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The "New Album" Thread . The maybe, possibly, at some point, soon, whenever, wtf Axl thread🤞

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6 hours ago, Rovim said:

but my point stands, I think: it wouldn't have made any difference imo cause Axl probably wanted to release Silkworms in some form since 2013 and in general, I don't believe Slash and Duff have that kind of influence on Axl. Not anymore and not for a long time now.

Well they don't own the name but when they came back to gnr they came back in on much more equal terms than you'd have expected. If Axl refuses to play ball, they can also choose to do the same and then nothing happens. I think there's an amicable solution that they could reach... This is assuming there's a situation where they actually don't like the material which there is no sign of so far.

But yes, Axl always intended on releasing his music and said as much when he was interviewed. I don't think Slash and Duff care what happens, I think at a certain point they just enjoy playing big gigs with no drama... So while I wish they plugged to get some band material out, I see where they are coming from. If they are thinking 'get his material them we can write as a band' I'd guess both had lost their minds😄 chances of CD II coming out are low, anything after that is almost guaranteed not to happen.


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5 minutes ago, Rovim said:

I think Slash and Duff joined Axl's Gn'R. This doesn't mean that Axl doesn't need them, especially Slash to make the big bucks. They need each other and I think beyond the money, Slash and Duff missed being in Guns, so it's all cool.

I think the 3 of them are very content with the current situation or at the very least, for Slash and Duff, it's close enough. They get to make money and play live for big crowds and be in a band with Axl. 

it's just speculation, but it seems Slash and Duff are open to whatever, and the conditions of them staying in the band is Axl not being late and that's pretty much it maybe? 

never say never when it comes to brand new material as well, but I agree, it doesn't seem likely and I think they're ok with it. Maybe it's better than nothing, better than not being a part of Gn'R. 

That's what I said from the very beginning but no one wanted to believe me. I said that Slash and Duff were filling the empty spaces from DJ, BBF and Tommy. Even Chris would have stayed without those stupid tweets. 

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6 hours ago, allwaystired said:

I think people can perhaps be forgiven for not leaping into excitement mode at yet another 'insider' telling us new music is ready and waiting! 

Once bitten, etc etc. 



Sure, I am not saying people have to be excited about it. I was arguing for why this thread deserves to be pinned. 

5 hours ago, Rodzilla72 said:

Oh- Spl1t just confirmed it- thanks for clearing that up.. in that case I take it back. Please - by all means - keep the thread pinned.

Confirm was maybe not the right word. 

Still, he is reliable as insiders go. 

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2 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Sure, I am not saying people have to be excited about it. I was arguing for why this thread deserves to be pinned. 

Confirm was maybe not the right word. 

Still, he is reliable as insiders go. 

I'm sorry man- I honestly don't even know who that is - I know that you're a huge fan that just wants to hear these songs and you certainly don't need me chiming in with snarky replies. It's frustrating enough waiting for them to actually release this stuff. I hope they do, and I hope it lives up to the hype- for everyone who's been waiting all these years.

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3 hours ago, vloors said:

That awful mix is Caram and Axls doing.

They really need someone to produce and mix the songs properly.

I agree. I would hope that the label would force them to properly mix the tracks, so it's possible we will get different mixes of Absurd and Hard Skool, assuming they are on a future album. It's just hard for me to imagine all of CD2, ballads included, so mixed so harshly.  

I'm imagining Atlas Shrugged with Slash's loud guitar, high in the mix, the drums too low, Axl's vocals slightly too quiet with random loud bass parts to show everyone Duff is back. 

And I don't even want to think about what is going to happen to The General, Soul Monster, Quick Song, Zodiac, etc. From what we have heard, it's hard to imagine those songs being improved, and I'm not falling for the "Let's try to make them sound like the old GN'R" shit. I get that vibe from Hard Skool, but not Absurd, so who knows. 

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7 horas atrás, Rovim disse:

Acho que Slash e Duff se juntam ao Gn'R de Axl. Isso não significa que Axl não precisa deles, especialmente Slash para ganhar muito dinheiro. Eles precisam um bem do outro e acho que além do dinheiro, Slash e Duff sentiram falta de estar no Guns, então está tudo.

Acho que os 3 estão muito contentes com a situação atual ou, pelo menos, para Slash e Duff, está perto o suficiente. Eles ganham e tocam ao vivo para grandes negócios e fazem parte de uma banda com dinheiro com Axl. 

