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AFD inducted into the Grammy's Hall of Fame on May 21st

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1 hour ago, Free Bird said:


Pretty much know who’s showing up and who’s not…


He’s already building up stocks for hiding.

Personally I think this 62 year old man deserves some time of and rest to do whatever he wants I dont think we can criticise him for not doing much hes been pretty much on tour constantly since 2016.  He's not like Slash who lives for touring im sure its just a means to an end but in my opinion he has worked pretty hard.

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On 3/20/2024 at 11:25 AM, Rickodez said:

Is this like the honorary oscar? Do they get an actual Grammy? And they totally deserve one.

This was my question. Do they actually get a Grammy now? Because they do deserve one, and it was an egregious omission all those years ago that they never won one. IMO, these "lifetime" type awards are a way to honor artists who definitely deserve accolades. Especially when the record or music in question has stood the test of time.

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1 minute ago, Ratam said:

Is weird they was ignored almost 40 years and now they are inducted.

If I‘m not misinformed AFD was reviewed pretty bad when it was released. Nobody paid attention to the record at first. It took a whole year till it went number one on the Billboard Charts. No chance for a grammy back then. It’s a different story with yLies and the Illusion records, though.

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3 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

If I‘m not misinformed AFD was reviewed pretty bad when it was released. Nobody paid attention to the record at first. It took a whole year till it went number one on the Billboard Charts. No chance for a grammy back then. It’s a different story with yLies and the Illusion records, though.

Yeah! It show that awards are enough questionable too.

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On 3/20/2024 at 6:21 PM, Free Bird said:


Pretty much know who’s showing up and who’s not…


He’s already building up stocks for hiding.

Would never have guessed he goes to the shops, thought he would have get someone else to bring it to him 

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1 hour ago, Heather14 said:

I didn’t care about the Grammy Hall of Fame before, but is the award to the producer? I hope the band members are invited to the ceremony, even if they don't show up.

not just to the producer, band members are invited if I'm not mistaken

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The Grammy's have always been a corporate and very conservative institution (worse than the Oscars), always too late (if ever) to acknowledge and embrace artists and currents that were innovative or "it" in their time. For example, seeing the full list of all recordings inducted into the Grammy Hall Of Fame since 1973, punk is represented only by the three+1 albums (The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, London Calling by The Clash + Patti Smith, if that counts).


That said, most of the recordings in this list that I'm familiar with are masterpieces. And considering that this is a "hall of fame" for recordings from all genres of music (classical, jazz, film music, original casts, pop, etc.) and the only other hard rock artists in it are Led Zeppelin (two albums and two singles), AC/DC (Back In Black album), Aerosmith (two singles) and Alice Cooper (School's Out single) - also Nirvana's Nevermind album and Smells Like Teen Spirit single, and Pearl Jam's Ten album (if these count) - this induction is something. Kind of surprising that SCOM hasn't already been inducted as a single before the album, but it most likely will be in there eventually, as well as November Rain.

Edited by Blackstar
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