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Covid-19 Thread


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On 23.6.2020 at 8:47 PM, action said:

yes, there are examples of viruses not going away.

corona will, because people develop antibodies. do you agree that some people develop antibodies, others dont? I suppose you do. Do you also agree that some people die, others dont? of course, you do. So it's then not hard to understand that in the end, only those who have a strong natural resistance to the virus, will survive. Ergo, the virus will go away by itself. Certainly not without a significant amount of victims, but it will go away. That's my point. nothing more, nothing less.

In other words it will go away, once all the people who can't handle it have died off?! How many will that be? 1 Million? 10 Million? 100 Million? More? And how long will that take? 1 year? 100 years (assuming they can't come up with a vaccine/people refuse to take it)? Or maybe it will just stick around and continue to affect some more than others. Funny how experts are not sure that it will go away, how they are not even sure how long antibodies will protect you from getting it again, but you know that it will go away!?

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4 hours ago, PatrickS77 said:

In other words it will go away, once all the people who can't handle it have died off?! How many will that be? 1 Million? 10 Million? 100 Million? More? And how long will that take? 1 year? 100 years (assuming they can't come up with a vaccine/people refuse to take it)? Or maybe it will just stick around and continue to affect some more than others. Funny how experts are not sure that it will go away, how they are not even sure how long antibodies will protect you from getting it again, but you know that it will go away!?

yeah, pretty much like you said

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12 minutes ago, Swampfox said:

Experts said it would decline in the summer months because of the heat and a second wave in the fall.  It's spiking now in the hottest states in the country.  Herd immunity is the only way I see this going away.  

Experts said that based on their other expert advice being followed. Crowding beaches wasn’t one of their recommendations. 

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8 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

I can't remember any epidemiologist saying it would go away because of the heat. Trump said it, though :lol:

Trumps got it sorted. If you scale back testing you get fewer confirmed cases. It's fucking genius really.

It's like not going to the doctor to avoid being diagnosed with cancer.

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Texas numbers are going way up again.

It is now mandatory to wears masks in public and if you go into any store or restaurants.

Texas is getting ready a convention center incase the hospitals get overrun again and they need a place to put  patients.

I saw a very sad story yesterday on the Texas news. Two brothers died within hours of each other from complications due to the corona virus. Very sad. They both had families. The community has raised over $50,000 on a go fund me page for their families. One of the family members was online telling every one that the virus is still here and to please stay inside or wear a mask if you have to go out.

I know it's a bitch to stay inside and away from friends, but this is a life or death situation. It has been from the beginning, but because Trump makes lite of it, some people think it's safe to resume your lives. It's not. The US is getting closer to the 200,000 death mark and if some people don't take this seriously, we till hit that number very quickkly.

Schools are supposed to start August 10. How can a state allow this if the virus is spreading quicker than it did back in March?

Things have to change or things will continue to get worse and more and more people will get this damn virus.

Stay safe.

2 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

I can't remember any epidemiologist saying it would go away because of the heat. Trump said it, though :lol:

Texas has been in the 80 and 90's and near 100 some days. Our numbers have gone up again. This virus can't be killed or contained if people don't wise up and stay inside or wear a damn mask.

Go to etsy.com. They have the cutest masks around. You can be cool while making a fashion statement too.

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5 minutes ago, Swampfox said:

They didn't recommend mass protests either.

The fight against police brutality trumped public safety. We've done a pretty good job here in canada but I think the real test will be after labour day.

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8 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

The fight against police brutality trumped public safety. We've done a pretty good job here in canada but I think the real test will be after labour day.

I've seen protests shown all over the world stemming from George Floyd's murder.  Has there been any protests in Canada or are people going about their business?

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16 minutes ago, Swampfox said:

I've seen protests shown all over the world stemming from George Floyd's murder.  Has there been any protests in Canada or are people going about their business?

There have been a few peaceful ones here in Toronto. There was word that anarchists from Montreal were gonna riot but it never happened.