é especulação, mas parece que Slash Duff está aberto e como condições para qualquer coisa que possa acontecer, mas não parece que a banda é Ax, e talvez seja isso? 

Nunca diga nunca quando trata de material novo também, mas eu acho que eles não parecem aparentemente e estão de acordo com isso. Melhor do que nada, talvez do que não fazer parte do Gn'R. 


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On 7/12/2022 at 12:39 AM, jamillos said:

There are Pele's disciples I see. They used over 10 studios; we've heard stuff from one of them. Tommy said Axl worked on something each and every year. That doesn't sound the same way as just two or three acceptable unfinished songs from the Village leaks to choose from...

Unfortunately it may turn out that Axl wasn’t nearly as prolific as we were led to believe. It seems he had many ideas and worked on many odds and ends. Each track required so many countless demos and enhancements that Axl was spread too thin to execute on all his grandiose plans. I don’t believe there are enough adequate vocals to finish a album. 

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20 minutes ago, smokingarthur said:

Unfortunately it may turn out that Axl wasn’t nearly as prolific as we were led to believe. It seems he had many ideas and worked on many odds and ends. Each track required so many countless demos and enhancements that Axl was spread too thin to execute on all his grandiose plans. I don’t believe there are enough adequate vocals to finish a album. 

I think it's somewhere in the middle, as usual. So while e.g. something like "3 CDs worth of music" doesn't necessarily mean 3 CDs full of individual songs, as it could be just "drums +1dB" of the same five songs, on the other hand I don't believe that just because the Village is all we've heard, the Village is all that exists and therefore there only are about 4 or 5 available songs and that's all. Nonsense. 

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My guess is what we’ve heard of the village leaks is it as far as the songs that are out there.  There may be a handful of other songs in various states, but I would assume not much more. My guess is other studios used were to enhance what is in the village stuff in some forms. That’s just my assumption.  These are people who wrote some extremely epic and timeless songs.  So I think that these 2 songs were released first for a few possible reasons.  

1) they’re simple songs….Not hard to do from any musicians standpoint other than the solo stuff on old version(s) which wasn’t kept. 

2) they know people heard them, or have mentioned them so it was like eh give them those.  There’s obviously some ears to the floor on what is going on within these boards.

3) very well could be Axl or whomever forgot about the songs lol and when leaks came out they thought oh yeah those songs. I say this because as a musician myself who has released music myself, usually you want it to be heard if you give a shit about it and it’s recorded.

Could be a plethora of ideas/reasoning.

bottom line whomever handles the business side like the clothing, and legacy of the band doesn’t do the best job IMO.  I don’t think that’s all TB.  I won’t bash those people.  I don’t know them. 

I like this thread.  Gives reason for people to talk about the band, and new music. I won’t see the band live.  I said to myself I won’t see them live after illusions tour.  I just turned 40.  I found GNR when I was 9 from hearing the November Rain solo on the radio and was hooked on the band from them on and became a guitarist because of Slash.  To me the band has been disappointing in how they’ve gone about things over the years.  But eh it’s their business.  I’d love to see the contracts from the reunion about touring. New music and what can/cannot be said.  Hopefully we get all of this unreleased stuff in some form.  These people aren’t getting any younger, nor are any of us.  To me it’s a slap in the face when no press is done.  They didn’t say much back in the early 90’s but at least you knew where things were going/projecting.  This “it’s cool because nobody knows” has made me ignore a band I used to read every little thing and clip magazine articles about. 

I think we can all agree.  Hurry up!


p.s. I doubt we see shit prior to cashing in on UYI anniversary releases.




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On 7/12/2022 at 7:20 PM, Rodzilla72 said:

I'm sorry man- I honestly don't even know who that is - I know that you're a huge fan that just wants to hear these songs and you certainly don't need me chiming in with snarky replies. It's frustrating enough waiting for them to actually release this stuff. I hope they do, and I hope it lives up to the hype- for everyone who's been waiting all these years.

"lives up to the hype".  They NEVER will, and thats sad.  Most of these fans complain about no music, then will rip every song to shred.  I am not expecting another ADD, or UYI wave of music, but will appreciate anything they release.

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10 minutes ago, fabrph5 said:

"lives up to the hype".  They NEVER will, and thats sad.  Most of these fans complain about no music, then will rip every song to shred.  I am not expecting another ADD, or UYI wave of music, but will appreciate anything they release.

I think that at least the vast majority of fans here seem to judge the updated and unreleased Chinese era material  based stictly on the music, on if they personally like it. 

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