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They were Axl spoke about it in 2008 made it seem a few years ago. I'm guessing 2003 or 4. After the 2002 tour ended in December didn't he disappear and the band members didn't hear from him. I doubt he rushed in to the studio. 

2003 seems fairly productive, I think the latter batch of vox comes from then for stuff like Better and Sorry. The 2006 leaks stem from that sort of timeframe too, 2003 or 4 incarnations of those songs. So I'd say 2003 or 4 for these vocals on the new ones. 

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10 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

When do we think the mean bridge by Axl in Monsters was recorded? It sounds later than 2002 to me. Could it have been 2006?

Isn't this the Christmas eve thing he was talking about in the MyGnr chats? Meanest vocals he ever recorded, 2006 Xmas eve if I'm not mistaken?

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1 hour ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

Part 1 of Another Brick In The Wall and Part 2 etc. are seperate songs. They are labeled as seperate songs with Part 1, Part 2, and they are also registered like that, seperately, on the songwriter registration sites.

In the case here, it's officially clearly just registered as ONE single song, not The General 1, The General 2 etc.

I haven't heard the Megadeth song, is it really 2 songs with each their own chorus verses bridge solos? I somehow don't believe that. These here are 2 fully completed, realized songs following each other, and are officially recognized as one song on both the vinyl and on the songwriting registration.

Yeah, the Another Brick In The Wall situation is a bit different. Listen to Holy Wars... The Punishment Due, though. The Punishment Due is sandwiched in between Holy Wars segments. Then there's The Hardest Part of Letting Go... Sealed with a Kiss, that's structured as two songs in one track, as supposedly is The General/Monsters. Mustaine loves to do this kind of stuff.

Edited by CaioAKR
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16 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

When do we think the mean bridge by Axl in Monsters was recorded? It sounds later than 2002 to me. Could it have been 2006?

He said he recorded it on a Christmas Eve. He was in a recording studio at the time of the holidays in Dec. 2006 and Jan. 2007, but according to this article he started recording on Dec. 27:


I vaguely remember reading that a forum member had "investigated" it and found that (I don't know what the evidence was) that it must have been Christmas Eve of 2004.

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19 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

When do we think the mean bridge by Axl in Monsters was recorded? It sounds later than 2002 to me. Could it have been 2006?


If it's Soul Monster, someone on here (I forget who) years ago figured out it was likely 2004, since that's when they had a studio booked at Christmas time.

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57 minutes ago, rumandraisin said:

But then why has it got the same strings in places, the same chord progression in parts. 

The strings that we were told were from the General were actually from both combined in a 3 or so minute piece. 

Rememeber that Soul Monster was orchestrated by Marco Beltrami in the same sessions he worked on The General. I believe they were always sister songs and Axl just decided to mash them together.

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Really intrigued now to hear what the final version sounds like. Hope we do get a digital release at some stage later this year. 

I can't imagine anything other than the 2 tracks being 1 song which we will know as The General.

General and Monsters is like the formal name for writing credits sake etc I would expect. It's a daft title if it is more than that! 

We can only speculate on the rest tbh. Maybe Axl once upon a time had tried to develop each song individually but decided to merge them into one. All good though, I actually think that each section as an individual song is good but when viewed as one track, it is something special. 

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Streamed it while I was gaming with a friend yesterday. Her first reaction was “holy fuck, 9 minutes?!” but she actually enjoyed it. Said it reminded her of Alice In Chains.

AbsuRd on the other hand…

Just a request

No more songs like that pls lol

The rave thing

Did he just say pussy full of maggots


Edited by Flayer
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10 minutes ago, D4NNY said:

Every time I listen to Monsters I get this warm nostalgic feeling of this mean looking fucker from 2006.


How can something sound so nostalgic but fresh at the same time. :heart:

2006 Axl honestly is better than 2010 Axl, just listen to the performance of "Sailing" 😍

Edited by Skamos66
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I love these 2 songs.... I love them because they aren't pop and it's axl being real that's what I always loved about him. It's not songs that would be radio friendly.... I actually love that, because for the die hards like us it's real, there is emotion, and originality. 

Edited by mr. ritz88
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6 minutes ago, twainwreck88 said:

Which parts exactly? 

mainly a few vocal parts in the general. the guitar is hard to argue that its not slash. but i just cant keep thinking the vocals regardless of production dont sound right

6 minutes ago, mr. ritz88 said:

I love these 2 songs.... I love them because they aren't pop and it's axl being real that's what I always loved about him. It's not songs that would be radio friendly.... I actually love that, because for the die hards like us it's real, there is emotion, and originality. 

i agree i very much enjoy unique stuff. i love the original nine inch nails version of hurt. this is almost like guns version of hurt just more aggressive. im just wary of the vocals.

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My first reaction to The General was "uh I can see why it was delayed", and my first reaction to Monsters was "this is rad". 

The General grew on me after a few spins, but I can see why the label would have been not super keen to put these songs out under the GNR label while trying to recoup the cost of CD. Monsters is like a track from The Fragile with almost Bowie-style chorus. 

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