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41 minutes ago, Tourettes2400 said:

Received mine today


Doesn’t look pixelated like some previously shipped copies… wonder if it was a bad batch?

(I wonder if there’s a vinyl cut out there with “Monsters” on it… provided THAT’s what provoked them to change course :wow::lol:)

Edited by GNRRHCP98
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4 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

But we already have the song. Tell me what does it matter? What is the psychology behind wanting Monsters to be "released officially" at this point now, instead of other songs? We already have the song to listen to, so what is the thought process here, we will get a slightly better quality of it when it's officially uploaded and that's it, so what are you really caring about here..? Other people listening to it, instead of you..? You have access to it anytime you want, as does pretty much anyone on this forum.

We HAVE the song, we've HEARD it, I'd rather they release something we do not have, like a finished State Of Grace, Berlin, Seven, whatever the hell we haven't heard. Absolute no brainer for me, so I don't understand where you're coming from.

Some of us don't have Monsters though. I didn't think about downloading it since I thought it was going to be released. 

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8 hours ago, downzy said:


I was going to say we can't blame Duff for what's happening with GNR.  But at what point do guys like Duff and Slash decide that between the lawsuits over sexual assault (not so much the legal action against Axl, but the lawsuit filed by Kat for harassment during their tenure), the botched release schedules, the shoddy attention to basic details, and the disaster that is mixing and mastering a GNR song these days that they decide enough is enough and they move on. 

There's no way either need the money anymore.  The band has likely generated closed to, if not surpassed, a billion dollars since 2016 and now.  Duff certainly didn't need the money before the reunion, he's got to be completely flush now.  And Slash's kids are now adults, which hopefully for him means his alimony and child support payments to Perla have dropped precipitously. 

There's got to be a line for these guys where it makes less sense to stick around.  Maybe they're actually working on a new album.  Then I get it (to a certain degree).  But if no album is in the works, why continue to be associated with an organization that repeatedly trips over itself almost every opportunity it gets.  

no reason to leave for Slash and Duff cause things have gone exceptionally well since the reunion in a lot of areas. They still both have a creative outlet with their solo careers/own bands and projects, what is enough money is totally relative imo, for some people it's always nice to have more of it, especially some rich people who live that lifestyle.

and besides, I think playing to huge crowds and getting to still be a part of  Gn'R, the band and brand they helped built, is also a big factor especially since both Slash and Duff seem to be optimistic about a possible creative future with Axl, or at the very least very acceptive of the possibility it won't happen.

Duff said "we got this" maybe he meant more Chinese tunes, but I have a feeling that at some point they could go for it and try to write brand new material and I think that if they do, they still have enough chemistry between them to create something cool, but even if it doesn't happen, being in Gn'R seems to be important for Slash and Duff.

I assume that Axl still cares about the legacy of Gn'R and maybe he would want to end it with a bang, with a proper album. After give or take 8 years of reunion and Axl releasing some old Chinese tunes, maybe slowly Axl gained more trust in the whole thing cause he's about the do guest apperance with Slash on the Schenker album.

the lawsuits are not a good enough of a reason to quit imho, they'll probably never leave, they seems to get along and accept Axl's shortcomings, doing what they can inside the limitations of being in a band with a frontman like Axl. I think that's the only way to make it work and when you consider how much resources they've invested in Gn'R since the reunion, it becomes even more unlikely they will quit again.

Edited by Rovim
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9 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

A ballad is not a song structure. A song structure is something like "A-A-B-A-B-C-A-D". A ballad and a rocker can have the exact same musical form.

Merriam Webster's Dictionary:

"Genre: a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content"

"Ballad: a slow, sentimental or romantic song."

That's a description of style and content.

Since when does genre denote the period of a composition? I'd love to see proof of that.

Gee, that sounds a lot like what the ballad category tells you; instrumentation.

So if a ballad has a fixed instrumentation, what is it? Because Estranged doesn't have a flute like November Rain. I guess that means by your logic only one can be a ballad. Do you see how your argument falls apart if you just think for a second?

Form is something completely different, as I explained above. I'm supposed to read your mind despite you using made up terms? That is not how language works, you don't just get to use the wrong words and expect other people to know what you're talking about.

I can't say "A ballad is a type of consternation" and then say "if you knew music theory, you would know what I meant". That's bullshit and you know it.

