality standard you've set for yourself is to try it and sometimes after you fail, you adjust.

this doesn't mean that just because Axl recognizes the vocal areas which he is now weaker in, he'll use all the tricks in the book so to speak to make it easier on himself or "make it sound better" for anyone else other than himself by going with the more sensible option physically speaking and that's cause maybe he prefers to still go for it with his reduced abilities instead of singing lower, in different key, etc. just sharing thoughts here.

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