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The band can do great songs and sound. Monsters is killer.

But TB is so amateurish… Come on delaying a release due to vinyl quality. Only happens to this group. You should check quality much in advance… The management is not professional because it’s not in their DNA, they learnt and became manager thanks to their relationship with Axl. But whatever they touch it turns out to become shit. And they claim it is never their fault. It is! Perhaps released on juke box, what a joke. GN’R band is great, so when music speaks it does not lie, but the promotion / delivery / communication is total mess since years…

Edited by Pingouino
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30 minutes ago, mr. ritz88 said:

Perhaps was only played once on my local radio station. They team Brazil does not know how to promote. I'm curious to hear if it was played on other local radio.

Team Brazil aren't A & R representatives.

They have never said they are or listed themselves as music promotors. 

They handle the bands business affairs. 

The job of promoting music is the record labels job as that's how they make there money and a return on that money they have invested in the band. 


Edited by kiwiguns
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8 hours ago, Stro said:

My first reaction to The General was "uh I can see why it was delayed", and my first reaction to Monsters was "this is rad". 

The General grew on me after a few spins, but I can see why the label would have been not super keen to put these songs out under the GNR label while trying to recoup the cost of CD. Monsters is like a track from The Fragile with almost Bowie-style chorus. 

Totally agree with the Bowie comparison. Parts of The General remind me of Bowie's Blackstar, from a melody and instrumental standpoint. And parts of Monsters remind me of I'm Afraid Of Americans.

Edited by lame ass security
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5 hours ago, Unagi said:



Yes because that's what the world needs right now, a song about child abuse from an 80s rock band, sung by a 60 year old posing as the victim. 

Jesus, do you people even live in the real world. 


Do you? You would be surprised to find out about all the kinds of themes explored in millions of songs out there, known or not that known artists, not everything is about unrequited love, anger or being high

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19 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

The General is grating and uncomfortable. Not just the lyrics, but the music too. It fits the vision for the song. Even though both it and Monsters have very standard song structures, they manage to both be completely weird which is what I liked about the Chinese saga. Artistically, isn’t that what The General should be?

Maybe Axl is the daddy and we’re all saying “no, we don’t want to!” “Give us Appetite blues rock or TWAT epics!” But no, Axl was our (Mac) Daddy all along 

Thank you, papa Axl, by take care of us. The General is better than the old one.

Totally not Stockholm syndrome…

Hey bud? Take a break. Read this post later. Reflect.

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3 hours ago, Bucketdude_666 said:

Still feels off the first leak

Drums are out of place in several place, how can nobody feels that?

Yes. I agree. I love "Monsters" but there is some flaws and the overall quality is not there for me.

Regarding "The General" I think its 0% chance thats the final version. It must be a demo. 


Someone maybe had these songs but when they saw that an official release was near they took the last chance to do a trade or something just before everyone would get the song anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Flayer said:

Now that I’ve heard it, I wonder why this song ended up being called The General.

Seems like a working title according to old interviews that just stuck. Maybe GNR knew the song became an urban legend and wanted fans to recognize what it was on the Perhaps vinyl.

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6 minutes ago, Flayer said:

Now that I’ve heard it, I wonder why this song ended up being called The General.

Random tin-foil theory, the song is about an abusive relationship between the kid and the parent, maybe the parent acted more like a "General" (dictator) more than a parent, and it was a theme inspired when Axl saw Brain's working title for it?

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Wouldn’t it be nice (and make sense) if “The General (and Monsters)” drops digitally on Halloween, then makes it live debut at the first Hollywood Bowl show? 

Certainly would get some media fanfare.

Edited by GNRRHCP98
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