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1 hour ago, Swampfox said:

They didn't recommend mass protests either.

Although police brutality and police murder is indeed a public health issue that falls under the purview of public health experts, and although some such authorities no doubt have spoken to the need to eradicate police murder, I too have not heard any health authorities call for mass protest.

”Mass” being a key word to focous on, of course. It’s never a good idea to view mass movements and events as one homogenous body of people. So I would say it’s an error to lump all the various mobilizations together.

For instance inner city, poor, black men of working and schooling age were already exposed to the virus at much higher levels then monetarily privileged people in suburbs. Those same black and inner city people also lacked medical coverage to a disproportionate degree.

When someone brings a fight to your door and the only risk you are facing in fighting back are the same risks that you would be facing by going to work one of your two front line jobs, via mass transit... you fight back.

(this ought to also help one understand what kind of pressures systemic and interpersonal racism brings to bear on these communities without being murdered by cops)

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8 hours ago, Coma16 said:

There have been a few peaceful ones here in Toronto. There was word that anarchists from Montreal were gonna riot but it never happened.

:blink: ?!? ...anarchists from Montreal were gonna riot...  wtf peaceful Toronto dude only riots coming from here were back in ‘92... ;)

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My man Roberto Duran has caught COVID-19.  I swear to God if anything happens to Duran I will NEVER forgive this fuckin' virus.  Fuckin' bastard man, Duran, Duran of all people.  Fuck it though, it can't do shit to Duran, he's made of fuckin' iron.  Fuckin' coronavirus has gone to far now.

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I can not, for the life of me, understand why people would want to go out, protesting.

It's fucking hot outside, you run the risk of getting corona, and fuck me if I every gave two fucks about society anyway.

now what would I chose? that, or relaxing with a cool glass of ice tea with ice cubes, while enjoying duke nukem on the switch? hmmmm.... what a hard choice to make

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I mean, how can I possibly be expected to care about society, when people are just generally a bunch of revolting, smelling, egotistical, garbage dumping meatheads like this


BCP said the police and other resources were were “completely overstretched” as people sought the sanctuary of the seaside on a day meteorologists confirmed as the hottest of 2020, with temperatures reaching nearly 92℉ at London's Heathrow Airport. Visitors camped illegally, racked up hundreds of tickets for illegal parking and left behind 83,000 pounds of trash in their wake.

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25 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

Texas is shutting bars and restaurants down again. Michigan has had new cases but no where near what's happening in Texas, Arizona and elsewhere. 

If current projections hold and drastic measures aren't taken things will get pretty scary in Texas, Arizona and possibly other Southern states. 

Some state health officials are claiming that they may need to start triage operations in Arizona, Mississippi and Texas by mid-July if hospitalization numbers don't subside.  

Florida could eventually be hit even worse since compared to Texas, their surge in cases is less tied to increase testing than say Texas. 

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It's being reported Florida has recorded close to 9000 new cases in the past 24 hours, smashing previous records almost by a factor of 100 percent.  

But I wouldn't worry about it.  This woman has it figured out:

Ughh... Florida.


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15 minutes ago, downzy said:

It's being reported Florida has recorded close to 9000 new cases in the past 24 hours, smashing previous records almost by a factor of 100 percent.  

But I wouldn't worry about it.  This woman has it figured out:

Ughh... Florida.


So that’s the US officially done. Can we start a new conversation with all the grown up countries over how to handle this? :lol: 

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4 minutes ago, Gibsonfender2323 said:

Wonder why no one is talking about LA?:shrugs: Oh yeah its not Republican




Florida has around 20 million people; California has around 40 million.  On a per capita basis the increase in California is notable but not as dire as what we see in 

Florida was slow to enact shut downs and promote efforts to limit the spread; California shut things down before any other state and has moved more slowly.

And as the article you linked to points out, California officials are requiring face masks and other measures to help limit the resurgence. 

What is Florida doing at present to suppress community spread?  

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