I didn't say it was a genre, but...



musical form- music format as I explained earlier I’m not an English mother tongue, I studied composition in England seven years ago, came back to my country and hardly spoke about music in English ever since. 
Genre obviously gives information about period, a jazz song cannot predate the 20th century, wouldn’t you agree? 
Regarding the instrumentation I didn’t say it always does, I said it does sometimes. 
a string quartet is always four string players. 
a piano concert is always piano and orchestra. 
despite my poor ability to explain my self, my initial point was that ballads, rockers and acoustics are all common form of rock music. 
you call a song a rock ballad, and acoustic rock song. 
take any given rock band, they probably have rockers, ballads and acoustic songs in their repertoire. 
going from sleaze metal to industrial isn’t the same as going from welcome to the jungle to don’t cry. 

again it’s not a difficult information to find. 
if you look for ballads it explains how despite not having a fixed structure it’s a musical form. I dont think you should have read my mind, I think that if you knew what you were talking about we wouldn’t have had this discussion to begin with. This is not a matter of opinion, this are definition and therefore matter of knowledge, you either know or you don’t. 
While ballads have no prescribed structure and may vary in their number of lines and stanzas, many ballads employ quatrains with ABCB or ABAB rhyme schemes, the key being a rhymed second and fourth line. Contrary to a popular conception, it is rare if not unheard-of for a ballad to contain exactly 13 lines. Additionally, couplets rarely appear in ballads.
Many ballads were written and sold as single-sheet broadsides. The form was often used by poets and composers from the 18th century onwards to produce lyrical ballads. In the later 19th century, the term took on the meaning of a slow form of popular love song and is often used for any love song, particularly the sentimental ballad of pop or rock music, although the term is also associated with the concept of a stylized storytelling song or poem, particularly when used as a title for other media such as a film.”


Edited by Lelex95
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2 hours ago, Free Bird said:

User a:

The General is the weskest song ever. My World and Absurd are classics in comparison.


User b:

That's only your opinion. That's not a fact. You and your mullet, you're stuck in the 80s.


User a:

That clipping, how can't you hear that clipping. They're amateurs. It sounds like what a garage band would came up with.


User b:

It's a profound topic for Axl. It's great. Go listen to AFD, you're stuck in the 80s


User c:

Now we have to wait for Oklahoma, Eyes On You, Nothing and Atlas Shrugged. Probably next month?


User d:

That's all rock music: rockers, ballads, blues techno. It's all the same genre



Where are the demos with Robin and Buckethead?


Wtf happened to this thread :facepalm:

I'm with sweersa on this one lol 😆 👀🤘

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3 hours ago, Free Bird said:

User a:

The General is the weskest song ever. My World and Absurd are classics in comparison.


User b:

That's only your opinion. That's not a fact. You and your mullet, you're stuck in the 80s.


User a:

That clipping, how can't you hear that clipping. They're amateurs. It sounds like what a garage band would came up with.


User b:

It's a profound topic for Axl. It's great. Go listen to AFD, you're stuck in the 80s


User c:

Now we have to wait for Oklahoma, Eyes On You, Nothing and Atlas Shrugged. Probably next month?


User d:

That's all rock music: rockers, ballads, blues techno. It's all the same genre



Where are the demos with Robin and Buckethead?


Wtf happened to this thread :facepalm:

This... although it's spread over 4 threads instead of being in one.

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Hope that Monsters comes out when the band get back together for the next round of touring. I think vocal range wise Axl would sound good on most of  it (bar the screamy bit) live and there's some great Slash guitar work so could see it going down well during the shows. To my ears it's a much better song than The General and more what I was expecting from The General sonically. In typical GN'R fashion one of the strongest songs put out in recent years (IMO anyway) doesn't actually have an officially release :lol:

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17 hours ago, SoNobodyToldYaBaby said:

It's a weird feeling. I craved new music from Axl for 15 years. 

I would sit and dream about how he's sitting on these amazing mythical behemoth such as The General and being perplexed why he isn't releasing them.

Now here we are finally getting new guns n roses music but im just totally, utterly, completely disinterested in the songs. They are nothing songs.

It's honestly HILARIOUS how little these songs do for such an Axl Dick rider like myself hahaha




Axl dick rider....is that a vaulted Lana Del Ray B-Side?

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7 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

Youtube update - 429k views in first week since release. Utterly embarrassing for a ban GnRs size. sunk without a trace as predicted by many. Why on earth they are choosing to release songs this way. 


Because the physical Perhaps release is happening now.

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22 hours ago, DeNfr said:

just a guess, they know we already have Monsters and it's ready to go, so I'd say march/april is a reasonable guess for the next single, I suppose they'll release another one after that and then we'll see what's next for 2025...hopefully a new album

That's a lot of time between march/april and 2025.
(Obvious ofcourse but I guess you know what I mean)

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55 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

Youtube update - 429k views in first week since release. Utterly embarrassing for a ban GnRs size. sunk without a trace as predicted by many. Why on earth they are choosing to release songs this way. 


Because the only person in this operation with decision making authority stopped caring a long time ago. 

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