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Fortus Interview KSHE

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9 hours ago, walter22 said:


"Not in This Lifetime Tour is done"
"A new album will be made and it will be released soon"
"will happen faster than you think"
"We could have a new song by Gn'R before the end of 2019"
"A new tour will depend on the release of new music"


Richard has no idea what's going on. Everything he said in the past never came true.

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9 hours ago, walter22 said:


"Not in This Lifetime Tour is done"
"A new album will be made and it will be released soon"
"will happen faster than you think"
"We could have a new song by Gn'R before the end of 2019"
"A new tour will depend on the release of new music"


You're getting excited over something that someone who isn't Axl said in an interview. Rookie mistake, son. 

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9 hours ago, Sanomatovic said:

As someone who only joined the forum in 2016, I have to say you can really tell who was around the dark years of the early 200s and who wasn't. You all have some sort of PTSD that is both funny and kind sad at the same time. I feel for those who followed the band when waiting for the release of CD. I can not imagine how many users MyGNR lost because they went insane.


I'm aware of what Fortus said in the past. But vaguely saying we want to release music in the future and saying we want to drop an album next year isn't the same thing. Show some faith people

We've got a live one...get the straps!!!

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Why r u guys so biased over Fortus? Did any of you ever thought that the band (and when I say band, Im obviously talkin instrumentallists) might've been really working on something all these years and he says exactly what the band r doing?

Its not his fault if they have a nuts singer who owns the brand and is never satisfied with anything and when he is, its so shitty that even the label who is desperate for a new GNR album turns down. 

Axl probably makes them work with the hope that something will be released but it never works out in the end.

At this point, Fortus should've learned his lesson on keeping his mouth shut, but we cant really say he is lying.

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12 minutes ago, tbaugerud said:

I think they meant a new song this year

That wouldn't make sense though. I think it is possible to have a single released alongside a studio album announcement (perhaps January), but otherwise, i would not expect to hear a new song until we are certain of a release date and within a couple of months of it.

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11 hours ago, Sanomatovic said:

As someone who only joined the forum in 2016, I have to say you can really tell who was around the dark years of the early 200s and who wasn't. You all have some sort of PTSD that is both funny and kind sad at the same time. I feel for those who followed the band when waiting for the release of CD. I can not imagine how many users MyGNR lost because they went insane.


I'm aware of what Fortus said in the past. But vaguely saying we want to release music in the future and saying we want to drop an album next year isn't the same thing. Show some faith people

Yeah, that’s weird and funny at the same time. You may notice here a lot word-of-mouth like “Gnr is dead”, “Axl can’t sing”, but at the same time many others notice how things are going really well. As for me, Guns’ are liver than they have ever been, so I’m quite optimstic. Though, must say, started to listen GNR in 2009 and even then did not take all “those days” stuff too seriously, the band for me was some sort of dead from 1993. But some people take things too personally and when the band member says about “releasing new music soon”, they overreact when it’s not happening. For me all these release days and promises are complete shit in terms of accuracy, you just need to keep them in mind with irony, not like fact. And nowadays I don’t give a shit whether the new album would be released in 1 year or 5, I want the band just keep working - live releases, touring and not falling apart after all. 

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20 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

That wouldn't make sense though. I think it is possible to have a single released alongside a studio album announcement (perhaps January), but otherwise, i would not expect to hear a new song until we are certain of a release date and within a couple of months of it.

In the context of the conversation and the "faster than you think" remark, I think ONE NEW SONG by the end of 2019 doesn't fit in.

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14 hours ago, walter22 said:


"Not in This Lifetime Tour is done"
"A new album will be made and it will be released soon"
"will happen faster than you think"
"We could have a new song by Gn'R before the end of 2019"
"A new tour will depend on the release of new music"


So why make that comment from the last line?. Sounds like hes covering himself incase no music eventuates.

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I don't get it.

Over the years Fortus has worked on material for Guns and has stated so. Also hoping to release a new record.

Why are we taking the piss of him? It's not like he lying when he says those things, right?

If anything it's Rose's fault for the lack of music. Forgive the guy who worked on the material and told you about it :shrugs:

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48 minutes ago, F*ck Fear said:

I don't get it.

Over the years Fortus has worked on material for Guns and has stated so. Also hoping to release a new record.

Why are we taking the piss of him? It's not like he lying when he says those things, right?

If anything it's Rose's fault for the lack of music. Forgive the guy who worked on the material and told you about it :shrugs:

I love Fortus but maybe he doesn't get it: there were enough interviews where he said a new Guns album is being released soon and it wasn't. doesn't he remember or I'm sure he understands some hardcore fans can take that sort of shit seriously and then not so much.

by now he could just try to see that Axl is too unpredictable for him to even comment on it until there's something concrete and if that's the case Axl can address it himself. cause this way it just feels like the boy who cried wolf

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3 hours ago, nikothebellic said:

Yeah, that’s weird and funny at the same time. You may notice here a lot word-of-mouth like “Gnr is dead”, “Axl can’t sing”, but at the same time many others notice how things are going really well. As for me, Guns’ are liver than they have ever been, so I’m quite optimstic. Though, must say, started to listen GNR in 2009 and even then did not take all “those days” stuff too seriously, the band for me was some sort of dead from 1993. But some people take things too personally and when the band member says about “releasing new music soon”, they overreact when it’s not happening. For me all these release days and promises are complete shit in terms of accuracy, you just need to keep them in mind with irony, not like fact. And nowadays I don’t give a shit whether the new album would be released in 1 year or 5, I want the band just keep working - live releases, touring and not falling apart after all. 

When people say "GNR is dead" they're referring to the creative side of the band. It's tough for fans to endure endless touring cycles with absolute no new music to look forward to. 

1 hour ago, F*ck Fear said:

I don't get it.

Over the years Fortus has worked on material for Guns and has stated so. Also hoping to release a new record.

Why are we taking the piss of him? It's not like he lying when he says those things, right?

If anything it's Rose's fault for the lack of music. Forgive the guy who worked on the material and told you about it :shrugs:

Everyone knows it's Axl's fault that new music isn't being released. I think people aren't mad at Fortus per se, I think they're just irritated that he's been saying the same thing since 2002. 

At some point you would thjnk he'd change his answer to something like "You know, I really don't know what the future holds for new GNR music" 

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I honestly believe we will never see another official Guns release of new original material. 

Maybe a boxset of unreleased stuff in the far future, but as for the immediate one, I just can't fathom it. There's too many things working against it. 

- Axl's perfectionism in the studio

- His odd work habits

- Creative differences with Slash & Duff (they may get along personally now, but their tastes and sensibilities remain the same)

- The crazy state of the music industry at the moment (leaks, no one buying records, strange profit structures, no radio support)

This doesn't mean they can't do it, it just means they probably won't. That said, I can fully buy that they've been recording, messing around in the studio, and maybe have some basic tracks down. I just highly doubt they'll see the light of day soon. 

The one thing working in our favor is that all of the legal troubles that plagued Axl and the former members are resolved (I presume). 

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22 minutes ago, Sosso said:

I wonder how Slash's relationship with Paul Tobias is nowadays. Have they made peace with each other or not? 

Paul would have received royalties from the sale of Shadow of Your Love, I'd be curious to know if Slash actually knew that. He was in a bad place in his life when Guns went pear shaped, so maybe just overreacted due to Axl going over the rest of the guys by bringing Paul into the fold, with Paul getting the brunt of it. They made out as if he never had the chops to be in Guns, but his work is all over Chinese and is one of the key people that helped bring that project on. 

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